One of our rescues that went out to a home is back and now he is having
seizures. Marcel has been one of the sweetest gliders I have ever met.
He and I hit it off from the beginning but I always try to place rescues
when possible.
Now when I get him out of his cage at night he immediately starts
bouncing around going nuts trying to mark where other gliders have been.
We have had him go almost catatonic on us in the past a time or two and
used honey water to bring him out. I am thinking he is either diabetic
hypoglycemic. Last night I got him out and did not let him run around.
While holding him I gave him a piece of pecan and was talking to hubby
when Marcel started shaking in my hand and then went blank eyed.
We started the honey water and it brought him around but it took more
than it has in the past.
I am kind of wondering if he is allergic to pecans? I will not give him
tonight and will have honey water pre made just in case.
I will be taking Marcel to the vet on my day off. I think it is unusual
that he
does not seem to have these seizures except when he is taken out of his
I will be taking him to the vet after doing the no-pecan check just in
case it
was an allergy. I have decided Marcel will become a permanent resident
of the shelter. He was going to stay and be a breeder but I think I am
going to neuter him in case this is a genetic issue.
Last night I gave Marcel some honey water before getting him out for a
bit. I also limited his time out by letting him out several times for just
a few
minutes each time. He did not seizure last night so I think I will be adding
a bottle full of juice to his cage. I am hoping the extra sugar will help
alleviate any symptoms. We will be going to the vet on Friday if they can
get us in. As soon as I speak to the vet I will post what he says.
I was finally able to get Marcel to the vet. His fecal float was normal
he tested negative for white blood cells in his urine. This was a challenge
since he did not want to pee. We got just enough urine off the table top
where he marked heavily.
I had given him an eyedropper full of honey water before leaving the
house so we were not able to do a blood glucose. I was afraid of him
seizing in the car. I also made up a little bottle of honey water and took
with me just in case.
He was a silly critter. In the car he got out of his pouch and ran around
carrier. Fortunately my windows are tinted so he was not real
uncomfortable because of the light. He was not interested in staying in
his pouch until the ride home.
He is definitely bonded to me. He did not want to go to the Dr. or to be
down on the table. He stayed on me the whole time we were at the vets
office. Of course the office ladies thought he was just the cutest thing.
It looks like hypoglycemia so we are discussing neutering him, and will
most likely let him be a perm shelter resident as opposed to breeder. I
don't want him breeding if he has a form a diabetes that may be passed
down his bloodline. I will have to remember from now on to force feed
him some honey water before he is allowed to run around outside the
cage. If I let him get up naturally he does not want to take anything by
mouth before coming out. This is when he usually has a seizure. Just
after getting up.
Marcel and Lucy are expecting one joey who will probably live with them.
will not sell a joey who may have inherited this condition.
To others who have gliders who seize, what was your glider doing right
before the seizure? Was it running around burning energy? Was it resting
quietly? Had you given it any certain thing to eat?