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  • 5/8/00-Improved links section, added many reviews.

  • 3/14/00-Added links to "LINKS" section, improved navigation, fixed a few broken links and improved fonts.

  • 3/9/00-Created "Links" section. Improved navigation.

  • 2/28/00-Added link to armory from weapon pages for easier navigation. Added "Back" links to tactics pages.

  • 2/26/00-Fixed a misdirected link in Updates section. Made minor cosmetic changes and changed copyright date. Changed colors around and added a guestbook.

  • 2/23/00-Edited spelling errors, inserted horizontal line commands for all main pages, changed link colors on main page.

  • 2/22/00-Improved Navigation once again, edited Genral tactics section, fixed fonts on Tactics and Updates page.

  • 2/21/00-Made big changes to "Armory", "Tactics", and the main page. Got rid of a dead picture and made minor cosmetic changes as well.

  • 11/28/99-12/2/99-Created toolbar for site and improved overall look and navigation of site. Changed site name from "Water Weapon Alliance" to "Liquid Warfare".

  • 11/11/99-First of all I'd like to say hi, my name is Nick Barry. Since you are looking at a Super Soaker website, you might have seen another one called Super Soaker Elite. That was my very first Super Soaker site that I created almost a year ago. I faithfully updated it until this past summer ('99) when I began to get frustrated with the Geocities! site builder and lost interest. Even though there were much better sites than mine (ahem... AQUATECHNOLOGY!), makin' a site that big wasn't easy, especially since it was being done on the dysfuntional Geocities! site builder that didn't even give you the option to cut or paste text! I had to type the code for the Super Soaker Webring by copying it manually which is less fun than being bitten by a pack of rabid monkeys. I also felt like I had offended some people with some of the suggestive text in the tactics section, though no one ever really complained about that. Anyway, one day while surfing the web I noticed that you could also make a free (yeah, so I'm cheap!) web page on the Angelfire server which offered substantially more space and had a fast, clean, organized page builder that let you cut and paste! If you ever make a web page, cutting, copying, and pasting are almost a nessecity. I was very pleased, and by this time I had learned html so I was on my way to a better web site. I promptly decided to quit Super Soaker Elite (but leave it up) and start on my new page; The Water Weapon Alliance Homepage. Yes, this was a corny name and no, there was no real alliance but I found a nifty little font called "stop" which fit my site perfectly! But by that time, the hundreds of people a day who visited SS Elite and the tons of e-mail I received about it and Super Soakers in general was dwindling...FAST. Summer was over, though down here in Texas (at the time of this writing it is mid November) the days still see 85 degree weather, a good chunk of the Super Soaker population had turned in their arms 'till next season, leaving my site barren. So, no more traffic? well, what's the point of putting up a new site then? No one would see it 'till next season. I then put away WWA. Then, on November 8, 1999 (3 days ago), a new spark of interest in Super Soakers hit me. I realized just how much fun they were and why I loved them so much; they let me wage war, shoot my freinds, and have fun all at the same time (and they're so much easier to own than paintball guns). At the beggining of Winter, I was into Super Soakers again, when no one else was. Then I thought "HEY!", why don't I just start on a brand new site (on ANGELFIRE of course) and get a head start on the competition for next summer. "Why not?" So here it is; my third and final Super Soaker Site: Super Soaker Alliance. That name will probably change by the summer, but for now, it'll work. In the past three days I've posted 3 reviews but have 10 or so really nice pics of some of the better guns which were thankfully borrowed from AQUATECHNOLOGY, in my opinion, the best, most comprehensive site out there. I have a tactics section up but nothing on it yet, and this brand new updates section, which I've filled with a lot of boring text already! Sure, it's a far cry from the 20+ reviews and pages upon pages of tactics of Super Soaker Elite, but It'll come along. After all, I have until Summer to do it, though I'm expecting to finish long before that. Well, this is the end of the first entry in what will hopefully be a long and complete update log. Bye for now, and as I say, "empty some tank on 'em", which is just my jargon for , go soak someone up real good.