Music News - 12th August

Britney Caught by E! Fashion Police

From Britney Spears Unlimited: Pop tart Britney Spears looks perfectly patriotic at the July press tour for her Mexico concerts. With a bright red sheer high-neck top and an embroidered ethnic-print belt worn over faded flares, she's like a walking ad for America the beautiful. Oh, wait! Those are the colors for Pepsi, the concert's sponsor! Sorry, our bad.

Britney To Be Featured on "Teen Entertainment Weekly"

From Britney Spears Unlimited: Entertainment Weekly has a new magazine coming up. It's for teenagers actually. It's called "Teen Entertainment Weekly" and guess who will be on the cover of the premiere issue? You guessed right. Britney Spears. But get this. Not only will she be on the premiere issue, but she will be featured on the first three issue (October, November and December).

Madonna on Britney Spears

We all know Madonna loves Britney, now look what she said about both Britney and Christina in a recent interview in Europe: "My feelings towards Britney have been the same since I first saw her and the attention around her, She is such a young girl with an immense amount of talent that has gotten poked and prodded by every media outlet in the world and she has still managed to come out on top. I look at her and see a part of me only better, she has what it takes to make it in the long run and I feel for her. Anything she does I will support 110%, she makes me feel like a proud parent." And comparing Britney to Christina: "The comparison between the two is odd, Christina has a great voice for a singer but thats what she is, She isn't a performer like Britney. Performers and Singers are two different fields, Christina just stands there and sings while Britney dances and performs. They couldn't switch roles. The only thing is that Britney actually is able to just bring down the house regardless of what is said about her, she amazes me to no end" It must be awesome to have your own idol admire you that much!

August 10th