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A Pretty Lady

What Is A Pretty Lady?
Is She The Lady That Has
A Beautiful Face?
A Beautiful Body?
Is She The Lady
That Is Rich And Elegant?
Or Is She The Lady
That Is Caring
Loving And Gives Of Herself?
I Have Known Both
Kinds Of Women

The Rich And Elegant Lady
Many Times, Deep In Her Soul
Feels Lonely And Full Of Sorrow
For She Feels She Is Not Loved
She Feels That The Only Reason
People Flock To Her
Is Because Of Her Physical Beauty
Because Of Her Wealth
Does Not Know How To
Change Her LIfe

The Other Lady Is
Filled With Peace
She May Not Have Material Wealth
She May Not Be Physically Beautiful
But The Love That Is Inside Her
Shines Through Her Eyes
And Her Actions

When The Two Ladies Meet
The Rich Lady Sees
Fulfillment And Joy
In The Other's Eyes
And Tears Begin To Fall
The Loving Lady Guides Her
Through Her Experiences
And Tells Her Of The Love
Between Her And Her Family
Guiding Her To Change Her Ways
So That She Also Finds
Love And Fulfillment

She Learns Her Way
To Love And To Be Loved
All Can Be Well In Her Heart

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Graphics by Designer Lady