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My Loneliness

The Loneliness Is Killing Me Inside
I Cannot Find Myself Anymore
It Is Like I Don’t Exist
It Is Just My Body Here
I Don’t Know Where I Am
Am I Hiding Somewhere?
Or Have I Died
Have I Gone To Hell?
Is This My Punishment?
For Something I Don’t Know I Did
There Is No One That Understands Me
No One Hears My Screams
Because I Scream Silently

Inside My Brain I Hear Nothing
But Agonizing Screams
From Hell The Fog Rises
To Meet Me
To Bring Me Down To It
If Only I Could Just Go
To Sleep And Never Wake Up
Than I Would Not Hear
The Screams That Only Silence Me
I Would No Longer Be Lonely
But At Peace At Last

Written by
Debra Allen
Jan 20, 2003

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