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Written by PennyFerret

           Hello I am writing to tell a very sad story.
           A little more than a month back I adopted 2 very loving sugar gliders from Carrie (a
           member of this board) Hailey and Keira.
           I let them out for their play night on Monday for almost 2 hrs. After they were done
           playing I put them back in their cage and said good night to them. I clicked off the
           lights (I had a lamp on the desk for the computer) and opened the shade so they could
           continue playing by the moonlight. I usually did this so I had no worry of leaving them
           to play. The next morning I left early to bring my 9 month old son over to my sisters
           house for the day. I usually check on the girls in the morning and make sure their
           all right before I go about my daily routines. However this morning I didn't. I returned
           home later that evening and went into the room to check on them and to my horror I
           found Hailey dead on the floor of the cage. I ran through the house crying To tell my
           husband what happened And we tried to figure out why.
           A later autopsy revealed that she died from a broken neck probably received by
           missing a landing and falling 3 ft to the floor of her cage. He told me she died instantly
           and that she did not suffer. Which at this point is the only thing that makes me
           comfortable. (knowing that she did not suffer and lay dying while I was out.) I am in the
           process of making a net hammock for Keira to catch her if she happens to fall. I now
           keep a lamp on at night and don't rely on the moonlight to provide enough light. I am
           truly heart broken and still in shock because I have never lost an animal so young,
           They just celebrated their 1st birthday oop on Oct. 5. Keira is doing well I looked into
           her pouch the other day and saw her curled up by herself in a little lonely ball Which
           made my heart ache. She seems to be doing well I spend a lot of time petting and
           playing with her trying to make up for her being alone in her cage at night. I know she
           can get depressed easily now and I wouldn't be able to deal with losing her too.
           Please if you have a large glider cage make sure that if your glider can fall that he or
           she will be protected from injury! Make sure there are lots of things they can grab onto
           in case of an emergency or something is there to catch them!