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A Abhibhavati - (Abhi + bhuu) overcomes.
Abhibhuu - m. conqueror. Abhidhamma - m. Higher Doctrine. Abhigacchati
- (abhi + gamu) goes near to. Abhijaanaati - (abhi + -aa) perceives. Abhikkamati
- (abhi + kamu) goes forward. Abhima~ngala - n. great festival. Abhimukha
- facing towards. Abhi--aa - f. higher knowledge. aacariya - m. teacher.
aadara - m. affection, esteem, care. aadaaya - p.p. having taken. Adhibhuuta
- p.p. mastered. Adhigacchati - (adhi + gamu) attains, acquires. Adhipati
- m. chief, master. Adhisessati - (adhi + si) will lie upon. Adhis(la -
a higher morality. Adhis(ta - adj. very cold. Adhiti.t.thati - (adhi +
.thaa) stands upon. Adhivasati - (adhi + vasa) dwells in. Agaa - (gamu)
went. aagacchati - (aa + gamu) comes. - m. monastery. Aggi
- m. fire. Aha - n. day. Aha.m - pro. I. aahaara - m. food. aaharati -
(aa + hara) brings. Aja - m. goat. Ajaa - f. she-goat. Ajja - ind. to-day.
aakaasa - m. sky. Alikavaad( - m. liar. aama - ind. yes. Amacca - m. minister.
Amba - n. mango. Ambara - n. garment. Amhaaka.m - pro. our. Amu - Pro.
this, that, such. A~nguli - f. finger. A--a - adj. another Annada - giver
of food. A--atara - adj. certain. Antevaasiko - m. pupil. Antima - adj.
last. Anu - pre. like, after, along, under. Anugacchati - (anu + gamu)
follows. Anulomato - in accordance with. Anunaayaka - m. sub-chief. Anupubba.m
- in due course. Anuraaja - m. successor. Apa - pre. from, away from. aapabbata
- n. as far as the rock. Apagacchati - (apa + gamu) goes away. aapana -
n. shop, market. Apara - adj. other, western, subsequent. Apara.nha - m.
afternoon. Apasaalaaya - from the hall. Apavaada - m. abuse, blame. Api
- ind. over, near to. Apidhaana - n. cover, lid. Appa - adj. little, few.
Appamaada - m. earnestness. Arahanta - m. Arahat. aaraama - m. temple,
garden. aaroceti - (aa + ruca) informs, tells, announces. aarogya - n.
health. Asaadhu - m. bad man. aasana - n. seat. Asi - m. sword. Asika.laho
- m. swordfight. As(ti - eighty. Assa - m. horse. Assaa - f. mare. A.tavi
- f. forest. Ativiya - adj. very. Atigacchati - (ati + gamu) overcomes.
Atikkamati - (ati + kamu) transgresses. Atisundara - very beautiful. Atithi
- m. guest. Atta - m. soul, self. Attha - m. matter, meaning, good. A.t.tha
- eight. A.t.thaadasa - eighteen. A.t.thama - eighth. A.t.thi - n. bone.
Avabhodha - m. understanding. Avacarati - (ava + cara) traverses. Avaharati
- (ava + hara) takes away. Avajaanaati - (ava + -aa) despises. Avakkamati
- (ava + kamu) descends. Avama--ati - (ava + mana) looks down upon. aavuso
- ind. friend, brother. Aya - n. iron. Ayomaya - made of iron. aayu - n.
B Bahudhaa - in many ways.
Baala - m. young. Baalataa - f. childhood. Baalatta- n. ignorance. Balavantu
- m. powerful. Bandhumantu - m. he who has relations. Bhagavantu - m. The
Blessed One. Bhagin( - f. sister. Bhajati - (bhaja) associates. Bha.nati
- ( speaks, recites. - n. goods, article. Bha.naagaarika
- m. treasurer Bhante - ind. Lord, Reverend Sir. Bhariyaa - f. wife. Bhaasaa
- f. language. Bhaasana. - n. speech. Bhattu - m. husband. Bhaatu - m.
brother. Bhava - n. existence. Bhavati - (bhuu) becomes. Bhaaveti - (bhuu)
cultivates, develops. Bhaya - n. fear. Bhikkhu - m, mendicant, monk. Bhikkhun(
- f. nun. Bhinna - p.p. broken. Bhuu - to be. Bhujaga - m. snake. Bhu-jitukaama
- wishing to eat. Bhuumi - f. ground. Bhu-jati - (bhuji) eats, partakes.
Bhuuta - n. being. B(ja - n. seed, germ. Brahmacaar( - m. celibate. Buddha
- m. The Enlightened One. Buddhadesita - preached by Buddha. Bujjhati -
(budha) understands.
C Cakkhu - n. eye. Canda -
m. moon. Carati - (cara) wanders. Catuttha - fourth. Cattaa.l(sati - forty.
Catu - four. Catuddasa - fourteen. Ceta - n. mind. Cha - six. Chatta -
n. umbrella. Cha.t.tha - sixth. Cira.m - indec. for a long time. Corabhaya.m
- n. fear from thief. Corayati - (cura) steals. Coreti - (cura) steals.
Cuddasa - fourteen.
D - south. Daana
- n. alms, giving, gift. - n. stick. Da.n( - he who has a stick.
Daaraka - m. child. Daarikaa - f. girl. Daaru - n. wood, fire-wood. Daarumaya
- wooden. Dasa - ten. Daasa - m. servant. Daasi - f. servant-maid. Daatu
- m. giver. Daayaka - m. supporter. Deseti - (disa) preaches. Deti - (daa)
gives. Deva - m. god. Devi - f. goddess. Deyya - that which should be given.
Dhamma - m. Law, Truth, Doctrine. Dhammacaari - m. righteous one. Dhammadhara
- m. versed in the Dhamma. Dhammasaalaa - f, preaching hall. Dhammataa
- f. nature. Dhammavaad( - m. speaker of the Truth. Dhammika - righteous.
Dhana - n. wealth. Dhaavati - (dhaava) runs. Dhenu - f. cow. Dh(tu - f.
daughter. Dhitimantu - m. courageous one. Dhovati - (dhova) washes. Dhunaati
- (dhu) destroys. Dibbati - (diva) enjoys. D(gha - adj. long. Dinakara
- m. Sun. D(pa - n. light, lamp. Disaa - f. quarter, direction. Di.t.thadhammo
- m. Saint. Divasa - m., n. day. Dosa - m. hatred. Du - pre. bad, difficult.
Duddama - difficult to tame. Duggati - f. evil state. Duhitu - f. daughter.
Duranubodha - difficult of comprehension. Dutiya - second. Dvaadasa - twelve.
Dvi - two. Dvikkhattu.m - twice.
E Eka - one, certain, some.
Ekaadasa - eleven. E.laka - m. goat. Eva - ind. just, quite, even, only.
Eva.m - ind. thus.
G Gacchati - (gamu) goes.
Gahapati - m. householder. Gaama - m. village. Gaamato - gone to the village.
Gamaka - m. goer. Gamana - n. going. Gaamataa - f. collection of villages.
Ga~ngaa - f. river. Gantukaama - wishing to go. Gaarayha - blamable. Gati
- f. state. Ghara - n. home, house. Gha.ta -m. pot, jar. Ghosana - noisy.
Gilaana - m. sick person. G(ti - f. song. Go - m. bull. Gotrabhuu - n.
Sanctified one. Gu.navantu - m. virtuous one.
H Harati - (hara) carries.
Hattha - m. hand. Hatthi - m. elephant. Hatthin( - f. she-elephant. Have
- ind. indeed, certainly. Hi - indec. indeed. H(yo - ind. yesterday.
I Icchati - (isu) wishes,
desires. Idaani - ind. now. Idha - ind. here. Ima - this. Itara - adj.
different, the remaining. Ito - ind. hence. ago, from here. Iva - ind.
like. Isi - m. sage.
J Janaka - m. father. Janan(
- f. mother. Janataa - f. multitude. Jaya - m. victory. Jaayati - (jana)
arises, is born. Je.t.tha - eldest. Jetu - m. conqueror. Jeyya - elder.
Jinaati - (ji) conquers. J(vati - (j(va) lives.
K Ka - pro. who, which? Kadariya
- m. miser. Kammaja - born of kamma. Kampati - (kampa) shakes, wavers.
Ka.nha - black. Kani.t.tha - adj . youngest. Kaniya - adj. younger. Ka--aa
- f. maiden, virgin. Kapi - m. monkey. Kaaraka - m. doer. - n.
doing. Karan(ya - that which should be done. Kassaka - m. farmer. Katama
- pro. what, which? Kata--uu - m. grateful person. Katara - pro. what,
which? Kattu - m. doer. Kattukaama - wishing to do. Kavi - m. poet. Kaayika
- bodily. Khaadati - (khaada) eats, chews. Khaggavisaa.nakappa - m. like
a rhinoceros. Khajja - eatable. Kha.nati - ( digs. Khanti - f. patience.
Khetta - n. field. Khippa.m - ind. quickly. Kh(ra - n. milk. Khuddaka -
adj . small. Ki.m - ind. why? what? pray. K(.lati - plays. Kodha - m. anger.
Kodhana - irritable. Ko.ti - f. hundred lakhs. Kuddaala - m., n. spade.
Kujjhati - (kudha) gets angry. Kumbhakaara - m. potter. Ku-jara - m. elephant.
Kuupa - m. well.
L Labhati - (labha) receives.
Lakkha.m - lakh. Lekhana - n. letter. Likhati = (likha) writes. Lobha -
m. greed. Loka - m. world. Lokahita - beneficial to the world. Lokika -
worldly. Lo.nika - mixed with salt.
M Maccha - m. fish. Maccu
- m. death. Madhu - m. honey. Magga - m. road. Maggika - m. traveller.
Mahanta - adj. big. Mahes( - f. queen. Majja - n. intoxicant. Majjhima
- adj . middle. Maalaakaara - m. garland-maker. Mama - pro. my, mine. Mana
- mind. Maana - n. pride. Ma-ca - m. bed. - m. jewel. Manomaya -
mental. Manusatta - n. manhood. - n. death. Maasa - m., n. month.
Maatula - m. uncle. Maatulaan( - f. aunt. Mayha.m - pro. .my, mine. Medha
- adj . wise. Medhaav( - m. wise man. Medhaavin( - f. wise woman. Mitta
- m., n. friend. Mukha - n. face, mouth. Muni - m. sage. Mutti - f. deliverance.
N Nagara - m. city. Naagarika
- urban. Naama - n. name, mind. Namo - ind. honour. Narapati - m. king.
Naar( - f. woman. Nara - m. man. Naatha - m. lord, refuge. „aati - m. relative.
Nattu - m. nephew. „aatu - m. knower. Naavaa - f. ship, boat. Naavika -
m. navigator. Nava - nine. Navama - ninth. Navuti - ninety. Netu - m. leader.
Niraahaara - without food. N(ca - mean, low. Nicaya - n. accumulation.
Nidahati - (ni + daha) lays aside. Nidhaaya - ind. p.p. having left aside.
Nigacchati - (ni + gamu) goes away. Nigama - m. town, market N(harati -
(n( + hara) takes away, removes. Nikkhamati - (ni + kamu) departs. Nikkha.nati
- (ni buries. N(la - adj. blue. N(rasa - sapless, tasteless. N(roga
- healthy. Nis(dati - (ni + sada) sits. Nitta.nho - arahant (Desireless
One). Nivattati - (ni + vatu) ceases.
O Odana - m. rice, cooked
rice. Ojaa - f. essence. Osadha - m. medicine. Osadhasaalaa - f. dispensary.
Ovaada - m. advice.
P Pabala - very strong. Pabbata
- m., n. rock. Pacati - (paca) cooks. Pacchaabhatta.m - after meal. Pacchima
- west. Paada - m,. n. foot Paharati - (pa + hara) strikes. Pakkamati -
(pa + kamu) sets out, goes away. Pakkhipati - (pa + khipa) throws in, puts
in. Paa.libhaasaa - f. Pana - ind, but, however, further.
Pa-ca - five. Pa-cadasa - fifteen. Pa-cadhaa - fivefold. Pa-cama - fifth.
Pa.nita - m. wise man. Pa-ha - m. question Pa.n(ta - noble. Pa-cama - fifth.
Pa.n.narasa - fifteen. Pa--aa - f. wisdom. Pa.n.naakaara - m. present.
Pa.n.naasa - fifty. Paapa - n. evil. Paapaka - adj . evil. Paapakaar( -
m. evil-doer. Paapu.naati - (pa + apa) arrives. Para - adj. other, different.
Paraa - ind. away, aside, back, opposed to. Paraabhava - m. decline, ruin.
Paraajaya - defeat. Parakkamati - (para + kamu) strives. Pari - pre. around,
about, complete. Pariccheda - m. limit, extent, chapter. Paridahati - (pari
+ daha) puts on. Paridhaavati. - (pari + dhaava) runs about. Parikkhipati
- (pari + khipa) throws around. Parisuddha - complete purity. Pasattha
- good. Paataraasa - m. morning meal. Patati - (pata) falls. Pa.thama -
first. Paa.thasaalaa - f. school. Pati - m. husband, lord. Pati - pre.
again, against, back, towards. Patideti - (pati + daa) gives in return.
Pa.tikkamati - (pa.ti + kamu) retreats. Pa.tilekhana - n. letter in reply.
Pa.tiloma.m - backwards. Pa.tipadaa - f. course, conduct, practice. Patiraaja
- hostile king. Patiruupa.m - counterfeit, suitable. Pa.tisota.m - against
the stream. Pa.tivadati - (pa.ti + vada) answers. Paato - ind. early in
the morning. Pavisati - (pa + visa) enters. Paaya - n. water, milk. Payaati
- (pa + yaa) goes forward. Payojana - n. use, need. Pema - m. attachment,
love. P(ta - adj. yellow. P(.tha - n. chair, bench. P(ti - f. joy. Pitu
- m. father. Potthaka - n. book. Pubba - adj. first, foremost, eastern.
Pubba.nha - m. forenoon. Pucchati - asks. Puujeti - offers. Pu--a - n.
merit, good. Pu--akaar( - m . good-doer. Puppha - n. flower. Purato - ind.
in the presence of. Puratthima - east. Putta - m. son. Puttika - he who
R Raaja - m. king. Raja -
n. dust. Rajatamaya - made of silver. Raajin( - f. queen. Rakkhati - protects.
Ratha - m. cart. chariot. Rathakaara - charioteer. Rati - f. attachment.
Ratta - adj. red. Ra.t.tha - n. country, kingdom, realm. Ratti - f. night.
Roga - m. disease. Rukkha - m. tree. Rundhati - (rudhi) obstructs.
S Saa - she. Sabba - all.
Sobbadaa - ind. everyday. Sabba--uu - m. All Knowing One. Sabbaso - in
every way. Sabbathaa - in every way. Sacca - a truth. Sadaa - ind. always.
Saddhaa - f. faith, devotion, confidence. Saadhu - m. good man. Saadhu
- adj. good. Saadhuka.m - ind. well. Sahaaya - m. friend. Saalaa - f. hall.
Samaagacchati - (sa.m + aa + gamu) assembles. - m. holy man, ascetic.
Sambuddha - self-enlightened. Sameti - meets together. Saam( - m. husband,
lord. Sammaa-Sammbuddha - m. Fully Enlightened One. Sammukha - face to
face with. Sa.m - pre. with, together, self. Sa~ngha - m. collection, The
Order. Sa.mharati - (sa.m + hara) collects. Sa~nkhipati - (sa.m + khipa)
condenses. Sa~nkilissati - (sa.m + kilisa) is defiled. Sara - n. lake. - n. refuge. Satta - seven. Sahassa.m - thousand. Sata.m - hundred.
Sattadasa - seventeen. Sattama - seventh. Sa.t.thi - sixty. Sattati - seventy.
Satthu - m. teacher. Saayamaasa - m. evening meal, dinner. Senaa - f. army.
Seta - adj . white. Se.t.tha - adj. excellent, chief. S(la - n. morality,
precept, virtue. S(ladhana.m - wealth of virtue. Sira - n. head. S(ta -
adj . cold, cool. Siyaa - would be. So - pro. he. Soka - m. grief. So.lasa
- sixteen. Sotu - m. hearer. Sova.n.namaya - golden. Su - pre. good, well,
thoroughly, excess. Subhaavita - p.p. thoroughly practised. Suuda - m.
cook. Sudubbala - very weak. Sudesita - well preached. Sugati - f. good
or happy state. Sujana - m. good man. Sukara - easy to do. Sukhita - adj.
happy, healthy. Sunakha - m. dog. Su.naati - (su) hears. Suve - ind. tomorrow.
T Tadaa - ind. then. Ta.laaka
- n. pond pool. Tama - n. darkness. Ta.nhaa - f. craving. Tapa - n. asceticism,
control. Tarati - (tara) crosses. - adj . young. Taasa.m - f. their.
Tassa - m., n., pro. his. Tassaa - f. pro. her. Tatiya - third. Tava -
m., f., n., pro. your. Teja - n. majesty. Terasa - thirteen. Tesa.m - m.,
n., pro. their. Ti - three. - n. grass. Ti.msati - thirty. Tumhaaka.m
- m., f., n., pro. Plu. your. Tuyha.m - m., f., n. pro. Sing. your.
U Ucca - adj . high. Ucchindati
- (u + chidi) cuts off. Udaka - n. water. Udaya - m. rise, beginning. Uggacchati
- (u + gamu) rises. Ukkhipati - (u + khipa) throws upwards. U.nha - adj.
hot. Upa - pre. near, towards, next. Upaadaana - attachment, clinging.
Upadhaavati - (upa + dhaava) runs up to. Upagacchati - (upa + gamu) goes
near. Upaga~nga.m - near a river. Upakahati - (upa + kaha) drags down. into the ear. Upanagara.m - near a city, suburb. Uparaaja -
m. viceroy. Upaasaka - m. devotee (male). Upasaakhaa - minor branch. Upasa~nkamati
- (upa + sa.m + kamu) approaches. Upaasikaa - f. devotee. (female). Ura
- n. shoulder. Uttara - adj. higher, superior, northern. Uttarati - (u
+ tara) ascends
V Vaa - ind. either, or. Vaacaa
- f. word. Vaaceti - (vaca) reads, recites. Vadati - (vada) speaks. Vadhuu
- f. young wife. Vanavaasa - residence in the forest. Vandati - (vanda)
salutes. - m. appearance, colour, praise. Vapati - sows. Vassa
- m., n. year, rain. Vattha - n. cloth, raiment. Vattu - m. talker. Vaya
- n. age. Vaayamati - strives, tries. Vejja - m. doctor, physician. Vibhava
- m. power, free from existence. Vicarati - (vi + cara) wanders about.
Vicchindati - (vi + chidi) cuts off. Vigata - separated. Viha--ati - perishes.
V(hi - m. paddy. Vikkhipati - scatters. Viloma - reverse. Vimala - stainless.
Vimukha - averted. Vimutti - f. perfect release. Vipassati - (vi + passa)
sees clearly. V(sa.m - twenty. Visama - uneven. V(sati - twenty. Visikhaa
- f. street. Visoka - sorrowless. Visujjhati - (vi + sudha) is purified.
Viya - ind. like. Vuddha - adj . old. Vyaakaroti - (vi + aa + kara) expounds.
Y Yaa - pro. who, which, that.
Yaacaka - m. beggar. Yadaa - ind. when. Yaagu - m. rice-gruel. Yasa - n.
glory. Yathaabala.m - according to strength. Yathaakamma.m - to order.
Yathaasatti - according to one's ability. Yathaavuddha.m - according to
seniority. Yaava - ind. till, so long. Yaavadattha.m - as one wishes. Yaavaj(va.m
- till life lasts. Yogga - suitable.
English-Pali (Pali-English)
| Pali grammar
| Pali Alphabet
A Abandons - jahati. About - matta. Above - upari. Abuse - upavaada.
m. Accumulation - nicaya. Acquires - adhigacchati. Action - kamma. n. Advice
- ovaada. m. Affection - aadara. m. After - pacchaa. ind. Afternoon - apara.nha.
m. Again - puna. ind. Against - pati. ind. Age - aayu. n. Ago - ito. ind.
All - sabba. adj. All-Knowing One - sabba--uu. m. Alms. - daana. Also -
api, ca. ind. Always - nicca.m. ind. And - ca. ind. Anger - kodha. m. Angry
(gets) - kujjhati. Announces - aaroceti. Another - a--a. pro. Answers -
pa.tivadati. Appearance - m. Approaches - upasa~nkamati. Aquatic
- jalaja. Arahant - arahanta. Arises - uggacchati. Arises (is born) - jaayati,
uppajjati. Army - senaa. f. Around - pari. ind. Arrives - paapu.naati.
Article - n. Ascends - aaruhati. Ascetic -, m. Asceticism
- tapa. m. Asks - pucchati. As long as - taava. ind. Assembles - samaagacchati.
Associates - bhajati. Attachment - pema. m., rati. f. Attains - adhigacchati.
Aunt - maatulaani. f. Avaricious person - kadariya. m. Averted - vimukha.
Away - apa, ava, paraa, ni. pre.
B Back - puna. ind Backwards
- pa.tiloma.m. Bad - du. pre. Bad man - asaadhu. m. Becomes - bhavati.
Becoming - bhava. m. Bed - ma-ca, m. Beggar - yaacaka. m. Beginning - udaya.
m. Behind - pacchaa. ind. Bench - p(.tha. n. Beyond - paara.m. ind. Big
- mahanta. adj. Bird - sakuna. m. Black - ka.nha. adj. Blamable - vajja.
Blame - apavaada. m. Blessed - bhagavanta. Blessings-bestower - siva~nkara.
m. Blue - n(la. adj. Blueness - n(lataa. f. n(latta.m. n. Boat - naavaa.
f. Bodily - kaayika. Bone - a.t.thi. n. Book - potthaka, m., n. Born (is)
- jaayati. Brings - aaharati. Brother - aavuso. (A form of address). Brother
- bhaatu. m. Buddha - Buddha. m. Bull - go. m. Buries - nikha.nati. But
- pana. ind. Buys - ki.naati.
C Care - aadara. m. Carries - harati. Cart
- ratha. m. Chair - p(.tha. n. Chapter - pariccheda. m. Chariot - ratha.
n. Chews - khaadati. Chief - adhipati. m. se.t.tha. adj. Child- daaraka.
m. Childhood - baalataa. f. City - nagara. n. Clear - vippasanna. Climbs
- aaruhati. Cloth - vattha. n. Coach-builder - rathakaaraka. Cold - s(ta.
adj. Collection - samuuha. m. Collects - sa~nharati. Colour -
m. Comes - aagacchati. Compiles - sa~nga.nhaati. Complete -
Condenses - sa~nkhipati. Condition - bhaava. m. Condition (of birth) -
gati. f. Conduct - pa.tipadaa. f. aacaara. m. Conqueror - abhibhuu. m.
Conquers - jinaati. Consent - anumati. f. Control - dama. m. Cook - suuda.
m. Cooks - pacati. Cook (wishing to) - pacitukaama. Cooked rice - odana.
n. Cool - s(ta. adj. Counterfeit - patiruupa.m Country - ra.t.tha. n. Courageous
- dhitimantu. m. Course - pa.tipadaa. f. Cover - apidhaana, pidhaana. n.
Covetousness - abhijjhaa. f. Cow - dhenu. f. Craving - ta.nhaa. f.
D Darkness - andhakaara. m.
Daughter - dh(tu. f, Day - divasa. m., n. Death - maccu. m. Declares -
vadati. Defeat - paraajaya. m. Defiles - sa~nkilissati. Deliverance - mutti.
g. Delusion - moha. m. Departs - nikkhamati. Descends - okkamati. Despises
- avajaanaati. Destroys - dhunaati. Destruction - khaya. m. Devotee (male)
- upaasaka. m. Devotee (female) upaasikaa. f. Devotion - saddhaa f. Different
- naanaa. Difficult - dukkara. Digs - kha.nati. Dinner - saayamaasa. m.
Direction - disaa. f. Disappears - antaradhaayati. Disciple - saavaka.
m. Disease - roga. m. Dispensary - osadhasaalaa. f. Do (wishing to) - kattukaama.
Doctor - vejja. m. Doctrine - Dhamma. m. Doer - kaaraka. m. Dog - sunakha.
m. Doing - karonta. .pres. p. Down - he.t.thaa. ind. Drags down - upakahati.
Drinks - pibati, pivati. Drinkable - peyya. Dust - raja. n. Dwells - viharati.
E Ear - sota. n. Early - pubba. adj. Earnestness
- appamaada. m. East - puratthimaa. Easy (to do) - sukara. Eat (wishing
to) - bh-jitukaama. Eater - bhojaka. Eats - bhu-jati. Edible - khaadan(ya.
Eight - a.t.tha. Eighteen - a.t.thadasa, a.t.thaarasa. Eighty - asaata.
Either - vaa. End - anta. m. Enlightened one - Sambuddha. m. Especial -
visesa. Essence - saara. n. Esteem - aadara. m. Even - api. ind. Evening
- saaya.nha. m. Evening-meal - saayamaasa. m. Everyday - sabbadaa. Evil
- paapa. n. Evil doer - paapakaar(. m. Evil State - duggati. f. Excellent
- se.t.tha. adj. su.t.thu. ind. Exhortation - ovaada. m. Existence - bhava.
m. Expounds - vyaakaroti. Extent - pariccheda. m. Eye - cakkhu. n.
F Face - mukha. n. Falls -
patati. Faith - saddhaa. f. Farmer - kassaka. m. Father - janaka. m. pitu.
m. Fear - bhaya. n. Few - appa. adj . Field - khetta. n. Fifteen - pa-cadasa,
pa.n.narasa. Fifth - pa-cama. Finger - a~nguli. f. Fire - aggi. m. Firewood
- daaru. n. First - pa.thama. Fish - maccha. m. Five - pa-ca. Flower -
puppha. n. Folds - sa.mharati. Follows - anugacchati. Food - aahaara. m.
Foot - paada. m. . Foremost - pubba. adj. Forenoon - pubba.nha. m. Forest
- a.tavi. f. vana. n. Forest (residence in) - vanavaasa. Forty-nine - ek'uuna
pa.n.naasa. Four - catu. Fourteen - cuddasa, catuddasa. Fourth - catuttha.
Freed - mutta. p.p. Freedom - mutti. f. Friend- aavuso, mitta. n., m. sahaaya.
m. Fruit - phala. n. Further - puna. ind.
G Gait - gati. f. Ganges -
ga~ngaa. f. Garden - aaraama. m. Garland-maker - maalaakaara. m. Garment
- ambara. m. vattha. n. Germ - b(ja. n. Gets - labhati. Gets (angry) -
kujjhati. Gift - daana. n. Girl - daarakaa. f. Giver - daayaka. m. Giver
(of food) - annada. Gives - deti. Giving - daana. n. Glory - yasa. n. Goal
- attha. m. Goat - aja. m. Goat (she ) - ajaa. f. God - deva. m. Goddess
- dev(. f. Goes - gacchati. Goes about - vicarati. Goes away - apagacchati.
Goes forward - abhigacchati. Going - gamana. n. Golden - sova.n.namaya.
Good - sundara. adj. Good doer - pu--akaar(. m. Good man - sujana. m. Goods
- n. Grass - n. Grateful-person - kata--uu. m. Great - mahanta.
adj. Greed - lobha. m. Grief - soka. m. Ground - bhuumi. f. Grows - vahati.
Gruel-rice - yaagu. m. Guest - atithi. m.
H Hall - saalaa. f. Hand -
hattha. m. Happy - sukhita. adj. Happy state - sugati. f. Hatred - kodha.
m. He - so. Head - sira. n. Health - aarogya. n. Healthy - n(roga. Heard
- suta. p.p. Hearer - sotu. m. Hearing - sutvaa. ind. p.p. Hears - su.naati.
Hence - ito. ind. Here - idha. ind. High - ucca. adj. Higher - uttara.
Hinders - baadhati. His - tassa. pro. Holy man - m. Home - ghara.
n. Horse - assa. in. Hospital - gilaanasaalaa. f. House -ghara. n. Hundred
- sata.m. Hundred millions - dasako.ti. Hundred thousands - satasahassa.
Husband - saami. m.
I I - aha.m. pro. Ignorance
- baalatta. n. Immediately - khippa.m. ind. In - anto. ind. Indeed - have,
hi, eva. ind. Informs - aaroceti. Intoxicating - majja. Iron - aya. n.
Iron-made - ayomaya.
J Jar - gha.ta. n. Jewel - m. Joy - p(ti. f.
K Kindness - karu.naa. f.
King - raajaa. m. Kingdom - ra.t.tha. n. Knower - -aatu. m. Knowledge - n. Knowledge, higher - abhi--aa. f. Knows - jaanaati.
L Lake - ta.laaka. m. Lakh
- lakkha. Lamp - d(pa. m. Language - bhaasaa. f. Last - antima. adj. Law
- dhamma. m. Lays aside - nidahati. Leader - naayaka. m. Leading - nayanta.
pres. p. Learns - sikkhati. Letter - lekhana. n. Lid - pidahana.n. Lie
- musaa. f. Lier - alikavaad(. m. Light. d(pa. n. Like - viya, iva. ind.
Limit - pariccheda. m. Little - appa. adj. Lives - j(vati. Long - cira.m,
d(gha. adj. Lord - naatha. m., Issara. m. Low - n(ca. adj. Lust - raaga.
M Maiden - ka--aa. f. Majesty
- teja. n. Man - nara. m., manussa. m. Mango - amba. m. Manhood - manussatta.
n. Mankind - pajaa. f. Mare - assaa. f. Market - aapana. n. Master - adhipati.
m. Mastered - adhibuuta. Matter - attha. m. Medicine - osada. n. Meaning
- attha. m. Meets together - sameti. Memory - sati. f. Mental - maanasika.
Merchant - vaa.nija. m. Merit - pu--a. n. Middle - majjhima. adj. Milk
- kh(ra. n. Mind - mana. n. citta. n. Minister - amacca. m. Miser - kadariya.
m. Monastery - aaraama, vihaara. m. Monk - bhikkhu. m. Monkey - kapi. m.,
vaanara. m. Month - maasa. m., n. Moon - canda. m. Morality - s(la. n.
Morality, higher - adhis(la. n. Morning - paato. ind. Morning meal - paataraasa.
m. Mother -janan(. f., maatu. f. Mountain - pabbata. m., n. Mouth - mukha.
n. Multitude - janataa. f. My - mama, mayha.m. pro.
N Name - naama. n. Name (by)
- naama. ind. Nature - dhammataa. f. Navigator - naavika. m. Near - santike.
ind. Need - payojana. n. Nephew - nattu. m. Night - ratti. f. Nine - nava.
Nineteen - ek'uuna v(sati. Ninety - navuti. Ninety-nine - ek'uuna sata.m.
Noisy - ghosana. No - na, nahi. Not - na. Now - idaani. Nun - bhikkhun(.
O Ocean - jalanidhi. f., samudda.
m. Offers - puujeti. Old - vuddha. adj. Once - ekakkhattu.m. One - eka.
Only - eva. ind. Or - vaa. ind. Other - apara. adj. Our - amhaaka.m. pro.
Over - upari. pre. Overcomes - abhibhavati.
P Paddy - v(hi. m. Palace
- paasaada. m. Plays - k(.lati. language - paa.libhaasaa. f. Park
- aaraama. m. Partakes - bhu-jati. Path - pa.tipadaa f., magga. m. Patience
- khanti. f. Perceives - abhijaanaati. Perishes - viha--ati. Physician
- vejja. m. Poet - kavi. m. Pond - ta.laaka. m. Pool - ta.laaka. m. Pot
- gha.ta. n., kumbha. m. Potter - kumbhakaara. m. Powerful - balavantu.
m. Practice - pa.tipadaa. f. Praise - m. Preaches - deseti. Preaching
hall - dhamma saalaa. f. Precept - s(la. n. Presence - sam(pa. m. Protects
- rakkhati. Pupil- sissa. m. Purified (is) - parisujjhati.
Q Quality - m. Quarter
- disaa. f. Queen - mahes(. f. Question - pa-ha. m. Quickly - khippa.m.
R Raiment - vattha. n. Rain
- vassa. m., n. Realm - ra.t.tha. n. Receives - labhati. ga.nhaati. Resites
- bha.nati. Recollection - sati. f. Red - ratta. adj. Refuge -
n. naatha. m. Relative - -aati. m., bandhu. m. Relatives (having) - bandhumantu.
m. Release - mutti. f. Remaining - sesa. m. Removes - n(harati, avaharati.
Retreats - pa.tikkamati. Reverend Sir - bhante. Reverse - pa.tiloma. Reward
- pa.n.naakaara. m. River - ga~ngaa. f., nad(. f. Rice - odana. m., n.
Road - magga. m. Rock - pabbata. m., n. Runs - dhaavati.
S Sage - muni. m. Saint -
Arahanta. m. Salt - n. Salt, mixed with - lo.nika. Salutation -
namo. ind. Salutes - vandati. Sapless - n(rasa. Scatters- vikkhipati. School
- paa.thasaalaa. f. Sea - samudda. m. Seat - aasana. n. Second - dutiya.
Seed - b(ja. n. Sees - passati. Seizes - ga.nhaati. Self - atta. m. Self
Enlightened - Sambuddha. Sells - vikki.naati. Sends - peseti. Separated
- vigata. Servant - daasa. m. Servant maid - daas(. f. Seven - satta. Seventeen
- sattadasa. Seventh - sattama. Seventy - sattati. Shaky - kampana. Ship
- naavaa. f. Shop - n. Shoulder - ura. n. Sick - gilaana. Sick
person - gilaana. Silver (made of) - rajatamaya. Sister - bhagin(. f. Sits
- nis(dati. Six - cha. Sixteen - so.lasa, sorasa. Sixth - cha.t.tha. Sixty
- sa.t.thi. Sky - aakaasa. m. Slave - daasa. m. Sleeps - supati. Snake
- sappa. m., uraga. m. Some - eka. Son - putta. m. Song - g(ta. n. Soul
- atta. m. South - Sows - vapati. Spade - kuddaala. m., n. Speaks
- vadati. Sport - k(.laa. f, Spreads - pattharati. Stainless - vimala.
State - bhaava. m. Steals - coreti, corayati. Stick - n Street -
visikhaa. f. Strength giver - balada. Strikes - paharati. Strives - parakkamati.
Subsequent - apara. adj. Such - amu. pro. Suitable - yogga. Sun - suriya.
m. Superior - uttara. adj. Supporter - daayaka. m. Surrounds - parikkhipati.
Sword - asi. m. Sword fight - asika.laha. m.
T Taken - gahita. p.p. Takes
- ga.nhaati. Talker - vaacaka. m. Tasteless - n(irasa. Teacher - aacariya.
satthu. m. Tells - aaroceti. Temple - aaraama. m. Ten - dasa. That - amu.
pro. Thief - cora. m. Their - tesa.m. m., n. taasa.m. f. pro. Then - tadaa.
ind. They - te. pro. Third - tatiya. Thirteen - terasa, te.lasa. Thirty
- ti.msati, ti.msaa. This - ima, amu, pro. Thoroughly - sammaa. Thousand
- sahassa.m. Thousand millions - ko.ti sata.m Three - ti. Throws - khipati.
Till - yaava. ind. To-day - ajja. ind. Tomorrow - suve. ind. Too - api.
ind. Trader - vaa.nija. m. Transgresses - atikkamati. Travels - vicarati.
Traveller - maggika. m. Traverses - avacarati. Treasurer - bha.naagaarika.
Treats - sa~nga.nhaati. Tree - rukkha. m. Tries - vaayamati. Truth - dhamma.
m., sacca. n. Truthful - saccavaad(. Twelve - dvaadasa, baarasa. Twenty
- v(sati, v(sa.m. Twice - dvikkhattu.m. Two hundred - dvi sata.m.
U Uncle - maatula. m. Under
- he.t.thaa. ind Understanding - n. Uneven - visama. Until - taava.
ind. Urban - naagarika. Use - payojana. n.
V Very - eva . ind. Viceroy
- uparaaja. m. Victory - jaya. m. Village - gaama. m. Virtuous - gu.navantu.
W Wander - carati. Washes
- dhovati. Water - udaka. n. Water born - jalaja. Way - magga. m. We -
amhe. pro. Wealth - dhana. n. Welfare - attha. m. Well - kuupa. m. West
- pacchima. Western - apara. adj. What - katama. pro. When - yadaa. ind.
Whence - kuto. ind. Where - kuhi.m. ind. Which - ya. pro. While - yadaa.
ind. Who - ya. pro. Why - ki.m. ind. Wicked - duss(la, du.t.tha. Wife -
bhariyaa. f. Wife - (young) - vadhuu. f Wisdom - pa--aa. f. Wise man -
medhaav(. m. Wise woman - medhaavin(. f. Wish - icchaa. f. With - saddhi.m.
ind. Without - vinaa. ind. Woman - naar(. f. World - loka. m. Writes -
Y Year - vassa. m., n. Yellow
- p(ta. adj. Yes - aama. ind. Yesterday - h(yo. ind. Young - baala,
adj. Younger - baalatara. adj. Your - tava, tuyha.m, Sing. tumhaaka.m.
Plu. pro.