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1. Gary Sheffield. The ball is visible to the right (he has just hit it).

His top-hand palm is up, and his hands have not rolled over.



2. Key Griffey, Jr.

The ball has just come off his bat. 

His top-hand palm is up, and his hands have not rolled over.


3. Mark McGwire.

The ball is on the bat.

 His top-hand palm is up, and his hands have not rolled over.

4. Tony Gwynn.

 The ball is gone, and the top hand has rolled over during the follow-through,


5. Tony Gwynn.

The ball has left the bat, but this time the top-hand palm is up, and the hands have not rolled over.

This means that either Gwyn's hands roll during the follow-through, shortly after contact and in the split-second between the different stages at which these photos were taken.

He also may vary the hand action depending on the situation (likely).


6. Wade Boggs,
driving an inside pitch. 

He is already into his follow-through, and his top hand is still mostly under the bat, palm-up.



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Jon Anderson