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The much loved and popular ficus tree is a popular plant that is grown at home and outdoors. Ficus trees are fast growers and adapt really well to their surroundings. Most popular ficus trees grow in tropical conditions. They do well when they are placed in warm sunshine, given lots of water and fed once a week.
One of the most common problems that plague a ficus tree is the falling of leaves. Ficus tree is especially sensitive to changes in weather and temperatures etc. Even when the ficus tree is moved from one room to another, it may lose about 20 percent of its foliage. This is only natural. The plant usually sheds when the temperature drops. This is because there is a resting period when the temperature is low. The plant starts growing deep green leaves when spring comes.
The ficus tree needs plenty of water. The planting medium should be moist but should not become soggy. One of the reasons why the ficus tree has gained such popularity is that it is usually a very hardy plant and will forgive the beginner who has not yet learnt the tricks of the trade.
Most ficus trees will grow decently enough in low light, but the tree thrives in plenty of sunshine. Most ficus trees need a temperature above 55F. The ficus tree is an excellent choice for Bonsai cultivation. These trees appreciate getting out of doors during the summer months. They will need to be brought in during the winter months. The plants tend to stop growing in the fall, but show rapid growth patterns in the springtime. When growth is rapid, feeding and watering should also be high. Feed the plant once every 2 weeks at such a time. When growth subsides, it is enough to feed the plant once a month. When watering the plant, care must be given that the water reaches the roots. When the roots have grown aplenty in the pot, it is common for the water to overflow without penetrating the root knots. If the roots have occupied the pot, it is recommended to shift the plant to the next bigger size. Ficus trees will need to be repotted every 2-3 years. Repot the tree according to the rate of its growth. Some trees grow quite rapidly and will need to be repotted once every year. The best time of the year to repot a plant is in spring, just before the new growth occurs. If the roots have grown too much they can be pruned by half. Proper after-care has to be given when the plant is repotted or the roots have been trimmed. Water such plants only after a few days. Watch for signs of new growth. Feed the plant only after signs of new growth appear.
Le Ficus es l'une des plantes populaire comme plante de maison, les Ficus s'adapte tres bien a leurs environement et atteignent la hauteur en peu de temps. Son environement naturel est dans un climat tropical donc qu'il peu atteindre des hauteurs de plusieurs metres. Cependant il sont bien dans une maison, placer a proximiter du soleil et beaucoups d'eau une fois par semaine.
Une probleme commun des Ficus, es les feuilles tombales. Les Ficus sont tres sensible aux conditions de temperatures et les deplacements. Ils peuventent perdre jusqu'a 20% de leurs feuilles, ceci es un phenomene naturel. Avec les saisons, la plante reprend de vigueur au printemps.
Le Ficus a besoin de beaucoups d'eau. La terre devrait etre humide, mais non pas inondée. La lumiere en abondance est un atout, mais elle tolere le minimum. La temperature de la piece ne devrait pas depasser 55F. Il est aussi excellent pour la culture des Bonsai. Elle aime etre transporter en dehors l'été et remettre a l'interieur avant la premiere gelée. Le Ficus arrete de croite a l'automne et reprend en vigueur le printemps, donc il suffit de lui donner de l'engrais a toute les 2 semaines et une fois par mois apres. L'arrosage est important, car une fois les racines envahissent le pot, il es important de transplanter la plante a un pot plus grand. Si non, l'eau risque de deborder aux arrosages et ne pas penetrer les racines. La transplantation se fait a toute les 2-3 ans. Quelques especes, croit rapidement, donc, changer la grandeur de pot a toute les an. Vous pouvez toujours, couper les racines pour le garder dans son meme pot. Ne lui redonner pas d'engrais seulment apres des nouvelles repousses soit visible, soit bon signe que la plante se refait dans son nouvel etat.
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