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Mind Control.

An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff February 17, 2003.

Updated February 24, 2006 (see bottom of page).

Updated June 1, 2006 (see bottom of page).

Updated April 11, 2007 (see bottom of page).

"Elijah does come"...--Matthew 17.11

"Jesus said to him, 'Go; your son will live.' The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went his way."--John 4.50


  • Authority from Above
  • Personal Mind Control
  • The Future of Mind Control

  • Authority from Above

    Gifts of the Spirit

    Some people believe that the first quote at the top of the page, "Elijah does come", indicates a choice: that you can choose to believe it or you can choose to not believe it.

    Yet given the second quote, "Jesus said to him, 'Go; your son will live.' The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went his way.", some people believe there is no practical choice: they must believe or suffer the consequences of losing their son.

    Yet both quotes came from the same Bible, of the same Authority. If the Authority is genuine, then the Authority is divinely logical, and therefore complete in logic divinely. Therefore all parts constituting the whole of it's divine logic apply.

    Save for the grace of God, Jesus Christ, a breach of choice in one portion of the divine logic, has the same consequences as a breach of choice in another portion of the divine logic (unless otherwise indicated by that divine logic).

    Therefore, logically if one quote is believed, the other must also be believed. Therefore divine mind control controls all parts of the true believer, while the true believer believes voluntarily. Likewise, the true volunteer is dwelling in the hope for others rather than for self gain.

    This is positive mind control known as positive reinforcement.

    This way each party works together with one following the same path, for the same purpose, toward the same goal, with the same hope, and the same reward, unified in mind as one. Here the authority and the subject, the leader and the follower, the buyer and the seller, each and all pull together whether per required mind control and/or by free thinking.

    The free gift of God is Jesus Christ who showed us how to work together in spirit through first honoring Jesus Christ our Savior.

    This concept is not to be deluded or confused with ancillary discussions such as a soldier honoring their unit or a prisoner honoring their captor, since these incidentals may or may not be on the true path to righteousness that is Jesus Christ.

    In other words, for a soldier to honor their unit above all else is wrong unless their unit is one with Jesus Christ. For instance, one soldier might honor a unit that is truly honorable, such as with the soldiers known as reliable disciples of Christ; while the opposite situation exists for another soldier who might honor their unit know by the majority as a terrorist faction.

    Therefore the honor of Christ is first and foremost. Since the chain of command can be broken, and since legal political jargon can be misinterpreted, and for many more reasons, it is first important to be one with Christ, so that if the enemy corrupts a secret code and gives false information, the person receiving the information can better mentally deduce to wisely control the situation.

    Some subordinate authorities give correct and/or contrary information to test their units to serve a higher purpose than the test. Even so, personal mind control must be ordered to freely place reliable Jesus Christ first.

    In controlling your own mind in this way you optimize your power, abilities, and vision for the future.


    While divine authority promises eternal rewards for all followers, government mind control authority is per agreement among elected and appointed officials, with rewards given to the government in authority and then to it's constituency.

    This is the opposite of divine authority giving rewards to followers who are immediately empowered to write [or speak] the authoritative law [or word] with the supreme and final empowerment of only divine authority rewarded [glorified] later in the end time.

    Voters are selected from among the subjects of government according to incumbent vote pattern recognition. This works to stabilize government, a necessary element in empowering it's authority, since patterned thinking protects people. For instance, changing the placement of stop signs at intersections causes accidents.

    Whether stated or inferred, successful campaign issues and platforms are likewise derived from agreement among incumbent parties. Hence, parties are working to control incumbent and media thought to gain straight ticket voting for their respective party. Media entities advocating and positively responding to a party's thrust are given breaking news stories by the party, reinforcing that belief system.

    When government operates smoothly, voters are happy to reelect incumbents. Therefore it is in the interest of incumbents to focus campaigns on benefits for the stable majority of voters.

    One such parameter is age related, since youth are not as used-to the system and therefore more likely to change it. Therefore incumbents would focus on voters over 40 (and new candidates would focus on people under 60 to some extent depending on the current situation).

    So incumbents work to ensure voters of senior status have a positive associative response connected with their name. The successful incumbent may find that the senior voters would therefore voluntarily work to reward themselves by voting for the winning incumbent. Such reward extends to their family and friends (other seniors).

    Similarly, parents encourage children to do chores, explaining their [lack of torture] survival and their well-being (such as allowance pay, inheritance, and/or freedom) [positive reinforcement] depends on their doing those chores. (In mind control terms, note the similarity of word roots, for the word "inheritance" and the word trance).

    So the governing entity sells hope and buys stability and perpetuation of their authority and the system mind set.

    Yet the bartering, or the buying and selling of hope, has little to do with supply and demand for electoral candidates, as those factors are preset; that is, if one state wants to be better than the other states, it cannot choose to have three federal senators, since it is limited to two, even if demand in that state is more than all other states combined.

    So we find subjective minds controlled by legal indicators and parameters.

    Objective minds of the elected officials and other leaders change from group of ideas/person to their personal interpretation of consensus in theory and/or their personal goals (possibly for their constituency and/or the greater good).

    So we see mind control change from God the one person Jesus Christ with each person's voluntary one decision at a time seeking of righteousness, to governmental official candidacy of a person with their collection of decisions, to the elected official opinion consensus, to the subject subordination to the law.


    Image is key to business success. The voluntary perception customers have for a given business controls their mental determinations as to the extent that they will do business with a business.

    The customers' voluntary mind control allows them to do business with the situation specific business image or business type. Such mind control includes the business having met legal, financial, and other concerns working together to form the desired image type.

    Many people think they have to out-guess the customer, the competition, the other team, and so on, or similarly that they have to predict the future.

    Such guesswork counteracts long range planning, and it causes an irregular company image and risk factor.

    Rather than guessing, proper mind control offers customers optimal solutions. This includes control over the risk factor.

    Since a customer isn't worried about a profit if it means the loss of the image they worked so hard to achieve, it is clear there is more to business than financial considerations. Better stated, there is more to business than immediate gratification.

    Image often has little to do with financial considerations. One person would rather own and run a low profit business than be a high paid employee of a business that abuses people. Another person would rather work for low pay in a white collar job than own a high profit blue collar business.

    Rather than make a million bucks, some people would rather spend a reasonable amount of time with family, and with church and with other volunteer groups.

    In the old days, top corporations wanted to see at least several civic affiliations on an applicant's resume. They wanted not only word-of-mouth connections, they also wanted reliable people and this was a good indicator.

    Today and likely continuing into the near future, top businesses motivated in part by computerization, have become increasingly interested in very specific financial indicators, such as personnel certifications. This way the company's Chief Financial Officer can attach a worth or monetary value to the employee, with more precision so they can more accurately make company growth rate projections for the future, including knowledge management.

    Knowing fixed points of individual employee mental capabilities, greater collective knowledge and control can be deduced for a company division, and accurate value for the entire organization can be established confidently.

    If the business found normal knowledge levels in all areas except one, it could provide education toward certification incentive for employees in that area. With certifications achieved, the company's financial bottleneck could be eliminated.

    Having done this, a new company image could be established. Rather than simply relying on the historic track record of their profitability, new projections could be made reliably increasing overall company value exponentially.

    Just as some organizations don't want a mentally weak link in their structure, the opposite can also be true, that they often don't want superior intellect. If bright people don't submit to mind control, they risk being fired or mistreated.

    For instance, years ago my friend Eric, a brilliant nuclear inspector, arrived at a nuclear plant and started finding many violations. His boss had been there a long time and didn't know what to do. Eric was immediately fired.

    You have likely had advice to not become over qualified. While the person giving that advice likely tried to help you out of love, yet there is a better way.

    To coin a phrase, the big three of business mind control revolves around the boss, financial, and image. Typically, the employee's, including government employees, immediate financial superior wants to be the image of king, so the employee would control their own mind to not say anything to rock the boat, and would concentrate on profitability to help even peers get raises; since opposing teamwork, peers at work are typically viewed as competition.

    So we deduce that divine mind control is for helping everyone, government mind control is for helping the majority in agreement, and business mind control, including government employees, is for helping boss and business image for financial rewards, and to help provide solutions to those customers the business has targeted through advertising.

    Personal Mind Control

    Survival Instinct

    Eons and generations prior your birth, what would eventually become you is a successive set of survival instincts became established in you to control your mind.

    As provided by Jesus Christ, these include interest in pursuing life, liberty, and happiness. To do this your genetic constituents developed physical growth parameters, biological antibody weapons, and reproductive resources, to name a few, within your brain.

    Thoughts contrary to your genetic formula not only cause chaos, such as emotional problems, but are even be physically impossible within reasonably practical parameters, similar to asking a car to fly (without special circumstances).

    Physically impossible ideas are reinforced for survival purposes. Therefore it is normal for the physical brain to out-smart everything else to protect itself. For example, if it is believed that it is physically impossible to survive an excess, to protect itself the brain would shut-down applicable areas and the person might faint.

    So if a person has excessive enlightenment, their brain might be overwhelmed, and while opposite of survival concerns, resultant physical manifestations may appear the same. For instance, with the discovery that their child survived a disaster, a parent may faint.

    This controls the personal mind to the extent that it establishes physically delimited mental parameters.

    Therefore, unless extenuating circumstances are involved, the brain and the mind are one in scope of ability and the brain controls the mind.

    Learning Tactics

    Just as words can be typed into a computer, the mind can type words into the brain, if permitted by the brain. Such permission is not only allowed, but is mandatory, since development of the brain has found the mind interprets sensory data in reasoning to protect the brain. Hence the brain and mind are no longer one.

    Given it's freedom from the brain, the mind can work to provide constructive or destructive activities from the brain's survival point of view. For instance, the mind may choose to endure a temporary injurious activity (by mistake, or) for long range planning purposes.

    So the mind, at least to some extent, can override the brain's natural mind control criterion.

    So the mind may want to educate not only the brain, but also appendix, the lungs, the cells, and other. So with concentration the mind may instruct the brain to respond accordingly, such as perhaps with physically taking food supplements, exercise, and so on. For example, to have a smart lung, the mind might think the first righteous step is to have a healthy lung. For another example, a certain cockroach has two brains, one in it's head and one in it's tail, so if it's head is smashed, the cockroach can continue to live, perhaps for a week; during which time and although it's function / mental controls are less, it theoretically could mate and reproduce.

    Strategic Emulation

    Praise the Lord. Even more excellent ways are already available. We can choose to improve our minds, for instance, through communications with others.

    Regarding suicide, for instance, great success has been realized when a person becomes a Christian and so changed, they no longer consider suicide as previously. They will begin to think not for themself but for the glory of God.

    Via communications, we can discover other pertinent fields. Such as the tale goes, on a slave ship the slaves didn't know how to work the machinery, so if they tried to overthrow the ship they would expect to perish, but since they were perishing anyway, one day they decided to plan to take control of the ship, and from that day forward their numbers of suicides dropped.

    So via communications we find that we do not have to rely on our own mental abilities and controls, but can rely on the experiences of others, and their knowledge. By doing so, we can collectively expand our mind control to encompass all fields of expertise.

    Furthermore, we find that we can optimize mind control through understanding information sources and classifications, so we may think to toward perfection and/or to emulate perfection, and/or reasonably known optimization.

    The Future of Mind Control

    Medical Devices

    Just as there are internal brain / body limitations as stated in the Learning Tactics Section above, there are introduced brain / body modifications occurring naturally or synthetically.

    Natural modifications include intentional brain modification, such as resultant from eating, breathing, sensing, and so forth. Unintentional brain modification may come from chance and/or unexpected input.

    Synthetic modifications are generally thought as being medical, yet can come from other conditions, such as natural mind control via synthesis of a zygote.

    Medical efforts to control the mind have been around since the dawn of mankind. As we discover more about gene coding, for instance, we discover more about knowledge and memory transference, such as via exchange of bodily fluids, skin grafts, or rib control (such as a wave series rib).

    The effects of drugs on the mind were known, since knowing what was food and what was poison was certainly important. Categorizing drug types and effects continues.

    With the dawn of modern civilization, such as with Egyptian, Incan, and other cultures, mind control stepped forward into brain control safely. That is, the Mayan civilization reportedly had the first known successful brain surgery recoveries, at least to the extent that skulls found show bone regrowth at trepanned excavations.

    Medical devices implanted directly into the brain have resulted in direct cause and effect controls. By the flip of a switch, a patient can be told what to think.

    The patient, or subject, could be made to immediately twitch, have a bowel movement, or be thirsty. The subject could be made to think they heard something, that was actually just the implant signal, and not heard from movement of their ear drum. Aside from subject mind control, listening devices could also be implanted, as with espionage and concensus mind control of nations.

    Cloning involves mind control from the physical point of origin within the given body structure. So, for instance, if creation of a better brain is desired, the work would be to combine the genetic traits of the desired knowns.

    If voters of a particular party affiliation are found having a particular genetic code combination, that trait may be included or discluded.

    If a particular genetic code combination represents a particular race, that race may be increased by cloning. Or if more people are desired having the traits of being anxious to work reliably, while being anxious to be kept as slaves, cloning may create armys and nations of such.

    Change, whether cloning or other, is not bad, unless the change is to permanently change that which is good.

    The above is scary, just as when a pedestrian suddenly sees a car approaching. So we must be thoroughly aware of goodness before called upon to decide righteously: we must prepare ourselves so that we rightly only fear good God, so we may instantly act rightly for any given situation.

    Forceful mind control to make a person vote a certain way, or to make a person docile, or to make a person have extra arms and hands can sound scary at first. You can rest assured that someone will come along and say we must do this, because of that. So that is why you must work for the greater good.

    Do you remember how crazy it sounded when the person you knew and loved, your beloved parent or guardian, said they were going to leave you to go to work. Initially it didn't make any sense at all. Later you understood the greater good.

    Let's start with what you know. You don't want destroy all forests, yet you know that if you visit a forest, a branch may fall on your head and destroy you.

    Therefore you are smart enough to know that more than one viewpoint should be considered, or you suffer the consequences of making an uninformed decision. Reliance on experts in the field is good, but you, of course, know that is not enough. Experts, for example, can tell you how to raise your child, yet you would decide for yourself (for the child) how to raise your child.

    You may know of special circumstances of which the expert was not aware.

    Moreover, you should work to become, and then you should become, an expert in all fields. It is easier than you may think. Christ has already suffered for you. Rely on Christ.

    Computerized Unity

    You are valuable, and your work is not alone. Others are working together with you, your goals and desires are one.

    The Internet created a great leap in communications. You can use a search engine to find mind control discussions, and may find discussions on Brazilian mind control implants, such as the alleged case of their implant into a US Judge, or alleged Leavenworth cases.

    Such mind control implants with consent is relatively easy, as compared to mind control implants without consent. Yet in this author's opinion, more than just a fad or fashion, everybody in the future will want to be cybernetic and connected to the Internet.

    Imagine a world changed by just a little implant, advising a starving person the quickest way to get food, and advising the lost on which way to go, and automatically advising the brain how to best repair an injury.

    We don't want implants yet, we know technology is not sufficiently reliable for experimentation with our brain(s). And we know that today there are not sufficient safeguards in place to protect us from those who would do us harm by intent or by accident.

    Yet some day...we will give away control freely, and we will live freely, because new reliable filters will be in place and you will have power over screening that which you consider valuable from that you find less valuable. And we have control of power and like-mindedness for all people because we and they will have new understanding of how to properly share joyfully.

    Old ways of party affiliation, government, language, and individual selfishness will pass away, and we will freely give away the new powers we've accumulated, on behalf of Christ, only to find newer, greater powers. Even Christ will come and be with us.


    Some people want to be in charge of a nation, I say be in charge of the solar system. Be responsible for the actions of all people to the best of your ability, and that ability is infinite through God, that is, through your mind control to follow Christ in Word and in spirit; as your spirit dwells in the Holy Spirit.

    Because of reinforcement via righteousness, the Holy Word is greater than other communications. The mind control of God, issuing forth God's Holy Word is greater and more powerful than bodies, matter, and other material things. Remember, electromagnetic waves can carry far smaller bits of information than the smallest known particle; and on the other hand electromagnetic waves can carry far larger and/or greater bits.

    While the creator's and God's authority can catch the smallest computer virus signal, God's power can also form the most powerful signal ever: clean and pure and life giving.

    So God's word can easily transcend matter, and this understanding is yours. Even skeptics can figure it out. Believe the Holy Power and believe the Holy Word.

    After you control your mind and follow Christ for Christ's glory, you will find new respect and appreciation for logic, life, love, and devotion. You don't have to wait to be surrounded with goodness. You can start your adventure now!

    Good God, please give the reader of this sermon the ability to properly control minds of people, including their own mind, to help them, for your greater glory through Jesus Christ, Amen.


    Update added 2/24/2006:

    Mind Control experiments using LSD on people without their knowledge, by the Secret Intelligence Service, included such things as administering "LSD at least twice a week". Last night a spokesman said per legal actions, payments would be made to the victims (:ICCDBB Affiliate ANC). February 24, 2006.


    Update added 6/1/2006:

    Mind Control experiments using LSD were reportedly conducted by the US CIA, such as by a Canadian doctor who erased a person's memory to that point of time. It was done by severe and repeated electrical shocks, daily, for 2 weeks, supposedly to cure the patient's depression in at least one case. This is according to a recently televised special. Today ICCDBB Affiliate ANC News posted an article on mind control involving microscopic robots, otherwise known as nanobots, in the fields of biotech and nanotech. Such devices could monitor thinking (click for the ANC page with the article) and could control thinking by introducing signals throughout brains. June 1, 2006.


    Update added 4/11/2007:

    "Love For Sale: Addiction / Memory:" is the title of a news article involving Mind Control published by It illustrates and discusses the findings that mental activities, such as involving love and memory, often occur in specific parts of the brain, including distinguishing men from women. In Biblical perspective, the risen are neither male nor female, rather as Angels, as One: A part of the brain and a part of the mind focused on love and sex matters is sufficient (see also news articles on addiction, and on One properly prioritized comprehensive quality system), yet rather: fill your whole heart mind spirit and soul with love: be One. Be a part of God, rather be One with the Lord, at Peace with the Lord. Even materials made by man have memory and spring back to proper form, even the grass of the field bends under pressure of the breeze and then springs back to it's proper goal. Spring your mind toward peace with One Lord Jesus Christ. Input can affect the mind, therefore logically, the mind can affect input: even disciples produced cloth and those that touched the cloth were healed: those pieces of cloth were transformed: they were given better loving memory: memory of love is outward. Even a lady touched the garment of Jesus Christ and was healed: mind control outwardly: forming the active "Memory" of Love.


    For related mind control information (no affiliation unless otherwise stated), click here.


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