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GSFL ASSEMBLERS ARE NEEDED. Electronic Manufacturer in USA needs thousands of circuit boards made for their new invention. They pay $750/hundred. Single sided, 17 parts. Almost anyone can do it. Ask for info. No obligation. 100% legit.




Pleasant do at home available to anyone worldwide.

Dear Friend,

Are you seeking a rewarding second income? Would you like to set your own work schedule? Work the hours you choose? Earn extra income for your family? If so, then we may have the answer. Current statistics show that by the year 2010, 40-60% of the American work force will be working from home. Get a jump on your future and secure a job through us.

For additional info:


Has Corporate Downsizing Got You Concerned?
Are you looking for a Recession-Proof


Manufacturer of a popular product is looking
for responsible people to put together labor
sensitive electronic products by contract.

Honest work, fair pay, no selling.

We manufacture several electronic products and we farm out our assembly work to outside contractors.

Read letters from happy assemblers: (Scroll down.)

Attention PayPal account holders: We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, and PayPal payments securely, and hassle-free. Please click on the BUY NOW button below send the fee and your first package will be mailed immediately. Please be sure to add the CODE: NC76 If for some reason you can not print page 2 out simply send us a letter with your name, address and CODE GSFL



Letters from happy assemblers: (Scroll down.) Take a look at this:


My name is Len E. Frisch, I signed up in November. I received my first money in 3 weeks. I am making money with this. I tell you the truth; I never thought that I would, with all the dishonesty going on the Internet. I lost a small fortune on Work at Home offers before. Not one ever worked out. I am very pleased with OOInternational. I want to build up my volume to 200 Modulators weekly.


I am Michael L. Fannon. When I sent my sign up fee, everyone advised me not to. I gambled. I am glad I did. I make about 25 Modulators weekly now and I receive my money promptly.


My name is Felix Rogers, I am a schoolteacher. I do not have too much free time. I only spend a few hours on this and I still average $350 weekly. I hope I make more with it this summer.


After I signed up I found some bad postings against OOInternational. I know now that they either lied or exaggerated. I found OOInternational to be 100% on the level. I like the work. It is very easy for me. I receive my money on time. I am very happy with them. Signed: Andy Pauline.


I am one of your assembler from New Zealand. Yes, I do agree with you. Why should we pay heavy import-export tax? We do not export anything into New Zealand. The parts you send us in the Kits goes right back to US. No product is actually being exported nor imported. By not sending it via an official currier and just dropping the envelopes into the nearest mailbox really works. I never lost a single envelope yet. I am mailing 2-3 envelopes a day, 4 Modulators in each. I am receiving 3-4 envelopes daily with the Kits and my money. I am very pleased with this excellent system. Irwin Stewart, Magon Court Marketing.


My name is James Winkley. Owner of Islander Grill. I signed up. My first product did not work. I sent it to OOInternational with a letter. OOInternational helped me. They told me what I have done wrong. My second Kit I made was working just fine and I started making money with this program. It is great and I am pleased.


I was not doing well, (financially that is). I signed up using my credit card in November. It was just barely approved. I put all my income I receive from OOInternational back into my Master Card account and my available balance is up to $700. I am going into this Modulator building full time. Thanks OOInternational. Signed: Jeff Jenkins.


OOInternational told me that it would take 4-5 weeks before I make money with this. I guess they are very careful not to make exaggerations. I made money within 2 weeks. Since I did so well they are sending me 20 Kits at a time. Candy Fairfield.


I like this work. I was told in your advertisement that it will be difficult to do. I am a non-electronic person and it was very easy for me. I completed my first one in 25 minutes and it worked just like the Sample. Please send my pay and 5 more. Dimitre Papozov.


I started with OOInternational years ago. I can see now why OOInternational does not want you to post any letters on the Internet Bulletin Boards. I did post a nice letter recommending OOInternational. Since then I had to change my email address. Crazy people started E-mailing; one sent me an Email letter, 80-pages, trying to convert me to his religion. Another one sent me 26 pages, telling me that he did not like the rules OOInternational is operating by and he never signed up because of that. Anyway, I am very happy with OOInternational and they send me my money exactly as they said so. Signed; Matthew Ledberrer.


My name is V. James Kennedy, I just want to congratulate and thank your Service Department for their honesty. I sent in a nonworking unit. I asked them to help me with it. OOInternational repaired it and sent me a report about a minor mistake I made. They sent me my check and 5 more in record time. Thanks again! I really did not expected to get paid for this Unit.


Thank you for everything. I am making money and I am very happy with OOInternational. I just want to congratulate the owner for coming up with this super idea of farming out the assembling. I owned a manufacturing company before and I lost my shirt. Lawyers screwed me. Later I found out that the Judge who ruled against me was his law-school buddy. I wish I would have known about this farming out idea. I can see how you weed out the riff-raffs by charging a high fee. How high the fee is actually does not matter much since assemblers can recoup their investments within a very short time. I think you should charge $2000 and deal only with a very few dependable associates. Signed: Dax Berberian.


I received the FM Modulator and it works fine. I am excited about this opportunity. You don't know how skeptical I was about just sending off $250. Your product is great and I look forward to being a part of the team. I am sending you the letter you require in Step 3, will be looking forward to receiving my first FM Modulator. Again, thank you for this opportunity and keep up the great work. Obviously I am pleased with your responses and especially the product. Sincerely, John Barry.


My name is Barry Lamar Morrow, I am a very pleased assembler and so is my brother in law in Baton Rouge. I am enclosing another $250. Please sign me up the second time so I can receive twice as many Kits. I am setting up a production line in my basement.


I wonder if you heard about that radio show where they investigated hundreds of Work at Home offers and found all to be nothing but scam with the exception of OOInternational’s offer? I am glad that I signed up. I am earning more and more. Dimana Ziegler.
