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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

JESUS invites, hardly to follow, rather to properly lead (1 Corinthians 9.19 KJ)

such as people; and such as things including such as intelligent handmade things.

Some are lost as evidenced in their confusions and questions as if to tackle Heaven, though the pains they cause are better against Christian Leadership than against others lower that would lead them farther astray (Luke 14.13).

A secular person might have visited a Temple, looked, did not see the living Christ JESUS glowing, then left: as though of false advertising.

Christ JESUS said they "shall not see me" (Matthew 1.1) even if they take a candle into the Temple and tomb. Whether a visitor, or even if a high Church Position Holder and even if they ask "show us", they "shall not see" the Christ, JESUS, that is, at their choosing [so if otherwise] they hardly find Christ (Matthew 1.2). Also when pertinent: how to find a coin when the coin is already found (Matthew 6.5 HCS&NIV).

Invite Christ JESUS, yes, and with such yet rather properly precept on precept. Hardly be one way doing something when Christ JESUS would rather that You be another Way Doing something else, such as written in Matthew 1.1 of the True Prophet(s) say "Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord," [and Do:] in the clouds of heaven, and all the holy angels with him. Look, yes, though hardly look here when You are to be up there Doing With Christ JESUS.

Even so You may opt to suffer to continue through this Sermon.

Be as a light, even a Temple lightbulb with the beaming light pouring through like unto a finished egglike shell unto greater higher level living for all to be One.

There was The Resurrection Of JESUS Christ, and there is a "better resurrection" coming

[now in You Christian Leader, and in Your Christian Flock Members (see below text "better resurrections")]. Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the pattern of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found of candidates his son succeeded him. How to properly nuke Oak Island compared to the great pyramid levitation or 911 The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2 Television movies WALL STREET Stanley Weiser Oliver Stone Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas Bud Fox Charlie Sheen O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU James Bond Skyfall Sister Act ancient artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control Pope Bishops Nuns Women Come Out Of Cells. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. pico satellite technologies Egyptian Giant Pyramid Light Bulb

Christ JESUS provided that You not worship a thing of hands, such as a Temple, nor such as Charity things (Acts 19.12 APE). If appropriate in You (see Your Christian Church criteria, and concerning Your level of Christian Faith) Do make the things shown in the above Drawing, and rather the best and most important first (not only in the above Drawing) giving praise and thanks to and for the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Christ JESUS said "My Father"..."is greater than all" (from John 10.29), and "I and the Father are one" (from John 10.30).

How could the Father be greater than JESUS while One?, rather weep for the sinners that are not yet One (Matthew 5.4).

If You build a Temple, You are greater than the Temple. The Father In Heaven Created flesh, yet Pure Flesh In JESUS (including for instance under Earthly parental authority, and likewise under Elias).

The Firmament is not subject to a lower entity, rather under the higher authority. So if You manufacture lights, batteries, as such as the ancients did (hence no patent applies), then You gain a secular position over the Firmament over things You manufacture (responsibilities reasonably apply / law(s)).

You Christian Leader are over people and things, until any or all such become properly ascended and therefore One.

Today in this generation in the world, many live oppressed of situations, though many of their own doings (example John 21.18). Yesterday on television a crafts expert was making whirligigs. Yes it is alright to make such things for pleasant entertainment for others.

Yet be wise to rather understand some whirligigs are toward perpetual energy more than others. In other words, more than merely entertainment value(s), some things endure longer than others, and some have higher value(s) than others.

Christ JESUS would that You come to better appreciate and enjoy the functional beauty: beauty with highest purpose in Christ JESUS, though of course not be worship a lower value such as a sinner nor such as a false idol manufactured of clay.

They used to wrongly imagine that people flying and people levitating things was impossible (see above Drawing aloft pencil), though in Christ JESUS any and all things for Good High Purpose in Christ JESUS are Good (see above text "My Father"..."is greater than all" and yet "one"). The "aloft pencil" is as a penguin egg, for instance penguin lifts the egg and is in authority over the egg, and the egg is not able to be warm above the snow save of the higher power, and only after appropriately full development is the hatched perhaps to become such a parental authority able to lift an egg. Train Your computers and things properly.

Above Drawing lower left is a goodly symbol, James Bond movie Skyfall except secular, hence although filled with entertainment (according to taste(s)) is typically also filled with a swath of destruction. Character James Bond is a hollow life.

Higher ascending is for the rich in Holy Spirit Of JESUS. In the above Drawing middle is a hollow symbol.

Be Wise In Christ JESUS to understand some things can be lifted, though sin is not so motivated (viewpoint of Christ JESUS),

as the sinner views the self of values at times, though during such times is wrongly puffed up (Daniel 5.20) save if the sinner is toward full repentance (Acts 13.24).

The above Drawing giant lightbulb symbolizes the "Dendera light",

"The Dendera light refers to a theory regarding ancient Egyptian electrical lighting technology depicted on three stone reliefs in the Hathor temple at the Dendera Temple complex located in Egypt" (wiki),

and the large batteries symbolize similar ancient advances in civilization.

Advances civilization, technologically, and rather Eternally. Christ JESUS said write these things, keep records: the above light, batteries, metal symbol, and other are records: though only Worship JESUS. Keep the Christian Bible And Holy Records [at least until Final End Time (see below text)], though only Worship JESUS.

Above lower right are many ancient and also modern ways to ascend at least in the secular (value(s)).

Christ JESUS is shown without wings though in the midst of wings, and the painting symbolizes the Heavenly.

You are free to opt to be with wings, hence authority over such (see above text): ascend properly in Pure Body And With Pure Soul And Spirit: in all Way(s) possible and the best Way for Christ JESUS.

Your Christian Flock Members can offer better resurrections.

If a Christian saves more people Evangelistically, and gives more Charity, and Does more Christian things than some other Christians, then after their worldly vessel body is expired and with going into Heaven would the Christian be given a higher position than those "some other Christians"?, no, except if yes: the position is for whom it has been prepared (Matthew 20.23) such as according to the Faith of the Christian [such as demonstrated (Matthew 9.29)], for instance consider ..."Some men were tortured, not accepting release, so that they might gain a better resurrection," (from Hebrews 11.35 HCS) though this only applies to Christian Time now according to the Christian forming Heaven On Earth [and sky and outer space (also see text below on "End Time")].

If to suffer torture or death in order to gain a "better resurrections", or similarly if to perform Evangelism, Charity, and many Miracles in the name of the Christ, JESUS, it is to no such higher than Firmament avail (Matthew 7.22&23).

There are precepts, and a person must ascend properly. There are levels for accomplishing victories in Christ JESUS, and there are Firmament levels [(until from above granted permission to arise) though hardly an excuse to Follow instead of properly Lead].

Above there are levels (such as symbolized in the below Drawing upper right), though the things a Christian Does in this world hardly applies.

In Heaven is Oneness: Heaven is One: JESUS.

If to suffer torture and/or perform many Miracles in the name of the Christ, JESUS, then true, the Christian may create a "better resurrections", though here on Earth (and Known Universe...) as much as creating Heaven One Earth.

Though True Heaven Above, meaning without being amidst sin in the world (nor counted as though such, such as for instance with dust in the world),

is One, and any lower than that Firmament hardly would overpower Heaven nor the higher than Firmament Heavenly realms.

An employee for instance does not tell the boss what to do [(unless atypically the boss allows) toward special case and/or Miracle From Above].

A person does not go into the middle position over half of Heaven and command the lower part of Heaven to do things, it does not [normally] function those ways of individuals of individual positions.

Yet given time with temporary conditions in this world, Heaven On Earth is with Covenanting, such as proper Christian Baptism, Evangelism, Preaching, Ministering, and so on (hence of position holders).

Heaven above the Lower Firmament Of Heaven, is with no need in such Heaven to Covenant, Baptize, nor such since each and all in Heaven already are One

save the free opting of Heaven Perpetually from the beginning to outpour lovingly, raising more (Haggai 2.9).

Do Good now. You are free to opt if to Baptize, if to build a Manna Machine, if to build a perpetual type of help machine, and so on. Your Christian Heaven-On-Earth-And-Universe is with [people and] things of Your freely opted options available, often tied to Your given talents; yet higher is growing in Christian Faith to rely on the higher talent of the Above Holy Guide Christ JESUS. And rather One.

Show computers and machines why, and how, build smart perpetual motion vessels of increasing talents in Christ JESUS [(hence under Christian auspices of Christ JESUS) lest toward lack, sins, and pains]. Let the functional beauty be prepared, to be with such ..."from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord" ([Revelation 9.1 secular], rather [Personal End Time 2 Corinthians 3.18]).

In other words, properly add value for them to You that You may grant to them for their sakes (have Your Perpetual [or toward perpetual] Design for them alway) with not leaving undone the other [(such as food, machines,...note some are farmers, some are machinists, others have other talents) be a Good Host One]. With such Spirit In JESUS, Heaven can Do a Miracle and change a person and/or situation, though with such Spirit In JESUS You can change Your Own Vessel hence the pertinent Vessel Glory Level (of the whole You, greater than the former You, as much as Your Faith Path properly continues for Christ JESUS).

Your vessel changes.

A proper Christian Baptizer properly changes, from lower level glory to Baptized Christian Glory. A generation might for instance be two Christians and then a family of five Christians, from glory to greater glory. A Christian can have Charity with giving help where needed, and with giving money and things such as perpetual motion automatic helps, and so that Christian changes to greater glory, even more Eternal (or toward Eternal: reference practice, training,...). Properly adding for One High Christian Purpose In Christ JESUS is toward greater Spiritual ability.

Yet in Christ JESUS understand about secular level things and even that You are in the world, for instance You can light a light or even toward an eternal flame, though a situation might cause a disaster such as a dry leaf blown past and igniting toward problems.

The words can be as though harmless relative to a fire per se, even so give warmth to freezing people.

Comprehensiveness in Christ JESUS enables proper prioritizing in Christ JESUS enabling proper ascending in Christ JESUS.

Final End Time, rather opt to have better: Personal End Time.

Control Time. As written in Proverbs 10.27:

"The fear of Jehovah addeth days, And the years of the wicked are shortened" (YLT),

"The worship of Lord Jehovah will add days, and the years of the evil ones will be subtracted" (APE).

So in Christ JESUS the properly ascending entity is over time. When agreeing in Word And Work Of Christ JESUS the Christian Follower is free to opt to wait, though proper waiting is hardly of greater Miracle Work(s) save Mercy above on lower exhausted souls in need of recuperation, healing, and such. If not agreeing in proper ascending for Christ JESUS then the level above the entity, sometimes a Firmament, applies, such as a Firmament so that the entity be in accord with their Flock (Your Christian Church criteria applies, for instance a Church might leave something up to the specific household parents).

If You Pastor begin (Genesis 2.7) to properly build and toward grow a perpetual help machine, then You start a type of time machine. Perhaps You would rightly yearn that Your Christian Sermons and/or Ministry Work(s) be of value into the future for Christ JESUS: this enters into such as Your Christian Faith with future Christian(s) and/or those involved ascending from secular to become Christian [amount(s) of Christian Faith in them grows:] agrees.

The high level Christian agrees already, in their Heart, even knowing through time the proper Holy Word And Work as written in Leviticus 26.45 YLT:

Three keys apply in One, and the last (time) is greater than the first (time) yet first the last (time) purpose prior to starting the first (time)(complete Creation Plan): 1. Word, 2. Work, 3. High Purpose In Christ JESUS In His Image For The Spirit Father In Heaven.

A New Standard is coming.

In the above Drawing center is a vessel as a person though with extra attachments, wings (see below text "extra hand"). Buddha images vary, often showing many arms with hands holding multitudes of technologies, even associated with a nose that can hold (elephant head). Important in the coming New Standard Of Christ JESUS is the including of New From Old [(from old former interpretations delimited to vessels of such times back then) similar to steps as how a seed works to make a stalk, a stalk then has new work to make a leaf and ear of corn].

In the New Coming, is the Holy Spirit yielding the Word yet New In Living Christ JESUS with the Word then itself New (Prophetic) that the New Spirit Value Manifest Heaven In The Given Known Universe (toward: as a minimum) that Your senses be properly filled with Holiness though hardly too much that You be overcharged (e.g. melt wires, explode batteries, break crankshafts,...) in heart (Luke 21.34 JB2 & NHE) temptation. For example if a person shot in their heart needs a transplant and You are the only person around and only with a knife, You might love to give them Your heart, but if to cut out Your own heart then You normally would not be able to properly transplant into them.

In the below Drawing left is something many Christians like, the torch held high. Though the torch is a thing, not a person, not mere spirit alone. The extra arms and hands are similar though in Christ JESUS a Firmament applies, also a Firmament over wings (even at the Baptism Of JESUS):

Christian / Wings / [In a secular term "inorganic"] things.

For high purpose, a Christian higher than a bird with wings might put the bird in a cage that the cage be over the bird though for proper high purpose in Christ JESUS.

So the Christian Leader can have a free or captured bird. Similarly a Christian might have a golden record for higher reason than the bird level so might cage the record and/or the bird so the bird does not lower the value of the record. A Christian might have a torch and raise it above many birds or lower it for another high level purpose such as for a furnace.

Though in all these cases, there is the Christian High Purpose In Christ JESUS, and not in the extra arms nor wings nor "inorganic" such as a gold record.

Yet with this High Purpose In Christ JESUS is the Christian Bible Holy Record that continues [very long (not detailed here)], and yet Christ JESUS would that people convert in their Christian Heart unto the Living Christian Bible, the Holy Spirit Of Heaven With Christ JESUS One.

Heavenly realm to higher Heavenly realm, is as to say Pricelessness in the Christian Bible Record to higher value Pricelessness in the Christian Wise In The Bible Record. Stated in ratio form:

A level of Heaven : A higher level of Heaven :: Priceless thing level : Living priceless thing [vessel].

An application example is of the above Drawing lower right of flying things such as vessels known as UFOs such as with saucer shapes, similar to the below Drawing center below the Oak Island map, as the illustration shows the UFO saucer shape: the below is not the above UFO value unless the spirit is put into it appropriately (even like unto how progress is ongoing)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on rates).

The secular is often mired in confusion. You In Christ JESUS, Christian Leader can lead people unto new higher levels of Wisdom From The Holy Heart And Soul. A bird for instance hardly belongs under mud, and rather in the air, such as save if to be utilized for higher purpose in Christ JESUS as an underground air monitor.

In the Christian is the properly arranging of all for High Purpose In Christ JESUS. In the secular is often for other (see text below "shortcut" & "quality"). In other words, in the ascending Christian a new better orderliness appears (reference talents) including if to turn a vessel upside down such as to empty the hand of seeds. In the secular legalese conflicts a lawyer might intend for planting as a farmer does, while the other party might grill as if to plant weeds against the party. Let the Christian Leader hardly have time for the secular as evidenced in fact-of-law, yet rather for the "High Purpose In Christ JESUS".

The Proper Trust In Proper Christian Faith [allowing for errors Mercifully though according to High Purpose] is of the hand seeding within Christianity properly rather than "overcharged" the ways children test parental controls. Prefer to Do such with Leaping For Joy In Christ JESUS yet for their sakes such as if amidst the secular then step by step, even inch by inch (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS with a Drawing on "electrical diodes" at

So while greater precepts of New Christianity are also available, such are hardly accepted by many. The secular faces their own sinful wrath of Final End Time destructions (including time, see above text "days"), while Your Personal End Time faces Your New Beginning Plan (such as building a perpetual type machine for Charity)( JPS Tanakh 1917 [rise again "phoenix"] Fire Of True Holy Spirit).

From Charlotte, as written Your Orchard ascends (Matthew 12.42, with Matthew 5.45 [in Good is one resurrection] yet Doctrine and Covenants 76.17) even with refreshing invigorating new standard value coming for Christ JESUS [(Mark 10.30) in Your Flock Generation(s)].

From the ashes to purple cover [Creator Physics (Numbers 4.13)] to New Beginning(s) For Christ JESUS One. Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the pattern of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found of candidates his son succeeded him. How to properly nuke Oak Island compared to the great pyramid levitation or 911 The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2 Television movies WALL STREET Stanley Weiser Oliver Stone Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas Bud Fox Charlie Sheen O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU James Bond Skyfall Sister Act ancient artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control Pope Bishops Nuns Women Come Out Of Cells. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. How to build smart perpetual motion machines

Christ JESUS provided Physics that the upper left worked toward self destruction (above Drawing left, similar to Saddam Hussein having burnt the oil fields he had treasured and laid claim), rather for You Christian Leader to better understand how quickly the state-of-the-secular-art can be transformed from little energy to properly powerful energy in Christ JESUS such as for You to tap (reference maple syrup) properly power giant arks for thousands of years. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father, yet rather from greater Good to far greater Good as Christ JESUS unraveled for all.

Christ JESUS allows people dominion over the lower level anomalies, such as to cause a mouse to run through a maze. If so, did the mouse benefit, also more importantly did the people benefit, also most importantly was it the Will Of The Father Spirit In Heaven And Was It Done In The Name JESUS?, rather so Do if not yet, and let You Host be properly entered into the harvest work(s) of other(s), with proper allocating of time and talent, and appropriately responsible Mercy And Grace over the Hosting if to invite others into You Holy Of Holies which Physics might allow the invited to be destroyed if not properly accomplished.

If to bore a giant hole through the axis of Earth, to yield a donut shape, You could look from one side to the other and see it is backward, [spinning] traveling the opposite direction that You are trying to go, even though perhaps there was no sin involved, neither by You nor by Christians there. Yet in so boring, the hole allows You to personally directly look at Earth below, even though not moved, not ascended into outer space for such a viewpoint. You in Christ JESUS are already there, even everywhere, as strong as Your Faith: let it be the Faith Of Christ JESUS.

The sinners tell others, too much knowledge is bad (just yesterday on television similar was said). Truly, truly, it is according to the faiths of the sinners if any is bad (hence against the sinners)(if ignorance of the law is no exception for lawful Christians, then it is certainly no exception concerning sinners and law breakers; also see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at including on "censored Christians").

A hole through Earth seemed insurmountable (save higher level in Christ JESUS toward high Miracles, also at least in secular ideas), though in the above Drawing center Oak Isle unraveling includes sufficient bored pipeline length exceeds Earth's diameter in cities, not only modern cities, yet bear in mind ancient cities were often built on top of cities no longer used, such as to build up rather than to dig down to remove blown in sand and dust. Note some machines can be made to do both.

Secular physics (of JESUS Christ whether admitted in secular or not) know that a beam of energy, such as historic sunlight, is no longer merely of source or destination (in worldly legalese innocent or guilty), that rather the beam in transit is plasma (and greater at least in Christ JESUS, even if a so called no-energy-beam [example: a gap made between light beaming, see above bore hole). A given tunnel pattern can help enable a certain type of value for Christ JESUS such as toward power plant, for future generations, yet in the name of JESUS.

A better pattern might be with adding certain other tunnels, and/or establishing narrow lines to pressurize or wide to depressurize and no sins committed. Trap doors might be added similar to the entrance of a pressure maintained submarine, to form a pulsing effect; other direct flow options are also available (2 Chronicles 34.12).

In the above Drawing toward the right is an aloft city portion extending downward, doth this offend? (John 6.61), yes yet conditionally, as is the case in each and every other context, requiring comprehensive responsibility, Belovedly Wise Christian Leader (John 6.62). Do Wisely and greater knowledge to Do properly Will be added unto You (Matthew 6.33).

Now what would You do if the Altar boys and girls, and the Ushers, and others of positions didn't show up though They had promised?, would You reward Them?, perhaps, though the Ones that Do show up and Do Their Work properly are normally the more worthy to be rewarded [(exception example, they stopped to put out the fire that was engulfing Your Church) so then hardly for level work and rather for higher level more Holy Work Of Yours (Acts 20.35&36)]. The secular following the letter of the "promised" law might burn and die (Luke 2.39 & Acts 13.29) while rather Christ JESUS has no such problem, rather teaching proper [higher level] High Purpose Leadership In One, for All One.

Smart people had input as to what the laws were. People with Christian Heart are for High Guide Christ JESUS.

In the Drawing upper right are symbolized levels of the Heavens, and below it are some potential ideas that may be helpful as much as Christian Faith In JESUS converts such from secular to Christian, as much as appropriate (for example the student is not over the master, nor the bore hole through Earth the same Holy Physics as a "bore hole" through the Heavens: the precepts of Christ JESUS apply).

In Christ JESUS Your starting to build Your Perpetual Machine for them is greater than hollow words, and is perfect: until the more perfect come.

Great Holy Leaders came from time to time, such as Abraham and later Moses. In Christ JESUS You can be accordingly greater than They in Christ JESUS as much as of Your Proper Christian Faith to Do Their Work(s) And Improve so as to Do better than They Did. For instance if able to interpret Prophecy better (since aware of the Precepts Of Christ JESUS) then if to time travel back in time then perhaps to have more Blessed gifts giving unto the Chosen so They would be less inclined toward divorce (if God would agree: conditions apply such as concerning future story telling to help people understand greater is in JESUS).

In the Drawing below top center the advanced often meets the less advanced (teachers, explorers,...). So to consider the above text "better than" Moses idea properly, in the One over the created for the glory of Christ JESUS: if to meet with students, first meet with Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS said to not cast pearls before swine, similarly to not cause others to receive weapons improperly and that might be turned against the self (plowshares). Give Charitably. With having given a portion, assess, allocate with giving wisely, fittingly. Allocate the greater energy powers to the Christian ascending properly, lest toward Their harm and Your disrespect if the Physics Of The Creator have given to have been counted as if against any (High Purpose precepts apply).

Some people want money, often such is with a sign of less worthiness (Haggai 1.6)(above Drawing left), as often Christ JESUS was not the carrier of the group money purse [Judas had the purse (John 13.29)].

The world in High Purpose is increasingly Doing as Christian Evangelists and Christian Broadcasters had seeded, such as China in the Drawing below left, already aware in the hearts of the people to Do Good [to increasingly become Christian]: having known in the hearts concerning the former Song Dynasty with Rainbow construction works, and now better in Christian Work For The Christian Conqueror For Their Holy Higher Benefit as the Chinese increasingly Christian so increasingly more Peaceful (in secular terms at least with other Christians) economy prospers, which in the eye-of-the-people mainly means the overcoming of poverty and the greater progress of the civilizing (reference New Jerusalem).

So new Chinese authority cometh, as with new authority in New Zion (ibid. victory): from world leader to world leader, from glory of one star to glory of another star, from star power plant to greater automatically replicating and growing perpetual power plant for One High Purpose For The Increasingly Greater Good For All.

In the Drawing below, top center to right is human work in the Heaven(s), and Christ JESUS would that people find God in each and every proper [One] Way possible [hence: (though not as if to confront against the Will Of God)].

Christ JESUS taught precepts, and so from such properly arranged is the New Holy Language (as part of New Christianity, also with pics and designs, of the Living for greater value in Living JESUS). Hardly of former legalese toward obsolete, the new (see Affiliated GodMath Testament, such as pages 102 through 109) shows how words can be formed for greater value (also reference previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on true Bible code) not only as You can read here from left to right top to bottom, yet also in other directions.

In the secular is a math formula, able to be read backwards such as to prove, though neither proves perpetual value if without Christ JESUS (example: infinity is illegal according to secular laws per Known Universe; though in Christ JESUS is not only proof yet also a matter of Christian Faith not worldly laws in the secular sense).

So in Christ JESUS as GodMath clearly and often specified and revealed in detail for all to be of the higher ascending properly along the Holy Faith Of Christ JESUS, to be of greater awareness to be increasingly able to perpetually help others, the multi-directional such as 3D Holy Word(s) forms into matter and/or energy.

In other words, if a group of words of Holy Precepts Of JESUS, is properly made 3D (though not toward secular such as thick ink), then the Living Word is a Christian Life Form.

Christ JESUS for instance said the word "harvest" which is both a noun and a verb, such as go harvest the crop, and such as the harvest is ready. Likewise Christ JESUS said the word "time" (examples: time the rocket, the time is), and the word "Faith" (Christian Faith Path, "door of faith" Acts 14.27 [pulse verb, a Christian rather than secular value, the secular calls it "archaic" (example

Archaic / Secular / Faith.

Christ JESUS / Christian / Faith.

The Christian verb of "Faith" is of action with perpetual and/or pulse power and as a Firmament, as a level, and/or as a Flow. True Christian Faith is not a power the sinner has. Just as the mustard seed is of power and much greater than a secular mouse trap, even as mustard might cause a person pleasure or distress, when according to the Christian Plan Of JESUS the seed properly ascends, even to adapt, evolve, even perhaps to become of the part of the Christian so properly in the Christian Spirit. The proper seed (worthy & chosen) can from above ascend without need of becoming evolved, into a Christian of the Spirit of a Christian to so eat, but other things not invited (in part or in whole) become cast out, save higher in JESUS Christ.

Harvest / Christian / Faith / Time.

The secular, such as the mustard seed, does not enter Christian Spirit save properly lifted from above in Christ JESUS, and then only to the vessel level, not left undone. The mustard seed is eaten, undone from it's former state of all it had worked to achieve and to be, the way a young bird leaves an egg shell behind. If a Christian adds the mustard seed to Their Own Christian Vessel, then the mustard seed serves the higher purpose in Christ JESUS, such as to help "Clear the way for the LORD" (John 1.23) instead of being cleared out of the Way and the mustard seed thrown into the fire with the weeds.

If You are a Christian, then where Do You have to go?, to a park?, or to jail?, perhaps; though such are tied to options, options that are ancillary to Your level, though the Christian goes to the park if appropriate, and to jail similarly (Matthew 20.4, 1 Kings 3.13, & Ezekiel 36.26); hardly to offend, rather to help "Clear the way for the LORD"; if You are a Christian, then there is a place where You Do have to go: Heaven (Acts 24.15).

That means let all You Do be for others for Christ JESUS (with Final End Time as much as all be One JESUS then continue to Do In JESUS higher Righteously: New JESUS Beginning).

With Heaven In You therefore to properly judge, and the secular becomes as the mustard seed (Romans 3.26).

Christ JESUS gives the ascending Christian the increasingly better ability in Faithful Christian Wisdom to judge the potentially goodly, such as if mustard is what You want to eat; and greater Wisdom such as to visit a Preacher in a Church Preaching a Sermon on higher concerns of Christ JESUS so then after so Preached You might opt to thank the Preacher [as is normal of many Churches] and rather Do [(for the sakes of those You help) so accordingly in preparing Yourself to be better worthy for the next Sermon].

So Righteous Judgment has little to do with the "I", the "myself"; and rather for their sakes and the Kingdom Of Heaven.

So other than the secular legalese delimitation, [Firmament], the higher part is with rightly distinguishing the JESUS Path Flow (Pulse, Door,...) as specified above concerning any Good things, and All Good Things.

So while the secular hardly distinguished precepts, such as Your JESUS "Door" Of Living Faith In You personally [in secular as if you hold highest positions of elected President and appointed Supreme Judge and Senate President, and Sole Dictator and/or similar], rather Christ JESUS already completed for You the victory over all for Good and so You are free to judge any position holder Christian High Priest though as specified above as Christ JESUS specified, and You [properly] may put into Your Own Words according to Your God Given Talent In JESUS: all the Talent(s) Of JESUS [as much as You can fathom and accept].

Likewise You can assemble precepts properly, from a word, to a line, to a matter and/or energy. If to judge a person, position, word, matter and/or energy, then for instance look for the Good (Christian level) or goodly (secular level) such as: that energy item is goodly for heating and cooking and light. So this is the main thing, and the second is like unto the first (reference the two great Commandments of JESUS), to not leave the other (toward vessel) left undone. Even so, concerning the "other", the "other" is toward minimum investment of Your Christian concern, while the balance overcomes and adds guidance over the lower. Example per se: safety, and also such as driving to the park when supposed to go to the jailer, or driving to the jailer when supposed to be going to the park; and yet in every case Your Righteous Path Of Heaven For each and all You find worthy as much as Christ JESUS would of Your energy, talent, and such.

As You arrange Bible code, such as perhaps to say "You are given time to become perfect in Christian Faith" (a code correctly extracted from the precepts of Christ JESUS, save if already "perfect"). So You are to create from Holy Spirit Words, Holy Spirit Things. Example: generally tell a capable and prepared computer to Do [such as show a certain display], and the computer Does it; or tell it to print and it Does; or tell it to 3D print and it Does. Though the secular does 3D print.

So let Your 3D print be clearly Christian as much as reasonable (see above Wisdom range "minimum" to maximum "perfect") lest toward offense (Luke 17.2). In other words, hardly make matter, energy, appoint, nor similar if not to help for each and all their sakes.

From both the ancient and the new, and from the next to come, Christ JESUS makes everything new for better purpose and Heaven,

look into the future. Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the pattern of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found of candidates his son succeeded him. How to properly nuke Oak Island compared to the great pyramid levitation or 911 The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2 Television movies WALL STREET Stanley Weiser Oliver Stone Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas Bud Fox Charlie Sheen O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU James Bond Skyfall Sister Act ancient artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control Pope Bishops Nuns Women Come Out Of Cells. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. Christianity & Chinese Song Dynasty. How Christ JESUS would have You make tungsten.

Creator Christ JESUS provided knowledge that yielded technologies. When given cannons, many said "Fire" and then they soon died. What would You Do Christian, if given a cannon?, truly the cannon, the cannon ball, and "Fire" are not the enemy; sin is (new in Christ JESUS guidance correction to Helaman 15.9: "they fear to sin" is only counted as if such in the secular and is stated for Edifying per se [per "minimum" secular at least]; rather "fear" Christ JESUS: Luke 12.5 [see above "resurrection"). As Christ JESUS Did, Make the people of more value than many sparrows (Matthew 10.31).

Christ JESUS provides cannon technology for higher purpose as many in the secular have already realized though all too often Christians have self opted to be ignorant and/or have been forbidden from such higher purpose knowledge [(reference secular copyrights, patents, proprietary information, national secrets and so forth) some likewise for higher purpose(s), some not].

A new NASA concept was to use 100 MW [cannon of] "beamed power for ion drive that is 20 times better" ( April 12, 2017 AD) involving solar panel type devices though perhaps more costly to NASA short term though likely more valuable long term (/Christian President Don Trump announcement yesterday).

Similarly people make electron guns and other fire power technologies that have virtually nothing to do with wars nor harming anyone. The Christian Faith that truly can deliver Good, even if from soil chemicals and debris, though hardly if a Christian hardly opts to properly ascend in Christ JESUS.

Many technologies, therefore be safe according to "properly ascend in Christ JESUS".

"But I'm not in that line of work" (see below text on "Principles").

Yes You are "in that line of work", Christ JESUS One is over all things.

Excuses such as not having security passes are hardly valid reasons to opt for ignorance, Beloved Christian.

Your next door neighbor may have plasma cannons. How?, built from empty soda bottles and such. Many would have such, such as to fire at people (example: Yet if to have such the properly ascending Christian would have such for greater Peace and Joy In Christ JESUS, and You may opt to freely quote this.

People are a great treasure. At least in Christianity if there was a legal basis to shoot to kill a person, consider that would mean that since the person is above the human / animal Firmament, then the shooter would also shoot all animals that therefore there would be not more animal milk for children, no more steak nor burgers, no more eggs, no more leather; also of the animal / tree and vegetable Firmament no more wood, no more oxygen,....

In the secular a person can say they have Principles, such as concerning sex, or drugs,...for instance they might say "I don't do that, I have my principles", and that is goodly.

In Christ JESUS such matters are toward vessels, and for greater ascending over the Christian / secular Firmament is rather the Good that a Christian might say "I Do" (see above text "judge", "resurrection", and "Heaven").

When You properly make Your 3D Word(s) into things in the world (, more importantly

seek that it is made toward benefiting others to Do likewise and greater in Christ JESUS (

Christ JESUS is over benefits, Wisdom, the goodly, advantages, money, possessions, light, profits, the Sun, and the excellence of Your things toward perpetual inheritance (ibid.)

Christian Leader, in this sequence, to benefit Your leading from Christ JESUS above, first is given that You be given responsibility (similar to an attack, rather similar to having to climb stairs or leap) if You so opt to agree; and after this is given the secular guidance. In other words, rather than explaining in secular terms then higher lofty Christian terms since such would be toward following secular leadership at least in the order written; is rather the Wisdom lineage from the Edifying and example of Christ JESUS.

New from old.

Christ JESUS would that You Preach And Do, Christian Leader, though that You also enjoy living.

Christ JESUS would that You not be overburdened (Matthew 23.4) and so hardly be overbearing (Titus 1.7), and that that You not be overburdened and so Do other things You like too (with Christ JESUS first, and continuing in Your Heart), such as resting, texting, tinkering with new types of boat ideas, painting, raising children, investing, doing chores, and/or other things of interest to You and/or needful such as for a delightful home (various).

Also note the original remains intact (it did not say delete Ecclesiastes). And with the new.

Lead a perfect life, and if Christ JESUS wants You to work longer hours and harder, be delighted to so longsuffer. If Christ JESUS wants You to Do stupid things for higher purpose, Do; though in such cases be wise that the vessel is toward such [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS concerning minimizing such, and on Edification including by Doing) though for secular example a person might ask You to do something difficult and dangerous though You of Your Christian Faith High Purpose opt for or against].

Many have thought the Old Testament was obsolete, though the original continues to have living type of value, in words (see text above on "3D", and reference Bible code,...): verily if they view the Old Testament as obsolete for sinful reasons, then they make themselves toward obsolete. Yet Christ JESUS rather makes all things new.

In the higher part, in the Spiritual In Heaven is the Way to guide all unto their proper Way. In the following situation is the unstated secular aspect of a Spiritual event in the New Testament.

The Priest with Temple, the homeless, the building owner; these are each and all blessed with this great abundance right now in this moment in Christ JESUS (Luke 5.9-11), like unto how in the movies people awaken to find themselves in new and better circumstances, Christ JESUS can find You Spiritually, also similar to how a person can find a free ship full of fish (ibid.) so as to feed a community and to have extra perhaps to sell or to preserve, plus a ship likewise to help: yet greater is the Higher Part In Christ JESUS (ibid.).

The Disciples left their abundant new wealth (secular) to Follow Christ JESUS [(Spiritual) therefore the Disciples were Spiritual Human Vessels)(Christian Faith without substance seen in the world, even if the size of a mustard seed or a mountain)].

You can build Your perpetual machines for others, though the secular can hardly do so. They delimit themselves. They for instance say it is against the law, citing patent laws for instance, but patents are optional, You are not required to apply for patent rights especially since You are giving Your perpetual machines away for free!

The secular with sinners forbids itself from multitudes of higher Grace(s) given from above. For instance You can start a perpetual machines charity in the Name Of JESUS, the Christ!

But if the secular starts an operation it historically has been less likely for JESUS. Also often the secular is for business profit instead of charity (even though many give charitably also, it is appreciated even if hardly evidenced)(it is also appreciated in Heaven, even though Heaven is hardly the recipient).

So of the historic secular bulk, business often means for profit, eliminate the competition, and reduce costs (which many interpret as cutting corners, perhaps illegally). So for example the business owner and/or CFO might slash purchasing costs so if to build perpetual motion machines then with more shoddy materials and practices and such as eliminating quality oversight and worker safety and incentive conditions. Responsibility note: in the above Drawing (cannon, pipes,...) often cracks appear due to pressures, stresses, and other, so vessel maintenance is appropriate (save higher Miracle/Spirit) though to be minimal save for higher quality (see Your Christian Church criteria), yet for higher safety and purpose in Christ JESUS.

You on the other hand of charity want the perpetual motion machine to endure so You have the advantage, toward great materials, processes, and so on. Even so, as Christ JESUS explained / guided, Luke 14.28 applies. Laws often help guide in terms of safety and quality. If so, the Christian Bible even more, though leave not the other undone.

So this is a great Charity key of how the Chosen People of the Old Testament were [supposed to, and] free to opt concerning the Command Of God upon Their reaching the Promised Land, and seeing it was already settled by others, though God Commanded They take the Promised Land to possess for Themselves (Matthew 10.8-14)(

Likewise Christ JESUS gives You to be of Free Advantage over all lower levels likewise. With this key is that Your Flock Member not kill another Member Of Your Flock, nor kill You: in other words each and all are treated excellently in Christ JESUS within the Christian Precepts Of Christ JESUS For One High Purpose.

Therefore if not to harm and only Do As Christ JESUS then there are no minorities, no discrimination against by You; unless they freely opt to harm themselves (conditions apply such as Matthew 5.30, rather Wisdom toward True Prophesying for all 1 Timothy 4.7; even so rather of higher precepts of Christ JESUS cast out diseases lest such be a worse state than the previous [see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on rather convert] lest Proverbs 29.1, or Romans 11.11 may apply).

This Charity key in Christ JESUS for You and for all even if they know it not, magnifies Your Holy Advantage while allowing sinners to be free to keep themselves under laws: there are multitudes of laws against things, such as in this generation (Romans 7.6 see more specifics below in text on "translated"). There are multitudes of laws over secular fields such as broadcasting, usage of public office funds, operating backhoes, and so forth.

Television and movies have at times emphasized how a person can hardly do their job without a lawyer over each and every move. Some places require permission to walk in a park, some require papers to travel from state to state, some require "Shut up!" (such as had happened in schools [yet let people be considerate of others]) and some require "Put your hands where I can see them". So if not to speak nor remove papers from clothes to show papers as required by worldly laws then worldly laws break worldly laws.

Here are subset examples for the three above examples, with a fourth added:

  • A. broadcasting: a Preacher wants to Preach for all the people and creatures on Earth and beyond to hear [and see and perceive], but obstacles include things such as the need of current electronics frequency expertise with very specialized equipment types (in secular terms it often means in adage "bleeding money")(especially formerly);
  • B. usage of public office funds: a Preacher wants to run for office to help guide the community but have often found it a less appropriate (talents, fads, mobs,...) ways to spend time (see above 1 Timothy 4.7, & 2 Timothy 2.14) with expertise expected by questioners though often about trivia (ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS, and on properly ascending).
  • C. operating backhoes: a Preacher wants as simple drain line portion replaced (due to tree roots breaking the line) and was advised to rent a simple to operate backhoe for half a day though might spend a couple days shopping around with going over contracts and options and setting up self-contractor credibility checking for a couple more days then equipment checking making records of problems, and operational checks, then delivery arrangements with having many other utilities and such checking and painting before digging (with slow careful digging watching for the unusual), arrangements for replacement line portion, and so forth.
  • Save if a fun new pastime for the Preacher, the above A through C are secular distractions: in the first place in none of the above examples as much as stated did the Preacher seek such as Christian electronics expertise, nor Christian support groups ("2 Timothy 2.14"), nor a Christian owned backhoe store. Likewise Christian time Evangelizing along the ways with people and at the store (such as posting a Christian Business Card ad) was not mentioned. Christian Prayer was not mentioned. Flock Members might have had backhoes and more help for free. Many conditions apply and distractions are easily found amidst Good intentions. With "PCS" as of the above subsets there are priorities, so posting a business card is hardly as an important concern in a given circumstance, though the point of A through C is that even the Preacher needs be aware of their own interests, talents, and such and how to improve for Christ JESUS rather than routine as to follow how the secular does it.

  • D. Christianity In JESUS: Your Christian Church criteria establishes many specifics (whether written [text, pics, vids,...] or not) over things specific [as though unique, yet Christian For JESUS,] concerning Your particular Christian Church vessel (You With Flock, or greater with things such as in a park and/or in a Temple and/or in the Universe).

    Yet the Path of Christ JESUS is clear (increasingly with proper ascending). Your New Members and lowers levels of Your Flock are One though generally toward hands on the Flock Vessel, while the High Priest is generally only Spiritual (though see above "pastime" and previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS concerning Missions), also if Your "criteria" allows for higher purpose only and not to pit (verb sense 1 Google) Member against Member, also for example a person whether in a coma or not has human Firmament value) as the Christian Bible would not have inappropriate seperations [(examples include cliques, caste system of Hindus, nor even Priest separation from Flock if toward tyranny): Mercy might apply such as with the raising of teens as with certain behaviors if criteria leaves to parents such as dress code].

    Of A, B, and C above, C is given here in further specific example since considered more simple to clearly understand. So if a Flock Member can dress sexy to get a free backhoe, it is normally inappropriate, though the Preacher could seek to rightly obtain such "free backhoe".

    If to obtain something "free", then for others, such as for the future perpetually as with expanding Christianity for the community. Therefore to give value to the future and to the community. For instances many places have reliable grid electric power, reliable water, and many businesses have reliable quality. So for Christ JESUS keep such in mind, and hardly leave the unreliable sinners undone:

    Christ JESUS / Reliable entities / other.

    Highest Value / High value(s) Holy or ready for converting (Genesis 3.22) / other also perhaps ready for converting [such as sinners "weary from distress" (Psalm 57.6 NLT)].

    In "D. Christianity In JESUS", C above applies to this Sermon not only inviting people to join together in One Effort such as if to seek "free" equipment and help; yet rather in Newish (Collins Dictionary) Christian Leadership For Christ JESUS such as convertingly ( inviting things (with spirits), and rather the higher of such for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS: new smarter technologies.

    For instance new plasma tech or even advancing furnace tech readily available can replace ongoing costs against You and the community, with newish value(s) available for all (even if only to do likewise),

    so for instance small new ovens can do what formerly required large earthen furnaces to do at great fuel consumption costs and with far less reliability, in pertinence: "one of the oldest" technologies per se is to convert wastewater into "heat-dried microbes that have digested the organic matter in wastewater" ( Also note "We certainly do a much more aggressive treatment process"..."than municipal waste water treatment plants" ( lawns not vegetables...).

    So rather than follow the secular ways, seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God, perhaps to replace the former that was possibly constructed by sinners, with the New Leadership for all, with new smart automatic renewing toward Eternal Holy technology (continuing to not be distracted by other than the Holy Spirit In Heaven In The Father In JESUS)(legalese often applies, as with specially detailed permits): so You might ask Your Flock to work down in the sewer, or You might ask if anyone [of Your Flock first, then generally after likely invite others if they] would like to work on a brand new type of green energy (or other fad title) project involving [...(state Your parameters)..., and You may opt whether to mention NASA and new technologies and family values (perhaps homes and businesses and Churches would follow Your lead)] for Christ JESUS.

    So on the one hand are hard disgusting chores while leaving the balance of the dirty work to the community filtration plant, on the other hand is at least in secular terms an attempt to "nip it in the bud" and control "the bull by the horns", and rather in Joyous Holiness lead properly for JESUS. Instead of costing energy, waste can produce energy to yield values for the community and be future incentive. So the Christian should rather ascend up the Straight And Narrow [as You properly become more Faithful in all things (Matthew 6.33)].

  • For lawns a person might opt to buy dead microbes that ate waste, or be toward higher Christian Leadership understanding precepts of JESUS apply therein with Wisdom concerning any conditions with options that may apply; and similar applies to A and B above (of course per se not to wrongly imply that any people nor things are waste).

    The sinner is under laws, as much as their fields of endeavors, and piled on high on themselves [(Luke 3.20) the Preacher likewise is given the world (see above text "permits") toward lesser stripes (Luke 12.48)]. Meanwhile, as the same worldly laws exist, for the Christian Ascending Leader In JESUS..."the heavens were opened," (Luke 3.21 ESV).

    Therefore the lower part is hardly of the Joyous Holy Perpetual.

    Person / Animal / Machine.

    A person is far greater value than a machine, though if a person opts against Christianity, and if an animal also opts to not at least follow laws (such as to jaywalk), then a Christian pastime might involve something concerning a machine, even smart machinery, that the Christian make the machinery conform at least to worldly laws: therefore is some value.

    Many very smart people abide by worldly laws though have not been Christian, therefore much has been wasted intellect. Even so, with the above ("conform") such people have some value already. Even greater than the "Animal" level.

    Smart perpetual motion machinery can also be over much of the "Animal" level (even a temporary cow milking machine can be such). Though the "Person / Animal" Firmament is hardly as the "Animal / Machine" Firmament (Genesis 1.27, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on DNA modifying and related topics).

    People used to train animals, and that went as far as riding horses and such. Yet people utilized tools known in the secular as inorganic (yet rather of spirits of the Higher Heavenly), yielding far greater results, relatively such as riding cars.

    Christians can have advances with tools, even very old tools beyond copyrights and patents, with far greater value(s) than previously, as already broadcast such as on the Internet, even though many false reports are also out there.

    In this and previous generation much has already been accomplished also similar to tools, as with DNA modifying, and predictably far greater Will come. So be awake to leading such change.

    Be therefore toward the Prophetic. And in this higher [line, rather Holy Path], be for Christ JESUS with some advancing, and greater comes accordingly, generally, Beloved. Merely reading some verses for the people this week, and reading some verses for the people next week hardly would be of New Christianity. If given the option, when invited be of the lowest seat, even so consider the worthiness associated with the highest seat [perhaps the seat of the Host (the Kingdom)]. The lowest seat is hardly the goal, rather be the Good example.

    Tools changed over the years, vessels Will Prophetically change: if You could use a hand an extra hand Will appear, even the secular sinners could accomplish as much helpfulness in the future: people Will transfigure; even so be Prayerfully mindful of Genesis 1.26 and the High Purpose In The Image Of Christ JESUS.

    Yet suffer this [subset] for now (unless already involved in the previous sentence), that You might guide others into perpetual energy for Your Christian Church building if You have such, and so might build a large perpetual motion energy providing machine.

    Though consider also if You want Your Fleet Of Busses and/or aloft Arks and/or Members to go forth to Do something, that interchangeable parts have values at times, so a lightweight perpetual motion machine small and compact may be of greater mutual value.

    A new standard is given You, anything larger than adult Christ JESUS is large, anything smaller than adult Christ JESUS is small.

    Anything hotter, faster, fatter,...than adult Christ JESUS is hot, fast, fat, and so on; and cooler things, slower things, and things more slim are cool, slow, and/or slim.

    The point of this new standard is to eliminate many secular debates: Christ JESUS is the standard, and any variance needs be specified.

    This new standard is to help guide You, for instance don't make Your Bus hotter than Christ JESUS [in flesh 2,000 years ago] would prefer. If to speak of childrens' needs, then consider when Christ JESUS was a child, and as much as appropriate, so stipulate to distinguish that You are referring to needs specific to a child.

    Christ JESUS is the shortest shortcut there is, to Your gaining greater value for all [them, all others, if any (prior to Final End Time)].

    So with this new standard, for instance if Your new perpetual machine is as hot as the Sun, then it is too hot for Your Bus. This may seem strange and not too important now, but as You advance in science, technology, methodology, physics, and such it becomes increasingly important. Even to say, You would be lost without it (Christ JESUS). Christ JESUS was with vessel in this created: be so concerned likewise.

    Christ JESUS would have people Do Good, though many efforts fail (including much wrongful advice received, often due to Your vessel aware of concerns, unknown to the advice giver). Meekness has value, though many people are contrary to new ideas even if of far greater value. Be Meek To Seek To Do Good In Christ JESUS, though hardly throw away the Priest if the soles of the feet became soiled walking on Your Properly To Your Front Door (see above text on "responsibility").

    Hardly throw away a Bible because it became a little dusty, typically. Hardly ignore a Christian Sermon because it was partly inaudible or if there was a problem as the Preacher fumbled through some notes (though You are free to consider other Sermon(s) and Preacher(s), to rather consider the Preacher may have Done greater value in such Preaching than the hearer)(also note that while preparing this Sermon an animal outside came near and distracted).

    Many people no longer try (such as a student or a soldier or an employee that is scolded even if doing rightly), and if to try then often people continue to not try; and such might be alright at times such as due to systematic problems that can come and go. Though rather of greater value in Christ JESUS is to try.

    It is Good to Do Good in Christ JESUS.

    In order to "Do Good in Christ JESUS" One has to try (see above text, even "though many efforts fail").

    The secular is often toward: do not try properly. A secular adage (see above text "the years of the wicked are shortened") is "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" (wiki).

    So while it is sometimes true that people-in-this-sinful-world sometimes make mistakes or are counted as though such, errors are far better than plans to commit sins and crimes (this is of course not to say errors are Good, rather to Edify properly concerning levels tied to flows of proverbs of Christ JESUS as something counted as [or as if] error today might be found more evolved...soon Luke 12.49 though the precepts of proper Christian Faith In JESUS Do Apply).

    A secular adage tied to the previous adage (according to wiki) is even more wrong: "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works". It is false that hell is with "good", save the amount originally determined by the Creator JESUS: it is the converting (or toward including effort, attempt, and similar for Christ JESUS) for Good tied to Heaven that is True, even if Good walks through the valley of the shadow of death. If a Christian stumbles, Christ JESUS did not leave Them (Matthew 10.29).

    Google "translate" for instance shows far greater value(s) for people, than no translating at all. It is at least goodly effort on the part of Google (limited affiliation, bias may apply) with goodly intentions of "far greater value(s)" that [from the Creator JESUS] people be offered with a translating service. This is true even if the results might be out-of-context or other (though not appropriate if of purpose to cause sin Matthew 18.6). Partly shown in text here as translated (by Google) from Latin (Pulpit Commentary at "Spirit letters in opposition to the will before it will be our Holy Ghost does not have a law but an outward liters; which is, indeed, to our External actions puts a restraint on, the desire to, however, by no means yet the fierce anger of our checks. Newness. , however, it attributes to the Spirit, because they are in the place of the old man will succeed; the regeneration of the Spirit, so that by means of the letter, the old virtue is one that is lost,".

    In Christ JESUS Christians have been exempted from The Written Law, and we are dead to that which had controlled us, so that we shall serve from now on in the newness of The Spirit and not in the Old Order Scriptures (ibid. with APE).

    In context the "restraint" applies to any under worldly laws, as vessels can be in need of maintenance at times (toward minimal: example a car with bald tires is normally beyond minimal, unsafe, and illegal; and a legal exception for instance is it can legally be sitting in a junkyard, though if to try to use the car very carefully to save a person's life it is hardly sin hence legalese and faith have not necessarily agree in lower levels alone even if a court decided for a party or the other).

    In another context for greater Edification is that ancient people may have violated current frequency laws. If the law is highest then all people need pay for their ancestors' mistakes (such as fees against inheritances), and in faith limited to secular laws therefore virtually all need be in prison. Rather there is a higher Faith In Christ JESUS.

    If worldly secular laws are finite, Beloved Eternal Christian Leader, then You know they have their end(s). Your worldly flesh agreed with the worldly secular laws were finite at the New In Your Proper Christian Immersion Baptism In Christ JESUS One, such as transfiguring and flying into the Heavens comes in You accordingly like unto a New Member In Your Flock might ascend in Christ JESUS Miraculously, and/or of increasing Christian Faith, and/or ascending in given talent(s), and/or ascending as You Anoint and Appoint unto Church Position(s), and/or with gaining of Christian Wisdom even if to include from secular as much as through any from the One Source Christ JESUS From The Holy Spirit Of The Father In Heaven With Ascended JESUS.

    If the secular laws are finite, and this You Know, then You Know from on High Christ JESUS. Though also You know today in this world in the secular, similar to how an Officer, You, might be interested in catching (Luke 5.10 DT) a finite (see above "subtracted") lawbreaker to convert them to Christianity: Good (note that if You desire that they preferably join Your Flock rather than another it is a value as secular selfishness for Christ JESUS is undone already [with not toward habit 1 Timothy 5.13 DT & NIV]). The secular criminal brags, and also makes mistakes, and other applies; so You Know the initial involvement point and the end point, so the path is become more clear, even so, rather be for Christ JESUS even if other values are added unto You.

    So as You Increasingly Know the path of the secular, while You Are Eternal In Christ JESUS, then what You Know Is Absolute Truth (see above text on "New Standard"): Heaven applied to Earth and the given.

    Fly of the radiant Physics Of God (Job 31.26 rather with Habakkuk 3.11). Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the pattern of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found of candidates his son succeeded him. How to properly nuke Oak Island compared to the great pyramid levitation or 911 The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2 Television movies WALL STREET Stanley Weiser Oliver Stone Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas Bud Fox Charlie Sheen O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU James Bond Skyfall Sister Act ancient artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control Pope Bishops Nuns Women Come Out Of Cells. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. cooling tower 1,700 volumes steam powered vehicle major regions of oceans dead such as midwestern Pacific and around India carrier wave propagates people and materials through outer space aloft ark of noah chapel similar to spring action to and from state of memory of Columbia University toward perpetual energy solution converting natural air water evaporation into mass added spring steam power and back again with added flapping wing power as Dove at Baptism Of Christ JESUS.

    Christ JESUS provided You With Charitable Designer Holy Advantage, Christian, to lift others from above as much as they agree, yet invitingly for Christ JESUS. The sinner is under secular laws, not a football/soccer ball, though toward such the way(s) the heart of a compass needle faces (the current closest powerful magnet). The secular energy is often toward sports and games, though often also even in reality toward the expendability of others.

    Christ JESUS invites, and many Christians go into Christian Church buildings regularly, praise be for Christ JESUS. Imagine if You had to physically gather and push each person inside the building (and they otherwise comply with being pushed). In reverse imagine pushing each person out.

    In the above Drawing 1,700 filled tanks of gas are pushed in one direction while 1 tank of water is pushed in the other direction. This is similar to how Christ JESUS went a little lower than the Angels (such as to redeem, free, and save people [symbolized in 1,700 tanks]). This is also similar to how You Christian Leader can Do a little effort to redeem, free, and save perhaps 1,700 people.

    Their hotly heated vapor fully repents into a cool mist and rains into the water immersion flow pipe to be as You, a Priest inserting the Holy Spirit fire of Your Preaching, generating 1,700 more. If so, build more pews, rather automate. Some want to build pews (including both standard and substandard [oversee]), some people delight in carpentry Charitably. Some delight in perpetual motion machines, often teens want to change the world for the better: be the Christian guide and oversee.

    Specify details, as much as Your Flock Members are interested (or Anoint and Appoint Members to such positions, as much as properly Faithfully motivated [even so, oversee, precept properly on appropriate precept in Christ JESUS]). If any does not properly reference JESUS And The Holy Word And Will (required) then have helpers to guide and record, and not the secular going unbridled.

    Do not (see exception text below) let the perpetual motion machine makers be secular, toward the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you (Psalm 32.9), rather that they be of Your higher Faith Path In Christ JESUS.

    Exception, if You cannot find help in Your Flock (nor other Christians), You might specify for Your record (also see Your Christian Church criteria) with a time limit, and then Do a lower level Mission (actually counted as if such, see above "New Standard" for "higher purpose") and invite secular help (many seem anxious), and then after the first success in Your Mind, then such as display it to Your Flock and then some of Your Christian Flock Members may want to become involved Charitably, having seen the proof.

    With the "time limit" and the "secular" preference, it may be Good or goodly to stay away from the secular help unless they properly Convert (see above "overcharged").

    Be with the Wisdom that many have had false leads, so a little proof for Member sakes may help. If a machine toward perpetual, such as with a wheel, barely spins, it is a success greater than nothing, it is a starting point in Christ JESUS. From it some options are available, such as what to adjust, what other system to add unto it, or perhaps start all over again with conquered knowledge in mind.

    The typical initial goal is to have a machine that self runs, the next typical step is that it runs well enough to light a light bulb or electric motor which typically means make it bigger, and such is great, yet also consider adding another type of perpetual value, as some are steam powered, some utilize magnetic forces, some are with sunlight, some with static electricity ionizing, and so forth); some utilize no steam, magnets, sunlight, and/or other: yet all are of the Physics Of JESUS The Holy Guide.

    There are many secular clubs out there. If they are out there already, they generally willing to travel and even have talents and resources: things the Christian Leader might opt to tap that they come to Your Christian Church, even so to not change away from Christ JESUS, rather invite all talents of Christ JESUS Creator. This is a key in [Your Christian Church and] Christianity growing; even so Your Christian Church criteria concerning focus and goals may be hardly toward exclusion though counted as if such by the secular.

    For example some Christian Churches have crafts, playgrounds, and soccer fields while other do not; others for instance might focus on Christian television broadcasting so might exclude crafts. If to exclude crafts such as building toward Eternal machines, then if Your Christian Church might include building crafts toward Eternal machines, You might opt to give such a machine to help a household in poverty, or to give to the Christian television broadcasting.

    Some Christian Churches are toward personal encountering, and some are toward broadcasting. Together These form the greater in Christ JESUS. Sometimes Christ JESUS spoke to a person, sometimes Christ JESUS reached the multitude(s) and they reached the more (often as Christ JESUS desired).

    Rather than be toward jealous of the greater, support the greater (many of the greater in this world make mistakes and need helps, from above, even if from You Ascended One in Christ JESUS). But You if of personal contact outreach might say or imagine "We count souls while on TV they count dollars and slight Us", and at times it might seem as though such, and if You try to help and such refuse, You may try again or try elsewhere.

    And yet as this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS specified in detail previously, such as "A Priest preaches from a pulpit, it is quite literally mass communicating" such as of "the movie O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU" at

    A great Christian key is to continue with personal Ministering (Matthew 27.55 BS) yet rather be toward the greater Good, such as Christ JESUS with the multitudes, and rather be for the Eternal [future generations, and that is about children, though rather for the greater unseen].

    Accept people into Your Personal Ministry though with converting to Christianity have Them help You Do for the greater organizations: be hardly overly about Your Own Personal Church (Jeremiah 51.13)(see above text "overcharged") and rather the greater amount concerning the One Greater Good.

    Righteously enable God to Bless You in all things (2 Corinthians 9.8) that You may Do Good in all things for Christ JESUS.

    A level above is as if insurmountable, until surmounted. The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within, so cast out, remove, pull out, roll away the mote, the great stone victory for Christ JESUS (Drawing upper right, as Christ JESUS Did in example, even if via hands (see above text "not worship a thing of hands",

    see below "Commentaries") for higher purpose or in this case via Angelic means for the sake(s) of the Angelic).

    Verily if a person does not ascend, even the earthquake at the coming of Christ JESUS would hardly move such a freely opted [as though] stone (at see "trance" and "laugh" in the Commentaries) so rather properly ascend in Christ JESUS Of The Above Reason, rather than the limited traditions of the secular.

    Yes, stating this for Your sakes, that the secular not jest against You, if to be Ministering personally, then Your Christian Work is greater than the highest secular level, Matthew 11.11: You Christian are God, though in this world for higher purpose than the sinful world understands: their weapons are from hands, yet Your hands (if given hands, utilize the gift for the sakes of others Ezekiel 31.8 with John 14.11 and even of a Truth Luke 12.44 with Luke 24.40)(even the secular understands that if to not show hands then toward threat, even so such as on cold days hands in pockets is hardly disgrace, see above "New Standard").

    Beloved One(s), while ascending, You may for instance think something great such as about Nuns or such as about a Preacher; though for the greater Good in such and for all that is when God may opt to give You an impetus to guide or even correct Those about whom You thought greatly (Deuteronomy 6.14&15). If to show hands, it is hardly to show non-Christian, rather of the Higher Truth value for and in Christ JESUS. The naked hand is hardly sin due to idleness, rather at the ready to Do the Will Of God. Conditions apply, such as when to not be in a tomb (Hebrews 9.15) yet girded; and how a person Evangelizes for instance is not merely a machine that moves the same as the next machine.

    Above is shown a machine-head-person, toward perpetual personal home, and more of such will predictably be forthcoming. His secular hands show but are not sinning. The old machine under him in the Drawing shows it's parts. Some are toward not showing more than those lower levels, yet the Christian over secular Firmament level is a new reasoning from and for the greater above in Christ JESUS, and less toward lesser details (see "shame" such as in Philippians 3.18&19 BL) as Christ JESUS is not ashamed of His Hands that the Creator JESUS One gave Him. For their sakes You can be modest, yet be Wise with this key as You might already Know In Your Heart:

    the higher options (also associated with properly ascending: in Christ JESUS) are over the lower levels, so if to dwell in the lower then to limit the self Spirit [and flesh] accordingly; even consider the sinners are under worldly laws. While lower Missions [or counted as if such] are involving lower levels, if to act as if lower, as if of that lower level, then to act as if subject to any other of any higher level [such as secular] authority, and in some cases the sinner is over other sinners.

    For example if of an Internet search engine if to search pics of "JESUS with his hands in his pockets", "JESUS with his hands under his cloak", "JESUS with his hands under his robe", or similar, then how few the results (and others, generally speaking, may appear in pics). Though JESUS Christ has often been portrayed in ancient paintings, and in modern television and videos as with hands seen, so be keenly aware of what You represent; see above text "New Standard" and John 21.18 NAS:

    If for instance a Nun never tripped nor fell on the ice, and if the same of a Preacher, then go Do hide Your hands for their sakes and Your Peace Of Mind And Soul great Christian. Though this is hardly to be about legalese, and rather as Host that You have even greater Leadership Grace In JESUS: free, in slavery to JESUS and not secular slavery under sin. Do not let Your Ark fall, yet (conditions apply) hardly let any other touch Your Vessel inappropriately. After Final End Time, vessel ideas of the previous former ways no longer would count: prepare toward the greater Good. Those in the Heaven that You enter are already High Priest And Higher. Though be not toward the ways of flesh in the sinful world save if proper (of course if a Preacher approaches inappropriately, seek other remedy: hardly such as flee as formerly, yet anew flee for Christ JESUS lest to allow the Preacher and/or the self to be inappropriate).

    While writing this, the clouds just quickly changed from gray winter solid cloud sky, to bright fluffy clouds of a blue background: ascending is often tied to such indicators (not necessarily clouds), thanks be for Christ JESUS, and even for Oneness. Christian Leader be of Good cheer in awareness of this precept now given for You [though as You might already know]: similar to a key be aware there are Christians that helped others though the Christians might not see in this world in this generation, in the sense that help is given by a Christian, then the helped person leaves and accordingly repents and becomes properly Baptized and Christian (or similar help result for the greater Good In Christ JESUS).

    The Glory Of JESUS can melt away the fog and the tear from the eye (Psalm 58.7 also pertinent to previous Drawing lower left) and replace with living waters and tears of Joy In The Lord.

    Christ JESUS with precepts (and levels) is interested in helping the Christian Pope, Nuns, and all. Therefore consider for instance the movie Sister Act (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS pics at Movie goers see in their Heart(s) a major problem. This is not the fault of the Pope nor the Nuns..., as the secular is under worldly laws while the Christian Pope and Nuns and other Christians are Victorious in Christ JESUS having fulfilled the law.

    The "major problem" is body language. They with Holy Heart(s) say (indicate, give impressions, and/or responsibly account in clearly detailed specifics) things such as or similar to "I hate my parents and their parents", "I hate the Church", "Burn down the church so by default I must be out there with the people where there are conveniences" [toward plowshares and far greater (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on the Holy "Comforter"].

    The problem body language is the hands on labor of farming (they have machines to do that) and of hands and knees scrubbing the floor, which tells the hearts of non-insane people "Do not be as me [a Nun] for a living", also Beloved Nun it says "Because I'm crazy", though Beloved Nun You are not crazy, You are among the brightest and most loving leaders this generation has ever seen, even Willing In Christ JESUS to behave as if animals crawling on the ground as written in the Heart Of JESUS Christ and as written in Leviticus 20.25, such as in parts ..."Do not defile yourselves by"..."anything that moves along the ground"... (from NIV)(see NAS, NIV, at, and see above subtitle "A New Standard is coming."), and NAS:

    Do You prepare to enter the Holy Of Holies by crawling on the ground?, perhaps (Esther 4.1), rather with clean uprightness prepare to enter. Do for meeting Christ JESUS as You would Do for others (Matthew 7.12). Rather than act as if the toilet, Righteously prepare, be the Heavenly One Example JESUS.

    Christ JESUS brings Good news for the Pope and Bishops and Nuns and Christians: Victory is already arrived, as a key in You hand, merely open the Holy Door; and as problem that has been longsuffered through generations and is now solved with the solution announced for You, and so for You to share, give, and appropriately allocate to others for others, yet rather the more worthy among them that [You and] they properly arise and ascend in safe responsibility over such powers that could easily otherwise harm.

    In the movie Sister Act the Nuns were with fruits out front similar to how many Christian Churches have had fund raisers, and such can have value(s). Yet in the movie a similar though far greater behavior by the Nuns was committed by hand(s), and this is the key for the Nuns, the Nuns were threading beads (such as utilized in the Dominican Rosary type of Praying: a very High Holy Value, while in this "key" situation precept Matthew 7.5 also applies Beloved, and this writer is hardly immune save JESUS: see above text "distracted").

    These Holy Heavenly Nuns threading beads are invited to continue to Do so, as much as desired and appropriate in Christ JESUS for High Purpose. Yet the threading of beads and similar crafts can be greater and better arranged (conditions apply, such as proper counsel toward what to Do Exodus 18.19&20 NAS) for the inviting and for the future Nuns. So for instance They don't have to crawl to scrub the floor unless They want if appropriate.

    Your Holy Key, Your bead threading [and Your crafts] can be toward future Nuns and future Popes, toward perpetual motion value(s); also if You wish to sell (see fruit above), if to opt toward money, in Christ JESUS there is also place for that (as much as Faithfully within Christian precepts).

    Your former value continues: some people for instance have been harmed psychologically, so building a puzzle or threading beads might be about as much as they imagine they can do at the moment: even so, You are free to opt such as to have the puzzles and beads for perpetual motion great value for future Nuns, future Christians, and for now and for as many as You opt to invite per se (1 Corinthians 11.29 as much as pertinent to the "perpetual" Holy Flow).

    Perpetual Machine (such as to yield electricity and/or floor scrubbing) Flow, is not the Eucharist (the former, the first, see text "NAS" value discussed above), though the second is like unto the first, the second when properly grafted into the living growing Canon Vine Christ JESUS, for growing through future generations for the greater Good In Christ JESUS (for Their sake(s)): the machine is as the vessel and such as unleavened bread while the flow is not entirely different than the wine. Together these can be converted to greater in Christ JESUS: Holiness, and the Path Of Faith.

    The sinner might misuse the Eucharist items, so too the "second" might be misused, though clearly showing (reference decals, appearance / design type, and ads: for higher Grace) such are for Christ JESUS including such Grace is toward proper defense against sin (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at

    In the above Drawing lower left the guiding of clouds help toward feeding millions, and toward Charity for the greater unseen (even from personal efforts, and yet entered into the higher purpose, even if only a secular example). The volume compresses toward the individual [personal, talent,...] unit to enter into the greater unseen empowering.

    If to give a perpetual motion machine [or toward such] that Your Flock made for a Christian broadcasting Church such as to utilize [hardly to test God, yet properly Test, Witness, and such of the machine lower level worthiness] then this Known Value in Your Heart, enables Your preparing for another higher value before-the-fact. If television is to broadcast, then consider Their concerns such as attracting viewers (perhaps advertisers, conditions apply and see Your Christian Church criteria and consider Theirs, and see above text on "levels" and "under laws"). Consider for higher level purpose, competition (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Demming Win Win Christian Golden Rule Philosophy and similar) so that You consider how to help so that Your perpetual motion machine appears not as competition against them rather for their greater value(s).

    Many advantages are available as many have proven including for the longer durations. NASA for instance partners with a multitude of nations and corporations.

    Stay away from deadly chemicals unless appropriate (convert from deadly to helpful) for proper higher value, also the above Drawing map shows the need toward responsible construction, such as refrain from pouring pollutants down the drain, so used oil for instance might be reused or recycled though be Wise In Christ JESUS to consider the chemical properties change and unseen metal splinters might temporarily irritate the skin (be safe and responsible reasonably, yet Revelation 3.10 also applies).

    The above Drawing with a map is tied to the above previous Drawing concerning being given a cannon (previously toward Wars) then [preferably, alway] converting through Christ JESUS such as to form Tungsten (now and future toward Peace).

    Christ JESUS provides this key note (such type of a thing as through any person that would become a Christian Leader/Christian Physics Holy Faith Path),

    and this note concerns the above stated word "converting". Key in Christ JESUS, of properly forming precepts, is that if to convert a person, or if to convert a thing for instance a folding umbrella into a stick shape; and yet if to Do so in the name of JESUS Christ, then in the former translations lingo such "converting" was toward turning, such as to turn a person from unrighteousness to righteousness, and such as to turn swords into plowshares.

    Yet rather a higher key (level) in Christ JESUS is stated now, that the Holy Path is hardly of "turning" and rather Straight And Narrow.

    It it the converted person that went from turned [toward away] to turned [forward, rather Up (Up along the Holy Path)] to the Straight And Narrow, and similar is as to convert a beast (hardly covered by this Sermon) or a thing (such as a material utilized in machinery toward perpetual value(s)).

    So the ascending Christian In JESUS is straighter than the person(s) and/or thing(s) being righted (being turned right: uplifted [yet also rightly distinguish the higher,

    see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with Drawings concerning soaring straight up as [higher Transfiguration (Luke 24.31 NAS), and as] a rocket, similar leaping, and distinguishing lower level rate steps/stairs involving forward expenses such as time, and at least Christian(s) Following as Christian Followers.

    Christian Leader, You are with the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Of Evil, be with Good, and yet while given to know evil, in Christ JESUS is Good In You to convert (example negative 5 might become positive 5, from 5 cost to 5 profit and greater). Greater is with such things as when to have water support the feet of Christ JESUS.

    Christ JESUS gives knowledge of evil toward the lower Christian level, such as to know what sinners are planning (see below text to the right), yet higher level is that the Christian can convert: understand the person has free choice, but below the lower secular Firmament there is less choice in nonhuman creatures (You have dominion), and below those creatures (a lower Firmament) the things have no significant choice normally noticed so You can fold the items, cut, weld, glue, shape, and so on: to fit Your Holy [many (manifold)] Purpose(s).

    So now You know this key, it is over knowledge of the range from lowest to Your level (to the highest greatest extent You know)(save Christ JESUS may add at any moment Luke 12.11 & 12).

    Continuing concerning the cannon of wars given unto You, You might Convert it into a cannon of Peace such as to produce Tungsten for Peaceful purposes in Christ JESUS.

    Likewise, what would You Do if given a giant mass of floating plastic bottles collecting into the centers of immense whirlpools (often very slowly moving, though not immune to immense storm waves) in the oceans, and at dams, and similarly what if Your gift from God was so-called "dead" seas?,

    concerning the things, the "plastic bottles" (and boat parts, and barrels,...) You might have a ship or fleet (the secular sinners might sift through the rubble as Satan, rather the Christian distinguishes yet for High Purpose In Christ JESUS)

    scoop the plastic (and valued items) and bring (reference trammel net, and/or such as shred the plastic and stack and haul, shredding also to remove creatures for instance a poisonous creature might live in a bottle or shoe) to port to convert the plastic into another new value form, typically a harder plastic, though mixing with other chemicals may add value(s);

    and concerning the so-called "dead" areas of the oceans (such as stated on a television show yesterday) while many fish left those areas, other creatures arrived (from higher level to lower level) such as large squid [as stated above hardly covered by this Sermon, though] able to be harvested [hardly for human toward lower eating (see Bible foods) though rather] for ink which costs far more than prior to the advent of computer printers (the squid might be left alive or perhaps feed to animals, or bio-energy support, or farm related soil improvement [for instance the squid left their hard to catch salmon food to go into "dead" zones, see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on Bible Foods and transplants, so since the squid left the salmon population doubled so be aware of changes as if "dead" brings good though it is less toward the greater Eternal value]).

    Note people are rightly increasingly finding animals (being under the human/animal Firmament) are often detrimental to communities and civilization progressing rightly, so similar to [setting new better precedents as happens at times (rather Matthew 22.40, also see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on too many laws already, for example "do not kill" people is already covered by Christ JESUS explaining You should "love"; also on ratings)] the advancing [rather in the name of Christ JESUS] of civilization, such as dangerous creatures not allowed, save in zoned areas such as labs and zoos (ibid. details some proper responsibility levels).

    So anything lower is a danger to the higher, while the higher provides for the proper safety over the lower such as to properly lift the lower as much as faithfully per level trustworthy, yet the lower is hardly feared by the higher (Christ JESUS applies yet also with pertinent precepts and such as high human dominion).

    Above the map is a wheel that spins: no electricity nor strings attached. If to build it properly (likely patented), that is what it would do (Physics Of God): spin on it's own though likely yielding very little speed and very little power. Yet it is shown for a higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

    This wheel is a type of high secular level design (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on related "trammel net" type design). This wheel with springs is key to a certain type of power potential to spin, when wheel(s) and spring(s) are properly assembled (often secular designs have utilized gravity and/or magnets instead of springs). To protect a Christian Church building for instance, an electrical fuse box might have two metal [springy] pieces with different functions though [of Holy Grace seen or unseen by people] for one greater purpose. A mousetrap is somewhat similar: God gave You the Holy Physics to build better. A puzzle is a game, rather a puzzle is for Their Eternal Sake(s).

    To move an electron, a water molecule, and/or a piece of machinery, if truly in Christ JESUS then is for One High Purpose Value.

    To move a soul, so that all You Do properly invites the soul to Do better in Christ JESUS, can agree with Anointing for One High Purpose Value.

    Above the wheel in the Drawing is symbolic energy, with matter [attached or clinging] riding upward. Whether vertical and/or whether with complex ways of attaching, many solutions are available. If to look up and shout "JESUS" at a paper or at an electronic speaker, such would be effected by the initial pulse, and also by harmonics and such, though mainly in the secular perspective by the wind. The "wind" does not make the Holy Physics parameters of "JESUS" non-effect, rather consider the cost of "the wind" when less costly energy might better yield even more perfect results.

    Christ JESUS said about "the wind" in John 3.8 NAS:

    This indicates that other than "the wind" should be utilized for Your Holy One purpose(s) since "do not know where it comes from and where it is going" applies.

    Also Christ JESUS gives free choice, such as being of a level over the Created including over "the wind". Though NIV discusses creatures, NAS (see above text) translates more precisely (ibid.): You Christian are ..."over every living thing that moves on the earth." (Genesis 1.28).

    So You are free to opt against "the wind" utilization design, or rather to conquer all things for Christ JESUS, and perhaps to start with conquering "the wind" if You so opt, as indicated above. Consider Your Christian Church criteria, goals, current plans, and resources. Consider Your Member interests: frankly many people want perpetual energy systems in the homes for free, and 110VAC: reasonably then they can plug in the floor scrubber or any other devices they want.

    The Christian is hardly to be the tail, rather the Head.

    A wave (JESUS created) is as a spring that You may control in detail. Two waves can intersect, and three can be as a tripod, though only as much as pertinent. In the secular the pertinence is one wave to the other wave(s). In Christ JESUS all must be pertinent for and in Christ JESUS.

    If to give the secular money, perhaps they spend on clothes, drugs, Charity, and/or other. Similar applies if to give designs and/or machines toward the perpetual, though for instance if to refer to Christian Bible verses for each part of the [toward] perpetual design You give [or sell, trade,...], then at least the recipients would be aware of Your Christian Belief That There Is A Higher Purpose: JESUS. Therefore the recipients would associate the gifts with Your Christian Belief In Christ JESUS.

    Frankly it would be nice to see a [perhaps toward] perpetual motion machine shaped in the form of the Word: JESUS.

    Invite beyond former Translations, Commentaries, and course corrections.

    Affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ (which includes problems such as typos such as the printer not printing the Title with "Of" rather than "of") explained JESUS In The Father In One Holy Spirit showed the substance of Christian Faith [ascending], Testament over Testament (Matthew 21.36 with Matthew 6.33, though sinners make things worse for themselves 2 Peter 2.19 & 20). The "over" part is according to the Holy Principles Of Christian Faith Leadership, precept properly on appropriate precept of Christ JESUS: Line upon line. Book upon Book properly, means not only written, yet rather of the living God in You Righteous Christian Leader as You are free to write, Preach, provide Christian recordings, provide Christian video Witnessing and formulas of the Creator.

    The first was of the Creator [JESUS In Holy Spirit] and people were free to lead, such as Priests meeting with God in the Holy Of Holies. The second Testament made clear in proof Christ JESUS is Lord of all created and All In Heaven above. Yet the second Testament agreed with every Good purpose of the previous Testament (1 Nephi 13.40 LDS) and with none of the sinful straying: each True Testament newly compiles agrees with the previous. Yet even Prophetically each new Will add value (Matthew 6.33) at least in the generation's current jargon with proper translating of the precepts applicably, though in so Doing Righteously For Christ JESUS greater Holy Spirit alway present is counted in this world as added; so the proper newer Christian Testaments to come Will be greater.

    In other words, in the secular consider that a person innovated a screwdriver long ago, and in the future a person or a people might use new propulsion systems to re-position the Earth relative to the Sun, and people may find such likely; so from "screwdriver" to "new propulsion systems". The secular can do goodly works to improve.

    One Christ JESUS truly Does One Good Work that can be added into the world. As more are Christian, each Doing One Work, the One Work becomes easier (from longsuffering to Joy In The Lord JESUS), faster (increasing rate curve: Word to the secular), and more excellent. So excellent, that former mistakes as in translational errors, yet with awareness Christ JESUS did not error(s).

    Examples: when Christ JESUS Did things, the general public may have made notes, and as the current generation secular knows such as in court findings, witness testimonies have sometimes contradicted each other. Similarly parties and nations have sometimes been against each other.

    Rather Christians properly leading agree in Christ JESUS, the key, and likewise in the main value set (Ephesians 4.1-6). Now examine Ephesians 4.7 NAS:

    In Christ JESUS higher conditions apply, yet in properly True Christian Faith look at the word "measure" included in the above: other than higher Miracles, the conditions that apply include the free opting to "measure" lower values (Holy Word And Work given for Christian Leaders). In the scope of this Sermon For Christ JESUS is the GodMath Testament with numbers growing as written in Mark 4.28, therefore in Christ JESUS with formulas growing together as One yet with specific application Members (giving example: Faith / Hearing / Word Of God). From corrections to repentance to line on line to precept on precept in Christ JESUS to greater with Christ JESUS such as 3D text and with Bible code, and to even as shown here concerning robotics such as to help Nuns and Evangelists.

    Concerning corrections and translations, Dr. Louis Sperry Chafer for instance explains "The name LORD when printed in capital letters means Jehovah" and though never having met in the secular legal sense per se, Dr. Louis Sperry Chafer therefore agrees with the above GodMath concern over "capital letters" (capitalized "Of" is higher Christian meaning of Oneness). Dr. Louis Sperry Chafer also explained (in One) "God is impersonal and therefore coeternal with matter." and "God's existence is self-evident" though "to a degree" (").

    Make all things Holy, all people vessels, all matter, all energy, let Heaven be Holy, and would that Christians be properly ascending. Holy Christian Prophesying today is in effect in this Universe, such as of the following:

    The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2, a book and much more than a book: "Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn discusses his book The Paradigm. Through this book, you will learn that this ancient paradigm has determined the events of modern times and also their timing—even down to the exact dates" (as seen on television yesterday, and on video today at

    Jonathan Cahn explained about Christian President Don Trump that His pattern and that of some other top candidates in recent years fit the pattern of "Jehu" of the Old Testament.

    ICCDBB For Christ JESUS also found in another source "his son succeeded him as king" [President (2 Kings 10.35 / Jehu at].

    So prior to the future coming campaigns, prior to the voters, prior to the election results, prior to investment strategies, prior to many other formulas and predictions, is this result (Prophetically, at least from see Comforter Sermon with illustrations and pics).

    As stated in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS, Christ JESUS gave Christian Prophecies, hardly to sit back and watch (merely as Followers), rather to know what is going on and to Do something Good about it. Likewise hardly concerning the bad things if any [(which may or may not apply to the above stated "determined": be aware in True Christian Faith) though interpreted here in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS as "determined" is being revealed for goodly Christian High Purpose in Christ JESUS]; also note that rather than legal slurs against any (or counted in the secular as though such) is the higher [Christian] purpose not only in the Old Testament yet rather concerning Christian Faith in these times understanding many have come to Christ Jesus in the past 2,000 years, and many today might repent and properly ascend in Christianity soon for the great High Holy Purpose In Christ JESUS

    (see below subtitle: Invite Christ JESUS Of Your New Faith).

    Some Christian Bible things have made people furiously hateful, though such is not proper; hate is a sign of confusion, and not proper leadership but instead leads astray and toward self [vessel(s)] destructions.

    Rather New Christianity In Christ JESUS is of properly leading from Good to Good. Even so, in Christ JESUS cause "Good to Good" to become Good to Better Heaven On Known Universe And Greater at least for the Christian, and rather for all to so freely opt. If to be a slave, then a slave to freedom respectably for each other and reliably in Christ JESUS: something new for the secular to behold and Do.

    The opening of the birth (vessel), the opening of the Tomb Of JESUS Christ (Spirit), such things and Spirit(s) empower women: even perhaps to give birth and life to a man and/or men. Similar is found at Treasury of Scripture:

    Pulpit Commentary reported: The words, "from the door," are omitted by the best manuscripts, the Vulgate, and modern editors, and seem to be a marginal interpolation (though also see NAS and NIV discussion above, and original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, and pertinent records and items likewise [reader be aware that if a machine toward perpetual gave future generations videos with audios and such of Christ JESUS then so much better, so much more Heavenly).

    Be Wise Beloved to distinguish higher Christian sources from secular sources (including toward One High Purpose In Christ JESUS, or toward other(s)), for instance on television ancient manuscripts of Christ JESUS continue to be found: some are clearly toward Christ JESUS, others may or may not be (levels, talents,...apply, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for specifics).

    Multitudes of ancient things are revealed, including things more advanced than previously thought for specific ancient epochs.

    The raw material has value.

    Yet the living Christian JESUS (over and with the Christian Bible) You Preach, Write, Text, and similar can be of greater value since while alive You have the pertinent opting in Christ JESUS (Haggai 2.9): from living to greater Holy Living In [them, rather] Them.

    Therefore Your Beloved Current Language (Drawings, vibrations,..., for Christ JESUS) is greater than those new found insights from the past though precepts apply [in other words in secular: depending on specified perspectives (rather all when properly fitted together is One In Christ JESUS)].

    Raw data (including if from any advanced civilization, perhaps from outer space) specifics in the secular can be as with putting a ball in front of a batter, or such as with putting a person on the Moon. Yet rather Your Living Christian Sermons are at to speak of One Heaven, as if folly to the secular though hardly, as to properly pitch the Moon for batter Christ JESUS (if Christ JESUS so invites): and much greater value than a competition and/or grand slam.

    Even so, the properly ascending Christian Preacher is aware of the greater role of Christ JESUS over Heaven and Earth, similar to how a guardian shows a child to play away from a car which brings food, and such as show a teen how to interpret signs so as not to crash. Yet if the Moon is toward perpetual motion, reasonably, consider the greater: beyond Final End Time and into and through the New Beginning(s)(Ezekiel 1.4-25 rather 26-28).

    Shown in the Drawings on this page are wheels and pipelines and such, yet greater [(ibid.) with things per se] are:

  • Verse 26: Throne (perpetual power type device),
  • Verse 27: Loins (perpetual power type device),
  • Verse 28: Cloud (perpetual power type device).

    Above JESUS list / Helpful For Christian High Purpose uplifting reproducing automatic smart growing multi-function systems / Simple Christian attempts.

    Note above "Throne" is as High Purpose Authority In Christ (of the proper Spirit of the Word to fit the Name Matthew 20.23) JESUS (ibid. and greater: with flesh optional); and the above "Loins" is of sex and planting the seed (a sower with a reaper John 4.36 NAS that They "may rejoice together") and [digital (GodMath Testament page 10 line of numbers in thirds: 1. as from approaching zero to loins 2. evolutionary rate, rather 3. ascending)] also associated with a tool belt and rather High Purpose Heart and systems [hands] user friendliness; and the above "Cloud" is in the sense of meaning a vapor and similar as much as for higher purpose in Christ JESUS ( In lower sinner levels, the Higher Christian "Cloud" or "vapor" is less concrete, and toward fantasy foolishness, though as shown above a vapor can be 1,700 scuba tank fulls.

    In the given order from the Christian Bible:

    Cloud / Loins / Throne.

    Throne = Cloud x Loins.

    Energy [such as of superheater steam] / System [tools & materials] / Seat Of Power [in this world human operator (One JESUS)].

    Power = Energy x System.

    So understand the sinful ways are foolishness, and the higher purpose in the Heavens is reality.

    This New Christianity "reality" is greater value for all. Even a secular vessel might be destroyed, yet a vessel made appropriate might carry a King to make Peace with another King: make such appropriate Peace Machines.

    Pulpit Commentary also reported ..."befell as the women were approaching the"..."Christ"..."to give the women and others entrance to the empty tomb, and to strike terror into the heart of the soldiers."

    But Christ JESUS is hardly toward "terror", but the stated "terror" does not make the rest of the information a lie. While the [strong] "soldiers" were free to cause themselves "terror", it did not cause fear in the [weakingling (for Edifying the secular level)] women, rather for their empowerment over those who would freely opt to be "soldiers" against others when Christ JESUS Creator provided Physics Of God free option gifts otherwise for mutual benefits.

    An Angel "befell". Perhaps as lightening, at least as radiant as some lightning.

    Lucifer fell as lightning by the Hand Of The Creator. Lucifer became Satan. If the Creator freely opt to lift and convert Satan to become Christian For JESUS Christ, and to become New Lucifer, then perhaps above stated context of "soldiers" may be in fear, yet rather fear Christ JESUS, and properly, precept on precept.

    Do not fear nor follow Satan, nor false gods idols, nor the "hands" the works of the "hands".

    Be Of High Wisdom In Christ JESUS, Christ JESUS Is One Holy Body and Ye are Members Of This Body, Christians; and if a Flock Member serves as Your Christian Church "hands" Doing proper Christian Goodness, then Bless Your Member: Bless Your "hands" as it is written in Luke 6.33 NIV:

    Christ JESUS condensed (Luke 6.38 see above "3D" words into energy [and slow rate energy: matter]) from mist or dust in the air to a new form (energy packet plasma) to matter in 3D.

    Note that it is stated "new form": this is a transformation key.

    Translations and commentaries, can receive course corrections via ascending Christians, hardly of the secular of erratic behaviors and directions (even as high as the top secular level, such as with a scientific finding: even often without realizing it is an Act Of God JESUS). Since Christ JESUS said the latter is greater than the former (meaning in the Christian properly ascending: as hearers opt to Do [things, rather Christian Work]) so it is Good in the Christian Doer even if to so Do unselfishly for others. Because the proper new is better, the old becomes new, sometimes with adding an ingredient (reference bake sale), sometimes with streamlining (reference removal of airplane tiny rivet heads which together added significant value over friction and weight), and other talents and situations apply; yet the Christian needs ascend properly, some in steps, some in careful leaps, some in properly prepared soaring.

    In secular flying "Flight plans are documents filed by a pilot or flight dispatcher with the local Civil Aviation Authority prior to departure which indicate the plane's planned route or flight path" (wiki).

    It is not the same in Christian Faith. If only to talk, then John 8.28 applies. Yet rather the Christian should properly ascend in whole (John 7.23) in real given Physics Of Creator JESUS rather than fears of created things (Deuteronomy 1.17, Faith level and talent conditions apply Mark 16.18) such as written (of things such as "serpent" and "wilderness") if to make things then make things for Good for others for One High Purpose, John 3.14 NAS:

    (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS such as at,, and more recent Sermons).

    Flights to the Moon have involved multitudes of costly course corrections, toward the secular as a leaf blows in the wind: rather be toward Highest Christ JESUS. A course translation correction, rather a new life added to the former, is concerning Law. The first four books are Law. Though the fourth book, Deuteronomy, also covers "their faith" (KJ 1962 page 705). Though "their faith" is no longer as it was, because today of the Holy Path is greater higher Christian Faith New, in Them (if such be Christian) and the Christian Path contains Christian(s) and none other.

    You have this gift, to be able to read Deuteronomy anew, and New Christianity, in the living Christ JESUS. Old Deuteronomy spoke (raw data reference: speaks) such as of "death", and "horns" of bull and unicorn (Deuteronomy 33.1 & 17) yet in Christ JESUS such as with the above and in Sermons Of Christian Leader(s) You [when appropriate to think on these anew in context in Christ JESUS] can think on these anew, such as directly from Christ JESUS (also such as Sent from above, and 2 Samuel 22.17) self or group examining what better would have been if back then the people would have done as Christ JESUS exemplified with "living", and even latter Old Testament books of "horns" of trumpets.

    Note that even the secular can be with car horns as potential disasters approach, and as public warning sirens. Rather build trumpets for greater New Good, and so not only build yet also utilize in such, even if only to [secular test, rather] provide proper example for their sakes (see above "Charity"). Charity can be immediate (such as explaining it has not been tested, state legal and safety issues), though after Charity You may allocate purpose such as in-house utilization or such as to demonstrate to other groups (with at least making known for Christ JESUS, clearly in them), trumpeting ascending in Joy In Christ JESUS perpetually mechanically, of energy packets, and/or other likewise for Christ JESUS.

    Pope, Bishop(s), and Preacher(s), have Your Women Come Out Of The Cells (see above text on movie Sister Act), if not already so (ibid. note the Women already were much already free to come and go [see above "reasonably"]). Even so, consider for instance the struggles of Your Evangelists trying to make women want to be Nuns (ibid.).

    Invite Christ JESUS Of Your New Faith:

    invite Christ JESUS Of Your New Higher Than Former Faith. Invite Christ JESUS Of Your New Christian Faith as it is higher, better, and greater than former Faith that You had, and yet that You have in Christ JESUS, as the former is not only toward raw data of great value when properly useful, yet far greater in value according to Your Growing New Lively Ascending Christian Faith In Christ JESUS.

    You have talents. The Holy Spirit in the secular person is talents, such as often growing with time, and rather with proper Christian Leaping and Soaring.

    The secular knew the truth(s). Some of them, Christians in the secular world, Did properly Prophesy and such came to pass.

    The Prophetic Christians then knew greater Truth(s) than previously.

    The other secular people mainly did not.

    The properly (proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS likewise perhaps properly leaping in Christ JESUS) Prophetic Christian(s) improved, learning the Walk Of Christian Faith.

    The secular wants things, but very often the secular binds itself in complexities that are toward insignificant matters instead of ascending on precepts of Christ JESUS and similar High Purpose (Truly Significant, And Prophetic). So the secular prefers to tend to not do the longsuffering first in Christ JESUS, so instead the secular is with rewards of temporary comforts that are as to leave milk out and it turns sour, so then the comforted becomes the longsuffer, and the Christian straight-and-narrow in proper Faith reaps the harvest in Christ JESUS: future Joy. This is a Prophetic thing.

    Hardly Worship the "thing", and rather Christ JESUS, that mindful and also with


    in Christ JESUS, and such "Work" involves Doing things with Praying, with people, and Doing things to things

    (often with the "hands" and some body members and less often with certain other body parts), so that being "mindful" In Christ JESUS the proper Christian Faith to properly Worship becomes manifest: Heaven On Earth, Heaven With Earth.

    Mindful In Christ JESUS in the ascending Christian is with the immediate gift-received-thanks-Christ-JESUS-giving-the-gift-immediately, in other words, from the Holy Grail to the higher value as a pipe, and rather as the Christian Heart Pumping Blood properly.

    Christ JESUS provides properly ascending Christians with Good [(Word to some Christian Preachers that feel stifled by secular or partly secular corporate) bear in mind JESUS is higher than corporate] as Christ JESUS is the source of matter, energy, motivation, resources, freely meek bravery in Christian Faith and so on; as in the Drawings above, even if through the valley of the shadow such as of the nuclear weaponry that the Christian converts to high energy power plant applications anew.

    Likewise Christ JESUS shows how Old Testament politics (see above text "Jehu") can be anew (see above text "that They" "may rejoice together").

    A level is like unto an eggshell [as of a chicken] as a person tries to properly break out of the eggshell and up and grow, and if unable then as a Firmament, yet rather both functioning together for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS, and not as to help a chickenhawk by becoming dinner for it (Christ JESUS died once for all), so rather being the properly inviting Host, for example consider the following three (A, B, & C) and what type of people are invited:

    A. Christ JESUS is invited at anytime.

    B. People of all ages are invited to come celebrate the invigorating free Eternal type device designs for this generation and for future generations (John 4.48).

    C. Come help build the future the right way, involving family time on meaningful work on perpetual motion devices for their sakes now and in the future.

    Line A above is right alway (continue inviting and Praying JESUS in the Heart), though if You are to "Host" then the line hardly invites others and is toward only inviting those hardly in need of being invited (Matthew 9.11 & 12) save higher purpose ("continue inviting" JESUS).

    Line C above is secular. No mention of Christ JESUS is made nor any reference to Christian [Bible,...] source information; so as analyzed in the previous sentence it does call to those in need of redemption but consider what they expect and (in secular as compared to) what You plan to deliver to and for them; so if You invite with a hidden agenda it might be heard as misrepresentation, misleading, a surprise that many don't appreciate,...(example Matthew 13.6): as they are expecting one thing but another was delivered of false advertising.

    Line B above is as to state secular things of interest to many (many already active with designs and devices) yet also showing "John 4.48" normally understood as Christian, as part of the invitation. Line B is as a Firmament key above line C, that is toward unlocking line A (being with the Almighty [JESUS]).

    In any case, invite according to what Christ JESUS would have You Do, with Your Sermon on the topic Christ JESUS prefers in You at this time [perhaps on a Bible story pertinent now,...]. Yet if with no specific awareness of what Christ JESUS would have You Preach [and so invite to such Preaching] then freedom as far as known in You allows opting such as if You were invited, to what would You like to be invited?, and so then Do in Christian Sermon form of Leadership In Christ JESUS.

    Perhaps You might opt (see Your Christian Church criteria) to invite people to hear Your Preaching on a higher Christian Spirit breakthrough (of great value and there is much more to be said, though in this generation many Sermons have already offered "breakthrough" [value(s), facts, hopes, promises,...]).

    So perhaps You might opt to invite for a more popular topic, such as seen on politics and money as in the news daily. If so consider the above pertinent text, as an example to help all in Christ JESUS, for the benefiting of all, that none be ignored nor left behind nor lost from Your hand; and so for the proper greater Good In Christ JESUS. So what then concerning politics and money would You change?, and the answer is with the amount of Your knowing Your Heart In Christ JESUS (Matthew 17.20) and the Christian Bible and Christians such as Your experiences with related Christian Sermons previously Preached of You and/or other Christian Preachers. Also, concerning what the hearers "expect" (unless a Sermon such as on surprises, Miracles, and similar), consider overcoming the following, a secular approach to waywardness (Proverbs 1.31-33, Hosea 14.4) from the great movie WALL STREET (Stanley Weiser & Oliver Stone):

    Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas):

    The public is out there throwing darts at a board, sport.

    I don't throw darts at a board. I only bet sure things.

    Read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War

    every battle is won before it is ever fought.

    Think about it.

    Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen)

    (mimicking Gordon now)

    All warfare is based on deception...

    Sun Tzu says, If your enemy is superior, evade him,

    if angry, irritate him,

    if equally matched, fight...

    if not, split and reevaluate.

    Christ JESUS would that You be Wise to consider that secular values (though see above text "proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS") come from the Creator JESUS, though much in the secular is improperly cited, improperly translated, and/or improperly arranged; awaiting You Christian Leader to solve and/or guide them. Now in the above text to the right, there are specific things that are clearly wrong, such as about wars, enemies, anger, and such. Rather consider the higher in Christ JESUS, Peace, Friendship, Love, and so on (so You can correct). The other parts are about how to get from Point A to Point B (so You can Guide, proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS).

    Beloved One In Christ JESUS, You already know how to go for instance from selfishly sinful hate, to Love. You know the benefits of Love. You know of things such as presents under a Christmas tree, and a parent handing a ball to an infant and inviting the infant to play with it, and a car key to a worthy child such as after the child has legal years and shows a great amount love and not confusion, and a great amount of being continuously responsible such as over grades and chores.

    If to give a car, let it be toward perpetual that They too may Do as You and give it, and thereof time for greater. So Your perpetual Ark is not only a gift of a vessel, yet in Christ JESUS also a gift of time.

    ..."when all the people saw it, they gave praise to God" (Luke 18.43).

    ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

    (note in this Series a Sermon might be accomplished in a day, or a long one such as this might be through many weeks, pertinent to: see above text "yesterday")

    February 4, 2018 AD.

    ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

    Tags: Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the pattern of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found of candidates his son succeeded him. How to properly nuke Oak Island compared to the great pyramid levitation or 911 The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2 Television movies WALL STREET Stanley Weiser Oliver Stone Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas Bud Fox Charlie Sheen O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU James Bond Skyfall Sister Act ancient artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control Pope Bishops Nuns Women Come Out Of Cells. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ.


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