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Prayer Requests


This is reserved for prayer requests that SPY lifts up each sunday. If you have anymore, feel free to e-mail me below

Number 1: Please keep Shannon's friends Mother who has cancer in your prayers.

Number 2: It's Craig Andrews here. I have a few prayer requests. First, my grandmother had a stroke recently and she is having a slow rehab. She still can only say a few words and can't move her limbs on her right side. There is a very good chance she won't regain much of what she lost. Please pray for her and my family, especially my grandfather. Also, I just found out that one of my best friends from high school has been deployed to Saudi Arabia with the national guard. I don't know how long he'll be there but please pray for his safety. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

Number3: Here is the latest update. They misdiagnosed Janna's mom. She does NOT have Hodgkin's Lymphomia like they thought. She does, however, have Adenocorcinoma with an unknown primary. This is worse than the other one. The doctors do not know where this one started from. It is a rare and severe cancer that has a 50% chance of survival. The family will find out TOMORROW (12/3) what stage she's in (either 1,2,3,4), treatment options, and all that stuff. Janna's mom will have chemo. She will go for six days straight, then have six days off, then six days on, and six days off like that for approximately six months, then have six months recovery. She is not supposed to work for a year. Next Monday, December 9, they are supposed to start treatment. Janna and her family really appreciate your prayers and support. A praise is that Sharon's faith is strong through this whole ordeal. Some specific prayer requests are: 1) Sharon had to leave work because of her illness. 2) Chemotherapy - nightmare 3) Janna: whether or not to move home (depends on mother's condition) 4) Dad: emotional comfort 5) Chelsea: emotional comfort 6) Grandmother: emotional comfort, grow in her faith Also, Janna's "adoptive" grandfather died yesterday. She would like for prayer for her "adoptive" grandmother Virginia Cross as she deals with her husband's death. Thanks. Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate it as well as the Moon family. I hope that you all have a great week and PLEASE keep praying for this family.
Here is another update on Janna's mom, Sharon. Her mom is in stage 4. This is the most serious one. It is a gladier cancer and is spread throughout her body. It has spread to her bones and has spread to other places, which include the lymp nodes, her neck, her lungs, and possibly her liver. There are spots on her liver, but are uncertain if it is cancer or not. Her blood count is low and they can't do chemo unless her blood count comes up. If it comes up tomorrow, they can start chemo. She is on medication to bring up her blood count. Without chemo, the cancer will overtake her body and will kill her. Chemo treatments have changed to being 3 weeks straight and one week off for I don't know how long. They are trying to beat it before it kills her. Also, please pray for Janna as she looks for work, not feeling well, uncertain about going home or not, and she found a lump on her left wrist. She can move it, but its making her wrist swollen and painful. She is going to the doctor's about it, but I don't know when.