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 L i N e A g E
 B a S i C s
Front Page
Playing Tips
Castle Control
Creat Account
 C h a r A c T e R s
Famous 50's
Lin Web
Screen Shots
Character Types
This Page is on Major Construction
This Page will be finished on:
Started on:02/July 14 ----> _?_?_?_
Created By:John Um
Creaters Lineage Characters:
JhHolyKnight, Buying
Finally Lineage Episode XI: Oren
has been released on US Servers (on July 17, 2002)

is moving their site to
What is Lineage

Lineage is a Massive Online RPG game.
Although the addiction level is high,
I would recommend this game to everyone who plays games.

What is this Page About

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Contact Info
If you would like to contact me,
and have a question or comment
please e-mail to
 D o w N L o a D
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