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Maple and Oak's Rejected Joey
Written by Maly

    My set of sugar gliders, Maple and Oak had two babies in
their pouch. They were the first set of babies Maple and Oak had ever had.
When the babies came out of the pouch I was thrilled (one was a boy and one was
a girl). The  trouble started after they opened their eyes (about a week
later). I noticed the male joey far behind the female (much smaller), and not
nursing as much. I decided to keep them with their parents and if there were any
more signs I'd separate him. It was about two days later and I noticed him not
nursing at all. Also there was a scratch on his eye and that eye was
sealed shut. Then I saw the dad bite his nose hard. That's when I decided to
separate them.     First I took an aquarium out I had ,and bought a heating
pad. The formula  I bought was one that was recommended in a sugar glider book.
It's called Esbilac Puppy Formula. I fed the baby every 3 hours with a
syringe, drop by drop. With the heating pad on low his temperature was better.
The next morning I got up to feed him and found him dead. I cried and
cried. I had just started to have high hopes with him. I think he just was
too weak by the time I started treating him.
    Right now the female joey is healthy and doing well.