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The Devil At Bay

The Violence of the Soul
Is Wanting To Escape
It’s Spirital Realm
To Explore It's Talents
In The World Of Disdain
The World Of Reality
Becomes A Hell On Earth
The Soul Wants To Be Free
Of The Hell Of His Own Making

The Logic of The Mind
Is Fragile To Say The Least
The Logic That The Mind Has Found
Keeps The Devil At Bay

But This Soul Has Lost It’s Logic
In The Liquid Sparkles Of Hell
Drowning In It’s Delicious Savor
Wanting More And More Each Day

The Savagery Of The Soul
Has Been Wrenched
To The Edge Of Insanity
Just Wanting To Come Out
To Explode Into The Revelation
Of What This Soul Really Wants

It Wants To Kill Your Mind
To Creep Into The Dark
And Find Your Most Fragile Place
To Have You Join Him In Hell

To Rape Your Soul
To Make Your Mind Feel The Pain
Day In And Day Out
To Make You Feel Insanity

To Do These Evil Things
Would Not Take The Pain Away
Would Not Take The Savagery Away
Insanity Would Join The Evil
And Take Away The Logic
That Keeps The Devil At Bay

But One Night An Angel Comes

Deliverance Is Here
He Laughs Through His Stupor
For He knows There Is No Hope
Hell Has Seized His Very Soul
He Has Not Partaken In Three Days
He Shakes - He Is Terrified
The Blood
Draining Down The Walls
So Much Blood
Oh God- Please Take It Away
Then - He Looks Up
There On The Wall
A Bat-It Is Hungry
It’s Teeth - Please God
Help Me
It Is Coming Thru The Walls
He Runs To Another Room
Only To See More Of
Those Evil Creatures
Coming Out From The Halls Of Hell

The Pain In His Body Begin
Slowly His Body And Soul
Begin To Lurch Forward
As If It To Break In Half
He Felt Creatures Tearing
At His Flesh
Screaming - Oh God The Pain
My Body Hurts So Much
The Bugs - The Bats
They Are Everywhere
Please Help Me God

A Hand Reaches Down
It Takes A Hold Of My Hand
Raises Me Up From
The Depths Of Hell
Is It An Angel?
Is It God?
For Me - It Was Heaven
Bringing Logic Back
Bring Peace Of Mind Back
And The Violence Of The Soul
Back In Control
Where It Belongs
The Devil Is At Bay

Written By Peacemaker
August 24, 2001

Thankyou So Much For This Wonderful Award Sis

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