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Dream Logic.

An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff January 23, 2003.

Computer usage shows you that you can see a big difference between the deleting of your text, and the saving of your text; then turning off your computer.

Sleep is not about forgetting, even if you fall asleep due to exhaustion. Sleep is not about laziness, even if you are bored at a lecture. Sleep is not about inactivity, even though your body when asleep shows inactivity.

You are far more than your body. Your body is similar to your house (or environment). Your house is built for you, not the other way around.

Your body is the Temple of God. Your body is Holy, but only because God is residing there with you.

Dreams do not cause nightmares. You can be awake at night, hear a strange noise, and have a nightmare. Incomplete logic patterns do not cause nightmares either, but these can leave the door open to chaotic thoughts that may by chance become nightmare patterns.

Can you thank God for being with you? Can you praise God for God's love? Can you form this into a logical pattern and say a prayer for God before you go to sleep and when you first rise?

To help other people according to God's Word, more importantly for the sake of Jesus Christ, are you willing to pray to continue logical useful ideas when you sleep?

Although great variations occur, it has been said that sometimes only 10% of the brain is used. How much less is used when asleep?

Sleep is not equal to illogic (as stated above). Rebooting a computer logically helps logical progression. In doing so has added benefits of working to thwart non-responding application dross and viruses.

Jesus Christ wants you to be every bit clean and logical. Spend less of your human system resources dwelling on the machinery of your body and more on spiritual advancement.

Have you ever said a prayer in a dream, and then during the dream instantly have the prayer answered? Perhaps most people sleep 25% to 33% of their lives. Don't you want to be a better solution provider than that? Don't you and/or doesn't your business want to shoot for 100% solutions: 24 x 7?

People sleep in rhythms: deep sleep, light sleep, deep sleep.... Why? Is it because their boss said, is it because their firm's Chief Financial Officer said do it to meet next year's

Cows meandered across the prarie. People followed the paths the cows had made. Then people built crooked roads along those paths.

Similarly, ancient people (or earlier) didn't want for instance, to be eaten by a lion. So they slept deeply, then awoke to look around and/or listen, then they went deeply to sleep again.

It's easy to backslide and do what the body tells us.

With Jesus Christ your burden is light.

When you were a child you were taught "It's only a dream." Now that you are an adult, I tell you "It's a dream! of great value because it's about your mind so you should determine for yourself what is important" and the importance you should logically reason, learn, and conclude is for God and that is Jesus Christ.

Your dream is the essence of your mind without exhaustive amounts of bodily clutter [data] gathering occurring. Good comes from God. Logically to be as God, your mind should lift your spirit, to revitalize your soul, to logically interact with the Holy Spirit, to glorify Jesus Christ the glory of God.

You don't have to simply do what your dream of bodily origin dictates. You can choose goodness logically, previously unimagined by you. You can relax in the bossom of Christ, your protector.

Per magnetic resonance type equipment, great mathematical geniuses have been know to use twice the normal amount of their brain (including areas not normally associated with math, such as imagery) to quickly calculate large numbers.

Years ago one of the things memory expert teacher Kevin Trudeau taught me was if, for instance, you try all day to remember a person's name, but can't, you may find when relaxing that evening the name suddenly comes to mind.

How much more can you remember when you're asleep? So different, almost as if a joke, wouldn't it be nice to be paid for sleeping? If a dream haunts you the following day, think of it in terms of Jesus Christ, the provider of logic, and the provider of logic principles for us to use in our lives. Wouldn't it be nice to pay others for them properly sleeping?

Sleep studies involving volunteer patients and paid workers have produced recorded thought patterns for the benefit of mankind. The patients and workers did it for the most part without trying. How much more can you do by trying.

Please understand I do not mean that you should try to concentrate hard on your business when you go to bed, but rather that you should rest in the comfort of the grace of God who has provided you with your job for your joy via doing God's good blessings.

Do you want your dream to control you (including your thoughts and fears) or do you want control of your life? God wants you to properly control all aspects of the life God gave you.

God wants you to share these gifts with others that they too might dream glory of God through Jesus Christ.


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