Psalm 1
- Lord, You are exalted above all that is,
- Yet you increase daily.
- Let Your name be exalted above all else.
- Nothing that exists could exist without You.
- You are not below the stars nor within the earth nor under the earth,
- But all that exists is within You.
- You are above all existence.
- I love You Lord, because You first loved me.
- Without You I am lost.
- A man cannot serve two masters;
- From this moment forth I serve only You.
Psalm 2
- The Lord is one.
- He alone is my Rock and my Salvation.
- He is my Fortress to guard me from the ways of the wicked.
- He is the Giver of life;
- He is the eternal Father.
- Forever I will serve Him;
- Forever I will be true
- Just as He is true to me.
- God is so good.
- God is so good.
- God is so good.
- He's so good to me.
Psalm 3
- Pray without ceasing.
- Do not allow your time of prayer to be hindered.
- Come before God with clean hands and a pure heart.
- Worship Him and exalt Him forever.
- Walk in the council and fellowship of the Almighty.
- For He is the most high God who loves you
- And whose knowledge and wisdom are endless.
- Surrender to Jesus.
- Let your old self be crucified and die,
- And become a new creation in Jesus Christ.
- Let the Spirit of God be poured out upon you to dwell with you
- As a guide through this perilous world of woe.
- For the world is corrupt, and God is just.
- The world is wicked, but God is righteous.
- The world is full of hate, yet God is love.
- Be exalted oh Lord, until the day when You reign forever and ever. AMEN
Psalm 4
- Praise and glory be to the One who has saved us from the accuser.
- The Lord Jesus who is God almighty
- Blessed be His name forever.
- Let Him be glorified throughout all the land.
- For He alone is worthy.
- Let the earth be filled with praises to our God-
- Praises that echo throughout the heavens and in all existence.
- Let it be a constant reminder to Satan that
- "Every knee shall bow
- And every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." AMEN
Psalm 5
- I will love God with all I am.
- I will dance around;
- I will clap my hands.
- I will stomp my feet;
- I will fall to my knees.
- I will bow down before Him
- As I worship and adore Him.
- I will stretch my hands forth to Him.
- I will lay on my back and look toward heaven.
- I will sing aloud;
- I will scream and shout.
- With every last ounce of strength
- I will praise the Lord and give Him thanks.
- With everything that is in my being
- I will worship *YAH-SHUA my Savior and King. AMEN
*'YAH' [meaning 'I AM'] is the short form of 'YHVH' ['I AM THAT I AM'] which is God's name in Old Testament times. 'YAH-SHUA' literally means 'GOD saves' or 'GOD our Savior' [or 'I AM your Savour'] and is a form of 'YESHUA' [meaning 'Salvation']- Jesus' name in His own native language, Hebrew.
Psalm 6
- Spirit of God, endwell me.
- Fill my soul Lord Jesus.
- Abide in me oh Holy Spirit.
- Do not allow me to be deceived.
- Let not this temple become defiled,
- But defend it and protect it.
- Guide this vessel through the waters of Your Spirit
- And into the wilderness of this world.
- Let me become a fool in the wisdom of this world
- That I may increase in the wisdom of God.
- Yet, not I but You increase in me. AMEN
Psalm 7
- Lord, strengthen me and give me wisdom.
- Show me Your heart and exchange it for mine.
- Have mercy on me oh *YHVH.
- Touch me and be with me.
- For I am a child who needs You.
- Show me Your love Lord,
- And teach me to think as You do.
- Instruct me in Your ways.
- My love and adoration are eternally Yours.
- As I place my hope in You oh Lord,
- Renew my strength.
- Nourish me with the meat of Your words,
- And give me living water to drink. AMEN
*'YHVH' is the english transliteration of the four Hebrew letters that make up the name of God in the Old Testament. One must add vowel sounds to pronounce it. 'YAHVEH' would be the name with the vowels [meaning literally 'I AM THAT I AM' which denotes self existence].
Psalm 8
- Praise the Lord.
- Praise Him in His awesome power.
- Praise Him for the works of His hands.
- Praise His name all you nations.
- Bless the Lord at all times.
- *Hallelu **JAH.
- Lord, You're with me everywhere.
- Wherever I go You're right there.
- Your peace surrounds me;
- Your love abounds in me.
- I need Your love.
- Give me Your love.
- I need Your love.
- *Hallelu **JAH. AMEN
*A Hebrew word 'HALLEL' used many times in the book of Psalms in the Bible. It's a call or a command to praise. **'JAH' is a more accurate English transliteration of 'YAH' [meaning 'I AM']
Psalm 9
- Lord, You're beautiful to me.
- Your face is all I seek.
- Lord, Your grace abounds in me.
- In You I have my being.
- You are my God. AMEN
Psalm 10
- You oh Lord, are the Shelter from my storm.
- You're the Rock on which I hide.
- You're my everlasting hope.
- I hide in plain sight of the enemy.
- Your love overshadows me as a shield.
- My enemies surround me, but they cannot touch me.
- For I stand upon the Rock-
- My Rock and my Fortress, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- It is impossible to overcome me.
- The Lord fights for me;
- He is the Champion of my faith.
- I have no need for carnal weapons.
- Woa to the carnal man who shall fall to his death;
- Like a sack of bricks great is the impact unless he should repent.
- The word of God is my weapon-
- Stronger and sharper than any two-edged sword.
- Oh how I love the laws of God.
- For they set my heart free-
- Free from the law of sin and death.
- I am alive in the laws of God's grace.
- Mercy shall travel before me.
- The wrath of God shall follow behind me and not touch me.
- His love is all around me.
- The grace of God shall shine from within me as a light from a beacon.
- God will overcome the darkness with His perfect light.
- The wicked shall be destroyed unless they leave their wickedness and walk in the light.
- For the Lord knows who shall serve Him.
- Destruction comes to those who travail against the Almighty.
- For their rebellions shall be quenched and their evil destroyed.
- Great and mighty is the word of God.
- None can withstand it.
- The power of God is that which gives life.
- To be in darkness is to be in death.
- For there is no life apart from the Lord,
- And there is no love except His.
- "Who can stand before Me," says the Lord.
- "With a word I formed the heavens and earth and all of their inhabitants.
- My words are life.
- He who hears My words receives life,
- But he who does not receive My words no life is in him.
- For I am the Lord Your God.
- With a rod of iron I shall rule over all nations
- And My people with Me.
- Heed the voice of My servants.
- Take note of their words; for they speak for Me.
- Whoever receives their sayings receives Me,
- But whoever rejects them rejects He who sent them.
- I am the Lord.
- Whoever listens to Me shall be rewarded
- And eat at My table forever."
- Praise and adoration be to the Lord our God
- Whose life-giving words shall reign over our thoughts and our hearts forever. AMEN
Psalm 11
- What is Your word oh Lord?
- What answer do You have for me?
- Grant me the hearing of Your voice.
- Take up this vessel into Your mighty hands;
- Guide it and launch it when it is cleansed, shined, and renewed.
- Let me die Lord; let me die.
- You take over and live my life instead of me.
- I just want to serve You.
- You are my Lord, my God, my Master.
- Do not allow me to be like those who go down to the pit.
- Let me be lowered to the dirt Father,
- So that I may sit exalted in Your kingdom
- And eat at Your table with my brothers.
- Teach me Your ways Lord,
- And place my feet in the pathway of truth.
- Lighten my yoke oh God, and remove my burden.
- Take my heart from me and show me Yours.
- Pardon my iniquity Father, and forgive my sins.
- For they are many.
- You know them all Lord.
- For all is naked and disclosed before Your eyes.
- Cover my sins with Your blood and wash them away-
- The blood that You shed for the forgivness of sins when You died for me.
- I need You to look upon me oh Lord.
- Just as the sun shines its light on the moon
- And the moon reflects that light into all the world,
- So look upon me that Your light may reflect off of me
- And You see in me Your own image.
- Also let the world see your image in me.
- Lord, I need You to look upon me;
- I need You to cleanse me and love me.
- Let it be for Your glory and honor.
- Father, hear Your child for Your mercy's sake.
- For the sake of Your goodness and Your glorious name
- Do not turn away Your face from me,
- But answer me.
- Hear the voice of my supplication;
- Hear the cry of my heart oh God.
- I cried out to the Lord with my voice,
- And He heard me out of His holy hill.
- Let it be known throughout all existence
- That Jesus Christ reigns over my heart forever.
- All of the praise and honor be unto my Lord and my God forever. AMEN
Psalm 12
- Lord, light my pathway.
- Guide me through the shadow of this valley.
- Be with me Lord- always by my side.
- Do not leave me, and do not take Your Spirit from me.
- Forgive my sins and heal me.
- Speak to me Father, as to Your own child.
- Baptize my mind in Your blood;
- Let it be renewed and my spirit restored to godliness.
- Oh my God, my God in whom I trust,
- Hear me, and keep Your hand of protection upon me.
- Show me Your love, Your holy love-
- The love that only You can give.
- Take up my life in Your hands oh Lord;
- I sacrifice it on Your alter.
- I will bow before You and sing Your praises all of my days.
- For You are my life.
- Without You I have nothing;
- I am nothing.
- My only need is You oh Lord.
- Help me to obey You and to do Your will.
- Let my whole life be to serve my God.
- For You said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you,"
- And, very well, it is so.
- Nevertheless, do not allow me to leave You.
- Keep a watch over me so that I will not go astray.
- Hold me close to You Lord,
- And I will cling tightly to my Savior.
- Above all, Jesus, lift up my head
- And point out the path which You have chosen for me.
- My only desire is to be holy
- So that I might live in Your presence forever.
- May You rule over our thoughts and our lives forever and ever. AMEN
Psalm 13
- Jesus, guide my footsteps;
- Place my feet in Your footprints.
- Help me to walk where You have walked
- And to live as You lived.
- Even more Lord, help me to die as You live.
- My Father, keep me in Your ways,
- And instruct Your child in the truth.
- Oh Lord, if I do not live in You let me not live.
- For Your life is the only true life,
- Life that is attained by death-
- A path in which You have trod
- And a journey that You have taken.
- Death, this thing which You have conquered,
- Light, Your light which is life,
- Life, this thing that You freely give-
- Oh Lord, give me life.
- Revive my soul and awaken my spirit.
- Let the life of my God show in me.
- Let the Breath of God flow through me
- And fill me to overflowing measures. AMEN
Psalm 14
- Oh Lord, I commit myself to You.
- I don't want this world.
- I want nothing to do with anything that is not of You.
- I am but flesh Lord;
- I am but a grain of sand among grains of sand.
- I am like the chaff which blows in the wind.
- I am but a blade of grass among the grasses
- Who sprout up and thrive for a little while
- And then wither away,
- But Your life endures forever.
- I need Your light to shine through me-
- Through every part of me,
- And shine forth from me Lord,
- So that everyone may see Your light in me.
- I thank You my God, for what You did for me.
- You died for me;
- You paid the price for my sins.
- How could You love me this much?
- For I am a man,
- And men do not know righteousness;
- But righteousness must be learned from You oh God.
- I thank You Lord, that Your Spirit teaches me righteousness,
- And that the blood of Jesus Christ makes me righteous. AMEN
Psalm 15
- All glory, riches, and power are forever Yours oh Lord.
- Everything under the sun is Your possession,
- And everything beyond it You own.
- For the Lord God made everything as it pleased Him.
- Soul, bless the Lord,
- And praise the name of your God.
- For there is reason to rejoice.
- Do not be disquieted within me,
- But arise my soul, and rejoice.
- Magnify the Lord who created you.
- For your salvation is in Him,
- And the life that He gives to you is everlasting. AMEN
Poem 1
- Who will listen;
- Who will hear
- The truth that I hold in my heart so dear?
- Who will listen;
- Who will understand?
- The grace of God will conquer this land.
- Listen now; I'll tell you the way,
- And you can choose to trust and obey.
- Take heed the word of God I speak,
- And strength will be dealt to those who are weak.
- Who will allow it;
- Who will consent?
- Who will be the ones He has sent?
- Who will need
- The Lord so much?
- Who will have His empowering touch?
- Let no man tell you what's right and what's wrong.
- For he could be singing the devil's song.
- If you want life you who are dead
- You have to do *what Jesus said.
*John 3:3-8; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:16-18: Luke 24:46-49; John 20:21-23; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-5; I John 5:8
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