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Dana Online-Make A Free Donation to Those In Need

The Hunger Site
Click their link and each sponsor will donate 1/4 cup of food to help feed the hungry. It may not sound like a lot, but it adds up. Please help save these kids from starving to death. All it costs you is a moment of your time.

Donates to several charities by clicking on their links. It costs you donthing to donate to help the needy. You choose which cause you would like to support with your clicks. Help one or all of several worthy causes.
***NEW ***
Hits Against Hunger
Every day you can return to Hits Against Hunger and Donate $1.00 for free.
save, protect, preserve wilderness, and rainforest for free!'s Race For the Rain Forest
Every hour, six species are lost forever - By clicking the "Save the Rain Forest" button daily, you generate a donation to protect rain forest
You should check out's charity drive.
After you register and choose your favorite
charity, will donate money every time you
add a website (50 cents),
rate a website (2 cents),
or refer a friend ($1).
It's simple, quick, and easy.

Also, when you register at Zeal and mention my email address (, Zeal will give $1 to my favorite charity!

Aid For Kids - Donate for Free!
Order Free Stuff and give to charity! When you order Free Stuff from our site, the proceeds go to Children's Charities. It doesn't cost you a cent...

Click FoME
Free donations to help feed the hungry at a mouse click!
Save a child's life with a simple click

End Aids Now
Aids Research
Make Your Choice of Several Causes to Support
Victims of natural disasters

Charity Frogs
Helps the Red Cross

Children Emergency Organization
Buy Medicines in the third world

Dona Gratis
The organization is diferent each month

The Humanitarian Site
International Organization of volunteers
You can donate Unlimited times a day to its 18 Causes.
Stop The Hunger! turns clicks into free food donations to combat domestic hunger.
Quick Donations
Donate money to a variety of charities at no cost to you