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Nathan Bierma

"About Myself"

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About the Editor

I am a student at Calvin College -- and at WBBL, and Chimes, and church, for I see education as a broad process in life encompassing many activities beyond just occupying a desk in a classroom. I am finding many of my classes at Calvin very rewarding, but my education kicks into high gear at Chimes, the student newspaper, where I encounter practical issues (and a mound of stress), and WBBL, a Grand Rapids all-sports AM station at which I earn valuable time on the air doing news updates. I even learn much from my relationship with Andrea, which for all its challenges brings me daily joy. I am interested in sports, current events, and history, with an eye on majoring in either Communications or English and pursuing a career in sports journalism.

What shapes my view of the world and my place in it is the overriding (but widely underrated) perspective that this world is a sad preview of the glorious one to come, as described in Revelation 21. God's eventual restoration of this earth and of culture is linked to our daily work in society, a profound perspective from which to view world cultures, media, politics, art, and racism, among other things. Even sports. Christians best enter the treacherous territory of the next millenium with a renewed sense and awe of God's sovereignty. It is a crazy world, but it's is still all God's, every square inch.