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Game err.. Stuff
- Reviews
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- Rare Rumours
- Fake Screenshots
- Tower of Tragedy
- Monkey Mansion
- Ask Ouromov
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Gamecube Previews
- Starfox Adventures Dinosaur Planet ::
- Kameo : Elements of Power ::
- Donkey Kong Racing ::
GBA Previews
- Banjo-Kazooie Grunty's Revenge ::
- Diddy Kong Pilot ::
- Sabre Wulf ::
- Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers ::





Here are two buttons for Rare Lair's affiliates to use. One Violent, one happy, you decide which one you'd like to use. A text link is also fine. Fine and dandy.






Visitors since June 1st 2001

This site is updated, ran and maintained by Jason "Jeice" Frost. RareLair consists of only the latest from Rare. Sorry, no oldies. Rare Lair is best veiwed in Internet Explorer with any screen resolution. If you disagree, then take it up with Gregg... (The guy in the middle of the banner with the blood soaked scythe.)
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Updated Friday 22nd Feb 2002 7:00pm Aus

Hello again. It has been quite a while since I last updated (over a month). But in a while I'll be updating properly because I don't have the internet at the moment and I'm updating using my friends computer. I'm really sorry to everyone who ever visits my site and has been wating ages for an update, but it's not my fault. Also the Tower of Tragedy is phukt up and thatr eally pisses me off. If you think you know how to fix it please email me. Once again sorry to every1. Bye for now.

- Jeice - The guy who works on this site solo


Updated Monday 7th Jan 2002 5:00pm Aus

I've updated the Monkey Mansion I strongly recommend you go to or because this is the one game that I am looking more forward to than any Rareware game at the moment.


Updated Friday 4th Jan 2002 7:00pm Aus

Don't worry if you've done the Tower of Tragedy Xmas special, because I'll be putting up the Monkey Mansion up good and proper and it won't take 50,908,769 hours to load like the one with my previous layout, it will load up much quicker, but it won't be as snazzy and even worse it won't be as smelly.


Updated Wednesday 2nd Jan 2002 6:30pm Aus

Happy New Year even though I've updated one day late. There's a new Cheats section with quite a few cheats up for various N64 games under 'Game err.. Stuff' and there will be more to come for Gamecube and GBA. Well, I hope one of your New Year resolutions is to buy all of Rareware's upcoming games. It's certainly one of mine.


Updated Thursday 27th Dec 2001 8:00pm Aus

For Christmas I got some money to put towards to a Gamecube and a grey sock. I hope you all got what you wanted for Xmas, which, of course, is a Nintendo related product. The new site is now officially opened and looking good. Umm... Sign the Guestbook and you'll make Gregg happier (He didn't get any presents you see).


Updated Christmas Day 2001 12:00am Aus

Merry Christmas fellow Rare Lair viewers. There's some more updates underneath for some reason which were updated on days when the site wasn't even open yet. Weird. Like the new look? You do! Great! Well I opened the new site on Christmas Day which is pretty cool and there's tons of cool stuff to see. Tis a Jolly old season, but here in Australia it's actually hotter than Santa going

down a Chimney while the fire's still burning and most of you who are reading this are from the Northern Hemisphere. Anyway, Try the Christmas special of Tower of Tragedy and the Xmas Poll. There's a whole bunch of new Starfox Adventure pics and

I think you'll see that Starfox is looking up to be the best graphical splendour on the Gamecube thus far just by looking at the one above and clicking on it. I've still got some more pages to put up, so be patient. And umm... Ho ho ho! Have a Conkerific Christmas and a Nabnutty New Year from the Staff at Rare Lair.


Updated Monday 24th Dec 2001 4:50pm Aus

Hey ya'll. Jeice is back and with a spankingly new look Rare Lair. I know I haven't been updating that much lately, but I've been busy with the layout and end of year school stuff. Oh, I made Gregg wear a Santa Claus hat, I threatened to steal some of his stolen souls if he didn't wear it. He got pretty mad and cut up the logo as you can see, sorry about that. Well, enough talking about Gregg's crazy antics, look around and get a 'feel' for the darker and deeper lair... It's much more deeper than usual.


Do not take images or anything from RareLair or I will give you 13 years bad luck and you will never have sex and I will steal your soul for 3 years depending on how many things you took from my site or copied or whatever, so beware... © RareLair 2001 Jeice Frost
» Latest Stuff «
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:: Xmas T.o.T ::
The Christmas edition of the Tower of Tragedy is up and full of Xmasy Rare related questions for you to test your throbbing brain on. Remeber, you have to get at least 7/10 to get in to the Monkey Mansion. Good luck and a Ho ho ho to ya.


:: Diaper change ::
Eyrie made a peepee and a poopoo and our heroes have to clean up the mess and that's one big nappy
:: Secret Sentence ::
I made up a little competition. Look all around the Index and see if you find the hidden page where it will say the 'secret sentence'. It will say on the page what to do to get into the hall of fame, or the Monkey Mansion as I prefer to call it. Look at the extra special sections to see the mansion. I don't think that anyone will find it as it's hidden kinda well, but if you do, well done. It could be anywhere. On a picture link, a text link, an affiliate link, etc. The secret sentence is somewhere on the Index.
Who is your favourite Christmas character?

Nabnut the Squirrel in Winter
Boggy the Polar Bear
The Snowmen in Freezeezy Peak
Gobi the red nosed camel
Wozza the Walrus

Current Results