22 – HONG KONG: Departure, thoughts on the way home
The alarm was set for 7 a.m.,
and I had also booked a wake-up-call from the reception just to be sure.
It was time to go home, I could hardly believe that I was supposed to be
at work the next morning. Not that I had needed waking, due to travel nerves
I hadn’t slept much that night. I took the airport bus, it was very convenient
since there was a bus stop just around the corner in Nathan Road. It took
about half an hour and cost 33 HKD. The airport seemed easy to get around
in, as well as effective. My plane left at 1115. You had to take a train
to get to your gate. And then I was on the plane, and my vacation was over.
The trip to Amsterdam was supposed to take 12 hours and 10 minutes, but
on this day it went about an hour faster. Thank god for small mercies.
Then waiting at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam, and another 1 ½ hours
to Oslo. The plane landed at 9 p.m. local time (there is a 6 or 7 hour
time difference). To my surprise my parents picked me up at the airport
and drove me home, which was really nice. On the way I had to stop by my
friend Mari’s house to get my house keys, and then straight home to bed.
On the long journey back home
I had plenty of time to think, and try and sum up my experiences from the
eventful three weeks I had just had. This is what I came up with:
My favourite sights/moments:
Bicycle trip in the beautiful
limestone landscape around Yangshuo
Boat trip on Shennong Stream
The view from Moon Hill
The Muslim Quarter in Xi’an
Riding the double decker-bus to
Victoria Peak in Hong Kong
Visiting the pandas
Chinese food in general, Sichuan
food in particular
The old men with their birds
The old pilgrims in their mao-suits
on Emeishan mountain
Negative aspects:
The pollution
Modern Chinese architecture
The garbage
Communal toilets
Hate instant noodles for ever
and ever
Well done:
Met one cockroach and survived
(that would be me, not the cockroach)
Have become the master of the
squat toilet. I have (more or less) successfully mastered a variety of
terrible squat toilets (even the moving ones on the trains), and further
developed my ”not-breeding-through-the-nose-tactics”
I have let my travel companions
see me at my worst – dirty, smelly, scruffy, with little or no makeup and
an unbecoming ponytail– and charitably let them live to tell the tale
Managed to carry my backpack not
only when arriving in China, but also when leaving China (good job considering
all the shopping I have done)
Not well done:
Not lost weight as hoped because
of diarrhoea or starvation (due to inability to eat with chopsticks)
Only managed to learn and use
two Chinese words: “ni hao” (= hello) and “xie xie” (= thank you)
Next travel destination:
With Intrepid to VIETNAM