Music News - 9th August

Up and Coming Singer Receives Warm Welcome

Written by Katherine Lacabe

It was a full house at Hollywood’s nightclub The Mint Saturday night. Playing a set of five songs, up and coming singer Sarah Martin thrilled the crowd with her energetic voice which one fan compared to that of Celine Dion. Some club employees are reported as saying that they had never seen the place so packed. Seats even had to be borrowed to accommodate the overwhelming crowd making reservations for the show.

Writing many of her own songs, some of which are produced by fiance and Backstreet Boy AJ McLean, Martin even impresses the critics with the power that her voice brings to her songs. Using a backup singer for some songs, she demonstrates that being blond and singing about nothing isn't going to cut it anymore.

Even some of her most loyal fans were taken aback by the performance and those who were listening to her live for the very first time were very impressed. After finishing her set, they chanted for an encore that couldn't granted due to time restrictions. Both new and veteran fans pray for the talented singer to be offered a record deal. Although her fiance co-owns a record company with the rest of his vocal group, Sarah does not want to take shortcuts in her singing career.

Most fans were also very impressed by Martin’s off stage performance. Over You co-writer and friend of Sarah, Monica Madrid let Martin’s fans know that Sarah would greet them outside the club soon after her set was over. Once she emerged from the club her fans surrounded her with gifts and compliments. The singer stayed out in the warm Los Angeles night air for over two hours speaking with fans, signing autographs and taking pictures. Even going as far as taking phone calls from cellular phones held by those present.

Speaking on the phone with Sarah from Detroit, Michigan was one fan who can be quoted as saying, She's an amazing person and I'm just so appreciative that she took time out of HER night. Being able to speak to one of their favorite singers on the phone meant so much to us.

Sarah Martin has the singing ability and dedication to her career that is needed to hit it big in the music industry today and with the help of her fans from around the country, there is no doubt that she will be shining brightly in the years to come.

Two more shows are scheduled at The Mint in September. Make reservations early. Anyone under 21 is welcome to come as long as they have a guardian present. To find out more about Sarah Martin including details on the shows check out her official website at

Katherine Lacabe can be contacted at

Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough: "This is my life's mission!"

From Popstar! Mag: In advance of his annual lupus fundaiser in Orlando, we scored a rare opportunity to chat with Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough about his work with the band and with the foundation he created in order to help fight lupus. His beloved sister Caroline succumbed to the debilitating disease just as BSB's careers were taking off, stunning the tight-knit Dorough clan.

But the initial shock did not delay their forceful and positive reaction-The Dorough Lupus Foundation has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help find a cure.

Speaking with Howie, we came away with a sense that you can have it all-fame, fortune and also a strong sense of civic duty. Just another way in which BSB have reached out and affected so many millions around the globe!

Popstar!:First, tell us some inside info about the next BSB album.
Howie: We've been together for the last month doing a lot of writing, doing a lot of demos. We've had the chance to work with Glen Ballard, who's really well-known for his stuff with Alanis and Dave Matthews, and we just came from Atlanta where we were working with Jermaine Dupri.

We've gotten some good stuff from Diane Warren recently. We're possibly even looking at maybe doing a duet, a collaboration with somebody. Possibly a female artist or a rap artist, depending on which direction the songs go. We're trying to go with a little bit more organic sound, more of the earthier tones, live instruments, trumpets. We're tyring not to hit too hard on the electronic sound.

We're kind of experimenting, trying a bunch of different styles, seeing what comes out of it for us. We're trying to pick these other people's brains. We're trying to push the envelope a little bit. This album to us is going to solidify us so if we decide to take a year off, people hopefully wont forget about us.

What's your proudest musical moment ever?
Howie: I'd say probably "How Did I Fall in Love," which I wrote-I'm very proud of it. You always say you wanna marry your best friend, someone who really knows you. Group-wise, I'd say our best song was "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely." "I Want it That Way" is a song I'm surprised has been so successful. We've always joked about it because if you listen to it, it doesnt really make that much sense![Laughs]

What's the scoop on Nick's solo career. Are you all okay with it?
Nicky is actually working on some solo material right now. It's something that he's been wanting to do for a while and each of us, you know, we're in this together as a group but we also support each other in individual stuff, whether it's singing, acting, modeling, whatever-it's a matter of creating the right time for everything. Everything is possible, it's all a matter of timing. We're just trying to figure it all out right now, you know. "Backstreet Boys album first, Nick album first-or vice versa?"

I'm not really sure yet for me if I'd do a solo album. I'd possibly like to start out doing some acting first, musical theater. I took a meeting a couple of days ago with a gentleman who wants me to be involved in a new Grease coming out, but I'm not really sure. My first priority is Backstreet Boys so I think of that first.

Is there still a mutual respect among BSB's members?
There has to be or we'd be flying in five different directions and never get an album done.

Why did you start The Dorough Lupus Foundation?
When my sister passed away three years ago, I guess I was trying to grasp the whole reality of it and of life and fame and fortune and what was my purpose of being. Her doctor had said, "You being who you are, you could make a big difference." It's a very, very hushed disease. People dont talk about it and feel it's hard to explain what it's about.

I said, "I've been so blessed, this is my way of giving back to something close to my heart." I tried taking the negative and turning it into a positive. Maybe that's my purpose in life.

Britney And Justin In Us Weekly

From Us Weekly: Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears ran into each other on August 1 for the first time since their March split - and it wasn't pretty. According to sources, Timberlake, 21, was dancing with gal pal Jenna Dewan at Lounge in Los Angeles when Spears - whose parents, Hot Stuff has learned, have officially divorced - walked in around 12:30 A.M. As Timberlake and Dewan, 21, danced, Britney 'watched them like crazy,' says a spy. Then, when Justin went to get drinks, the source says, 'Britney got up and followed him.'

That's when it got messy. After Spears, 20, asked Justin if they would talk (they hadn't spoken in over a month, says a pal of hers), Timberlake, says, a source, told Spears, 'If its about us getting back together, forget it.' From there, says the source, Spears - alluding to Timberlake's sightings with Janet Jackson - 'started talking crap about Jenna and the way he was using different women for media attention.' Timberlake then shot back about 'her cheating, and they got into a huge argument,' says our snitch.

When the 10-minute blowout ended, Timberlake got back on the dance floor. As the 'NSYNC song 'Girlfriend' played, Timberlake and dancer Dewan began doing some of the moves they had done at this year's Grammys. Spears then hit the floor 'and started a dance-off,' says another witness. 'He would do a move, then she would do a move,' says the onlooker. 'It was very tense and dramatic, like 'West Side Story.' Alas, there was no happy ending. By 2 A.M. Timberlake had split, leaving Spears solo.

Wob Meets Brandon Henschel - Chat Transcript From Tuesday

From World of Britney: On Tuesday World of had a Live Chat with former Britney dancer Brandon Henschel. He answered lots and lots of questions from the fans and let us into some things you never knew about Britney!

He chatted with us live from his home in San Diego, CA and was very happy to be able to talk with all the WoBbers. Below you will find a transcript from Tuesday night's chat. Enjoy reading, and thanks to those who participated in the live event.

WoB: This is from Ray in Los Angeles, CA: Hey Brandon last year I saw you at the Teen Choice Awards.. and I told my friends you were one of Britney's dancers so .. they started following you and I was following them but we missed you at the elevator.. lol.. do you get noticed a lot when you go out?
Brandon: Actually I don't. It is kind of a rare coincidence when people do recognize me.

WoB: Kaye from Canada wants to know: I was wondering how you actually found out about the auditions to be a dancer for Britney's tour, and how did you like working with Britney?
Brandon: I was very fortunate to meet Britney through some of her dancers and that is what actually got me the job with Brit. I never really auditioned for her. Working with Brit was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. She is by far one of the best celebrities I've had the opportunity to work for.

WoB: Agatha from New York City wants to know: Hey! I'm just wondering. I know a lot of performers have some weird pre show rituals. During the time that you toured with Britney did you guys (all the dancers and Britney) have some kind of a pre show ritual that you could not do the show without?
Brandon: LOL...we didn't really have a quirky pre show ritual. For a while when Brit was inside the giant silver sphere to open the show I would stick my head inside and make noises at her because her butt was facing me. That was a nice way to ease the tension before the show. Brit always got a kick out of that.

WoB: Anthony from Vallejo, CA asks: After hearing all these negative things about Britney (in Mexico), how did she act towards you and the other dancers? Was it nice Britney that we see, or a different side that we have never seen before? Also I am a dancer in a huge dance group. You inspire me so much. Was it hard to dance practically everyday? I would be so tired. Just one more thing. Did people ever doubt you or make fun of you before or now because you are a dancer? Thanks!
Brandon: Wow that is a lot...LOL. First of all I wasn't with Brit when the Mexico media incident took place, so I can't comment on that. Thank you very much for your comments, that is very sweet. It is definitely hard dancing almost everyday. Its one of those things that you do simply because you love it. I was made fun of a lot in high school. There were two groups of people. One group really liked and appreciated what I do the other group just spread really negative rumors about me but that is not something that you can ever pay attention to. Do what you love and what makes you happy, never basing yourself worth upon other peoples expectations.

WoB: Jess from York, PA wants to know: What was it like being in Crossroads and having to play the "jerk" character at the bar?
Brandon: That job was so much fun. I hadn't seen Brit in a long time before we shot that scene, so her and I just messed around on the set the whole time with Felecia and my mom. Then when it came time to shoot the scene, we really just kept the same vibe, lived it up, and did whatever came natural. It was allot of fun.

WoB: Daniel Moore from London, UK wants to know: Hi Brandon, you have traveled all-over the world on tour with Britney, what was the best city that you visited?
Brandon: There are so many amazing cities, each with their own special memory. Milan, Italy was one of my favorites, along with Rio de Janeiro.

WoB: Leslie from Texas asks: Hi! Do you have any unusual stories about Britney and Justin? Like sweet things they have done for each other or mean things?
Brandon: One really sweet thing I remember that Justin did for Brit was; Her and Justin hadn't seen each other in a really long time. Brit was in her hotel room doing a costume fitting. Justin calls her up and the two of them talk, you know like love birds. "I miss you, when will I see you again?" etc. Then all of the sudden Brit gets a knock on her hotel room door. She opens it and there is Justin with the cell phone standing outside. And the two had a nice little reunion. It was sweet.

WoB: Linda from Portland, OR wants to know: How do you get your abs? What do you do for a work out , how did he get such a fit body, what's your routine?
Brandon: LOL. LOL.LOL...Thats kind of funny because I'm working with a trainer right now and her keeps telling me I'm fat....In a percentage point of view. Lately I've been working really hard and the main thing that has made the biggest difference is the food I eat. Essentially, if it doesn't grow out of the ground or walk on four legs, don't eat it.

WoB: Jackie from CA says: Hey Brandon! I think you're so talented and (sorry, i have to admit!) incredibly hot! when I first saw you on crossroads, i was like, "wow, who is that??" anyway, i was wondering what you were up to lately. i know you're always here-and-there, so do you have any big plans coming up? also, are you dating anyone? hey, I'm going to college down in San Diego in 2 years!! you never know! haha! =D well, take care always! bye!
Brandon: Ha ha ha, well thank you that is very nice. No I'm not currently dating anyone. In fact the last girl I tried to date turned me down Hard. :( I'm really trying to do more film stuff. Each day I get closer and closer. Its just really difficult. Hopefully one day, I'll have Brad Pitts jobs, that s what I'm going for.

WoB: Brandon from Marlton, NJ asks: How does it feel to be admired by so many of your own fans? How does it feel to be looked at as Britney's best dancer?
Brandon: WOW, I don't think anyone has ever said that to me before. You know all of the dancers that Brit has had over the years are extremely talented. Just to dance next to them is an honor, and I don't think anyone could be held in higher esteem than the others.

WoB: Clayton Mika wants to know: Being a dancer must put your body through a lot, loosing weight and gaining muscle. Well how does being a professional dancer go hand-in-hand with your muscular physique? (ie: dancing? weight training? exercising?)
Brandon: That is a really tricky question. Obviously dancing provides for your body cardiovascular activity. In order to balance that out with muscle you really have to try and build muscle in the gym, minimizing your cardio, in the gym. And of course your diet is a huge part of your physique. The best thing to do is talk with a trainer because they typically can implement the best types of weight lifting in accordance with your cardio/dancing.

WoB: Hello Brandon, My name is Ricky Alip and I'm from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. I'm a dancer and choreographer for NBJ (Nothing But Jesus). We're a Christian dance group hailing from Solis Rock Ministries. I wasn't at the Waikiki concert but I got the video and you are the best. You stood out through -out the whole concert. My question is would we be able to and how could we get you to come down here and do a dance lesson with us? Or would you be able to hook us up with someone else? possibly Wade Robson? I'd appreciate it if you could help us out. Mahalo (Thank You).
Brandon: Wow, well first of all thank you for your comments and congratulations on the work you do for the Lord. It is nice to meet a fellow believer in Christ. The best way to get a hold of me for master classes or things like that is through my agency. They are KSA-Kazaraian Spencer and Associates. I believe their website is Ask for the dance department.

WoB: Constance from San Francisco, CA wants to know: How did the XXX job go yesterday ??
Brandon: Hey Constance :)......The xxx job was a lot of fun. Basically they paid me and a bunch of dancers to dress up really funky and dance on the dance floor during the after party to provide an uplifting atmosphere for all the Sony Executives. Those jobs are fun, because I get paid to mess around.

WoB: Kim from Toronto wants to know: If Britney Spears would have asked you to play the leading role in her video "Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know" would you have accepted the offer??
Brandon: I think I probably would have. From what I remember there was nothing controversial about what her and the lead male did during the video. The exploitation of sex came from the way the director shot the video, closing in on Brits body parts. But I think I would have to see the video again to make a better decision because I don't remember the video in its entirety.

WoB: Marilena from Naples, Italy wants to know: Hi Brandon ! I wanted to tell u that you're very talented!!!!Can u please let me know which was the role u played in 7th Heaven?
Brandon: Thank you very much, the role I played in 7th heaven was a very small role, I didn't even have a character name. The hope I have is that the producers decide to bring the character back as a reoccurring character.

WoB: Andy from Las Vegas wants to know: I saw you audition for Brit's DWAD tour on her Diary episode! What happened there?
Brandon: I'm not sure what you mean when you say what happened there. If you're referring to why I didn't get the job......I wish I knew.

WoB: Julie from South Carolina (crzy4bran) wants to know: Which Britney dance was most fun to perform?
Brandon: I liked "Don't Go Knockin On My Door"

WoB: Kim from Southern California (britneylu) wants to know if Britney is really as sweet and innocent as she claims to be or does she have her moments?
Brandon: What human being doesn't have there moments....Brit is one of the sweetest, funniest, craziest celebrities I've met. I love her and would work for her again anytime.

WoB: Allright, Thank you very much Brandon for with us at World of

Brandon: What does that mean Ruben, punk, lol, lol

WoB: LoL, Shhhhhh !!!

Brandon: It was really nice with all of you

WoB: Thanks for your time dude, good luck in the future.

Brandon: Thank you so much for your kind words, God Bless you all.

'Happy' Britney Spears Takes Six Month Break

From Reuters: By Jill Serjeant

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop princess Britney Spears is taking a six month break, but her publicist on Thursday denied rumors that the 20 year-old singing sensation was so exhausted and broken-hearted that she was "running home to mom."

"She is taking six months off. She has been working for four years straight and she is taking a break. The girl works harder than anyone in the business and she is taking a break," publicist Lisa Kasteler told Reuters.

Spears' decision came just days after a controversial end to her world tour. She was booed by fans after cutting short her final show in Mexico City because of a torrential rain storm, and made an obscene gesture to paparazzi photographers besieging her car.

The star, who has made three hit albums and a movie since rocketing to fame in 1998, is also said to be devastated over her breakup in March with childhood sweetheart and 'NSYNC singer Justin Timberlake. The breakup of the two-year romance was blamed on conflicting schedules.

Recent tabloid newspaper reports have said that an exhausted Spears was planning to pack in the music business for two years and move back to her home state of Louisiana to live with her mother.

Kasteler however said Spears "is fine, she's happy. It has nothing to do with the things that have been reported.

"She is going to read scripts during the six months. She is going to travel, write music and hang out with her family and friends who she hasn't been able to spend any real time with for a long time. It is that simple. There is no drama here," she said.

"I have no idea where she is going to be. She's going to go to Louisiana. That is her home. It's not her running home to mom. She plans to travel and I'm sure she'll be spending time in L.A and in New York. She has friends everywhere," Kasteler said.

Spears has been working virtually nonstop since she burst onto the scene as a cute teen with the 1998 hit "Baby one more time" and rose to become a worldwide pop idol known for her bare navel and her famous claim that she was still a virgin.

Her first film, the teen road movie "Crossroads" was released in February, and in June Spears signed a deal with stock car racing organization NASCAR to star in a feature film next year about the sport.

Spears apologized to fans in Mexico City over the cancellation of the show after less than five songs and said the audience would get a full refund.

But the cancellation came only a few days after she was caught by cameras extending her middle finger at photographers, in an insulting gesture seen as having sullied her image as a wholesome southern girl.

Updated *N SYNC & Willa Ford News!

From MTV News: Lance Bass has embarked on his second round of training, which finds the 'NSYNC singer joining his potential cosmonaut crew for joint sessions. In addition to further training in Russia's Star City near Moscow, the team is slated for a weeklong stint at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston starting August 26. Meanwhile, the date for the fall rocket launch has been pushed back to October 28. ... While Lance pursues outer space, his groupmate Chris Kirkpatrick will join pop starlet Willa Ford in co-hosting the Miss Teen USA pageant, which will be broadcast August 28 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. Once-lil' rapper Bow Wow will perform at the show. ...

NASA heard it through grapevine: 'N Sync singer close to clinching deal for space trip

From AP: By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida - NASA's heard it through the grapevine: 'N Sync singer Lance Bass is close to clinching a deal with the Russians to fly to the international space station this fall.

Dianne Murphy, a space station manager, said Thursday that she's heard Russian officials have made progress in their contract negotiations with Bass. "But we have not gotten that official yet," she noted.

NASA already is making plans for Bass and his cosmonaut crew to visit Johnson Space Center in Houston later this month for a full week of training. He would be the third space tourist, but the first to rack up corporate sponsors and TV shows to help finance the trip.

The sticker price for the 1 1/2-week cruise: as much as dlrs 20 million.

"They expect all that to kind of come together here very shortly," Murphy said.

Bass still needs the OK from a crew-operations panel representing the U.S., European, Japanese, Canadian and Russian space agencies. The group has been reviewing the matter since mid-July, when the Russians formally submitted Bass' name for the upcoming launch of a Soyuz spacecraft. Also along for the ride to provide a fresh space station lifeboat: a Russian cosmonaut and a Belgian astronaut.

Liftoff is scheduled for Oct. 28. The Soyuz would dock two days later and its crew would depart Nov. 7 in the capsule that's been attached to the space station since spring.

The Russians should have provided the names of the crew at least six months before the flight, to allow for adequate training and preparation. In this case, notification was three months late, essentially because of prolonged contract negotiations with the boy band member.

Murphy said Bass can still fit in all the necessary training. As far as teaching him space station safety, "we can do that within a couple months," she said.

"Space flight can be very unforgiving if there's a mistake that's made," said flight director John Curry. "Those are the kinds of things that we'll make sure that all three crew members are trained for, Lance being one of them if he ends up flying."

"It will be just like we've done with every other crew," Curry added.

At age 23, Bass would be the youngest person ever to fly in space. He also would become the first entertainer in space.

Curry acknowledged his own 9-year-old daughter has taken a sudden interest in space. Before he left on a recent trip to Russia's space base, where Bass was training, she asked her father to get the singer's autograph.

"I guess that tells me something right there," Curry said with a smile. "Obviously, 9-year-olds, teenagers, those kind of people are going to be excited by such a thing."

He returned home last week — with an autograph.

Some More Exclusive Brit Pics!

A big thankyou to Britney Spers Unlimited. These pics are Britney with her dancers (you can see hottie Wade in the background!) and Britney out & about!


August 8th