How to Hypnotize People.
An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff February 1, 2003.
Moments ago, having completed their experiments in space, the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded over Texas, killing the crew, including the first Israeli passenger, and spreading toxic waste over a large area. We pray: Good God Almighty, your wisdom far exceeds ours, thank you for watching over their souls, and thank you for giving us experience so that we might better help others more expediently find Jesus Christ in the future.
President George W. Bush said we must not "experiment" on people, in his State of the Union Address, Tuesday. Yet from a young child's dare, to international peace keeping, experiments on people continue.
Government is about people, the body. Christianity is about good, higher reasoning. Anyone can have higher reasoning, it's free, you don't have to read a book to get it. Government is about proving that you have it. Government proof involves physical and mental signs, such as revealed by tests, experiments, and other indicators. A sign from heaven should not be ignored.
The President certainly had his heart in the right place when he said he didn't want experiments done on people. If the President had dwelled on details of this idea, he would have expounded the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Yet Christ is about action, acts of God, with authority and words from on high. Christ is about a small rudder turning a great ship. Christ is about life.
Experiments are not bad things. Badness is about bad things.
If you want to learn about what badness is, and you study badness, you will find confusion. If you study goodness you will find higher reasoning and you will know the difference.
It is good to follow Christ. If Christ puts a President over us, it is good to work to help that President righteously so we might follow righteously.
Likewise, Christ gives us power over people, it is good to work righteously for goodness, in line with higher reasoning.
Hypnosis involves the Subject, the person being hypnotized. Sometimes hypnosis also involves one or more other people.
While preaching the Word of God is about higher reasoning, hypnosis as popularized historically has been about relatively lower motor response mechanisms.
Jesus Christ wants people to have good decision making abilities. Similarly, yet with an important difference, a person working to hypnotize their Subject typically wants the Subject to do as told. Let's work to do better, especially when controlling another person.
One person may easily become a Subject while another person may not, just as one person may be able to hypnotize better than another person.
While hypnotizing may be according to teaching skills, being a Subject may be according to learning skills, with an important exception. Before being hypnotized, people typically understand that if they are hypnotized then the person hypnotizing them will have them, the Subject, do something they don't normally do.
For instance, around 4 years old I assisted in controlling hypnosis group experiments (see UFOs / Air Force discussion). Such included a volunteer Subject that was made stronger than normal in some respects. Many factors were covered, such as abnormal demonstrated muscle control via the Subject being ordered to be stiff as a board, and then she was placed prone between two chairs (repeated out of hypnosis, she moved arms and legs for balance). Another factor was fearlessness relative to loss of balance. Another factor was sensory / pain control, such as when pin pricks were performed.
With all this taken into consideration, it is easy to see why some people do not become hypnosis Subjects easily. As in the Dream Logic Sermon, rhythms of survival instincts are triggered, preventing sensory depravation and/or deep meditation.
Compare this fact with the general public concensus on ethics, education, and religion.
Government interest in this was heightened when the impact of subliminal messages developed.
In other words, people became more easily influenced and controlled when the people had no idea they were being controlled.
The Bible 3 Nephi Chapter 14 verse 24 talks of being wise, adding to that Proverbs Chapter 14 verse 15 talks of looking where you are going.
Being alert involves mental preparedness in higher reasoning in logical future planning and strategic readiness in good guidance. This is done with reliable textbook type information, as noted in the Bible verses above, applied to current activities to derive future values.
Therefore, via the logical process of elimination, to hypnotize with the least Subject resistance and with the greatest benefits for all parties, efforts toward prediction and better yet, toward prophecy, are most worthy of efforts.
Learned responses, such as engrams, come from automation of thought processes repeated. A person's mental and physical activities are patterned on these (inclusive of group interactivity and guidance mechanisms). This contributes to what makes a good leader.
Via the process of elimination abstract, someone reasonably seeking to be a good leader that for instance improperly mentally limits themself to prediction only (ignoring prophecy), forms and reinforces engram patterns less capable of abstract reasoning, the very solution they originally sought.
Famous cases exist of people going into a trance. Usually such is a daydream state of seemingly little value (it may recharge and/or refresh brain activities). Sometimes with the trance state, great solutions are revealed, such as medical cures. Such can be self-applicable, or can apply to others for their benefit.
Great success was found with basketball players that were told to picture the ball going in the hoop: so their practice mentally was found important in addition to their physical practice.
While there have been many attempts, it is my understanding that I have never been hypnotized, other than such as daydreaming.
A Subject can choose to hypnotize themself. As stated above, in my opinion, focus should be on Jesus Christ and goodness.
One person told me they had trouble falling asleep, so through perserverence they repeatedly worked to hypnotize themself. Night after night they would focus on comforting blankets covering them. Then they said it started to work and they would fall asleep. Having mastered it, they said now they could fall asleep at will. Since this person was an Air Force pilot, needing to be thoroughly rested for their Strategic Air Command work, including experimental aircraft tests, it is good they found a good solution.
Your autonomic responses have almost certainly produced tunnel vision, at times, such as on a long road trip late at night. So we can understand that you can be hypnotized, whether you like it or not.
A person working to hypnotize someone selectively filters non-essential (to the purpose of hypnosis) information, such as discussion of an explosion, an alarm clock, or other exciting distractments.
Some religions, such as some Eastern religions as found in India, focus on a word, "Om" [an idea about perfection] and chant it slowly and repeatedly, while sitting in yoga's lotus position, as with legs crossed high and hands just above the shoulders. Another Eastern religion focus in on a clear crystal. They believe one should be as the crystal and information should flow through similarly, with focus not on the self. Such is for entering a trance state.
People claiming to be spiritual mediums are typically known for dark rooms with focus on a crystal ball (and other general weirdness for various control purposes). For instance when I was in New York recently, I met with such a person (she said she was also a Catholic) and we discussed many areas and she held a seance for paying customers.
I recommend Christ involvements, keeping in mind we can learn from others without jeopardizing our principles.
Often you may find a modern hypnotist using strategies similar to the above, such as having the Subject(s) surrounded in darkness, drawing their attention to one small shiny object. The object may be a distant candle light (it may cause safety/vision problems), a shiny pocket watch (perhaps swinging), or perhaps the shiny object is the hypnotist's eyes.
These work to establish tunnel vision, or the threshold of hypnotism. The hypnotist will typically calmly talk, authoritatively commanding the Subject to focus only on the object, and on their tiredness. When the object is no longer needed, the situation controlling hypnotist will see the eyelids flutter and allow the Subject to close their eyes and move into a deeper trance.
To test if the Subject is under hypnosis, for instance, the hypnotist may repeatedly tell the Subject how to not feel, such as: your legs are so deeply asleep you can't feel them. Then the hypnotist might lightly jab their foot with a pin (not recommended) to see if they react, although the Subject may be able to fake it.
The hypnotist would not tell the Subject they are about to be stabbed, as the Subject may awaken. The hypnotist would only say things to comfort the Subject toward the desired goal, such as to quit smoking; such as you are dreaming of floating on a cloud of flowers restfully, only the cloud is too smoky and you have trouble seeing the flowers. And so on, the hypnotist reinforces the hypnotic state and the goal.
For various reasons, the hypnotist might tell them to forget part or all of their hypnotic experience.
More at the end of the session, the hypnotist just focuses on the goal, such as saying when you awaken someone will offer you a cigarette and you will say "No. Smoke gets in my eyes."
The results can be amazing for someone who has never been around hypnosis.
More technical approaches can involve brain wave monitoring, the introduction of signals (mind control {including erasing or frying the brain}, such as causing a person smell an odor not present in their air space), and drugs. Of course any such experimentation should be for good, such as to help a patient recover from some pertinent problem.
Many pro and con legal and medical discussions may be found in this regard, such as regarding Leavenworth activities, and activities in Brazil and elsewhere.
Related issues include NASA Biocybernetics, spy device implants, MRI research, and much more.
Did you waste your life or are you doing something useful? How will you use hypnosis? Who will entrust greater powers to you? Do good everytime you do something.
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