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Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium

The Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium is a large Aquarium famous for its breeding and conservation of rare species. They began planning to house Orcas in the mid 1990's, and actually began construction of a large pool in 1998. They have been looking for Orcas from a variety of sources since then. After being turned down in Norway, they have now turned to Russia. Currently, Nagoya has permits and people to capture the whales for them, and will likely take 6 wild Russian whales to stock their facility.

Nagoya's pool is very large. The main pool, used mainly for performances, is 198 feet long, and 98 feet wide. It is 39 feet deep. The oval side pool, used mainly for breeding purposes, is also 39 feet deep. The round side pool, to the left of the breeding pool, is also 39 feet deep, and has underwater viewing windows for guests to observe the whales. There is also a medical pool, and 3 connecting pools that house Dolphins.