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Chris Wayans
Lastest Updates: 11-01-03: Results Updated & New Video In The Making
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  • Chris Wayans Profile
    Real Name:
    Tim Burrows

    Date Of Birth:
    February 13, 1988

    148 lbs.

    5 Foot 8 Inches

    Signature Wrestling Moves:
    Red Star Press, Snap Suplex, Standing Round House Kick, Style's Clash, Super Kick, Moonsault Kick


    Spinning Out Pedigree

    First Ever T.c.W. World Champion

    Nick Mondo, AJ Styles, JC Baily, Amazing Red, Low Ki, Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, Owen Hart & HBK

    Chris Wayans is said to be the most energenic wrestler on the T.c.W. roster. Some people in the locker room even say Wayans is the best that T.c.W. has to offer. When Wayans steps into the ring he deliveries a variety of moves and combinations. He usually tries to work all rounder and uses power, technical, and speedy as his main focuses. Chris Wayans is very creative in the ring and comes up with things to keep the crowd going. Wayans is mostly known in T.c.W. for his great wrestling ability, but yet getting all the other wrestlers going. He doesn't consider himself the best. When Wayans gets into the ring he doesnt think about making himself being the best he thinks about his opponent being the best. Alot of people back in the T.c.W. locker room say Chris Wayans has a very promising future ahead of him...

    Upcoming Events
    T.c.W. Halloween Hell
    October 31, 2003