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Damage Inc.

Welcome to my piece of the net dedicated to all things Nathan. This page is not a Metallica page, I now think that Metallica are a bunch of sellout whores. Actualy it has quite a bit to do with the Misfits and other things I love.

I got some new pics!!! Check em' out

I still want you guys to help me update my sight. Please send your pics, along with your name, to my e-mail address, and I'll put them up. When sending these pics or any other stuff for my site, please mark the subject as Damage Inc. this way I'll know what it pretains to and who is sending me stuff about my page. Thanx all

CHECK OUT THIS FRIGIN' MOVIE, AND READ THE BOOK. The book is supposed to be 70X more gruesome.
HOLY CRAP DUDES, if you are even remotely interested in the Misfits you should spin over to their official page at and see what's going on in fiend land. Jerry has spoken out about WCW and a whole bunch of internet roumors.
Okay, I know the punk page is as old as Kieth Richards, but I'm still searchin for another good band to feature (that hasn't broken up yet). So just hold yer horses, new stuff will be along soon

Screw Metallica. Those coperate whores made Encyclopedia Metallica take down all of the pictures and logos and a few other things that were there and made the site compleat. So in protest I have taken down my Metallica section. Like those coperate whores need more money. I bet if the 1980's Metallica saw what they would become, they would break up the band before it would get this far. They threatened to sue Encylopedia Metallica if they didn't do what they told them to do. I think that Metallica is the biggest bunch of sellouts because of this. Normally I would defend them if anyone called them sellouts, but now if I hear it, I'll just say "Damn straight"

UPDATE: I got some personal pics put up in my "People I know and Love" Section. Just some pics of my dramie buddies and me. puls a picture of my gf.

Nathan "The last Gunslinger" Spavold
Updated june. 26th 2000

Nothing big has been going on, but I got a new button, click in it for me please? And angelfire, don't worry, I'm not making money off it.

Navagate my site and some links

Pretty Girls
People I know and Love
Easy, free webpages
updates on my fave band
The University I go to, cheak it out, it's a nice place
My Friend Ben
