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2008   Index

  Dec, 2007 Jan Feb
1-1-2008 Tue
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
101(222) x 1
91(200) x 8
92(203) x 7
93(205) x 6
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 6
88(194) x 7
85(187) x 6

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+35(77) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+20(44) x 10
BW x 15

*1st workout this month
1-2-2008 Wed
EB day 2
* kg(lbs)
♠=not good

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
100(220) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
101(222) x 1
92(203) x 8 *YES!!*
93(205) x 6
94(207) x 6
95(209) x 5
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 5
91(200) x 5
88(194) x 7

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+32.5(72) x 5
+37.5(83) x 4 ♠
+30(66) x 6
+20(44) x 10
BW x 15

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*2nd workout this month
*Strength of Oct 11th
1-5-2008 Sat
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♥=PR

Dead Lift
50(110) x 5
80(176) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
93(205) x 8 ♥
94(207) x 6
95(209) x 5
96(212) x 5
Partial Btm Half
90(198) x 7 +failure
90(198) x 6
90(198) x 5 +neg
85(187) x 9
*vid shooting

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+35(77) x 5
+40(88) x 4
+40(88) x 3
+30(66) x 8
+20(44) x 11
BW x 15

*3rd workout this month
*1st PR since Nov 3, 2007
1-8-2008 Tue
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
100(220) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
94(207) x 7 +failure
95(209) x 6
96(212) x 5
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 6
91(200) x 5
91(200) x 5
88(194) x 6

Weighted Chin-up
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+32.5(72) x 5
+32.5(72) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+20(44) x 11

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*4th workout this month
*so close to new 8RM
1-10-2008 Thu
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♥=PR

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
110(242) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
91(200) x 9 ♥
92(203) x 7
93(205) x 6
94(207) x 5
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 5
91(200) x 4
88(194) x 6
85(187) x 7
85(187) x 7

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+25(55) x 5
+25(55) x 5
+25(55) x 5
+25(55) x 5
+25(55) x 5
+25(55) x 5
+25(55) x 8

*5th workout this month
*2nd PR this year, haha
1-12-2008 Sat
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♥=PR

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
120(264) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
92(203) x 9 ♥
93(205) x 7
94(207) x 6
95(209) x 5
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 5
88(194) x 6
88(194) x 6

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 8
+25(55) x 8
BW x 15

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*6th workout this month
*3rd PR
1-14-2008 Mon Holiday
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
105(231) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
93(205) x 8 +failure
94(207) x 6
95(209) x 6
96(212) x 5
Partial Btm Half
92(203) x 5
90(198) x 5
90(198) x 5 +failure
80(176) x 10

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 8
+35(77) x 5
+30(66) x 7
+30(66) x 5
+20(44) x 10
BW x 15

*7th workout this month
*so close to new 9RM
*Coming-of-Age Day
1-16-2008 Wed
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♥=PR

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
94(207) x 8 ♥
95(209) x 5 ♠
96(212) x 5
97(214) x 4
Partial Btm Half
92(203) x 5
90(198) x 5
80(176) x 10

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 8
+30(66) x 7
+30(66) x 7
+25(55) x 8
+10(22) x 13

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*8th workout this month
*4th PR this year
1-19-2008 Sat
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♥=PR

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
110(242) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
95(209) x 8 ♥
96(212) x 5
97(214) x 5
98(216) x 4
Partial Btm Half
93(205) x 5
91(200) x 5
86(189) x 7
70(154) x 18

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+35(77) x 6
+40(88) x 4
+40(88) x 3
+30(66) x 7
+20(44) x 12
+10(22) x 13

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*9th workout this month
*5th PR this year
1-21-2008 Mon
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♥=PR

Dead Lift
90(198) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
90(198) x 10 ♥
91(200) x 7 ♠
92(203) x 6 ♠
93(205) x 5 ♠
Partial Btm Half
85(187) x 8
80(176) x 10

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 7
BW x 18

*10th workout this month
*6th PR this year
1-23-2008 Wed
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
91(200) x 9
92(203) x 7
93(205) x 5 ♠
94(207) x 4 ♠
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 5
88(194) x 6
85(187) x 6

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10 
BW x 10 
+10(22) x 10
*total 110 reps

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*11th workout this month
*completed BW 10x10
1-25-2008 Fri
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
102(225) x 1
92(203) x 9
93(205) x 7
94(207) x 4 +failure ♠
95(209) x 5
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 4 ♠
91(200) x 5
88(194) x 5 ♠
80(176) x 10
70(154) x 10

Weighted Chin-up
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+5(11) x 10
+15(33) x 10
+5(11) x 10
*total 120 reps

*12th workout this month
*completed +5(11) 10x10
1-27-2008 Sun
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
110(242) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
103(227) x 1
93(205) x 8 +failure Almost!!
94(207) x 6
95(209) x 5 ♠
96(212) x 4 ♠
93(205) x 5
Partial Btm Half
90(198) x 5
85(187) x 7
80(176) x 9

Weighted Chin-up
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
+10(22) x 10
BW  x 11
*total 121 reps

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*13th workout this month
*completed +10(22) 10x10
1-29-2008 Tue
EB day 1
* kg(lbs) ♠=not good

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
103(227) x 1
94(207) x 8 ....hmm
95(209) x 5 ♠
96(212) x 5
97(214) x 4
Partial Btm Half
93(205) x 5
91(200) x 5
88(194) x 6

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+35(77) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+30(66) x 5
+20(44) x 11
BW x 16

*14th workout this month
1-31-2008 Thu
EB day 1
* kg(lbs)

Dead Lift
80(176) x 5
100(220) x 5

Bench Press
65(143) x 5
75(165) x 5
90(198) x 1
95(209) x 1
103(227) x 1
95(209) x 7 failure ♠
96(212) x 5
97(214) x 5
98(216) x 4
95(209) x 5
Partial Btm Half
91(200) x 5
80(176) x 9

Weighted Chin-up
BW x 5
+10(22) x 5
+20(44) x 10
+20(44) x 10
+20(44) x 10
+20(44) x 10
+20(44) x 7
+20(44) x 5
BW x 12

Cable Crunch
55(121) x 20

*15th workout this month
Early January w/o, turned out to be every-other-day-bench.
Started 10x10 Chin-up trials, Good for brachialis tendons.