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We collect Magic: The Gathering cards.  We are always looking for new cards to add to our collection.  We prefer to trade for these cards, either with beanies or Pokemon or other Magic cards.  We also prefer to trade for large amounts of cards.  
Currently we have Pokemon Base 2 cards to trade and are also looking for some. Below is the list of what we have and what we need.
We need the following:
Rare Holofoil: Blastoise ~ Gyarados ~ Hitmonchan ~ Nidoqueen ~ Ninetales ~ Scyther
We have the following for trade:
Rares:  Many please e-mail for list
Uncommon:  Many Please e-mail for list
Common:  All
Rare Holofoil: Clefable ~ Nidoking ~ Venusaur ~ Poliwrath
We also have sealed booster packs of 1st edition Team Rocket

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