This is my Baybe and I
(with her joeys still in the pouch)
In order for me to do this,
It required Baybe to love me and trust me explictly. SHE HAD TO KNOW that
herself, and her joeys, were in no danger what so ever.
You will also notice that I am NOT holding her either. She is laying in
my cupped hand, holding onto me. She does not feel threatened in any way
shape or form. This required a lot of patience and understanding from me.
I have had to be very careful to NEVER make her think that I was anything
except her safe, loved haven. I have been very careful to try to protect
her from ANYTHING that may scare her or frighten her : strange hands, faces,
smells, sharp sounds etc..
I have never given her any
reason to nip or bite at me, even in play. We have never played rough,
I have always treated her with love and tenderness and she has returned
all that I have done with her. I know that I am a giant in her little
world. How would I feel being chased, grabbed and pulled? How would I feel
if I was forced to go somewhere I didn't want to go? I have always tried
to treat her, as I would want her, to treat me, if she were the giant in
my world. I look at life through the eyes of my gliders.
She loves to be spoiled and
pampered. I love the way she shows me that she too loves me. I call this
picture petting her down. To be able to sit and rest her safe in my hands,
and be able to pet her into a totally relaxed position, is one sure sign
of our bonding. The bonding that only grows deeper with time.