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pics from OPERATION FIRST LIGHT can be found at the link ABOVE!

post1.jpg (179293 bytes)    Group photo!

post2.jpg (183913 bytes)    Wölfe and Halcyon moving up

post4.jpg (167722 bytes)    Unit X and a guest player getting into position

post5.jpg (156649 bytes)    Raven running a flank maneuver

post6.jpg (181604 bytes)    Raven being badass as always

post7.jpg (91267 bytes)    Crossfire, can you see me :) ?

post8.jpg (176083 bytes)    Unit X scouting the field

post3.jpg (71721 bytes)    One of the teams posing for the pictures

post9.jpg (147585 bytes)    643-Tiësto on the down low

post10.jpg (198436 bytes)    A guest player covering his brother while he reloads

post11.jpg (262895 bytes)    "Enemy spotted"

post12.jpg (197509 bytes)    What I will do to you if you piss me off

post13.jpg (107324 bytes)    Hobum lone wolfing it

post14.jpg (186802 bytes)    Unit X and his teammate charging into battle!

post15.jpg (74677 bytes)    Can you say screwed?  Fox 3 attacking an unaware Halcyon

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