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How to perform an Exorcism.

An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff January 21, 2003.

Jesus Christ.


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An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff January 21, 2003.

Jesus Christ levitated, but not for selfish reasons. Jesus Christ did great acts of faith so that others could witness those great acts of faith so that they would give God praises to (according to God's grace) glorify God so that God would be pleased with his people (since God only loves, it is so people can receive God's love [Note: divine judgement is also part of God's divine love, along with God's gift of life Jesus Christ.]) so God's people can do the will of God righteously in the Holy Spirit as Christ works.

Levitation can be instantaneous. Even a piece of paper may rise and fly if the wind happens to hit it just right (Reference: Bible Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 verse 11 ..."time and chance happen to them all").

Even a young child, such as a Cub Scout can tell you preparedness is important. Having been one, I was told to "Always be prepared." True, yet there is caution or there are continuating circumstances to consider, as in the text above we should prepare for the benefit of others, for instance when appropriate making sure a snake bite kit is handy so others don't have to rescue us; and we should focus on Christ's guidance, not on chaos. As the Bible explains about going before the judge let your answers be yes, or no. To do this prepare through life by allowing God to prepare you so when the time comes to step forward you can help your accusers righteously find their applicable lot in life according to God's Word (rather than to be perceived by them as being according to you: Reference: Bible Book of Mark Chapter 9 verses 37 through 50).

I had a dream that I was quickly rising, blissfully, perhaps hundreds of feet off the ground, then for seemingly no particular reason but chance, although I was still rising, I suddenly started worrying about falling; and I awakened out of sleep.

We can prepare, yet chance exists. We like a little spontaneity in our lives, which makes life more interesting. Chance can bring greater happiness or less happiness, yet God does not let things happen to us to great for us to bear. Your weeping shall turn to laughter (Reference: Bible Book of Luke Chapter 6 verse 21) for your edification along with the reverse (ib. verse 25).

So we have two areas of airline safety:

Preparation is internal, you control it. Chance is external and you don't control it, yet given results of chance, you can control those.

Now that we understand safety, let's see what levitation is. A boat is a little bit about levitation, a plane is more, and a helicopter is much more about levitation.

Levitation is about an entity being much lighter than it's environment and/or an environment being much heavier than an entity, on a relative scale. On an absolute scale, levitation may simply be where entities exist (and/or move) according to creation design (perhaps God scheduled Christ to appear at a certain place in the Universe at noon on a certain day according to God's time frame), since it is reasonable to believe God has fixed points (Reference: Bible: various prophecies).

Therefore, if we want to levitate ourselves or if we want to levitate something, we can hope for the chance (including perhaps, learning about levitation from the results of that applicable chance). Or we can plan.

In planning we can start by learning from the experiences others have gained (hence unselfish documenting and disclosing of your works for others to see is important in helping them), such as walking on water, ascension into heaven, and rising from graves, to name a few. Also, being where levitation would occur includes prophecies and predictions.

There is only one Christ Jesus through which levitation is possible, yet there are many situation specific methods pertinent to particular levitation experiences.

Let me tell you about levitation experience relative to my good friend Frank Manno. Frank grew-up near my Grandmother in a neighborhood revered for strong Christian ethics, called Cubbage Hill, Carnegie, PA.

Frank and I played at the same playground, worked at the same laboratory, and oversaw work at the same nuclear power plant. Together performing our nuclear work, our friends likewise were involved in nuclear and/or similar high tech fields and were very aware of logical progressions being separate from fantasy, as our responsibility for many lives depended on it.

Frank was no exception to Christianity, as he was revered by some of these experts for signs and wonders following him (Reference: Bible Book of Mark Chapter 16 verse 17).

In other words, good things happen around people of good will. For example, one day I visited him and together for an instance we both saw something similar to a ball or burst of light in the center (perhaps 6" diameter), with a tall aspect that had form similar to the side of a pillar (the other side, top, and bottom were less defined). It was perhaps a foot or two tall. The bottom of it was a couple of feet above the floor.

We knew about natural ball lightening [Note: reportedly made in experiments using a train, years previous], ionization fields, nuclear flashes, electromagnetic flux phenomena, and so on. Unexplained per that reasoning, my best guess is it was a manifestation of a miracle.

Although it was energy, it was in a levitated position and stationary. But it likely takes more than one amazing event to get a reasonable person to say what one person said at one social function, particularly when it could be an embarrassment to various people and organizations represented there.

When sane, intelligent, respectable people arrived at a Christmas Party held by a Cleveland Electric Illuminating representative, one man I had not previously met loudly said "Frank, levitate that Christmas Tree."

Somewhat used to being amazed by Frank, I quickly chided: "That would be showing-off." With amazement the man said to his wife, it's true, they know he can do it.

Dear Reader of this Sermon, when you levitate someone or some thing, I want you to know why you're doing it, and understand that all good comes from God. Whether you're lifting someone's spirits, or soaring with the angels, remember what Christ does for you.


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