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Bibliographia Shestoviana Serbica

by Bogdan Lubardic

(also available in Word .doc format)

1. Lev Shestov, Soul and Existence (= Lav Sestov, Dusa i egzistencija, tr. & ed. Lj. Jovanovic, Tainska sfera, Sfairos, Budva 1989, 257 pp)

— this work is a selected sum of 6 Shestov's studies + 11 aphorisms; it is openned by an introductory essay written by Milan Petrovic (cf. idem, The Philosophy of Lev Shestov and the Russian Religious-Philosophical Renaissance of the XX Century, op. cit., 7-34).

2. Lev Shestov, Athens and Jerusalem (= Lav Sestov, Atina i Jerusalim, tr. M. Djordjevic, Arche, Mediteran, Budva 1990, 311 pp)1

— this work is a translation of the Russian original published by YMCA-Press Paris in 1951.

3. Lev Shestov, The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Preaching (= Lav Sestov, Dobro u ucenju grofa Tolstoja i Nicea: filosofija i propoved, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 160-269 pp)

— this work is a translation of the Russian original published in St Petersburg in 1900; this volume is suplemented by an essay written by Mirko Djordjevic (cf. idem, The Face and Fancy of God Janus: on the Philosophical and Litterary-Theoretical Conceptions of Lev Shestov, op. cit. 271-288).

4. Lev Shestov, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: the Philosophy of Tragedy (= Lav Sestov, Dostojevski i Nice: filosofija tragedije, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 5-159 pp)

— this work is a translation of the Russian original published in St Petersburg in 1903; this volume is suplemented by an essay written by Mirko Djordjevic (cf. ibid).

5. Lev Shestov, Potestas Clavium (= Lav Sestov, Potestas Clavium, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 277 pp)

— this work is a translation of the Russian original published by Izdatelstvo Moskva [vol. I, 15-312] in 1993.

6. Lev Shestov, Kierkegaard and Existential Philosophy: the Voice of the One Wheeping in the Desert (= Lav Shestov, Kjerkegor i egzistencijalna filosofija: glas vapijuceg u pustinji, tr. M. Grbic, notes: A. V. Ahutin, Plato, Beograd 2002, 277 pp)

— this work is a full translation of the Russian original published by Progress - Gnosis in Moscow 1992.

7. Lev Shestov, Speculation and Revelation: the Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev and Other Essays (= Lav Shestov, Umozrenje i otkrivenje: religiozna filosofija Vladimira Solovjova i drugi clanci, tr. M. Grbic & I. Maric, Plato, Beograd 2003, 325 pp)

— this work is a full translation of the Russian original published by YMCA-Press Paris in 1964 [it includes the essay on A. S. Pushkin Shestov wrote in 1899].

1 Recently I glanced through another completed and published translation of Shestov's Athens and Jerusalem in Serbian. Moreover, there are yet another two translations of Shestov's Athens and Jerusalem in progress [in toto, and curiously enough, there are to be 4 versions in Serbian]. One of these is superstructured by a rigorous and minute running critical commentary - n. BL

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