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It started off Thursday morning about 3:00 a.m. I was awoke by childern
screaming, and say the dog has went nuts.  But Gizmo got out of his cage,
and I guess he decided to check the dog out.  When I got up I seen the
dog running into one of the bedrooms with Gizmo on his head, and freaking out.  I flipped the light on and Gizmo was on the floor and the dog was jumping on the bed with one of my daughters.  Well, I picked Gizmo up and he was mad, he kept biting my hand so I just put Gizmo back in his cage.  Well after he was done being upset I took him back out and checked his little body out and noticed a little puncture in his
back left leg and that he was dragging it , so I called the vet and got him to see the vet. And Gizmo's little leg was broke.  So Gizmo had surgery Saturday morning 10/14/2000, to put a pin in the bone.  Gizmo is really upset at me I had to take his wheel away from him for awhile, but I take him and let him climb around on me,  But he seem to be doing fine for now.