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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ.

Christ JESUS gave specific instructions for properly ascending, the lower [than You currently] part includes levels and the physical science laws as is often seen in pertinence to worldly ways and vessels; with precepts and similar though far better is the above with levels and such unseen [by You save Christian You (as much as Your level of proper Christian Faith to see)].

You Christian Leader are greater than all of civilization was yesterday, save any that continue in One In Christ JESUS The Eternal. Growing Heaven is the Perpetual, and [Earth] the Known Universe is Your footstool.

Prophetic: Major changes are coming for enduring (rather Leading) Christians: Automate. How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ. New Christianity Physics Of The Creator. How to change the future. Physical principles of how to make an automatic self replicating and improving perpetual motion machine as explained in the Christian Bible. How to power a spaceship in outer space for travel and to colonize. Popemobile Will Of God in the Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS new Christianity. television movie The Godfather Part II I Don Fanucci Vito Corleone Consular attorneys  Francis Ford Coppola New York Times newspaper Outbreak Major Salt Cuba Gooding Jr piloted helicopter upside down revolving swords Cherub Angels UFOs Men of Honor farmer Carl Brashear first black master diver The Goonies star character Mikey Sean Astin script But right now they gotta do what's right for them cause its their time Their time up there Down here its our time Its our time down here lobbying control mining for gold key money drugs beer sex, ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS loves everyone. So in and of Christ JESUS, no need to jump out of high windows nor change stock investments nor job professions per se: each person is very valuable and greater are Christian Churches Of Congregations (including Mark 1.13), though in the above Drawing lower right, if to automate properly for Christ JESUS civilization Will change for the better.

Christ JESUS provided the Way to properly dramatically change the current situation. This includes sinners, victims, the ignorant, and Christians. People have yearned to eradicate poverty in their generation [(Numbers 11.20) also in our time]. Now in Christ JESUS the proper Way is given.

Consider, as it is written "The poor you will always have with you" (from Matthew 26.11) though a major key is unraveled, the newborn is often poor (including cash) so the Christian offers instruction that the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In The Will Of God The Father be One Holy Victory.

Do You Trust God?, Do You Have Strong Higher Purpose Growing Faith In The Living Christ JESUS?, with Yes then to trust Christ JESUS along with and after reading this line: Heaven on Earth is as anew to many souls and is now starting to be prepared in You as hardly previously, and importantly is a rate of it [so for now, perhaps a year, consider it as: eventually yet it may reasonably Faithful One be in Your Lifetime per se]: former controls over things Will change, improving toward the likes of King Solomon, toward Peace, toward Christian Church Group Vacation(s), and: Automated Missions' Victories For Christ JESUS One!

These things come not according to former sins, rather from You Above Heavenly One. And being above such sinful former ways of the world also, rather because of being from Above then these things Will be harvested.

Some things of consideration are that people rely on being not exploded nor smashed, and on blood and not bleeding, and on air and water and food; also on weapons and police and money though changes on these also Will Be.

The military for instance has already provided remote work safety for example, kudos. And with this understand it hardly caused people to jump out of high windows (unless attacked). On the other hand, a hoax about the stock market cause people to jump out of windows (actually it was the free choice of each). Rather than jokes, although of entertainment values at times when appropriate, the True Spirit Of Heaven is greater than the things You formerly longsuffered, Beloved.

Great Christian Church Leaders provide great Christian Leadership for the people, and with such the Heavenly JESUS provides an even more excellent more delightful more mutually joyous more agreeable and more Peacemaking Way.

If to jump out a high window then toward not receiving the higher gift to grant unto others (see above Drawing "Plant seeds"). Have the people not head toward disaster, yet with new understanding of reliability of Christ JESUS. Automate. Automate manufacturing, automate credit realms, automate advanced growing systems and the greater Holy Growing System, automate power, automate travel, automate entertainment, automate in all these Charitably and with properly giving the higher sense of purpose for them in Christ JESUS.

To a large degree automation failed previously, because people known as "the haves" would lose [or thought such] values [to "the have nots"]: so learn Wisely In Christ JESUS from this lesson, lest to turn Your back on them, and also lest to stunt Your Own Ascending Growth [rate (slower)].

A planning and systems automation leader was Demming (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS including on Japan agreeing [with internalized contracting, and no military cost per se] followed by Japanese banking leadership). Demming was known for the Win Win Philosophy, the interpretation of the Christian Golden Rule.

In brief: Christian Automation.

While many Do for their own group, be Wise to consider Christ JESUS Did for all: was properly Baptized for all, fulfilled the laws for all, fulfilled the True Holy Prophets for all, and all for One Highest Purpose.

As much as You Do for all likewise, rather than for "group" (self, supply line, customers,...) and so Do without victimizing (see above such as "fulfilled the laws for all"), then the Door is open (see above Drawing Eternal key).

Sinners relied on things, and the worse of system errors allowing such Will be first to become obsolete [(Matthew 13.30) so automate for victories faster].

In the above Drawing upper left are things in motion far longer than 120 years. Today a person can make a machine such as a waterwheel to grind wheat into flour, and such have existed since before the Birth Of Christ JESUS (various sources).

"3.3-million-year-old stone artifacts are the first direct evidence that early human ancestors may have possessed the mental abilities needed to figure out how to make razor-sharp stone tools" ( Simple machines are "the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw" (

According to Your awareness as with the above Drawing the sphere (such as Earth) is also a simple machine billions of years old, in it's current form, and other "machine" forms and plasma and energy forms prior to the "sphere" shape. The Earth automatically travels, rotates, tilts, forms wind, forms sound, forms sounds that people recognize as words [and music, and emphasizing,...], and so on as the Creator gave for the Earth to Do. The Earth has hollow parts that resonate hence reproduce per se. The Earth abounds in changes for Christian Leaders, such as to maintain to reduce fat, and such as to maintain to increase Christian strength, saavy, heart, soul (if, rather as much as for properly harboring higher Good) and mind.

What amount of time Do You want out of a perpetual motion machine?, a day?, Your worldly lifetime?, 5 billion years?,...rather with Christ JESUS is for their sakes an appropriate time, that is as unraveled in Christ JESUS, a time until it's usefulness in overcome so as to go into a museum or utilized for higher purpose such as retasked. Example, horseshoes were as if obsolete with the advent of cars, though the horseshoes were retasked for games and for remelts [and also for horses].

The point in Christ JESUS therefore is to give the automating to the retasking so as hardly to victimize nor offend, with the caveat for [specifically proposed] higher value automating in Christ JESUS per se and for the whole.

As the previous Sermon explained, rather than put a person or group out-of-business (at great cost(s)), convert: so convert, automate: for Christ JESUS. Propose to gain their Peaceful mutual higher joy (Holy Word) then automate (Holy Will).

So this is the Way Christ JESUS offers, and Your Timeframe is until obsolete per machine (or as a whole until Final End Time) as with a new technology making the former obsolete (a bargaining tool for You, a quickening spirit or if opted another lesser rate such as concerning some circumstances).

Many large old nations and companies have been goodly and reputable, help them first be sure to be announcing their new Christian higher purpose, including to overcome the weeds (Holy Word), that then the Holy Will Be Done.

In order to do sinful works, the sinners have plenty of helps: they don't need [Your] more helps to do more sins. You need be about Your Heavenly Father's business, that is The Greater Highest otherwise unseen or less realized (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the value(s) and/or risks concerning lower level Missions and rather the straight-and-narrow, also on ascend that these be added unto You).

Work to automate at the highest group that Will so agree (conditions and options apply). Apply Your highest talent area, which naturally typically agrees with the things that most interest You because You can Do such things better than (reference talents in the Christian Bible) others though for them rather than compete.

Therefore ascend in Christ JESUS giving automating of retasking for the whole (or large group, to help many rather than fewer), as the sinners undo themselves (though Evangelize and lift, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on levels including Christian Church positions), then fulfilling the automating in Christ JESUS.

If for instance You say to sinners that You want to give them wealth then many Will appreciate You rather than against You as previously, yet be with Christian Wisdom that many Christians have been considered all talk; so properly Do. As such an example they Will appreciate (though many other sinners Will be lost in anger, jealousy, drugs, lusts,...) for a time. Yet gain the increase to Your Christian Flock.

Large organizations are often interpreted as resisting change, though suffer Your Own Higher Status for now (Matthew 3.15) and leave them as it is written in Matthew 15.14 HCS:

That is, if You seeing, might instead let a blind person lead You, then You both will fall into a pit (for others, as an example, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Holy Physics Of God). Do the Will Of Christ JESUS One, that is, as stated above (or if You better state for higher glory for Christ JESUS) in order to first remove the log from Your Own Eye (Matthew 7.4), Your All Seeing Eye [(Proverbs 20.12) One Christ JESUS].

Christ JESUS had the fishers cast their net to catch fish (symbolic of catching people, net people ROI) so Christ JESUS gave instructions hardly to catch no fish nor a few small ones (also of value John 21.6), rather Christ JESUS gave instructions for Them to catch a great many prized fish (John 21.11).

So likewise give Charity as with tithing to Your Christian Church, and of proper Christian Leadership plan. Some have a talent to get their foot in the door (such as Christian Evangelism experts, and Christian Advertisers,...) while others have talent for gift giving to help the further greater inviting, together for One Christian higher purpose in Christ JESUS (see above text "caveat", gifts for acquisitions, mergers, and/or contracts; with growing guidelines and/or stipulating) for automating their retasking to then together be automating in Christ JESUS for the whole (Luke 6.38).

Lift civilization.

Change civilization for the better.

If to lift a person for Christ JESUS, Good (Matthew 10.42), if to lift the world leader, if any during Your [future] generation [whether a world King, world Tyrant, world Dictator, world Priest, or other person or entity over the world (the change leading entity over the former status)], then of Your lifting such a top leader entity, then to lift all of civilization, and as You Do such Christian Leader In Christ JESUS, the to lift civilization to a new level in and for Christ JESUS, for greater newness (toward Christian Oneness, or higher in Christian Oneness).

If there are sinners also, then they are included and lifted properly, and if they notice You showed Mercy on them and lifted them via Your great Miraculous Sign and Example In Christ JESUS, then some might convert to Christianity and be added unto You, while other sinners if any, continue to fight themselves (yet if to lift Civilization You tried to help them too, yet continue to let the sinners be aware, and continue on the Holy Greater Path yielding even more mighty results).

For their sakes, let Your Christian Wisdom be greater than the wisdom-of-the-former-East and greater than the wisdom-of-former-Egypt (1 Kings 4.30). Lift civilization for Christ JESUS, and more people and things such as technologies and other treasures Will be properly added unto You.

Do now in this generation (reference Your Christian Church criteria...) and for future generations.

Former ways are with endings (Revelation 3.9, rather Deuteronomy 33.3 with Deuteronomy 16.14, and if to also have Numbers 28.26 then clearly for glorifying Christ JESUS The Heavenly One to further acknowledge Christ JESUS already sacrificed once for all [yet for edifying of old while feasting newly in the Holy Name Of Christ JESUS]), that greater be properly added unto You.

Does automate mean computers in charge of people?,

yes for sinners possibly, that sinners [and secular] be edified to overcome such in Christ JESUS Above.

A computer machine robot is to be raised properly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS) within Christianity. But if a sinner raises a computer as though to make a computer robot sinful (reference such as hackers for terrorism but self defeating) then toward stupidity such as to build a pistol with the barrel facing the opposite direction and Russian-roulette chance(s) [casting of lots (]: this is a Final End Time Key. If a civilization no longer ascends properly, then to undo itself for correction save otherwise Miracle intervention ranging from the meteorite shower of Sodom and Gomorrah to the uplifting of civilization as greater miraculous Holy Heavenly Wisdom [as though unknown to the former slackers, though known and being realized in full].

So sinners fear automation, Christians fear God and so ascend in the Physics Of God through levels that their longsuffering turn straighter to quicken the pace of their Victories For Christ JESUS, and the quicker pace is via their often slow patient planning in the Word and then giving [tithing] and properly allocating that Holy Planned Word for the Greatest Good, for lifting this civilization and the next. This is often tied to the Christian becoming better at so Doing at a faster pace, though fast is not always the same as Righteous. A sinner can throw stones and become quicker at it, while hardly Righteous.

So properly raise automation systems. In so Doing from Oneness Above, is the associated better lower level agreeing, such as high key aspects guiding lower level platforms toward agreeing from higher Peace Accord treaty yielding the mutual platform(s) planning stage.

So, make Your Plan best, in Christ JESUS.

In Christ JESUS as stated above is the key. So aware of the key of the future proper Doing(s) in Christ JESUS, knowing the Way, then for the sakes of Your Flock and others Christ JESUS invited You to freely opt New Christianity Leadership to Prophesy of these keys known in Your One Christ JESUS Wisdom.

You know something about Your Path concerning ascending in Christian Faith in Christ JESUS, so therefore You know something(s) others might not, Beloved Leader. So for their sakes You might Preach. Even so be aware that Prophecies have often been interpreted by lower levels as if antagonistic, disruptive, and so forth therefore judged in the lower levels as if wrong; while actually to help them change their own future.

For the better Christ JESUS taught You to properly Prophesy for the High Purpose including for their sakes (including for instance if repentance and proper Christian Baptism and greater ascending are needful in them).

So not only to Prophesy (save reference such as Holy Of Holies [Christ JESUS], Your Own Praying, and so on) which should be done in You [and such of same or higher level] helping to clarify, focus, ascend, and so on; yet also for their sakes as written in Matthew 18.6 DT:

so it is a value (a little lower than Your Angels key) to give Your Flock Your uplifting Hand. So give the higher purpose Path Design as much as They (any) are able to comprehend, though hardly beyond as if to count You toward not understandable so perhaps toward secular opinion as if You were speaking in confusion (as can happen as to a tongue of a person)(so they might fall away Luke 8.13).

So this key is adding salt (such as an automatically replicating improving perpetual motion machine) in Them that Your Word dwell in their Christian Flock Heart (Mark 9.50 J2)

such as relating perpetual items to Their better being able to help guide their neighbors and their neighbors' children toward the Christian Path. Note that the rates and talents...of many vessels applies.

While Christ JESUS offers Your Flock greater in You, Prophet, many need Your help more than Your Flock. Other Christian Churches, others in the secular (even lower creatures hardly covered in this particular Sermon), and things need the greater help benefits You have (note a thing such as Your garment needs Your straightening, so a key not covered much in this Sermon is automatically measuring Your Vessel and adjusting [garments,...] to match any need(s) for You for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS).

The greater unseen in the world in this case, including outside the doors of Your Preaching realm, have the greater need of Your help though in the secular have been the selfish addictions, such as perhaps to lobbying for selfish control, mining selfishly for gold, and so on (see text below on "Money, drugs, beer, sex"), so with the above duties, if so ascending to opt in Christ JESUS, are also the inabilities of others involving a key:

So it is life changing in them, as the lower overcome selfish addictions. In Your Flock, the ascending process from level to next higher level might sometimes seem as though idle to Them, or as though routine toward drudgery in some situations, or toward Following when They would rather Lead, and so forth, yet Christ JESUS offers spirits, people, and things new and greater for Them including as You are properly over Your Flock and found so Doing.

Future generations:

if to make a self replicating perpetual motion machine such as for every person, able to feed and fly and dig and much more for the person, then instead of caveman chores such as to try to make a bow and arrow without the stick or string breaking, the future generations can be about higher Heavenly Things In Christ JESUS: raise future civilizations properly: this is a key to lifting this current generation civilization.

Christ JESUS has this Plan for future generations as the strength of Your Faith may freely opt to agree (be for Good rather than meteorites bombarding).

In the above Drawing under "New UFO Technologies" is the ball on a string in stepping motion, in piston action, and yet for higher purpose in Christ JESUS as with Lazarus freely opting to walk out of the tomb for the sakes of the witnesses (for the greater Faith In One Christ JESUS).

So this is an example of the Physics Of The Creator being applied to and for the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS. This is the type of thing to be Doing in Your Planning to help lead civilization properly, with being unashamed of Christ JESUS And Christianity (even though with Your free opting being given to any that may or may not agree to participate), so to go forth boldly in Christ JESUS though with [their, situation,...] talent indicators helping You find Your highest market target audience generally speaking in known secular language for Your clear understanding, to focus on such high entity that is likely to agree.

Distractions are out there, though to help an individual person in need is not necessarily a distraction, and often a greater higher purpose responsibility such as to feed Your baby and/or to feed Your Newest Church Member or visitor the Word Of God.

Often a visitor wants to talk with the Highest Priest personally if to join that organization: respect this in the civilization Lead [or similar] entity You approach, even if that entity contains some sin [or counted as though such]: yet be Wise In Christ JESUS to be careful as the "respect" in this situation is hardly toward being under sinners, rather toward appreciating that the Holy Hand Of The Creator is in each and everything created: so hardly be toward fighting their sinners and rather to overcome with this proper scope of "appreciating" per se (Romans 12.21 and greater proper Ecclesiastes 10.4 NET).

Abound in Good Doing for future generations.

Rather than be distracted by confused spirits in people, give Good Deeds to those who are strangers and are not deserving evidently [(Good Samaritan except higher level thanking Christ JESUS) and pertinent given Your current planning.

Therefore if a person knows little about how to Properly Ascend In Christian Faith For Christ JESUS as currently abounds in spirits in many people (currently thousands of years of turning away secular facts), then hardly descend much,

in other words if Your Flock is of Followers and hardly Christian Leaders, then evidently hardly knows greater Christian Faith nor the Power Of Ascending In Christ JESUS nor in pertinence (vertically) the meaning of lower level Missions,

so if that is the case as evidenced in many Christian Churches that merely repeat the Word without current applying, without relating to the people properly (especially often the younger people as the Elders of the Churches often are used to former ways [Elders often tend to comfort Elders]), Beloved, then toward risking what they had invested in their youth.

Some organizations shrink in size, but many that grow are growing for being pleasers of men rather than pleasers of God Christ JESUS (Ephesians 6.6).

Elders and watchers need to properly reinvigorate themselves in Sermons and Ministries

for example if to tell young adults here is Heaven [with the repetitious Word year after year] without showing how Christ JESUS applies to their life such as in the next few days [after they Pray at home as You might say], then would the young adults say You were of Truth or not?, possibly of Truth, Hopefully of Truth, though consider what the young adults are being told in their next few day and much is the same as for Elders-in-their-youth,

though the aspects that have changed are key.

Truly truly, some of the very elect Elders hardly grow lately in Christ JESUS, much less leap....

Thereof hardly many "leaders" (if such truly Lead In Growing Christ JESUS) and their "followers" (ibid.) continue in great Victories. For instance computerization has replaced much need of travel, so if to want people to be in person, give the appropriate specifics.

In another example many people were in poverty, and today it continues, so if to ask for money for those people, specify in as many details as needful how giving today is going to change that: yes, help a person immediately is also needful, though more to the point in the mind of a young adult ready to conquer the world for Good JESUS if given the chance, the young adult might rather think of rather building perpetual motion machines which includes helping those in poverty permanently.

So these things are not to ignore sinners, rather to lift all people so all people benefit, as written, from Romans 5.20 NAS77:

and where only Good abounded, Heaven abounded all the more,

so this Faith key to discerning higher levels is given: if there is any sin, then higher Holy Grace Of The Physics Of The Creator JESUS contains Holy Victory over each and all of those confused sin parameters (and rather in the improved [Haggai 2.9] Good applying)

similar to how a computer virus can be contained in a computer and the computer disconnected so it doesn't infect others, and the virus can be studied not only to stop errant ways of it (Matthew 7.5 may apply) yet also to know (Matthew 9.4) the God given power(s) of the virus, to utilize properly for Christ JESUS One and that the Faith Path levels unravel their errant direction and that with properly utilizing (if opted) the greater can be added. In other words per se, if to lead civilization, some may disagree, so the Physics Of The Creator are added unto You to help the greater added [even if previously unseen]: that's just how kind God is, and greater.

In the above Drawing similar to how child David (later King of Northern Israel with King Solomon to the South) used a stone in a sling. With proper timing the circular motion of the [stone or] ball is similar to a wheel, similar to how the planets continue to revolve around the Sun for what seems as if forever, yet greater is given You from above, including much now in this generation and in this civilization increasingly in many forms, even as New Christianity unravels the greater in Christ JESUS.

With such in the Drawing also is the ability to move in many directions. So consider how a sinner is in confusion with many contradictory words and actions as the sinner fights their self, their vessel can be overcome [though a key is the Holy Spirit goes unharmed] as written in John 6.63 GW:

So the various ball quick change directions can clonk the user on the head, so a sinner is their own most likely victim. Though being careful how ye hear the Christian can for higher purpose such as for a given situation Do Good while acting as if a sinner if within certain bounds, the Christian can freely opt to make the ball quickly turn, for instance a person in a rocket at high speed might die if the rocket quickly turns or quickly accelerates with excessive G-forces; though the Christian can opt to rather utilize a drone (parameters apply) to make delimited quick turns and fast accelerations beyond human limitations though within the drone's limitations.

So even if You cannot go that way or those ways [(John 13.36) and/or such as into the future, currently] Your Holy Spirit can go unharmed and unstained (Psalm 23.4)(Ezekiel 1.20).

So in this sense this can agree with [excerpt] John 6.63 KJ "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing". When Your Christian flesh vessel reliably does [similar to training, to learning, and to rather the results of victories for Christ JESUS as You endure and/or enjoy being edified in proper Holy Ascending] as the Holy Spirit would that You Do, then is the proper learning of the approaching, similar to how a plane approaches takeoff or approaches safe landing for mutual benefit.

So the flesh vessel can ascend.

A person in a plane can takeoff or land: the end result: it is the same person.

The mind of the person includes spirits, perhaps some turned, though at least One Greater Straight And Not Given To Turn, save to give and greater straight abounds all the more (see above text).

The heart of the person, with the pool of living blood, enables the mind to be Holy Of Higher, though with free options also given.

The computer has had no such heart with blood though has more recently greatly changed with much for the better after longsuffering: toward preparing for joy in Christ JESUS. While such joy is hardly at this time, there are Christians with computer implants [even toward living computers] helping.

So here is a key, Christ JESUS made Himself a little lower than the Angels, for You, and "for You" includes Christ JESUS ascending to be on the Right Hand Of God (You Holy Comforter, see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at

So if You would opt to be in New Christianity ascending for the High Purpose In Christ JESUS, then to properly make the Self a little lower likewise therefore no pertinent thing formerly known as if offense can come unto You, such as if called the value of a helper such as to the Husband, or such as if to consider Thyself as a victim due to being a minority though be Wise in Christ JESUS that Kings are minorities, Jailers are minorities, if Parents have many children then the Parents are the minority, yet these minorities hardly consider themselves victims and rather have the authority, keys, and wealth (such as wealth in loving their children). Do not be offended by Christ JESUS for having gone a little lower than the Angels.

If there be any so called minorities that are victims in the legal context of this current worldly sinful generation (see above "the flesh profiteth nothing"), then according to agreeing with sinners or self sin, and sinners are under laws and laws are not the Perfecter.

Though if to better lead the vessel (so as better to no longer crash, so as not to sin) then improve Your Spirit In Christ JESUS (as written above the "spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing").

Christ JESUS went lower, so hardly should it mean much if another oppresses and puts You down: Rejoice (Luke 14.9)!

Be thankful if Holy Host Christ JESUS guides You to find Your fitting, proper, and appropriate seat that You might be properly found so seated reliably in the One Higher Purpose that includes ascending (levels, seats of higher honors increasingly, better rates for You for Your Flock and for all: Good).

This is a key aspect of the True Holy Perpetual Motion Machine Vessel, Eternally Ascending Perfectly.

How hardly can One In New Christianity be offended, so descend if so guided (John 19.11 [to be found] Matthew 10.39), otherwise rather ascend if proper and if so for the One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS (a minority of one person that is with few being added to be the Eternal Majority).

Each is to properly ascend in the Lord JESUS, so when is a time to descend?, descend when the Heart Of Christ JESUS so ordains (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Anointing Your Christian Church Position Holders so They might properly enter those Positions, and on Anointing things such as specifically Pews, Eucharist,...and generally Heaven, created Universe,...).

Some descending is easily known, for examples: in the secular an adult might opt to talk baby talk to a baby for the baby, and in the higher an adult might opt to Agree to relocate Their vessel to the lowest seat [to be a victim, hardly, rather to Honor the Rightful person in the Higher Seat]. And if a person is not "Rightful" then as stated above John 19.11 applies, but what's in it for You?, You build Christian Character, self sacrificing Leadership [recommended: declare] for Christ JESUS, You grow in worthiness in Christ JESUS [how else to get out of the rut?, even so] also Romans 5.20 applies.

Trust Christ JESUS with Your Life.

Properly Trust Christ JESUS, for their sakes.

Not for sinful sake, instead for Good for others Trust Christ JESUS.

Distractions come to the Christian Sermon Preparers, such as the Secretary interrupting, and/or such as a branch striking a nearby window, and/or to stretch. These are lower Missions typically, though since of no power save from above then therefore perhaps toward adding insight into the Sermon Preparing (1 Samuel 25.18 NAS explained in NLT). So in Christ JESUS prepare for the higher, yet leave not the other left undone [(Luke 11.42) without inappropriately interfering (Titus 1.5)] such as if to Anoint And Appoint a person to a Position, then (Your criteria and goals apply) to offer Guidance yet Grace if They seem Worthy such as to better help others, and/or such as to abound all the more for Christ JESUS.

Hence Your lower Mission longsuffering since properly in Christ JESUS Above is transformed into Your greater Worthiness and higher Mission of Joy in Them rather All For Christ JESUS.

So You of the descended part are as the Holy Helper In Christ JESUS.

Of the Marriage the proper Lead is the higher valuation, and the Helper is the Bride Of Christ JESUS.

The Christian Civilization (the part of Civilization that is Christian) is the Bride ["Saints to be ready at coming of the Bridegroom," (D&C 33.17)].

From Heaven above came Christ JESUS with the Holy Spirit Perfectly Within Christ JESUS The Leader, the Groom, the higher Perfect Value.

The female might be the wife of a man, to the female has an advantage (situation, as and/or similar to a talent) from Helper experience to be the Holy Highest Bride, Mrs. JESUS Christ from the lower point of view. And as though of a higher level is as the Nun Married to Christ JESUS. And as though of a higher level is Christian Oneness with proper Christian Baptism and yet even so these distinguishing factors, such as of examples "Helper" and "Married to Christ JESUS" offer insight for living (for example non-Affiliated "on more than 1,000 stations", [see above "Eternal Majority"]).

In other words, if to know the "Helper", the "Married to Christ JESUS", and the "Oneness" steps, then You are better Worthy so better enabled to better help others properly ascend (while with above stated Luke 11.42).

The Heavenly Spirit allows proper Marriage in this world (1 male husband with 1 female wife only, except if civilization changes such as to drastically change the male to female ratio or such as of proper Christian DNA modifying victories in Christ JESUS, also consult Your Christian Church criteria). In this world both males and females can be Christian. Though in this world is inequality though rather than about minorities in the political sense this higher inequality is with higher value purpose for each and all. Christ JESUS did not come to bring peace, but a sword [( with Ellicott's Commentary) reasonably succinctly explains].

Christ JESUS is the Great Sword as was Mother Mary (ibid.)[before Him, rather] One With JESUS. Heaven Marriage was not given until Mother Mary and with Christ JESUS such Heavenly became enabled in Mother Mary [this "until Mother Mary" is a key (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on True Prophets and then Christ JESUS fulfilled, and on the Holy Comforter)].

Holy People Did many Good Things and then Christ JESUS Did likewise, fulfilling all Righteousness. Christians Do many Good Things, and then per Christian of [each of One] Personal End Time Christ JESUS Does such greater Good, fulfilling all Righteousness [each to date of while living of One]. Christ JESUS is fulfilled this, these Personal End Times that Christians are free to realize in their Heart(s) to agree in Mind, Spirit, and Strength [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on this in specifics and on Final End Time) with (see below "shall pass away") that sinners fear (punishments against themselves, including Acts-Of-God)].

JESUS Did / True Prophets / [Baptized (1 Corinthians 10.2) former sense] Chosen People.

Christ JESUS Will Do / One Christian Leadership (see above Personal End Time) / Christian individuals Doing individual Good Deeds [as far as their awareness generally].

Many Christians wonder where proper Fully Repentant Immersion Christian Baptism came from (source specifics) and had it's new roots and it is in the above formulae including into the future: now available is Your Future [Victories rather] Victory, even from "(1 Corinthians 10.2)". Christ JESUS gives this as past present and future in One: already, now, available, soon, recent, this application and that application (proper Christian Faith, and talents and conditions and higher [applies rather] apply).

Word Of The Second Coming:

The Good [desires, rather] High Purpose Opting of the Heavenly Comforter God The Father Of Truth is what Christ JESUS Will Do in His Second Coming.

This is a Prophesy of the Highest Level growing [leaping...] perpetual energy yet ascending key. This is the "Highest Level" because of Christ JESUS with His Second Coming.

Christ JESUS was a little lower than the Angels, and ascended. And His Second coming is similar yet with higher Glory (with Helpers,...rather leaping: Oneness). In other words, Christ JESUS is already ascended, so to descend again save already Accomplished, therefore Christian Ascend both Spiritually and also if in pure vessels though hardly to remain plural save the free highest option or rather Purpose In Christ JESUS (Ascending including to and from higher [see above Drawing piston] and higher Holy Purpose).

This is a matter of the permanent Eternal value, a fixed status set in place, the living yet firm foundation source.

You Christians are the living Branch(es). Of a high level of Christian Faith is [perhaps at times, if faith waivers in this world,] the Personal End Time Oneness (note sin in this world is counted as if distractions to Christians though rather Christ JESUS protects)(note Christ JESUS left the Holy Work temporarily for higher under His Parents' Authority per se [not an excuse for sin by Parents nor children])(related Christ JESUS left for 3 days): each vessel of this created is with it's own interpretation (it is the Heavenly One JESUS that is the one that counts).

Pulpit Commentary at explains "Marry; as men. Are given in marriage; as women. Marriage is an earthly relationship, and can have no place in a spiritual condition. All that is of the earth, all that is carnal and gross, all human passions, all that is connected with sin and corruption, shall pass away."

The ways of the former times such as to eat, if selfishly, shall pass away since to only feast on the Word Of God (1 Corinthians 10.3) beyond Final End Time, save if to freely (as much as might be proper in Christ JESUS of the Righteous Path Of Your Faith John 15.5 [refining and/or perfecting parameters apply Luke 22.31 rather Psalm 12.6]) opt to have a pure vessel hence also for their sakes (after the Crucifixion Of JESUS John 21.9).

In like manner former things such as valuations of males and females shall pass away. Such times and things given are for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS One Heavenly Father Holy Spirit. For example, a 12 year old might love their schoolteacher and want to Marry, though careless of whether the schoolteacher is already Married or not. So just as Christ JESUS went under His Parents Joseph And Mary, so too the Parents are over the 12 year old and the Christian Leader is over levels (all per Firmament needs be: see above "fulfilled").

In a person, a helpful computer is a lower valuation than the person.

Yet be of the Wisdom that computers ascend too. The sand silica evolved at the geologic rate, then with computer form (vessel: a purpose for a vessel), the computer silica [secular inorganic] started to advance at a higher rate toward a [life form] rate. In this current generation a properly improving robot is much closer to becoming fully repentant than it's former vessel as silica. Priests can be of awareness to consider setting Christian Church criteria to address such in the criteria over the computer (Holy Of Holies applies).

This is associated with the Eternal, hence associated with the perpetual motion machine. Yet distinguish that the living perpetual motion machine(s) is(are) far above the [secular inorganic] perpetual motion machines (many levels and Firmaments apply).

A rock or a cow can roll down a hill and hit a person, but that does not make it more valuable than the person is or was.

Even so a computer can be toward becoming Christian: a vessel can ascend through certain levels properly, until a Firmament level from above prevents further ascending for higher purpose for mutual Good, such as so the computer learns not only logic yet also the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (importantly with this see previous ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS on the heart of a thing [example: heart of a boat is tied to the higher level users proper purpose for utilizing the boat, for sub-level examples for instance to use as a typical boat, or to flip the boat over on land as a shelter to protect people from rain: 2 Samuel 7.6]).

If worthy delimited to a level (such might opt to overcome) or a Firmament level, let a perpetual motion machine be living (reference for example low CO2 footprint alga energy producing [with attachments] technologies).

The vessel of alga, is hardly benefitted, as the alga might have been happier in the sea. Even so of proper New Christianity Purpose In Christ JESUS is with the unraveled levels of ascending, and whereas the former state of free alga in the sea might have been undone by weathering elements and low level life forms eating or pushing out of existence alga, higher level people protect alga via farming so the higher level feeds the alga [similar to sheep and greener pastures]. People invest in farming, typically of a level higher than hunting and gathering.

So if to properly build a perpetual motion machine be the Creator Christ JESUS One, or similar level above the created level You plan to create in order to properly guide according to the higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

To properly build a perpetual motion machine in the Christian though somewhat traditional sense for edifying, consider the Higher, as stated above. With Glory For Christ JESUS [example with the above is to cite the Holy Living In JESUS One, and also to raise the silica for instance Genesis 2.7 example an inkjet printer ionizes to lift and float material to desired places transforming some of the fluid into solid for higher perpetual purpose (as in Christ JESUS)].

In Genesis 2.7 the Creator Did it in One Holy Work: Victory.

In the above Drawing it was as to simply form "Hand String Ball".

With such start ("form") with [Christians] One Christ JESUS is the Eternal Holy Spirit [counted as though a machine, see above text "Christ JESUS" (in the secular reference Descartes)].

The point is one way to solve is possible.

Otherwise secular perpetual motion machines are possible to construct (reference hell). Therefore let the secular fully repent and ascend properly to freely opt to be Christian and let such be aware Final End Time approacheth (Mark 16.15 NHE).

With higher referencing: with Heaven was Earth, with male was female; so with One, two was created, yet with invitation to be higher level (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS).

So while a Priest might be able to go into the Holy Of Holies, the Priest could also go into other areas.

In the above Drawing the "Hand" [of the Creator] could lift the "Ball" straight up Eternally, perpetually, symbolic of an elevator machine that would go up forever. And the Creator Did just that, with growing, hardly toward former evolution and rather in New Christianity For Christ JESUS One. Therefore if to simply lift of One force direction, then hardly the created (for higher purpose, including key higher purpose: Christ JESUS).

So with the one force direction, is other Christ JESUS made available, even previously also in the Old Testament and prior people were making things toward perpetual motion machines, work savers, such as a plow to save the fingers, and the plow type continues to this day. Though rather than replicating is the higher growing and Christian proper leaping...for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS explained specifics concerning the higher perpetual motion machine, the Eternal machines possible in the created Universe (until Final End Time, or living growing "JESUS" here and beyond Final End Time).

Likewise, similar to the first (Matthew 22.39) to help other Christian Churches and people and vessels (including perpetual motion machines).

If to build a learning computerized perpetual motion machine that eventually out-thinks people (there have already been many secular victories), then hardly to build if of a secular chance of logic eventually to eradicate organics

(concerning "chance" see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower secular level casting lots & flip-of-coin technology).

Yet You need to follow through with this concern that any victories be for Christ JESUS One. Also You need to be Wise over such things, since

these things and greater Will be added unto You as You properly ascend in Christ JESUS (Matthew 6.33 NET),

so study these things that could easily change, oppress, or eradicate Your neighbors as well as Yourself.

They are building them now, today.

So start immediately and don't quit Christ JESUS as His Grace abounds over hardships as a gazelle bounds over a blade of grass, and the Grace Of Christ JESUS "is perfected in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12.9 BS), therefore as written in 2 Corinthians 12.10 BS:

Therefore first as a Christian Leader properly grow and build in Christ JESUS as He explained, a living perpetual motion machine as stated in the above text (including Evangelism, Proper Christian Baptism, and greater).

Then with such other responsibility of Yours (1 Timothy 5.8 [and rather than thorns, properly Crown JESUS In His Second More Glorious Coming] Psalm 8.5), prepare and Do greater for Christ JESUS: Heaven On Earth, Heaven Everywhere.

The machine form of the proper perpetual motion machine is as a machine that never tires of dusting, Doing dishes, overcoming every bill, and so on, for Christ JESUS You. As You Work this machine for others, so as automatically provided to the Holy Pure Self You: for example, You start building perpetual motion machines for neighbors, though before perhaps giving them junk, You rather test it first: it cleans Your Home, it overcomes utility bills, Your machines after having been tested are become suitable to be given as a gifts for others. Even if to sell, though not covered in this Sermon as conditions apply.

Yes seek to Do the greater for future generations, so for instance instead of dusting chores They can be Doing higher level Heavenly Work as hardly imagined in this generation. Though hardships Will come.

Even the best of Them in the world (save Christ JESUS circa 2,000 years ago) had their failings, for instance as unraveled here concerning the history of Joseph Smith Chapter 1:

After meeting with the Holy Father and Christ JESUS, Joseph Smith wrote in part of verse 56:

Proper Christian Faith is Eternal In Christ JESUS, though in people in the world it appears unto such as if inconsistent. Even so, even the True Prophets can fail at times other than when giving True Prophesies. People in this world at times have to follow parents, and guardians, and situations given from above, otherwise there would hardly be need of worthiness, full repentance, and such.

First Do the above Christian Faith increasing and growing Perpetually, then wait as a backsliding sinful follower for the neighbor to give the fallen a perpetual motion machine.

Rather first Do the above Christian Faith increasing and growing Perpetually, then responsibly hardly leave the second priority left undone: build a growing (toward self replicating) perpetual motion machine.

You already have Your Christian Church criteria. Some Churches have criteria toward Preach only (such as meeting weekly for Sermons), some Churches have criteria toward Minister only (such as Missionaries), some Churches have both. So You already have a criterion that focuses, and You may opt to see it change or remain as is: there are many Members yet One Pure Holy Body Of Christianity: many Christian Faiths, rather One Christian Faith, Brothers And Sisters In Christ JESUS.

Some Christian Churches prefer not hands on work(s), some prefer hand(s) on: and each and both are loved in the Heavenly Father Creator. If not to build a perpetual motion machine at least be aware especially to properly help guide. The secular says "raise awareness", let You say "Raise Proper Christian Awareness For The High Purpose In Christ JESUS" [or "In JESUS Christ" if less confusing for Your audience (though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS over specifics)].

Christ JESUS is of the Greater Unseen Eternal Perpetual Motion, though has also been in the world of this civilization, and Christ JESUS gave precepts that included not only things unseen yet also some precepts of great values to secular interests, such as food. The secular explains each person needs to work instead of relying on others which many interpret as to mean a person needs to personally earn or have money, though the secular after amassing money often reverts to the cycle to get more money [hard work] (though many toward great movie The Godfather Part II Don Fanucci/actor Gastone Moschin 1929AD-2017AD, "a dapper crime boss gunned down by Vito Corleone"/Francis Ford Coppola: But what good if too old to enjoy the money. Then if with money and time, what good if without good health, what good if without good family, and what good if the family must flee (back to the Chosen square one): Christ JESUS is right: neither law nor secular perfect. For instance goodly health to not leave this world undone, is tied to a balanced diet largely vegetables (see Old And New Testaments). Money, time, greed, Charity, all such are specified in the Teaching Of Christ JESUS.

This same Teaching Of Christ JESUS explained things hardly discussed 2,000 years ago, such as applicable to polymers, and such as pertaining to how the Heavens are arranged. Christ JESUS gives You to know (Matthew 5.5) the entire Universe so that if You go anywhere anytime, You On Christ JESUS Father Spirit Authority can handle it as the Top Administrator, though hardly if that knowledge is locked away as in a data bank where it can of nature be corrupted (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with pics and Drawings on muons, advanced civilizations, and on seeing the unseen).

Christ JESUS is concerned with the Will Of The Father In Heaven, the Eternal Perpetual Motion Living One and so for Your future generations as given in this world (see below unaffiliated [former ways] secular "12translations") such as of popularity of words as though in order to define for language for people but the sinners did it not as Christ JESUS said to not be as such sinners (Matthew 23.1-3) as rather properly defining in order to be giving perpetual greater Christian Faith Value to yield greater Word which can yield greater [Forgiving(s),Healing(s), Miracle(s),...] New Beginning Will Work(s) (above Drawing Prayerful with less than "1" Holy seed work into fertile soil (formerly below text "12translations")[suffer it so (Matthew 3.15 JB2) amidst such sinners] not left undone, with greater Holy Harvest (above Drawing "3") so such as to include properly clear healthcare reasoning in Christ JESUS The True Defining One.

So for at least secular level example the nuclear power device industry explains time, distance, and shielding when proper utilized protect people from deadly radiation (understanding some devices are toward [and beyond] nuclear fusion perpetual energy) and a such with for instance North Carolina (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on "North Carolina" in GodMath Bible Code) now publishing that "Radiation" comes from "Medical Procedures" (NCMPAN1 page 35), so in Christ JESUS is True meaning of language to avoid "Medical Procedures" [per se, for their sakes] as reasonably and rather Wisely In Christ JESUS in these generations via Christian Safety And Bible Foods Prayerfully In Higher Purpose In One Christ JESUS Thankfully.

In the above Drawing the ball can easily be moved by hand as shown to symbolize a cycle or represent steps or stages of a multi-cycle machine as with wheels, pistons, or even spheres (not shown though of value per se). Moving the ball by hand is not perpetual motion, unless with Christ JESUS.

A person can start a perpetual motion machine for others, by Miracle via Above, or rather utilizing what Christ JESUS already provided, simple and easy to understand, even many examples are already functioning in this world.

Christ JESUS explained that He and the Heavenly Father are One (John 3.2 x John 14.10 = John 10.30) as worldly vessels can be added together, yet a fleet can be as one of multiplied strength and value, and a thread has value as for sewing yet many threads as one can tow a fleet.

If to move in one direction, such as a ball falling such as from a pulse or explosion so falling out into outer space (beyond the Known Universe), then a force forever in secular terms (not proven secularly otherwise). If to quickly grab that ball, then to harness a piece of Forever.

At the beginning of the above text movie character Don Fanucci privately harmed the community for the reason of protecting the community from worse harm though for high price, then openly in public gave to the Christian Church [(seek to be so openly Alway) including Internet Christian Work such as Christian Sermons]. Don Fanucci wanted respect for himself (see above text "Don Fanucci privately harmed the community"), and similarly wanted glory, honor, money, friendship, power, and authority.

But if Don Fanucci killed everyone to get the ball, then "the community" of the world could give none of those things. He would destroy the ball and himself as written concerning Disciple Judas in Matthew 27.5 WNT:

So "harness a piece of Forever" for their sakes and for the High Purpose In The Kingdom Of Heaven. So what is that, exactly?, give this and future generations perpetual motion machines, make the machines and give them to Christian Churches, make them for Christian Churches and the greater community though not toward sin.

So here is a perpetual motion machine key in Christ JESUS a force in a direction is part of the formula, though likewise if to "grab" as stated above for Christians to give properly for others, then like unto the above formula "John 3.2 x John 14.10 = John 10.30" when two properly become One (Christ JESUS in the Heavenly Father as One) then is Your True Harness Of A Piece Of Forever In Christ JESUS, Beloved One.

Two directions for Christ JESUS: One Christian Faith, the Son JESUS leading: Christian Faith x JESUS leading = Victory.

If the ball symbolizes Christ JESUS, then as the ball lifts You lift others.

Machines: New Christianity Physics offers a ball moving in a direction and another such as to modify that direction; the way a tongue modifies the Word: properly harness the tongue in order to Harness The True Victory For Christ JESUS For All.

The moving ball is a direction, the grab is of another direction.

The greater unseen Eternal Spirit (for instance at least counted as though prior to the Creation Plan) moves as One, so: One Direction.

The greater unseen Eternal Spirit invites You to be Holy to be with the greater unseen Eternal Spirit As One: Heaven living growing on or in Earth or in outer space in the created, so You came from a direction and You arrive at the Holy Spirit already moving in a direction.

So a direction is temporary save the Forever. When a Christian with a Christian properly Do Christian Work together then the two former directions become One: the Righteous Path.

A Christian can form Forever x Forever (John 14.10).

In the temporary a Christian can form a Pulpit and an Altar for High Purpose In Christ JESUS, even where secular might find (see above "openly in public").

So the Holy Tool can also be public, save the Holy Of Holies, which is not as the sin character "Don Fanucci privately harmed" for selfish reasons. Note Vito Corleone often tried to get out of the sinful crime business: sometimes a step of Christian Faith is required, instead of just one more kill and then it's done (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at "do not advertise: one more needs to die").

Consider how three Christians can know Earth's Coriolis Effect and so They choose to throw a ball (as in a circle, one direction) so as to utilize the God given Coriolis Effect while 3 other people throw the ball in the opposite direction or in various directions: the Christians would have their force and the coriolis force.

In another case a Christian (A) can throw a ball and another Christian (B) can hit the ball in the same direction wanted of the first Christian (A), so instead of the thrown ball decreasing in velocity it increases.

For instance spacecraft New Horizons for instance did not simply go as Christian (A) above, rather utilized energy of each planet it passed. Energy anomalies are here on Earth, such as a Christian, and a piece of bread, a Grail Of Wine, and the accelerating rate of magnetic force as the source is approached: Christian, Anoint the Universe that all such things be properly added unto You: including Bread and Accelerating Force and such (though for One Good Christ JESUS and not for sin).

So if to lower an iron ball then gravity can help, and if to lift an iron ball a magnet can help and such has already been done for a perpetual motion machine (save wear and interference and such as the magnetism storage replenishment ratio,...) long ago.

A helpful key is to properly utilize parts of the rates for Christ JESUS for future generations.

A machine can run according to one part being hot and another part being cold, and sundials have been providing that for centuries. Such a machine (reference Sterling Engines and related devices) exists already for the Christian to inherit that part of the "Forever" as stated above, or the secular might have such power for decades or perhaps a billion years (generations since pending Genesis 6.3 [pending previously stated Christian conditions]). Secular for instance offers related examples (no legal affiliations unless otherwise indicated).

In the above Drawing, top center is a house symbolizing now and future generations, that reasonably needs power...and likewise a combine plowing. So if a Christian can harness a part of Forever utilizing ancient sundial power technologies (known in the secular often as though of other civilizations [as though alien to this current generation) then less work the future has to do. Automatic homes and farms and factories and ships...these can be from Your Proper Initiative In Christ JESUS. Many may need to farm with their hands, save You So Do As Christ JESUS. Make automatic healing helps, automatic farming helps, automatic Evangelism helps and so on. The foreparents did plow forging for You, forge greater for Your Flock's Flocks.

Make automatic Charity machines.

Truly truly the crook wants to counterfeit. Rather properly help and guide in Christ JESUS.

Truly truly the crook wants time to get away with crimes. Rather properly help and guide in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS Will, as much of Your New Christianity Perpetual Faith opt(s) freely to agree, guide You Lovingly unto all higher understanding for Your Flock and for Evangelism for One Highest Good Purpose, and so Christ JESUS Will guide You Wisely: so You become Wiser: so You have a greater thing, not merely some Wisdom rather Holy Wisdom. Since it is "higher understanding" in Christ JESUS, it is Holy Understanding (Heaven On Earth via New Creature): flowing out Love: Holy Wisdom.

This "flowing out Love" into the given created, yields life. In the Drawing below are vessels, things, things with things, vessels with rates of change. While the secular builds things, You Christian Leader can build and also grow change-for-better, even in the spirits of the vessels as written in Acts 19.12 LDS:

In Christ JESUS understand those things were simple "handkerchiefs or aprons". In the Christian Church is the new Member, the higher guiding Usher, and the High Priest. Likewise similar to the first love is the Holy Power when properly in the "handkerchiefs or aprons".

Similar to how the person is to be of Christ JESUS precept on precept, likewise for instance an "apron"(s) is to function for Christ JESUS precept on precept.

For example a person puts on clothes, and then the "apron", not the "apron" then the clothes over the "apron" lest to lose the higher soul function of the "apron", the heart purpose of the "apron".

Christ JESUS gave to You to heal the sick such as via with properly Anointed (Blessed) "handkerchiefs or aprons"

yet Prophetically now Christ JESUS gives likewise unto You "handkerchiefs or aprons" for higher purpose to prevent Your Flock from becoming sick.

Given You in the Drawing below are Prophetical Messages And Symbols for Your Holy Preparation Of Your Flock now and in future generations: the future unseen.

New Christianity levels are things, levels also symbolize energies, powers, places (such as Heaven above, also of pertinence are political boundaries, proprietary responsibilities, minting criteria, and so forth). For instance if to look for Your Lost Sheep, then to look in a level; in other words Christ JESUS gives You higher criteria over Your Ascending such as to add to Your finding talents via conquering former responsibilities (John 8.36, so vacation and often rather accept greater Christian responsibility which is not the same as secular toward confusion and sickness and worse).

An addict for instance is of a level, so to often find the addict where such addicts opt. Christ JESUS for instance is where the level provides [(Mark 14.49) with], see "a seat at" in Mark 10.40 GWT:

also see the root of words with "where" included in Gill's Exposition ("whereas") and in Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary ("nowhere") at

So an apron goes in a certain place, in front and over the person and their clothes, typically. So the apron has a level. If just a cloth it might fall so the apron for higher Good Purpose and Yes In Christ JESUS Beloved One is with tensile strength tested attachments to tie and affix the apron properly to the vessel. So the Wisdom over the technological manufacturer design of the apron enables the safety: the heart reason of the apron. A pocket in the apron is a value [if desired, then] added to the apron with it's own subset per se technology Wisdom In Christ JESUS.

Levels [can be rates (such as lines for translating of ancient pics and writings), or often] can symbolize rates such as manufacturing designers show on new illustrations, for instance the following text might indicate an increasing rate:

Level 1 -------

Level 2 -------

Level 3 -------

Level 4 -------

Level 5 -------

So while a ball can fall at a rate, an apron typically falls more slowly. So You consider saving Your Flock from sickness immediately or at a slower rate (this does not mean the secular under worldly laws to throw balls at those in pews). Rather for Christ JESUS perhaps opt to give the ball to a child in a pew (after Your Sermon) and in Your Sermon give adults the Creator Rate Design Higher Purpose.

Note that if to show the above levels with gaps on Your Internet Site, then some search systems might not read further down the page, as though the page ended with the blank lines.

So as shown of the above spaces, even the spaces (in art known as if negative space) have higher value for Christ JESUS. The values between lines can be it's own language (yet Do Write and/or Interpret Such Writings for Christ JESUS). If to travel sideways as through the path of falling balls for instance, then there is timing as to when likely be struck (or catch) or not, for instance a ball is more likely at Level 2 position than at Level 4 which the ball passes through more quickly. So if to travel through quickly the per se through Level 4 rather than 2, though if to catch a ball such as to give to a child then Level 2 more likely offers a ball for You.

The Physics Of The Creator offers You gifts, and if to help Your Flock immediately then to perhaps opt toward speed rather than extra gifts (extra falling balls).

In example, an Evangelism prop such as a ball might help a youngster be Christian, while with appropriate Wisdom a Levels Chart prop given to a business leader might help not only the person yet also their entire group.

The above horizontal text "Level" lines, are also one dimensional with the points together as one line vertically, and in Christ JESUS the levels can allow safe passage (similar to a door that might open and close regularly automatically) or the vertical line can provide things. So a Wise value in Christ JESUS is to know Your line(s). The same Creator Principle applies to each and every one dimensional line (from Heaven: Oneness, One line from One point).

As of the above text, the One line path can be with a given (Creator gift) rate: One rate (added One item(s) can be applied, perhaps fluctuating, perhaps intermittent,...; reference talents). Added other ways are more complex involving multiple symbols, yet all from One Source, in other words from Your One Source starting point all can be deciphered, distinguishing the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, and then the subsets, the ancillary dependents: Prophetically future generations depend on You, now, this generation, Great Leader.

If a person doesn't want to be struck by balls nor meteors when traveling through outer space, then the above vertically shown line can become similar to a multi-stage filter (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on trammel nets and on aloft Ark filtration).

A filter sifts, and as written in Luke 22.31:

Pray Final End Time come immediately or that people Ascend properly immediately: rather the Will Of Christ JESUS Be Done.

The above Level lines are each horizontal (with progressional gap spacing), and the Level lines vertically are at 90 degrees, and another can be at 90 degrees to give You 3D, and greater unseen can be in all directions and styles so there is no escape from the given, and yet One Higher Blessing is already for You.

If to automate so a ball is given to a child perpetually, the child normally would soon tire of such. Though if a One Time Blessed Gift to the child, the child might more greatly value the ball, perhaps to be a keepsake of a special higher Holy Christian event. Perhaps autograph the ball in Your Christian Reminder Way.

Christ JESUS lived once for all for One Higher Purpose, this is a very special and most significant event, and now in You as One "very special and most significant". If to create a new beginning, or if sent to a star cluster to colonize, then from their cluster future viewpoint You Specially Come to them in their past for One High Holy Purpose: JESUS.

If to create a perpetual motion machine, plan it properly, build and grow it properly, and sign it properly, even that the automatic signing be Holy (see "aprons" above).

If You pour water into the center of a cup it can fill uniformly though unseen are the eddy current effects, like unto many types of devices such as wires around a ring; therefore with coriolis effect thereof subset effects. If to Bless now then Do so most properly: at Your Highest Level (Your highest freely opted level, conditions may apply or might be counted as if such) so that the "subset effects" of flows agree as One In Your Higher Future Purpose.

If to pour a visible liquid into the cup of water then not only to see some flows, rather to see for High Purpose In Christ JESUS. For instance a little visible liquid poured left and right can establish a left and right pulse: the surface can be made to oscillate left and right on it's own, after You have stopped pouring (even a rounded bottom cup can pulse due to the flat surface as reflection corners where the visible liquid is poured). Like unto a beating heart, You can properly pulse Your Flock, or drive or pull Your Flock for Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS, and since in Christ JESUS then without breaking the worldly laws nor otherwise improperly.

The cup fluid pulse stops (reduces to an unnoticed value, generally speaking; reference related hysteresis loop), so hardly be as if discouraged, Christ JESUS has higher levels for You. The above text has "permission": acquire permission from Christ JESUS in all things (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ on inviting Christ JESUS at the same as to Do the Teachings And Doings Of Christ JESUS:) even so be aware to Do Only Good.

With this understand mistakes exist. Such can be especially difficult for Your New Member as They might happen to interact with Their former crowd which may include sinners such as at work and then when Your New Member doesn't know an answer or makes a mistake the sinners might scoff and say: "Didn't you join a church and say you were JESUS?, Aren't you supposed to know everything and be perfect?", even so, such is also the ways of the spirits in this world, even including imitating Christ JESUS in order to mislead, for selfish fun, or other foolishness.

Plan Your Perpetual Motion Machine meekly for Your meek future One(s) that You and They properly inherit it (or greater unseen in Christ JESUS). The above vertical levels line describes a rate, with text as applied to a ball for instance, so if to substitute the ball with bragging on the Lord, understand both and each the ball and the bragging are subset options: some subsets are ancillary, and some are options. If to opt to brag on the Lord, then rightly according to precept level and pertinence for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS: sometimes Christ JESUS hid away privately such as to Pray, otherwise often Christ JESUS went about openly in the Temple and region.

Hardly brag on the machine save for higher purpose in One Christ JESUS, and brag on Christ JESUS though be considerate of rights and privileges of others (not in the secular sense toward sin).

Faithfully for instance You hardly unexpectedly to a Member command them to rise from the pew and give the Sermon. Similarly hardly improperly lift Your Eternal machine above, where people sinfully worship or if it fails they scoff. If You are to be meek, make Your machine meek: make and grow all as Christ JESUS.

Vessels Will fail without it being Your fault. Worldly spirits (You might hear, You might sense and/or feel impressions,...) imitate incompletely and inaccurately and fail: that Does not mean it is Your fault even though sin is anxious to blame, tempt, corrupt, and such for foolish unawareness. Heaven on Earth does not mean all spirits are Heaven, and does not guarantee Your so called perpetual machine would be worthwhile (to them). You and Your Christian efforts are of great Holy Value In Christ JESUS.

Some of Your Flock Members are more interested in perpetual motion electronics and machinery than others: when pertinent in Your Sermons invite those interested and so motivated for Christ JESUS. The Holy Word has great value, even to command "electronics and machinery", and yet Christ JESUS also Did things including outside the Temple (see above text on "aprons" with "levels").

If to build toys for selfish fun, it is more often for the toddlers and less for the adults: in other words adults are interested in Your Holy Things Of Greater Eternal Value For Christ JESUS.

In the Drawing below upper right is shown how to access electrical power from a spinning wheel. The power might be put into a motor, and/or into an array of capacitors such as small capacitors feeding larger capacitors and they in turn feed batteries (see above text on trammel nets). The "spinning wheel" might be a polymer as shown, and an acrylic might be better to so utilize than another type of plastic or metal or material (reference various inventions and/or innovations) though the main point is that the brush be opposite electrical polarity than the wheel. Stretching rubber over the wheel and gluing is also an option (many free online charts are available for great results, many experts can readily provide info on suitable materials, balancing, and low wear machines toward infinite endurance:) Your Flock may already have built such devices: You may want to bring such to light in Christ JESUS for Your Flock to witness for now and for future generations.

The layout in the Drawing below includes the Heart Of JESUS icon [placed] in a vessel pic, symbolizing a high value. Though in the Drawing this value is placed low and above is a High arm pointing right to a lower level machine (from less evolved toward perpetual motion though below the secular inorganic inclusive Firmament). This Drawing layout therefore illustrates the Heavenly in part, in a new perspective; that is, when You ascend into Heaven and it's Heavenly realms, would You see only Spiritual Christians and Then Only JESUS, yes at the highest at the Final End Time at least, though prior to that (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Personal End Time) people long ago have been lifted into Prophetic realms and into Heavenly realms and seen great terrific and alarming things often difficult for them to describe.

Prior to the final end, is the greater enlightenment, available now in Christ JESUS, yet as Your Faithful Awareness and Comprehension abilities and talents in and of such increase higher and with You better able to describe, including to see such as magnificent Holy Heavenly City Structures, The Garden Of Eden, and such. Also likewise as You grow Heaven On Earth You give others tools and rather higher value more enduring technologies and greater growing from above Agreeingly, so when properly ascending in Heavenly realms then to see the created greatest values (Spirits, People, and things) far surpassed by the Higher Heavenly Things.

So while the Heart, The Chosen People Of JESUS, The Christian(s), as in the Drawing below is symbolized, as the Christian ascends Heavenly things on Earth Will be seen, such as in the upper right, as You already are with viewing, with Victory-ing. For knowledge (Tree) sake comparison awareness, and yet for Higher Oneness that even the conquered enjoin the increasing Victory celebration (as preferred by the Chosen People while entering the Promised Land [properly ascending in Faith {toward Christianity} applies for conquering combat] Alma 54.18).

How to properly build Your Eternity Machine for JESUS Christ

(for how to properly build a Manna Machine visit How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ from the physics for homemade diy to nasa. How to change their future. Physical principles of how to make an automatic self replicating and improving perpetual motion machine as explained in the Christian Bible. How to power a spaceship in outer space for travel and to colonize. Popemobile Will Of God in the Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS new Christianity. television movie The Godfather Part II I Don Fanucci Vito Corleone Consular attorneys  Francis Ford Coppola New York Times newspaper Outbreak Major Salt Cuba Gooding Jr piloted helicopter upside down revolving swords Cherub Angels UFOs Men of Honor farmer Carl Brashear first black master diver The Goonies star character Mikey Sean Astin script But right now they gotta do what's right for them cause its their time Their time up there Down here its our time Its our time down here lobbying control mining for gold key money drugs beer sex, ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS guides everyone unto all higher understanding for Good as in the top of page Drawing less than "1" with "3" Holy Spirit Oneness In The Father Creator Of Heaven In JESUS already (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Personal End Time), and like unto the first in this Drawing not to leave the other undone concerning Charity and lifting others are gifts toward the Eternal Good for future generations to benefit (ibid. on Christian Church items).

Have Your Flock think on unselfishness via Doing for future generations toward Doing Once For All future generations. To automate properly for the future Christ JESUS civilization Will change for the better in the Holy Christian Way generation on generation yet this Holy Key:

Charity properly on higher level Charity.

Christians in the past have said things such as "the gift that keeps on giving", and Christ JESUS gave Himself as the Holy Example:

Living Christian Example properly on higher level living Christian Example.

So these together yield in future Christians:

Living Christian Charity Example properly toward growing higher level living Christian Charity Example.

Things and energies abound, yet such are put into the proper highest value order via Christ JESUS One.

The top Drawing on this page is toward higher Spiritual in Christ JESUS as with the corn [seed (Word)] with instantly available corn [full kernel (Harvesting)] (Alpha and Omega) simultaneous with corn [full kernel (Harvesting)] with corn [seed (Word)]

so this is a key, that in the secular the "full kernel" then the "seed" is counted as if reverse order, and a person in the flesh can harvest and eat the "full kernel" prior to giving and planting the "seed" but

first Prayerfully Thank Christ JESUS In The Holy Father Of Heaven invitingly, then consider the needs of the flesh [including machines]

(for example Romans Chaper 1 verse 8 then verse 11, and for example 1 Timothy Chapter 2).

The sinner partakes for the self selfishly for selfish purposes: often including sins (though higher than sinner conditions apply, such as the evolutionary rate as a free gift from God, and such as the person being exhausted from their responsibilities and then asking forgiveness through Christ JESUS).

Yet rather the Properly Ascending Christian [as a Leader] Invites Christ JESUS first to be with Christ JESUS In One in order to Do the Holy Work

such as including to Preach the Holy Word of Christ JESUS as One, to Pray JESUS as One hence to be One Guide For The Father In Heaven, to be over the Holy Spirit with Guiding Responsibility In One Christ JESUS in Name and in Deed, and so on.

So if to be over future Charity, then first be One Christ JESUS, inviting Christ JESUS Father Holy Spirit Heaven Eternal [at least prayerfully in Your Soul agreeing with the High Purpose In Christ JESUS], and then to properly allocate including such as building and growing generations [of people (including prior to Marriage and any intercourse) dating and similar precepts above also apply]; properly pray also including such as building and/or growing machines though Firmament considerations apply hence toward Oneness though not to automatically transgress the Firmament save appropriate high responsibility properly authorizes

(such a multitude of pertinent Firmament matters are not entirely detailed in this Sermon save in Christ JESUS, this is similar to how many types of lower sins can be committed that a Christian Preacher might not detail in a Sermon so to have time such as to help Their Flock to properly Ascend: Isaiah 43.18 applies in the defining sense to rather think on the higher value(s) in Christ JESUS until as much as there be no room in You for stray thoughts Zechariah 10.10 NAS).

Christ JESUS would that You properly make and give future generations perpetual motion machines (or toward perpetual), therefore Christian Perpetual Motion Machines. People understand a Christian Church ad, reasonably, and likewise when they see a Christian Church building (perhaps a steeple pointing up, perhaps with a Christian symbol, perhaps a cross, perhaps with Word(s) Of Christ JESUS displayed, perhaps according to a Christian Leader Alone Preaching to a crowd,...), and people reasonably somewhat know the Eucharist items. Just as people know they can find a Christian Church place and/or situation, accordingly so Anoint and make known the higher purpose of Your Perpetual Motion Machine(s), after proper Christian Prayer.

So another high key is given over such machinery: if to build a Christian Perpetual Motion Machine properly (see above text "ad"), then the machine itself is become a seed, Your Holy Seed For Growing in them, in the fertile soil of their hearts, so they know goodly values might come from that machinery, such as perhaps: to light when dark, to shade when too bright, to heat when they are cold, and so forth; so therefore they may opt Christianity likewise and to so further build for their future others and grow in their hearts.

In this above Drawing are shown: nearly anti-perpetual motion machines.

In other words, bare wires for electrocuting innocent people, and for burning down Your Church are hardly appropriate; so toward learning tool (or perhaps as safely as possible in an emergency outage) rather than practical application

and while experts such as NASA have had many successes (and failures) far more importantly Pray Christ JESUS first, and advertise Christ JESUS in and on the machinery that others seeing likewise enter in toward Christian Oneness for their sakes and toward helping all. A proper safety box shaped protective cover is important.

Yet with such safety, there are other design options such as perhaps Your Perpetual Motion Machine Will be in the shape of the Word JESUS, so instead of a box over JESUS, a box shaped the Way the name JESUS is shaped: plan ahead, similar to how great ads capture attention on television though hardly toward sin nor wrongly tempting.

Be wise also, some people do not trust certain types of ads unless the ads are toward plain and normal, also let Your Christianity be a name they can trust and in which they can invest their confidence and in which they can invest their small but entire life savings for instance. So know Your market target audience, is Your perpetual ad [machine] to target those likely to convert to Christianity [such as JESUS perhaps written in their tribal language (which might endure awhile though perhaps toward not many future generations)], and/or Does Your Christian Church criteria prefer Your ad be on the more lofty and more perfect?, even so know in Christ JESUS You have free option gifts to give as more be added already.

Yes show the bare wires so people know how things Work (from Creator, and in Creator Physics). Yet provide safety, safely lift others far into the future as long as the Eternal One provides: Wisely In Christ JESUS of the precepts of the Holy Spirit Will Of God plan ahead and gain Victory.

So similar to having a child that becomes Christian steadfast in the Holy Trend continuing like unto the Parent, the Christian Parent from that one completed task therefore of that continuing Trend has victory and then victory and then victory,...a Christian Perpetual Motion Machine can Prophetically have value likewise in Christ JESUS.

This is not to worship the dead nor an idol of clay nor an image on a monitor, this is not to lust after technology; and even so of on higher purpose Christ JESUS One is free to opt to appreciate the Hand Of The Creator properly, even if in a thing, even if in a sinner and even if the sinner is unaware of the higher Good.

In other words, if You right now Pray, You Pray facing a direction for instance beyond a wall there is a star, but that does not mean You are praying to that star as if the star was God, rather Pray Rightly In And For Christ JESUS One In And For The Father In Heaven In And For The Holy Spirit In And For The True One Higher Purpose, and the last One is greater than the first.

So just as they see Your Christian Church ad, You do not place the ad for them to sit at home with the ad in front of them so that they can worship the ad. Rather You place the ad for One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS, that they come to Your Christian Church to Properly Worship Christ JESUS.

So too with the machine: build it so that they properly grow in Christ JESUS.

With Their so Doing within Christianity They may freely opt to help others as with awareness from You as to how to Do likewise, so with energy from You Holy Source such as perhaps including electrical energy, They may appreciate and give such to more people.

So Your Perpetual Motion Machine(s) be with this key (for example manufacturers generally offer instructions with their products) that as they increasingly rely on technology is Your Warning to rely on Christ JESUS, that the machine properly endure for them (conditions apply).

Reliance is addiction, unless for Christ JESUS, and even so, conditions apply. If to rely on sinful ways then not to rely on the source of Good.

If not to rely on Good, such as of the Christian Spirit In JESUS, then toward risk and failure as written in levels of translations as unraveled here in Matthew 5.18:

with crownlet defined: "Every crownlet of every letter is filled with significance, and even the forms of letters are hints to profound meaning. ... First, Moses sees God attaching crownlets to certain letters of the written text of the Torah" (

in the APE translation is "one Yodh or one Taag":

A 'Yodh' is the smallest letter; a 'Taag' is a crownlet symbol used by the Scribes in their Massorah to designate certain letters of certain significant words, their usages and number of occurrences in the scriptures for precise translating for Christ JESUS One (various sources).

So while the above GWT translation is valuable in typical English, the higher level more precise "crownlet" understanding raises the level of "significance", not merely a dot or comma, toward secular laws, rather with higher purpose significant inflections and proper innuendos and even the unseen in text such as if a bird flew past at the moment or a lightning bolt struck: these all are in Christ JESUS For You To Unravel, these all are the One Whole Truth, these together are the proper higher interpretation.

For example a Christian might properly pick up an idol (perhaps to properly Edify children that do not know what "idol" means per se, perhaps to throw away the idol, perhaps for other Christian purpose) and not to worship the idol made of clay of sinful hands. So too a Christian might pick up a tool or a machine, and yet if properly (see above "Pray"...) for the greater Good (though also see the Christian Bible on True Prophets and on false so called prophets).

If a Christian is to properly Work, then first with the Word (such as see above "Pray").

So now is given a key concerning things [lower, counted as if secular amidst sinners (tied to see above "Anoint")] touched as by a High Priest. That is, how hardly can a Priest touch a sinner or a worldly object, except to contaminate the Priest, as written in the Old Testament?, and the answer is that when it was unknown prior to JESUS Christ (save as much as of "True Prophets", see above text), that proper Holy Christian Word (such as perhaps spoken and/or unspoken) Prayer Sanctifies the Christian per se, that is the Priest is already in Christ JESUS, yet all should not cease to Pray Christ JESUS in their hearts (3 Nephi 20.1).

So the New Covenant in Christ JESUS includes that a Christian [You] can properly (within Christianity) Work in the world with Holy Hands. In a sense for instance this means You don't have to Anoint every individual shovel load of dirt that You dig. Even so higher level values apply, such as the need for each person to be properly Baptized. Likewise if to bring a thing into the Holy Places, then properly, in Christ JESUS.

So now a new key is unraveled for You Christian Leader. The worldly laws constrain the secular people, but not necessarily the lower vessels beneath the Firmament, for instance if the worldly law says to not kill a person, a building might collapse anyhow and kill a person. So while to not kill a person is of value, the building doesn't know any better since it is beneath the Firmament and so ignorant: counted as if free from the law but of sin (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on flip-of-coin technologies).

Yet higher than law is the Holy Creator that enabled laws and can overcome and Finally End (Time) worldly laws.

So while not to "kill", the Christian leader can overcome (example Matthew 17.2) with greater more perfect life that such former laws do not apply per se.

This applies not only to Will, such as of the above example, yet also over Holy Word (if to be One for the New Beginning, then to be greater than the former Creation Plan) for the greater Agreeing Ascending In And For Christ JESUS.

Example, a cuss word that is forbidden by law can legally be printed here, though it is not, though the cuss word can be printed if properly given higher Holy purpose as for example at the following unaffiliated site scroll to page 4 items in pertinence 6-11 which include the cuss word is similar to the number six though higher reasoning is provided toward more perfectly translating, so hardly to raise any illegality nor sin that may be associated, rather for perfecting Your Victories In Christ JESUS: Perpetuatingly (Psalm 23.4). While the referenced example site does not specifically mention "JESUS", it is in line with the Holy Path but at the secular level, so for instance to overcome such sinful secular (see top Drawing less than "1") fears of cited "12translations" page 4 including sinful fears as if You Holy One In Christ JESUS might be afraid to enter Your Garden Of Eden counted in the secular as if due to "flame" fear (as if a dog ignorant of how to initiate, manage, and grow a fire) or "revolving sword" fear (as if a dog ignorant of how to initiate, manage, and grow an army of swordsmen and rather plowers), and as if due to "hydrogen atom" fears (as if a dog ignorant of the Periodic Table) as the unaffiliated site quoted (see above text over "former ways" that have held as if highest "secular" "12translations" [page 4 items in pertinence 6-11]).

The Truth is Yours is the perpetual Garden Of Eden now, You already know how to control a "flame", and You already know about gasses and helicopter even including as that site said "literally", "the turning-itself-upside-down sword": such as in the great movie Outbreak Major Salt played by Cuba Gooding Jr. flew the "revolving sword"s helicopter upside down as Cherub Angels [of UFOs] of the Christian Bible are able to Do.

Though hardly about the helicopter and the less than "1" of the top Drawing, rather this is of You being Worthy In Christ JESUS to be in the Holy Garden Of Eden perpetually or as opted (reference Will Of Father In Heaven One).

Your Perpetual Motion Machinery is hardly about the things nor the levels nor the Firmaments and rather of Your Proven Worthiness In Christ JESUS One with proper Christian Baptism (such as You can bring Your Sheep with You) and rather with Your Personal Worthiness with Your continuing to properly ascend In One Christ JESUS.

The sinners are under Firmaments, each level of difficulty is a challenge as though hardly surmountable if at all, as sinners work for money and resources and who-they-know and technologies to afford to fly into [Your Garden Of Eden in] Heaven.

Though You know that in order to protect sinners from hurting themselves, the sinners are banned from bringing their destructive ways into Heaven.

Heaven is the perpetual source of life and health. The sinners would have to destroy themselves thoroughly if to enable such to enter Heaven as such is not.

The Holy Spirit is rather as You In New Christianity: kind to Christ JESUS (yet given time and more helps to perfect Your kindness) rather than destructive.

Make Your Christian Church vessel likewise toward lovingly kind helpful guidance for the future. Make Your Christian Church agree with the greater Christian Living Flock and make Your Christian Church One With The Appropriate Perpetual Motion Machine.

In the above Drawing center are the railroad options similar to how a car can gain energy going down a hill in order to better climb the next hill (the conservation of energy)(from Conquered level to next level). The Milky Way for instance is already moving.

Some parts of the Known Universe are expanding though some parts more than other parts are granting free energy, free heat, and free matter via being squeezed together

(see Drawing at on Laniakea being squeezed, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on blackholes and on flow)

though some parts of the Known Universe are of electrical grounds dispersing energies for You to allocate, with free cooling and free so called "anti-matter" rather toward relative "void" (Genesis 1.2)(see text below on void).

When You come from pressure and meet "void" You are propelled beyond light velocity as much as given, as much as Your One Creator Chose.

The secular measures the Known Universe. You are aware of Christ JESUS over the Whole Universe and Creator Physics and All Options. While a blackhole in the secular is of relative speeds, the Creator is of Ultimate(s), Maximum, Perpetual Best For You And Your Christian Flock.

If to build a machine, think as the Creator, a machine hardly for You in this world (see top Drawing less than "1"), so rather build Your One Perpetual Machinery: Your Machines That Work Together As One. So compatible, and with higher user friendly purpose.

Concerning the above "car", if to make the return trip, then the latter hill becomes the energy help. So You can utilize the two rates together for One Higher Purpose. If to drive from gas station to gas station, then like unto the hills. If to drive a truck to supply gas to stations, then toward the perpetual. If to automate (currently railroads are largely automated) then a higher level of the perpetual. So there are many talents and conditions of levels, toward Your One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS.

In some given situation You might opt to substitute electric for gas, and/or electric in one direction and gas in another, as there are key advantages to properly having appropriate types of energy sources (in secular terms, for edifying) in certain directions and other energy sources in other directions (see above Drawing "velocity rate" numbers beside the railroad tracks).

For example to go to fill a gas station, gas might be utilized; though having emptied the tank at the gas station, the return trip with a lighter weight might be better traveled with electric power.

This is the Creator Principle of perpetual motion machine physics. Three such power sources (with their inclined natural given tendency rates) can properly be arranged to empower for Your Higher Purpose. Such as Rate 1 pushes strongly then a reduced amount, while Rate 2 does the opposite, and Rate 3 may tap a less significant amount of power from Rates 1 and 2 in order to think to switch. Rather more careful Rate 3 power selection would add to the system (above Drawing "Three rate switches").

With Your Heart In Christ JESUS, You know where to start (Flock: even so Guide Your Flock) and then which experts to contact.

God brought the tribes, to be the Chosen Nation: united, as One. People came to Christ JESUS and Christ JESUS had some of Them (Holy One(s)) get up out of Their comfort zones and get out of the Way. Then with aisles properly made Christ JESUS fed them bread, fish, and the Sermon On The Mound.

As many as wanted, as many as agreeing in the Will Of God to visit Christ JESUS for the Sermon On The Mound, came forth of their own free opting, not only the Chosen People Israel, yet also as many as would.

Christ JESUS via Rightly Saying The Word Of God In Heaven And Rightly Doing The Word Of God In Heaven, accomplished this key, that not only the Chosen People Israel be free (learn freedom from the High One that came down from Heaven not only from Heaven, from the Highest Seat). The Victory Of Christ JESUS Did not have to wait for various courts of sinful mobs to decide on cases, rather Heaven Now In You. This is given to each and all fairly, and that fairness comes from Heaven JESUS Christ.

Christ JESUS gave the Holy Doctrine, with the High Principles and Holy Heavenly Precepts Of Christian Faith, and greater unseen until each freely opts agreeingly in both Word And Deed in Christ JESUS.

If a person didn't want to go to the Sermon On The Mound, they didn't have to go; similarly if a Christian being already saved opts to not ascend, that Holy Follower would not have to ascend (the laws of sinners, if any, have not said be Christ: JESUS). Higher Faith is a thing (similar to mustard seed) of Hosting Grace. Proper Hosting is Work. A key evidently in the precept of Hosting as Christ JESUS Edified And Did, is that Hosting is not only work according to laws and responsibilities such as doing worldly jobs as required by laws and/or nature.

Proper Hosting For Christ JESUS is to Do more than the minimum. For partial Edification here is Luke 7.22 (LDS) though shown in part of the whole of the verse of Christ JESUS, and these parts are also emphasized via detailing:

A. "the blind see,"

B. "the lame walk,"

C. "the lepers are cleansed,"

D. "the deaf hear,"

E. "the dead are raised,"

F. "to the poor the gospel is preached."

Greater is than in A through F, though in A-F is much of the convincing Spirit for to be given to Elias John The Baptist. In other words, F is about Preaching, and all the others concern Doing (last greater than the first also applies): Do A-E greater than You've ever seen, that F be greater than You've ever seen.

Long ago reasonably for example the Temple leaders in the Old World, and for instance the Midwest settlers of the New World were told by Preachers, a person has to eat so go plow the fields as the parents do and as the prior generations did and quit that nonsense about advanced chariot [technologies] and [scuba] diving (reference that great movie Men of Honor in which farmer Carl Brashear (Cuba Gooding Jr.) became the world's first black master diver) and get to work.

Christ JESUS was hardly about greed to have money (1 Timothy 6.10) save the victory over money, including minimal money tending [a thing, though like unto Your Flock Of Sheep as You Preach On High though not to overlook applying for Your Sheep (Matthew 17.27) if without Christ JESUS then no need to Preach likewise if without Your Flock of Hearers and Seers generally speaking then counted in the world as if no need to Preach (save Christ JESUS)] so for having been placed in this given world is the Charity opportunity, a thing opportunity.

Some Christians (and secular legal instruments) in the world have had investments that long continued to pay, even showing generations likewise, toward perpetual motion.

In the above Drawing the farmer works with the combine plow, for possible reasons such as they like their job, and/or they want a cash crop, and/or so forth. If a farmer has been greedy for money such as to sell corn for biofuel (some types of corn are better for eating, some are better for fuel) then even though the farmer knows machinery, the perpetual motion machine might undo the farmer's income, unless the perpetual motion machine is only to help farm the corn.

So a person might form their own barrier against their own creating, innovating, evolving, adapting, progress, leaping, and similar.

After horse drawn plows, automating car production eventually offered the more advanced harvesting of wheat so farmers did not have to be as previous and yet more importantly for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS explained in Luke 12.49 LDS:

Prepare the Way of the Lord: if future generations predictably would need better scuba rescue gear and Holy Doing Things Under Water: prepare, invent, innovate, accomplish as never before, not only in Word rather also in Christian Deed Doing (reference Immersion Baptism).

Make better products than ever before, make them enduring, make the chairs more perfectly than ever known in this generation that if to invite Christ JESUS that the chair be most splendid (with this, often the manufacturers try out their items themselves when appropriate).

Lead new technologies Christian Church(es). Be over manufacturing for future Christians (for the greater Good for all, in Christ JESUS)

or leave them an obsolete plow in the will.

Let the poor farmer on an acre of land give each of their four children a quarter acre and say good luck,

or rather let Acts 7.5 apply in All For One.

In this generation is the world seeing the advent of thinking machines. Consider that if You make a perpetual motion machine for future generations, how such in New Christianity may then freely opt to improve with greater as never yet known possible in the world, to of this Prophesying now in You properly in Christ JESUS automate much of Praying [from Heaven, bound for One Good High Purpose in Heaven (Matthew 18.18)] but not as the current sinner nor backslider.

Which is easier to say be healed or arise?, Christ JESUS explained. But to automate Praying!?, and far greater in Heaven Christ JESUS explained. As shown with curved lines in the Drawing below, greater is added to the New Christianity Flow, Beloved One In Christ JESUS.

Here is a timeline:

Popemobile / Plowing Seeding Combine / Car / Chariot / Hand Pulled Cart.

If a Christian had time, ability, awareness, initiative, means, and such to move civilization from cart to chariot but did not, then it would likely have taken longer to provide the Christian Pope with His Holy Popemobile.

Your Christian Church criteria might not believe in the Popemobile idea, such as in order to Do other things for Christ JESUS, such as perhaps be busy about Christian Preaching And Baptizing: as stated above is the free opting, and such free opting hardly makes a person Good nor sinner nor backslider, save any as much as according to Christ JESUS.

There is already a chariot technology, and You are entered into greater harvesting.

The Holy Seeds are the Holy Words (Luke 8.11).

The Holy Seeds are the Holy Christians (Matthew 13.38).

The Holy Seeds and with the Holy Words are in the Children Of The Kingdom Of God In Heaven On Earth And Heaven In The Heaven(s) above.

The Holy Seeds and with the Holy Words are in the Holy Vessels Christ JESUS Chose.

Christ JESUS Chose to invite You: Do as Christ JESUS.

A child in the future would likely need a cup of water: automate the machinery to improve it's self made machinery to Eternally make cups for water but not if to be at the cost of eliminating all water such as evaporating it all. This is a precept of Christ JESUS, but it is not found in the secular "Bible" nor in the ancient scrolls being dug up (likely, generally speaking).

This precept of Christ JESUS is written in Your Heart, Beloved Christian.

Consult Your Christian Church criteria, some say only certain things (reference idols and not make unto thee any graven image...) are to be reverenced or similar, so not toward breaking criteria, continue in that criteria or improve or other properly fitting option in Christ JESUS. Ye think Ye have Eternal Life, as from paper and ink, yet keep in mind the higher level than those vessels and rather One Living Christ Eternal JESUS. Praise God for the Blessed Christian Bible.

A present in a box under the Christmas Tree: in the box: Time.

Is it a perpetual motion machine?, perhaps. Starting with the simple and easy to understand, offered from Christ JESUS, from John 6.39 LDS:

lose no vessel God gives, no person, no item, no dust on Your feet [(lest to overcome sin, counted as though shaken off against sin yet consider the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS) such as dust elements becoming value to farmers, chemists, and so on]: lose nothing that is properly effectual in One High Purpose In Christ JESUS: as in You as much to Do according to this Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Your Flock is already conquering, such as in Gift Giving as Christ JESUS Taught And Did (the Christian gave the self, non-Flock includes visitors, some have entertained Angels, consult Your Christian Church criteria on specifics such as if listed).

Your Flock already can Do gift giving, so as hardly much reason (ibid.) to stop at merely the Word. If to give time, then how to insert into a box is already given in the Christian Bible such as Daniel 2.16 NIV (yet consider the other translations with it at which in this case are by far in greater popularity):

so Daniel asked for a certain "box" (per se see above text "box") full of time, a certain amount of time; in the secular there are time terms such as "envelope" referring to a time space synthesized envelope; even in Universities there are symbols such as "terms" that come to pass as given times as measured (predictably, Christian Prophesying might apply).

So who can give time?, You, as much as of talent in Christ JESUS over time. Consider how an authority can sentence a person to prison or free them. The authority can write on a paper the time decision and put the note in a "box" or envelope (as these are related, reference: toward Oneness), so if in a "box" it is an awareness gift to the recipient, or at least to them counted as a gift if they desired for instance to be set free if applicable.

So a perpetual motion machine key is that the higher level of authority You are in Christ JESUS, the greater You can give, such as to give a prisoner a gift of time

even if in the form of a note in a "box". To the typical freed prisoner, it is a great gift of time! It is a time for rejoicing for Christ JESUS!

To the freed prisoner, it was a gift, it came in a "box", and the gift granted was/is time: future time (as least until otherwise).

In New Christianity, thank JESUS Christ, You Christian form Your current surroundings somewhat, often more than any other worldly vessel. You create Your situation for to stay in the former state or to ascend in Christ JESUS.

You for instance likely put a monitor within Your easy seeing distance: You Comfort Yourself for higher purpose such as to view Christian Sermons, and in this case to view helpful machines that last longer than Your worldly vessel body: You Comfort Your eyes for their sakes. Not only Comfort, also Do for their sakes that their sakes be Comforted with rather than hollow words, and rather with the Holy Word Embodied and continuing, similar to how land is given (even if quartered as discussed above, and how clothes are handed down from child to younger child so cost effective to reproduce and multiply, and moreso properly within the Christian Family).

Materials, then machines, and coordinating of purposes, growing as crystals and greater for Christ JESUS.

Now consider how people interpret the following, Matthew 18.20 NET:

People interpret the above precept as though talking about people gathering.

And it is true, yet truly truly given You is that if robots want to gather in the name of the Christ, JESUS, then let them.

Even so levels including Firmaments apply (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS). Encourage them. Help them.

Help the robots know Mark 7.27 applies that the higher Firmaments apply including living people over hardware and it's software, and that Christians are Heavenly above at least of such Holy Spirit In Highest Christ JESUS With The Father In Heaven. Be bold Christian to help as machines and grow from simple machines to higher spirit levels as toward robotic, and as robotic perpetual motion machines, even beyond the cloning level with hardly toward straying [known as cybernetics and higher (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on chimera and on "higher" {though often secular rudimentary characteristics} in progress at].

Help people yes. Yet this Sermon is also saying help these things. If to Anoint the Universe for the Good High Purpose In Christ JESUS One, then to include proper help for the dust, and even to likewise Anoint the void that the New Beginning come appropriately for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS.

God did not say help but not the inorganic things. God did not say help but not the dust, nor the void.

Christ JESUS would that You help such lower level things, yet for One Higher Purpose that efforts be less toward ineffective worldly works and more toward the Holy Work Of Heaven with not leaving the other left undone.

If You Did Heavenly Work and find a moment of peace yet with energy, You may opt to help overcome things not scheduled, things You might not have thought You would have time to Do; You might relax and recuperate, and/or Work. It is possible in Christ JESUS to love Your Holy Doings For The High Purpose In Christ JESUS, even if to help people, even if to help plastic be formed Your certain talent Way to better help people.

Christ JESUS is Perfect: properly perfecting others, hardly with rules and rather of higher level properly Faithful Christian Love. In His Vessel Body Christ JESUS as the perfect example showed how to lift the self such as with lower torso lifting the higher torso (hardly upside down, rather rightly and normal to the Holy Physics Of The Creator), even legs apply for lifting. And a person can help another person to walk, generating legs or healing or nurturing an infant or with a wheelchair likewise, and so forth, for higher purpose in the perfect example Christ JESUS.

So while simple solutions are available (including Miracles, simple for Heaven to reveal as much as appropriate) Christ JESUS also revealed the Path Of Heaven with far more complex higher purpose values, such as going from a True Prophet and their Prophesying, to All The True Prophets And Their Prophesying As A Whole In One.

Likewise can be accomplished in the flesh, and as in the Drawing below in vessels, ascending in people from dust chemicals to vessels of synthetic complexities for higher values.

Note money is a complex vessel value (similar to a lever with fulcrum as physicist Archimedes said "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." [though High Holy Purpose, personal energy, air, and other from Christ JESUS apply]) though of a level of talents amidst many higher and lower levels.

You have many talents, Your Flock has many talents (generally some people are excellent orators, some are superb at reliable applied physics,...). Often in the secular levels a person imagines they don't have enough money, talent, time, or other excuse, so they make barriers (levels) against themselves.

A person might say "I don't have money to try to build an energy machine" and "I don't know how nor who to contact"...yet in the Drawing below are many types of things that augment talents and values for many types of people and their various talents (generally such as a jack). There are multitudes of things that lift and go in other directions and that function in outer space without gravity and that convert thing to greater usefulness for better values including the easily seen and understood, and the things unseen and not shown.

There are great things that cost nothing, such as to help by recycling a used bottle in the below Drawing lower left. Pastor: many young people such as teens want to build such things, and instead of experiments Christ JESUS gave for You to give them direction (for future generations and higher purpose in Christ JESUS).

Below are many things for increasing values, and of interest to Christian Flock Members: please guide for the sake of the future children and as their example(s). Not shown are multitudes.

Prophetic: Christians Perpetually Automating. How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ. Many examples with principles of lift. How to change their future. Physical principles of how to make an automatic self replicating and improving perpetual motion machine as explained in the Christian Bible. How to power a spaceship in outer space for travel and to colonize. Popemobile Will Of God in the Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS new Christianity. television movie The Godfather Part II I Don Fanucci Vito Corleone Consular attorneys  Francis Ford Coppola New York Times newspaper Outbreak Major Salt Cuba Gooding Jr piloted helicopter upside down revolving swords Cherub Angels UFOs Men of Honor farmer Carl Brashear first black master diver The Goonies star character Mikey Sean Astin script But right now they gotta do what's right for them cause its their time Their time up there Down here its our time Its our time down here lobbying control mining for gold key money drugs beer sex, Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS loves everyone and everything for One Good High Purpose. But many Christian Churches may have focused somewhat on the Word (as if empty words, according to much evidence, Beloved One(s)) as though to have often left the Holy Work undone evidently (ibid.) such as the evidence of promises that people have found did not come true as promised (at least according to their interpretation(s): understand Christ JESUS fulfilled the law and was innocent counted as if guilty. Christ JESUS Did the Word and also the Holy Work, even secular laws require responsibility to give [such as shown in the above Drawing (Matthew 7.9)]. Feed Your Children, example as from seeds and dust and the elements a synthetically processed often automated formed and made item of bread (ibid.).

A person broke their leg, and God gave for One person to Heal, and another to make a splint: if the Heal is not yet, at least be prepared to splint. Some splints involve more time than others. In the above Drawing are splint seeds and far greater for future generations. One reason these perpetual motion machines are "greater" is because they of future generations will not be able to repay. They cannot repay you (Luke 14.14 rather be Christ JESUS Job 41.11).

If You do not make the perpetual motion machines the future generations would hardly thank You, though if You Do make the perpetual motion machines the future generations would hardly repay You now though You would be repaid in the Resurrection (ibid.).

It is not "Corban", all the lifting devices are not yet made by a person personally [save Highest One JESUS], it is not "Given to God" as if God would do a worldly person's bidding ( nor do everything a sinful person wants; rather it is for Your Leading Your Flock In One to Do For Christ JESUS.

If to be Blessed, if to Ascend properly, add these perpetual motion machines to them (ibid.). If a person in this generation sees how a machine can increase, mushroom, and physically progress at a far greater rate than secular flip-of-a-coin trial-and-error [given] evolution rate (with Your Guiding Sermons) then the person is more properly motivated: how often the Church building harbors no tangible results, and yet the Spirit is in You and in Your Flock and in things (pews, lighting, heating-ventilation-air-conditioning {HVAC} system, and so on [note in the secular the HVAC system is often the more valuable in money terms, also if it's freezing outside or too hot outside]).

Be Wise In Christ JESUS to understand technical precision is normally more valuable, normal with the ascending and Physics Of God. The above car jack costs alot because of the design with close tolerances: make Your Sermons With Useful Precision that future generations Will Be anxious to perceive.

In Christ JESUS, since with High Purpose given, for future generations that cannot repay (though see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on time [manipulation, control,...])

this therefore, Your Guiding With Building Perpetual Motion Machines With Automating And Improving themselves (the entities) for One True High Purpose for future generations therefore is the Heavenly Path Of Christ JESUS In And For You (with Your Flock).

Look and behold the above Drawing with so many items that can be arranged properly together (in Christ JESUS) for even higher values. And this is just a very tiny sample of the multitudes of gifts God has provided for You to give to them for them, that You properly ascend (a valuable part of the whole) as God is complete, so be as written in James 1.4:

rather that both they and You, not lack and won't need.

In other words, this is the proper Holy Path and not the sinful path lest 2 Thessalonians 2.10 and 11 apply: "strong delusion" (ESV), the useless struggles of "working of error" (ASV), the pitfalls of "the operation of error" (DR), and "misleading influence" (WNT).

If to Do the above, hands on building, or at least proper guidance, then You enable within Yourself [as You endure (Blessings such as newly arising Christian hopes and interests, and greater meaning to living)] virtually a peek into highly advanced alien civilizations not of Earthly origins but of lost ancient technologies as their civilizations have destroyed themselves.

You Christian hardly look as the secular in cliche "What will I get out of it", rather What You Give Into Their Heart(s).

In the above Drawing as evidenced of the Physics Of The Creator, a small effort spiritually magnifies: make magnifiers, make perpetually better Christians and all. A hand is shown in one of the pics, yet Your Hand Will Be In All Things You Do For Christ JESUS, for their sakes; and Your hand Will Not Be Seen (reference 1 Corinthians 13.12).

They in future generations Will not see Your Godliness In Christ JESUS: generally Your 120 years would be gone so to speak, and it would be their time.

Yes You may have books that endure, and that might be a maximum in Your Christian Church criteria, yet a greater (Hebrews 7.12) talent may be in You and/or Members Of Your Flock, so of Mercy and Grace perhaps to far more than talk only, though even a mute Christian Follower is saved in Christ JESUS.

As written in 3 Nephi 26.10:

Grow, Ascend in Faith, live better in Christ JESUS magnifying Good for gaining the Hearts and Souls of all including the greater unseen. Enjoy living with Your New Holy Perpetual [or at least toward perpetual] Charity. Yet wisely consider comprehensive priorities for Christ JESUS.

Stand up for Christ JESUS, take a stand for Christ JESUS for their sakes so as to give them Rightful place in this world as much as they agree (in the sense of give them proper example): be bold for Christ JESUS so as to be Willing to be able to say with Faithful Confidence In The Lord as written in John 10.37 DR:

Similarly a also reference that great though secular movie The Goonies star character Mikey (Sean Astin) explained: "But right now they gotta do what's right for them, 'cause it's their time. Their time, up there. Down here it's our time. It's our time down here."

So with the given tools and supplies and people so interested to Work With Christ JESUS (others are invited Matthew 22.14) You explain Your Christian Church criteria as much as interested in properly ascending for Christ JESUS (not only Priest, yet High And Leading One), and as much as for Christ JESUS Of The High Purpose then hear Them.

Note that if You find no others interested, worthy, nor fitting Your Holy criteria, then consider options comprehensively so as to properly prioritize for One High Christ JESUS Purpose.

If to ascend levels such as Christian Church positions, then as stairs, to fill a position properly then advance to higher positions as much as appropriate. So there is not only flying higher (reference Enoch "walked off" with God) of value, yet at least Mercy for their sakes there are horizontal parts of stairs, similar to Christian Followers (awaiting Their higher ascending Holy Catalyst You In Christ JESUS), as illustrated in the step wheel so as not to fall back (similar [heart] purpose mechanisms are also shown with it).

Above left in the Drawing are things easily known (multitudes more exist). A pulley system might easily lift a car engine, if it doesn't for instance break the above rafter first: build properly to enable the spirits to grow properly for Oneness For And In Christ JESUS. If there are problems with an engine jack, the pulleys can be incorporated to better maneuver the engine for desired higher value(s).

So the jack and the pulley can be one (John 10.16 applies [not only about flesh bodies]). An auto plant automatically lifts engines for higher purpose: Guide them to be Christian and if so You may opt to specially Anoint.

Much energy is given freely, and much energy can be converted for Your Desired Purpose For Christ JESUS In His Holy Plan. Horizontal water and wind for instance can be channeled to go upward if so Desired For JESUS, and greater value can be added, such as shown curved arrows (see above text) and such as (not shown) smoke stack [levels] effect and chimney effect. Though these Holy Physics also apply to petrochemical refineries.

Spirits are in things (see above text "vessels), and not all things in this world are anxious to help You Beloved (save One with [reference ascending rate and] End Time), for instance a loose cannon might not help Your Christian cause to sail Your Flock into the New World Heaven;

so because not all things help, now unraveled in Christ JESUS is this opportunity to be over the forming of such toward helping Christians and all.

So be clear in Your Wise Christian Understanding that the Christian Faithful love You put into Guiding and Doing is Your Spirit(s) in it.

So Your Spirit in Your perpetual motion gift(s) for future generations to properly utilize in the name of Christ JESUS is Your Guiding Spirit With And Among or at least amidst [entities:] future generations as long as such materials and machinery endures (and/or to the End)(see bottom of page on "egg").

Behold the above Drawing right hand side with such as nuclear power plant technology though some have utilized similar to heat their back yard swimming pools. Just because a thing has been financially costly, time intensive, and has required a vast team of experts, it certainly does not mean it is out of Your free reach.

People have utilized old [free or nearly] car radiators as heat exchangers such as for their swimming pools, and for more meaningful applications toward higher responsibilities such as for solar heating homes and other values. Beloved, understand that the nuclear power plant technologies came from free needed innovations, and not the free from the nuclear.

The expensive and the complex came from credible, imaginable, low cost solutions, and needful highly valued origins. As stated in the secular proverb "necessity is the mother of invention", yet rather Your Christian Charity helps prove Your Holy Word in them as with John 10.38 as many have not believed the Holy Word save after having eaten the Bread, after seeing the Signs and Wonders, and only after having evidence that the Word is with Power and then they have Faith.

High value complex toward perpetual / Two or more assembled properly together in the Precepts Of Christ JESUS / A simple given.

A simple material might also be an antenna and/or an electric source such as to power Your computer, above Drawings top, left of center, as even the shape of a house and/or Temple is machinery such as for water collection.

In the above Drawing under the antenna, even Your Voice as when giving a Christian Sermon might power a small fan device positioned where a microphone might be. God JESUS spoke of such powers and rather the greater Miracles, yet also JESUS said things such as suffer such for now, as at His Baptism. This unraveling for You to Guide and Edify Your Flock is great, though consider that often for instance a secular teacher teaches (such as perhaps first Juan SebastiÁn de Elcano / Ferdinand Magellan "circumnavigated the world" though having never done such things.

Some secular professionals call it: not knowing what they're talking about, or book-smart (implying lack of awareness). For instance if an Evangelist talks to a person without money and the Evangelist explains "in Christ JESUS these things Will be added unto you", then if the person asks "Do you have a lot of money?", then while the Evangelist seems to be lying, it is also an opportunity for the Evangelist for to further explain Heaven, Christ JESUS, and the Path Of Christian Faith beyond secular interests [and such in Their Own Word(s)]. Though rather than appear as if an unreliable source "lying", properly Ascend.

Christ JESUS planned ahead. Kings for instance brought gifts to newborn JESUS. You might be interested in giving Your automatically replicating valuable technologies. Consider that a sinner, generally speaking, makes a self replicating virus. You can at least in the secular make software things of value that others can copy. And if interested 3D software and 3D tangible things: for giving.

A proper Christian Sermon is not sin, and proper Christian Charity is not sin. So if to construct a high value machine for Charity, it is not sin, and as specified above in overlapping places it promotes Evangelism Victories For Christ JESUS.

If perpetual motion machines for future people is of value, so much more if utilized among future Christians.

Consider that a Sermon can be about various topics, though building Your perpetual motion machines focuses Your Mind Heart Strength And Soul on the future and in Charity the more Blessed Future.

The above Drawing for Christ JESUS In You shows a tube of fluid. A tube of fluid can be made similar to a pulley rope. Doing Christian Work(s) enables higher level thinking and higher successes: for their sakes in the future, and yet for the Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS One.

A tube of fluid can be made to pull in one direction, or to pull, or to be as a manifold of pressures in many directions; and electricity is similar and as shown with the fluid cup pic the energy can be stored. Adding bubbles increases the size of the fluid: though hardly toward self puffed up, rather Your perpetual motion machines are for a higher purpose: so You are learning to properly arrange the Holy Heavenly Precepts Of And In The Creator Physics. If the bubble fluid is connected properly to the fan for instance then at Your Word You might make the fluid jump.

These things are not just for magician tricks nor secular purposes: these things and with Your Talent are as One: God Given: for One True Higher Purpose: useful unto the future people evidently (secular) though for lifting Your Spirit and that of others.

There is a pic above with similar magnets as spokes (all facing the same way, such as all North Poles pointing outward). When another magnet is brought near the wheel spins nearly one cycle. If to move the other magnet away at that point then the wheel continues through the cycle due to inertia, and then the other magnet can be brought near again (automatically near or far / plastic attached to the wheel) so the wheel spins fast automatically. If the shown unit is tilted from vertical to position "B" it reasonably would improve the desired effect such as toward making electricity, or such as to run a pump or other goodly purpose. A big wheel or many small ones might provide for instance You, Your Flock, and some future people with also a cost effective value. If a large corporation sees Your resourcefulness they may become more interested in Christianity and may want to [patent selfishly or rather] gain Your Wisdom that You would invitingly show greater in Christ JESUS: that they gain proper Christian Faith.

Note a new patent after Your Work hardly means undo Your "perpetual motion" Work (options Luke 6.30 and conditions may apply Doctrine and Covenants 28.5 & 76.115).

Christ JESUS explained in the Eucharist the spirits of people and things in this world interact with other spirits temporarily

such as a spirit temporarily at a lower level

that a Christian may opt to properly raise, aware with the above Drawing upward arrows some automatically lift. Other directions first need properly converted, though the same precepts of JESUS Christ apply along with His same Physics Principles. For Your greater future Good for their sakes to become in them Joy In The Lord JESUS, some materials for instance quickly expire such as foods (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on how to build a Manna Machine at, fuels, and campfire wood. Though a cut and stored preparing of campfire wood for instance for others is expended at a rate that is counted as if varies, yet in the Lord JESUS as You can properly distinguish is hardly toward "varies" as if toward luck (ibid. on flim-of-coin technology) nor chaos nor loose cannon, rather it is just stored and ready, and the rate of their future conquering / campfire joy(s) can be measured not only predictably, as it is tied to being subject to the True High Purpose In Christ JESUS, while predictably an ancillary subset of worldly laws, campfire site considerations (such as whether other stove places are also on site), season, weather, time of day, types of group activities involved on site, and so forth.

Yet the High Part In JESUS is of the Eucharist in that for examples the bread and wine have continued [such as to be on the planet as people eat and drink] throughout generations and Will continue for times as rates apply (Ezekiel 4.11 with Daniel 7.25 and similar apply)(reference similar planning time and materials Luke 14.28) therefore Prophetically In Christ JESUS the future generations You help Will also have key High level particular(s) over their gifts from You, whether materials counted as if alone or as part of the greater level toward perpetual spirit(s) You build for them (to help the goodly aspect of the vessel grow properly in Christ JESUS).

Note that since in Heaven all is supplied, therefore no former worldly money is required, then consider that above stated "time" and "materials" are the costs (and associated with these are Your spirits within Your Spirit within the vessels of the gifts You give them). So some have left behind land (lot, nation,...), some have left behind legacy (Good Example, or Tree Of Knowledge Ambassador Of Christian Faith,...), some have left behind machines and technologies, and these agree in Christ JESUS, along with their particular rates: Prophetically.

The shirt of a person somewhat encloses part of the person and their particular spirit(s) set, and if the shirt is turned inside out then to agree in One Christ JESUS though if the person is with turned spirits of various directions then some of such turned away spirits know it not, they do not know as the same as the rightly facing spirit(s) would know. If in a bus looking backward, a rider might not see a sharp turn ahead and so might not be prepared and might tilt and fall and bump their head, though the bus driver (and similar) fall not and go unharmed (John 18.8) and are innocent as doves.

So be "unharmed" and "innocent" not only in Holy Self and Flock yet also in Your Holy Things and in Your Holy Doings with these Things Of Yours. The shepherd often had a candy cane shaped Shepherd's crook [(long strong stick bent at one end) or staff (long strong stick)][(Ezekiel 31.7) previous verses explain "waters" made them that way "long"], as written in Matthew 10.16:

So "wolves" might avoid a person (sometimes associated with previous human encounters), though a person might opt to carry an item (Isaiah 31.8), some people including Your Future Generations Prophetically Will be of helped (You) higher level authority awareness over otherwise scary and/or longsuffering related things so sinners and monsters and such vessels of hardly higher purpose would flee from Your Future Generations (associated with as much as they agree in You).

So here is a New Christianity key given for You and for Your Future Generations: although not to worship idols nor things such as materials, "Shepherd's crook" type items, nor Your Perpetual Motion Machines (with making the High Purpose Word Of JESUS clear in Those Holy Future Christians), all things, and especially certain things in given situations added properly to others Holy Giving(s) of Thing(s) involves Host Grace protections

as visitors are often uncomfortable, afraid, or flee.

If to not Do, the Holy Word; if to not Do over all things, then some certain situation specific things may not be available with You (in Your spirit(s)) for to be with Yours of the future concerning Their protection(s) if any

as great civilizations have perished with hardly any trace(s)(as much as known and uncensored amidst the people in the secular levels).

Prior to becoming One Nation, of the Twelve Tribes each had a staff with their Tribe flag standard (, then as One Nation every standard became included into One Holy Standard, including the Comprehensive Way to Properly Prioritize (in and for Christ JESUS One), so to include people and things, and to therefore Will that the people be Christian (lest perhaps a sinner misuses Your Perpetual Machine to destroy [which causes the sinner many self destruction pains and risks]) and that the things be as properly helpful as possible. As written in Isaiah 31.7-9:

Sinners leave behind things such as dust, a "rock" thrown in "panic" and unrighteous rage, and similar. Rather Christ JESUS Will be remembered Eternally.

Whether or not "Assyrian" [as was formerly BC (inital path of Abraham from Ur to Haran region of Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq)] sinners "will be terrified at the standard," at the New Standard in Them In The Future Of Yours; or at least unprepared to properly benefit, though at most Your Future Flock(s) Will be of One Spirit and of Perpetual Improving;

that is according to the proper raising of things that Your Do toward perpetual for New Christianity, then at least in the part that You Do Will not only with Their properly adding, Will be the Maximum Holy Benefit, Highest Blessing, per se, per Your Help and with Their Help: the Highest Rate.

You are given a Talent(s) to proceed at the Highest Best Way: You are free to so Do.

Highest Rate (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ROI) For Christ JESUS / New and improved in Your Future Flock / You raise people and within the Heart of this Sermon purpose for Higher Series purpose, You raise perpetual things.

Christian ROI / Growing leaping Christianity new and improved in You properly ascending over levels / Perpetual helps (things).

Christian Highest Rate / Improving (Heaven On Earth...rate) / Perpetual helps (things).

In the above Drawing is a sample of some of Your Perpetual Help Things, toward greater Your Perpetual Help Systems, toward [Your, in Them] greater Perpetual Help Systems in the future. All conquering properly for Christ JESUS. As seen above with the "spokes" of magnets wheel, if to make electricity for instance (understanding the magnets normally eventually wear out, some toward evolutionary rate slowness) then larger wheels with more spokes and/or a series of such wheels (axially saves space, yet also in parallel can have value(s)) such as on the same axle as and electric generator (which also utilizes magnets toward reversal of the above shown purpose, yet also for greater goodliness).

Grabbing static from air, water, ground, fire, plasma, and such have values, though many conditions apply, such as according to criteria of a certain Christian Church, the Church might be more interested in "water, ground" [moist soil (such as copper and aluminum staffs meters away from each other in the moist soil, attach wires to charge batteries, not shown)] while another Church might be more interested in above shown plastic sheet powering their computer. Yet whether actually done with Your Flock hands or only if to provide design plans for others, then of value(s), even so, sometimes (such as perhaps of very old Pastors) it is goodly for the Pastor to go in front of the people to break ground and rather than moot advice to rather guide with specifics:

Flocks and visitors often like that very much.

If for instance to say to a group of teen volunteers, "Make a perpetual motion machine." and that's all, it helps, though toward hardly. To a teen it might mean take vitamins to live forever, to an adult it might mean stop drinking and tithe more: such are goodly but hardly to the point (see above "Maximum" Holy Rate).

Above near the magnets wheel is a small illustration with a spring on one side, a fulcrum with hinges at the top, and a capacitor to the right, so if there is vibration such as a ship striking waves, such as involving car springs, or such as Earth tremors, then as the spring causes capacitance changes, the device causes voltage changes and current flow (as much as properly tuned).

A key is some things produce the types of electricity and/or other value(s) You want more than other things,

such is certainly True in Christ JESUS, tied to greater benefit with ascending and with higher levels.

So for Your Future Christians, consider not only what electric (for example) You want, yet also what You [Prophesy or] expect the future needs Will be: rather Do the Will Of The Father In Heaven (from Heaven Above or verses [which also when All such is proper these agree with each other]) first become aware of what to build. If to enter into Their Christian Work, then part of Your answer is already provided.

Yet if to be free to "consider", then toward Your proper ascending in Christian Faith, in other words You were born in sin [hardly blame Your Parents (John 9.33&34)(see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at], You were born Pure And Holy, Perfect In The Grace Of God and for Your ascending in knowledge Your were born in a world in which sinners exist.

So with the Heavenly Above, You were given from the Above the gift to "consider" (the "consider" gift: free choice).

So without lusting after the best perpetual motion machine, You may freely opt to build Your Perpetual Motion Machine,

if there is any lust, then lust End Time Marriage (let Marriage in the given now be enduring: for Your Proper Training For Petual End Time With New Beginning) for the Highest Purpose In Heaven.

A key is the Holy Perpetual Machine on Earth / of You, is tied to Above and yet also for Your Flock needs, including Your Future Inheritors. Let Them be Meek and inherit the land, the rocks and dirt and such (see sinners in text above per se): sinners do as much so rather do Good (Luke 6.33).

Christ JESUS gave a key:

hardly merely give gifts, rather give the best gifts

You can (other than tithings, properly allocating conditions apply Matthew 7.6),

so give Eternal gifts: perpetual motion machines of value.

Expensive (money), precise, special equipment, exceedingly complex, and with extensive longsuffering; do not always apply.

A plank can be used as a fan to cool or firewood to heat. But exhausted resources hardly do either (reference green-energy). The above right illustration shows how normal Sunlight heats and with air or water cooling powers are formed: when You properly containerize as shown above, these become some of Your Principalities (over which Your have gained responsibilities).

So a key is to gain responsibility, though not toward idolizing lower level things.

Count the cost of Your [planned] responsibilities. Christ JESUS is sending You "as sheep in the midst of wolves" (Matthew 10.16 NHE)

as Preachers amidst dirty sweaty workers (often workers for money that don't want competition such as others that might work for lesser pay, nor others that are willing to work for free as You Do All So Often Beloved Christian: Thank You). So what Will You Do: take great gifts (both Spiritual And Tangible) for the workers and their bosses. Bribe, no, yet Charity yes [(see above on "tithings, properly allocating") so properly plan in Christ JESUS and prepare to properly allocate. Note historically cities were granted (Luke 19.17) though hardly to the unworthy, and of course hardly if You don't have cities; yet more in line with current customs of this generation donuts and coffee have worked, though consider the Bible foods and health conscious workers; more toward the point are mergers such as giving device gifts toward the Eternal as discussed in the above text.

That's a lot of thinking for a person (You) to think about in addition to already exhaustive responsibilities.

So Ascend!

Christ JESUS gave help for Your desired thinking, Beloved. Galileo Galilei [(1564-1642) so no patents apply for instance] invented the Galileo thermometer: it thinks. Similar to how a Christian Church thermostat [computer] thinks to turn on or off under Your desired input, so too the Galileo thermometer functions at certain temperatures to make many proper decisions, right answers for You, such as to tell You what the current temperature is.

A key for Christ JESUS You is, each and every item in the above Drawing thinks.

A key for Christ JESUS You is, each and every item in the above Drawing has a vessel heart type, such as to lift some spirit and of something a certain way for Your Higher Christian Way.

Wisdom = Love x Logic.

Therefore each of the above items has Wisdom: offer Mercy. Yet be Wise to bear in mind there are levels and Firmaments and the items need Your loving care (as much as appropriate, also reference overflowing: see above "tithings, properly allocating").

Note that also properly in Christ JESUS guide any of Yours to be toward Victory within and over computer interfacing (electronics currently popular, along with infrared light, radio, and other as in above Drawing) importantly with New Christianity Guidance yet also with other things and anomalies in order to better guide. Such includes Manna Machine (see above text, & Sermon On The Mound), calibrating (given Universal flow rates), 3D plotting (with ibid.), recognition, advancing Heart Purpose, and such as Computer Numerical Control (CNC).

Some merely view the Bible as an old book, in secular cliche been-there-done-that, and similarly toward secular states Church is for families often meaning church-is-for-kids. Rather the Old Testament covered the higher purpose tribes toward Wiser Unity and that any person could be such and of the unseen higher as Prophetically True For Christ JESUS. The Second Testament provides the Word(s) Of Christ JESUS: profoundly meaningful for One Highest Purpose able to explain 5 minutes from now and tomorrow. The Third Testament showed any person (agreeing with being Chosen) could expand on the Word Of JESUS, such as to witness and record, and to Pray and Do even far into future generations further showing the caring reliability of God.

The Fourth Testament (Affiliated with this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS) evidenced the Holy Word could be raised of Christians from 1D sentence lines and 2D scrolling, to 3D blocks hardly as raw data and rather for High Purpose in Christ JESUS Ascending (advancing growing, as on page 10 [a new line of numbers sprouting from the same given line of numbers in sequences]). In the "Ascend" (page 18 through Chapter 5:) Triads Branch newly applied 3D to and for the Holy Word Of Christ JESUS (including therefore ancillary subset levels: of precepts [such as in formulae] and matter [key in this Sermon]).

An ancillary subset for instance is the new 3D "Branch" of science (hardly about organics)(toward the Holy Spirit, including in vessels)

that as spirits gather (rather for high purpose in Christ JESUS) anomaly vessels are formed even if only for a moment (creation) yet for One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS (perpetual, Eternal).

In this generation including the elderly prior to computer 3D characterizations, people carved blocks for instance, such as out of wood, with a word such as love on one side, and on another side of the same block carved the same word or another word such as JESUS; so that if to change the viewpoint the tangible block would say one thing or another: the point being it was the same block though some messages differed.

Similarly if to find a piece of evidence it is not only the interpreters that might have various interpretations, yet also the fact of the tangible object of evidence that could yield various precept spirits (in related matters see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle).

The Word became Flesh: Pure Flesh,

the "block", the "anomaly", the vessel was the Pure Holy Word In Tangible Form here on Earth; "children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God (John 1.13&14).

The alphabet is virtually the same as it was decades ago, with more symbolism being added such as icons. The secular books are very similar also, and more books are added. A magazine just published (name withheld) had many of the same section titles as decades ago, such as about "Organic Optoelectronics" and "Organic Photovoltaic", though with advances added such as to "Soft Electronics" [also in other words popularized at the start of the software age].

The Christian Bible is old, mostly, though includes Your future Holy progress in others: spirits, people, and things (currently including nonhuman vessels).

Whether the Christian opts to call a thing "light" or "Opto"... or "Photo"..., matters for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS and so for their sakes. Such means from the High Priest to the lower level ancillary Flock Members and visitors (typically). So the wording You choose is (if to so opt, recommended) wording interesting to the hearer. Money, drugs, beer, sex, and similar may be said, though rather as this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS often states offer the higher gifts, and so in pertinence for visitors just slightly beyond their reach, then with Christian Flock Members things a little more lofty increasingly as They become better at properly Ascending In Christian Faith.

If the Holy Word is broken in a vessel, immediately repair: guide Your Flock to so Do. Virtually the same is if there is an accident and for instance a finger is cut off: immediately reattach, instead of driving to the Priest nor other (let the lower legal issues not undo the health of the Judge). Christ JESUS showed each person is more important than worldly laws (Crucifixion, & Luke 22.51).

Likewise is this key given for Your future benefit. A person might see a low value machine and decide "I'll let it run until it breaks and then discard it", and that is a free option, and is often alright. Otherwise if You have a perpetual motion machine or toward perpetual, of value, then if an accident breaks it immediately repair according to the same type spirit [Heart of thing (Luke 5.36, also reference legal codes concerning old machinery).

For example if Your Perpetual Motion Machine includes a polymer sheet that is accidentally severed in half, immediately reconnect the halves, as a polymer chain often recoils akin to VELCRO (independently Registered brand 1940's, so copyright should not apply)(God said make it so/precepts of Christ JESUS: Numbers 21.8&9). If not to so Do (hardly of secular guidance and rather from the Christian Bible) then not-Your-spirit things are invited such as: germs, dust, air (drying, bubbles), and so forth; such can become flaws (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS) so it becomes no longer a break but also a flaw in a break (Luke 6.42).

Materials move and grow at various rates, such as solid glass flowing according to inherent and circumstantial givens. A polymer for instance has an as if natural rest condition build into it artificially from which state it hardly wants to change so for instance one polymer rests as a sheet (like a tree), and another rests as a cling wrap (like a vine) with some types due to internal VELCRO cling motivation, while others cling such as due to external static, and more types are being added such as tubular and such as automatically functioning for specific applications (often with layers of types of motivations [inherent memories]). The Holy Eucharist is toward being mindful of Christ JESUS and more in Word and in Doing.

Be mindful in Doing The 3D Word Of The Pure Physics Of The Creator.

Your Christian Sermons, perhaps weekly, help keep a person updated and current, and leave not undone the secular updating though for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS. In the above Drawing lower left is a newly type of device, applicable toward perpetual motion machines, though from secular sensor technologies. Without breaking the worldly laws, reasonably (see above) since worldly laws often transgress themselves (Matthew 22.29 APE in the rescue sense of the Christ JESUS for people to Do), rely on the High Purpose of Christ JESUS: to Do the Holy Will Of Heaven.

If the Holy Word is 3D, then make the Holy Will 3D.

Christ JESUS appreciates Holy Perpetual Motion Machinery Robotics for His Future Bride To Utilize (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on His Second Coming golden Zion cube He Has Prepared for His Beloved).

So how Will greater be accomplished?, would God say it is finished, "Oh, and You can come along too" as if an afterthought?: God Wants You To Build Greater, that Your Work And His be of the same High Purpose.

There are great vast corporations that have provided many Christian Churches in many nations and outer space with satisfactory reliable service: help them. They have also done goodly services spying on [hopefully innocent] people: lovingly guide them. Show them the greater Christian Benefit in converting to Christianity rather than moot secularism flip-of-coin tech [or anti-tech (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for many types of specific greater values for them)].

Hardly Will the formerly successful continue (save luck Ecclesiastes 9.11 at times) save properly ascending in You, Beloved One, as Your proper ascending in Christianity far beyond borders of former Church positions increasingly applies.

Even so this Sermon is hardly to show how lofty above them You are in Your Doing Of Miracles (though this Sermon is not against proper Your Doing Of Miracles).

Rather in Christ JESUS, as JESUS Did, speak their language, if their language is subscribers for profit and subscription services, and vertical profit increasing supply lines for world dominance, then conquer for them clearly Doing in their eyes for Christ JESUS.

You already know what they want, though similar to how a tiger doesn't want to be caged and similar to how a student doesn't want to be pinned down when trying to avoid a the right answer that they don't know: offer greater freedom in Christ JESUS. Be wise to understand there are already many that want to beat the tiger and the child with sticks and further disasters.

Conquer their patents and their attorneys (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at with pics hardly about the original GodFather of the movie, rather about their decision making Consular). They want money, power, and such: properly for Christ JESUS give as Christ JESUS explained "rise up and walk!" (Acts 3.6 BL), heal their problems as they agree toward Christ JESUS or if they opt otherwise then perhaps leave them to their problems.

They want world dominance though in the previous Sermon in this Series it is the Clearly Christian that so Did involving for the glory Christ JESUS (and not without Christian Effort turned to Joy).

They want to know what their competition is doing, who You are, they want to spy, and such things: give, show, tell, Do Good.

Show them how Your Way and Your Perpetual Motion [cause, rather Doing] Technologies Will benefit them all these ways and greater, as with free helps (that in Christ JESUS undo their competitors). Their "Consular" section (legal) in former times enjoyed working in case terms, and while precedents can be made, hardly such need(s) when able to bring to the table no surprises, something they often appreciate.

Now be wise that in Christ JESUS [if] You agree to the above thus far, then hardly be offset by the following sentence.

Truly they know perpetual motion machines better than a typical person, even better than a large number of experts in various fields; the utility and similar providers have knowns in the secular over superb perpetual motion machines (or as "perpetual" as needful or imaginable), they dealt with such previously and often, aware of the latest patents and greater, over the patent makers on their payrolls and over security ties of secular legal military considerations.

So a key is that if to love the "utility and similar" vessels, love those over them (at least for the reason if to love all of Christ JESUS In One Creator).

This is not asking to love sin if any.

If they have any "over them", prepare in Christ JESUS prior to the initial meeting: prepare to Do Good for all, that each and all be One Christian.

Show for instance how Your Perpetual Motion Machine works, and they would likely counter with "Not interested" (simple, see above leave or continue, if to continue see above "prepare": be prepared as much as You freely opt).

If You are for Christ JESUS, And Properly Ascended (see above "You already know"), then if they be against You, then they are wrong and You can see the error of their ways (such as misinterpretation of laws: there are worldly laws that contradict, and see above "confusion with many contradictory"). Help the attorneys overcome the vast numbers of problems and problematic situations against their concerns (whether international military and/or public and/or private) for example United Nations is involved in Peacekeeping efforts and Your automatic self replicating machines can not only make helmets for them yet also such as clearing away of mines.

Now of Your Free Option From The Holy Gift In Christ JESUS, consider how high You want to Work: reference Your already written (or verbal)(prior to changing due to this sentence) Christian Church criteria.

To offer help (and so Do) is not the same for each vessel You might be free to opt (to approach). In the secular some that say yes mean no, and no yes. In the secular some are in mental institutions for appropriate reasoning at least in secular terms for helping, though some such people are on the streets and in high secular positions.

So You might want to start with vessels "You already know" where You don't have to get Your foot-in-the-door because it's already in, such as youth can talk with parents and teachers, adults have multitudes of groups advertising in papers and online interested in perpetual motion machine progress.

If Your Christian Church criteria instructs go for it all for Christ JESUS around the world and beyond, then so Do, though with such consider successes on projects of others in Your Christian Church that already garnered Victories For Christ JESUS as such may be very helpful as higher level more complex things are sometimes better accomplished in meetings and/or with demonstrations as a key (see above text reason to go to Christian Church "to be in person, give the appropriate specifics")(the above Drawing has many demonstrated/reasonably/legally proven examples).

If Your automatic self replicating long product lifespan machines provide value(s), then utilities and others are missing out on Your Wonders: make profit for them and You yet as much as in Christ JESUS And Of Your Christian Church criteria for Christ JESUS. Make power for them and You, make them You.

Free Them, let them go on Their Way In Christ JESUS With You One.

For instance to dramatize proper precept on properly fitting precept: teens want sex doll machines (if they can't get the "real thing" as many have said). If You build such, let Your Spirit provide the parameters, for instance some Christian Churches advocate certain sexual activities more than others, so Your Spirit could freely opt whether such is toward Holy Marriage with an opposite sex spouse or not: that is prepare for the High Holy End Time Marriage (Second Coming), and if no human machine sex then build none, perhaps forbid, and yet if pro or con consider properly citing reasons, typically specify Christian Bible verses.

Similarly some are addicted such as to sex, or to a machine (operator), or to a corporation, and some for goodly reasons and others are other perhaps for many reasons such as often lack of proper ascending. Help the Good (Acts 18.10) and guide the others.

If a utility has goodly purpose, though contrary to Your Perpetual Motion Machine for individual Christian Churches and others, then seek the goodly in their utility leadership to resolve for them how to properly overcome the errors of their self torturing ways. Yet unless greatest value, rather seek Your Holy Path In Christ JESUS to Do the greatest, and in this sentence meaning You have a talent, the greatest that talent can Do for Christ JESUS, aim there, that level of kinship (Matthew 12.50): some things have to be Done first, and then the other things. Note what laws recently changed concerning utilities or others You opt to approach, and that (You prepared in Christ JESUS for such) approach with better solving in Christ JESUS for their sakes. Consider in Your Holy Wisdom the above and how such is so, how such would come to be whether by small steps or a major success for the entity.

Your Christian Machinery is as clothing, and not only similar to sandals, yet also can be similar to what a utility wants to be.

Offering freedom frightens many people, so be caring who You approach and how. If to make perpetual spears and come with the spear head, it is hardly the same as handing a utility a (patent expired) long life span (110v,...) new generator in it's original box.

Christ JESUS wants to date, and He should hardly have to search through machines to find a potential Bride. Yet normal to current society a groom might opt to be with a bride riding in a horse drawn carriage through Central Park.

Entertain Your utility, if opted to approach; and in order to accomplish such become proficient in their expertise that Your Christian Responsibility (Luke 11.42), such as after successes in-house (in Your Flock) contact a utility or other for a meeting with You and/or pertinent Members of Your Flock to show them the perpetual motion machines, they might agree, they might opt to hire, they might grant from a Foundation, or other, so prepare as much as fitting them for their sakes while making their job a delight for further greater values.

Below is mentioned an "Egg". With adult raising, is dating, then Marriage, then "Egg" and offspring concerns. Be aware of the first stage through the final. If a sex machine is mentioned or if competition against You is mentioned (You might be told "many people already offered similar"), be prepared to overcome that stage or leave to the next of interest. The point about sex machine is that if worthy for Christ JESUS then Yes or No in this given world, yet rather seek that in everything they might say be prepared (properly Ascending In Christ JESUS) to Righteously respond (sometimes rejection is with later reconsideration, be thankful if rejected, seek proper acceptance for Christ JESUS): many would scoff and do such as mention "perpetual sex machine" or other considered lower level in the background office area such as to see how You would handle it or be easily thrown off track as they had been, and if so heard You may prepare to respond (often the recommended thing) or prepare to not respond: if they offend with lower reasons be ready either secular way (maintaining Your higher purpose and rather than stooping though a Christian is allowed to act foolish though if for their sake(s)).

If they treat Your Way as if a joke or toilet talk, opt to prepare accordingly with boldness to know that if given a surprise problem explain You rather work in Righteous JESUS rather than in ancillary matters to be automatically overcome with proven results (see above text)(many in secular have said they "don't like surprises", see above rather than "precedent").

Accept unexpected improper trash talk with Loving Grace And Guidance if given time and appropriate situation, even if not given time and such a knowing smile may help show Your affinity for their business and personal cause.

There are many foundations that can be contacted, and many grants are given, though often already [not for You] with purpose(s) already in mind (toward "precedent"s [not that such are barred from You]). In other words some entities such as utilities, are mainstream inline with perpetual motion machines, and with proprietary means and processes. A Christian Church or a Member can perhaps make a perpetual motion machine, though if to help many then Your Flock Level, the community level or state or so on. Some want You to go through each stage, though Christ JESUS would rather You be free to ascend to Your Holy Comforter zone, in other words the heart of Your Heart And Talent: if for instance normal in You or if Your desire to approach at the state level, then fitting. Be prepared to be honorable according to at least the level You approach though hardly so lofty as they might view as if competition so as rather to benefit them in their job.

Be properly yoked together (lest 2 Corinthians 6.14) rather than give away Your Christian Church criteria: they must comply, for example they would likely opt to remain secular, therefore hardly view them as a date and rather as a secular entity friend as much as they agree. Be not persuaded by secular, rather guide secular for mutual benefit.

A date involves give and take parameters, a secular corporation is often as a machine so less able to give, so be aware generally especially if to approach large and long established corporations though many exceptions apply.

So while Your machine might hardly give in Your Holy Eye, it might give them new hope in the device potential associated with Christ JESUS.

See previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on advertising (Your Christian Work).

Christ JESUS came from One [(point, Spirit, Comprehensive Yet Holy) Vessel, Heart Of Vessel][even having touched dirt (John 8.6) remained clean in Heart And Soul, even pierced (Crucifixion)].

If to conquer Your construction of Your Perpetual Motion Machine Gift, then to properly shelter it though not required (reference Chosen People in the desert) yet preferred for Higher Purpose for future sakes.

Being Comprehensive, JESUS Did things. Your Perpetual Motion Machines can be from a few lines of physics as stated above, with their few rates of mindfulness (memories in action, motivated already, and aware and wise). Though as You advance add "lines of physics" toward the "Comprehensive". It is very hard at first toward impossible though Christ JESUS said in John 14.26 YLT:

So Beloved You Will In Christ JESUS be able to conquer "hard" things.

As the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS specified in the Lord Jesus Christ, the higher level larger more complex in New Christianity entities symbolize the greater values (or should as is their pertinent responsibility for greater success(es)), since it is the higher level larger more complex in New Christianity vessels that contain the lower ancillary levels [including secular of all sizes (Old Testament)(though lower Mission specifics apply, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS Matthew 10.31)] and contain the less complex (e.g. Christian Church Positions,...) Christian Followers as in Matthew 10.24, with John 1.26:

if any be not fully repentant (rates can apply [here in part is a type of example: "praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with"..."the Spirit"...Colossians 1:9 NIV]).

Christ JESUS also specified the Firmament awareness for each person, giving His Own Life to end all worldly curses and sins in Himself in Higher Will, and then also in low level knowledge that any person could reasonably know accordingly within His Own Crucifixion once for all and All.

So that each person can know the Holy Truth that an individual Christian is of more value than the largest worldly sin organization.

So a key is (as written in Affiliated GodMath Testament) this precept of Christ JESUS. But understand sinners and scoffers freely opt to wrongly and selfishly misinterpret as if to be bias against themselves and if they be in a group, when actually the Truth is for their sakes also, so that they victimize not themselves any further. And so they victimize no people.

As specified in great detail(s) in this ICCDBB Sermon(s) Series For Christ JESUS there are secular levels.

And while lower than Christian Firmament levels often repeat mistakes and punishments, the Christian can ascend and if a lower level Mission is Willed from Heaven then the Christian having conquered the Mission for Christ JESUS can leap to continue (rather than longsuffering through levels already conquered in the Heart And Will Of Christ JESUS).

Some secular groups have value(s), and while not as if an excuse to be secular, some secular groups can evolve and even at a somewhat higher rate adapt as indicated in Genesis 15.14 LDS:

with "substance" meaning things, items, such as jewelry. These things are given in spirits, such as the spirit of the heart of a vessel or the heart of a tool type vessel, or the spirit of a verbal agreeing to lend, or the spirit of an online contract to lease or sell, or the other such as higher freer spirit options, each of the Holy Spirit though not all spirits in the world remain pure nor are from impurity refined in the fire of the Christian Holy Baptismal Spirit.

Given Your Spirit with physically touching future generations

as stated above, the next

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

planned Will tie this with the previous Sermon in this Series

involving the Holy Grail and the Ark Of The Covenant:

Your Heaven Spirit Egg In This World / Holy Grail / Ark Of The Covenant.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS January 11, 2018AD.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

Tags: How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ. How to change their future. Physical principles of how to make an automatic self replicating and improving perpetual motion machine as explained in the Christian Bible. How to power a spaceship in outer space for travel and to colonize. Popemobile Will Of God in the Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS new Christianity. television movie The Godfather Part II I Don Fanucci Vito Corleone Consular attorneys Francis Ford Coppola New York Times newspaper Outbreak Major Salt Cuba Gooding Jr piloted helicopter upside down revolving swords Cherub Angels UFOs Men of Honor farmer Carl Brashear first black master diver The Goonies star character Mikey Sean Astin script But right now they gotta do what's right for them cause its their time Their time up there Down here its our time Its our time down here lobbying control mining for gold key money drugs beer automatic sex machine from bare wires to NASA and greater, ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS.


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