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Duty and Honor.

An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff February 22, 2003.

Your Financial Duty For Bringing People To Christ:

If ICCDBB doesn't need your money, you still have to give as part of your duty to God.

If ICCDBB needs your money, then it is just that much more important for you to give.

The point is, you have to give: it is your duty to donate; and in these times, that usually means money, not canned goods.

Frankly ICCDBB is not desparate for money, although to reach more people faster, a lot of money makes a big difference.

The money you are required by God to donate is very important for saving your life, but that's not why you should donate: you should donate because God asked you to donate, and to an important but far lesser extent, you should donate to help others using Christian methodology.

You may say God no longer wants sacrafices, God only wants true followers: I agree. Let us do that but not leave the other undone. Our God is not of word only, but of action. Our God reaps where he has not strawed, and gives without measure.

Would you ride a car and not pitch-in for gas? Would you have a child and not provide food? Would you say you are a Christian and not open your checkbook?

Aside from money, if a preacher makes a mistake, that doesn't mean no longer deal with that preacher. To the contrary, logically it means your help is needed. In the name of Jesus Christ, help people, and when necessary hire people including experts for special reasons, to help people in need of help. And if you do that, you will find you are similar to a church.

And do not refuse the right for people to assemble in Christ's name (including on the Internet, particularly for people of disabilities). Furthermore, if people want to assemble in Christ's name in public, it is your duty to protect them in assembly rights. Reference First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble....

Be forewarned that in my experience with politics as campaign manager, and as Chief Judge, and so on, that when people spoke of duty to God and country, that was good, but then they seemed to otherwise ignore the Word of God, and only focus on country and more to the point, only on their position, which usually included pointing their finger at other groups without much useful reasoning.

Duty to government is about Jesus Christ, otherwise government is not needed (Reference First Amendment noted above, our inclusive preliminary work to become USA via our Declaration of Independence, and authorization via our Constitution Article 7 "Lord"). And as so stated and referenced, this certainly does not disclude Jews or others who have not become Christians (although Christians have hope). The author of this sermon is just repeating the laws of the land, inclusive of those laws' respect of one religious authority, not being government's god, but being God's government and not a church state; inclusive of case law recognition of the authority of God as presented via "Lord" pertinent faith holders, such as via their applicable legal vehicles including Bible version copyrights with their corporate law recognition of same.

So if government deals with people, then it is the duty of government to see that people are free in their exercise of religion. If government deals with power, then it is the duty of government to see that people are provided with power to act religiously. If government deals with money, then it is the duty of government to see that people are free to financially support religion. If government deals with projects, then it is the duty of government to see that religious projects are free to operate.

So if your are a USA Patriot, it is your duty to do the above, just as it is our government's duty.

Government is void if it doesn't actively do it's duty. Via that same logic, religion and any freedom assigned and protected by government is void if that freedom is not active. In other words, charity is dead (to you) if you do not give charitably.

If one part fails, your entire system is in jeopardy (similar to a virus). How can you rely on people, power, or projects if your system is not fully functional and ready to crash.

If you don't exercise your rights, you may lose them.

If money is your treasure, then you should donate money. Yet God doesn't even want your money. God can create all the money God wants.

Your gifts to God are disgusting due to your sinful selfish ways (Note, if you are Jesus Christ or very nearly in spirit, please forgive this teaching for others).

God does not need, but does want your love, from your free love awakening toward the glory of Jesus Christ, for you.

God wants you. Your money is unimportant to God. God is no respecter of men, but for the glory of Christ, God treasures you. Similarly, God is no respecter of money, but for the glory of Christ, God wants you to overcome earthly temporary treasures.

If you can't even give of your lifeless money, how can you ever give of yourself?


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