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A Treasury of New Brunswick Art and Stories


Willie O'Ree
Fanny's First Teaching Position
Martin Cass Reflections
Remembrance Day
A Bear Story
Hanna Amelia
John Baker
Camp Magaguadavic
The Day the "Babe" Visited Fredericton
Guiding Bill
Charlie Van Horn
The Boyce Farmers' Market
Stories by Bill Wyton
The Legacy of the Chestnut Canoe

Sample Illustration
Willie O Ree

Bruno Bobak, Marjory Rogers Donaldson, Cheryl Bogart, Ralph Olive, Russell London, Ian Smith, Lloyd Fitzgerald, Ted Michener, Mary Pratt, Nick Gallagher, Jeff Starr, Clive Roberts, Alex McGibbon, Pat Mills, John Maxwell, Stephen May, Lars Larsen, Neil Moffatt, Phil Vincent