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50th Anniversary Jubilee Magazine
Contents | Pages 1-24 | Pages 25-50 | Pages 51-74 | Pages 75-103 | Pages 105-135 | Pages 136-169 | Pages 170-184

Click on a thumbnail below to see the full sized picture

Gifford High School St Georges building Geography block Opening - 1929
Gymnasium block Anderson pool Squash courts Library block
Famona block The Workshops Gifford Technical High School The Quadrangle
Administration block Library Hall Basket ball courts Mclachlan Pool
Pool block Cowan Gates Afrikaans classrooms Russell House
Roll of Honour Pingstone Gates Ron Pate Pavilion Staff - 1976
The Gifford Award 1976 Prefects 1976 First Cricket Team 1976 Swimming Team
1976 Thugs Jubilee Cinder Track 1976 First Tennis Team 1976 Water-polo Team
1976 Squash Team 1976 First Hockey Team Basketball Team 1976 Gymnastics Team
John Ralph Gifford Cadet Contingent The Trial of Mary Dugan 1976 Toastmasters
Sixth Form Forum 1976 Chess Team 1976 Athletics Team Old Technicians Association

Contents | Pages 1-24 | Pages 25-50 | Pages 51-74 | Pages 75-103 | Pages 105-135 | Pages 136-169 | Pages 170-184