First, the colony I am speaking of had two males and two females. I hope
this story helps you. A while back, I had one of my male sugar gliders
begin acting ill (wasn't moving around like he usually did), I went on
vacation giving the pet sitter strict instructions to watch him and if
anything else arose to take him to a vet, well the pet sitter came in one
day to feed them and the male was dead on the floor of his cage with his
eyes eaten out. This was traumatic to me, I have owned sugar gliders for
four years and they have always been healthy and happy. So, Then a few
weeks later, I found another male of the same colony, in very poor
condition he had been absolutely fine the night before and it was just
chance that I had looked in on him at about 3 in the afternoon. He was
barely moving and he had diarrhea and a distended abdomen. I called the
only vet within 100 miles that treats these creatures and He was in
surgery and unavailable, I begged the receptionist to just allow me to
bring him in and let the Vet see him after the surgery but they told me
couldn't. So, I was stuck, I didn't want to take him on a 2 hour car ride
his condition. I held him, tried to administer fluids, and keep him warm.
held him for 8 hours straight and watched him slowly dying. If I had know
that he was going to indeed die, I would have put him out of his misery,
but I had no idea what was wrong with him. After 8 hours, he died. It was
horrible, he convulsed the last 1/2 hour. Well, about 2 weeks later a
female from the same colony began showing the same symptoms, just
as the previous male, her health declined within hours. Plus, she began
eating her own tail. I found her in this condition at midnight and again
couldn't take her to the vet for the nearest 24 hour vet service is 100
miles away, I cared for her during the night and first thing the next morning
we took her to the vet. He did not know the origin of the illness but he
gave us Baytril syrup (which is an antibiotic) we gave her .15 cc by mouth
two times a day. Plus we administered shots of Lactated ringers solution
just under the skin to keep her hydrated. I took mixed baby cereal and
watered it down until it was a liquid and added sugar glider vitamins and
calcium supplement, I had to manually force fed her with a syringe cause
she didn't want to eat. I also gave her water and I took meal worms and
took out all the gooshey insides and had her eat a few a day. I put her
in a
hospital tank and kept it warm. The first few days were hard, we didn't
know if she was going to make it. But thank goodness she pulled through,
this occurred 4 weeks ago and she is as healthy as can be ornery and
adorable. She stopped eating her tail and she seems to be doing very
well. Unfortunately we did not have my two that died autopsied so I do
know what this illness was. I hope that this helps someone. Always
consult a vet, but if he is stumped you can always suggest what I did and
see what he thinks. Thanks so much and I hope this helps you! Take
care all