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I dont have a decent walkthrough for this game yet, so if someone does please email it to me, and I'll give credit where due. The little bit below is all I have.(only have the demo)

Head north the first thing you do, talk to maleki and ask about a job, bug him about it and he'll give it to you. now head southwest of the house you started in and talk to Tobe, he will give you a hasted dagger, and allow you to make money from snakes.

Head south into the forest and fight some snakes until you have collected 30 or so skins, go sell them to TOBE, head west and find the mysterious woman in the motel, agree to do the mission, and head west to the house above yours.

Talk to both people here and say to the girl that you want to give her the blue stone, and then say you have another woman, she will then follow you. Go to the mysterious woman again and explain that the girl is following you, and then you won't get into trouble from the mysterious woman.

Go to the east, through the mountains and get the flowers for Maleki, bring them back, and deliver them. Maleki will give you a sword, Go and sell the sword to the Blacksmith and buy armor from TOBE, for you and the dog, Somewhere in the southern mountains to the east is a dead man, find him, kill the scorpions and take all his stuff. Put the armor on the girl, as well as the sword.

Go and kill lot's of snakes for money and experience before you head into the crypt.

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