Athens and Jerusalem \ Part IV
Index of Aphorisms

  1. Ignava Ratio
  2. Two Measures
  3. The Fate of Socrates
  4. Intellectual Honesty
  5. The Intellectual Vision
  6. Inquiries
  7. Unde Malum?
  8. On the Truth that constrains
  9. The Source of Metaphysical Truths
  10. The Absolute
  11. Nature and Man
  12. Of Radical Doubt
  13. Miraculous Metamorphoses
  14. Dogmatism and Skepticism
  15. The Minimum of Metaphysics
  16. The Maximum of Metaphysics
  17. The Meaning of History
  18. Freedom of Thought
  19. Abraham and Socrates
  20. A Deception
  21. Teachers and Students
  22. Truth and Mystery
  23. Clare and Distincte
  24. Faith and Proofs
  25. Truth and the Recognition of Truth
  26. The Secret of Matter
  27. Knowledge and Treasures
  28. On the Sources of "Conceptions of the World"
  29. Change and Time
  30. On the Usefulness of Philosophy
  31. The Limits of the Power of the Principles of Identity and of Contradiction
  32. The Human Truth and the Lie to God
  33. The Possible

  1. Docta Ignorantia
  2. A Question
  3. "Simpletons" and "Possessed"
  4. Illegitimate Thoughts
  5. Theory and Fact
  6. Debates over Truth
  7. To the Memory of the most soft-spoken of Writers
  8. Again the Principle of Contradiction
  9. Commentaries
  10. Of Dogmatism
  11. The Light of Knowledge
  12. The Truths that Constrain
  13. Autonomous Morality
  14. Thought and Being
  15. "Our Own" and that which is Strange to Us
  16. The vice of our Thought
  17. Defeats and Successes
  18. The Empirical Personality
  19. Dialectic
  20. The Idea of Total Unity
  21. What is Truth?
  22. Logic and Thunder
  23. Protagoras and Plato
  24. The Goals of Philosophy
  25. The Possible and the Impossible
  26. The One Thing Necessary
  27. Idle Questions
  28. Again on the Idle Questions
  29. The Morality of Slaves and Masters
  30. The Stones Endowed with Consciousness
  31. De Servo Arbitrio
  32. Looking backwards
  33. Commentary on that which precedes

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