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Neighbours Extra Girls

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Caludia Harvey (Guest) Ann Phelan

Caludia Harvey (Guest) Ann Phelan (born 2 August 1944 in Australia) is an Australian actress.
She has appeared in many famous Australian series and soap operas, including Prisoner where she played the role of Myra Desmond.
She has also appeared in Bellbird, The Flying Doctors, Blue Heelers and Marshall Law.
She has also made two guest appearances in Neighbours, the first in 1997, As above, and the second, which was in 2004, was of  Doreen "Peace Dove" Cassidy

Candace Carey _ Sheona Urquhart - 2010

Candace Carey _ Sheona Urquhart - 2010

Candace Barkham _ Kate Whitbread-2003- Erinsborough High prinicpal

Candace Barkham _ Kate Whitbread-2003- Erinsborough High prinicpal

Carla Turner _ Natasha Cunningham - 2011

Carla Turner _ Natasha Cunningham - 2011


Carley Web _ Julia Hume -2007

Carley Web _ Julia Hume -2007


Carly MaCarthur _ Luisa Hastings Edge - 2010

Carly MaCarthur _ Luisa Hastings Edge - 2010

Carmen Costello _ Uncredited -1993

Carmen Costello _ Uncredited -1993

Carmel Devine _ Christine Keogh -1995

Carmel Devine _ Christine Keogh -1995

Carmel Tyler _ Kirsty Child--Cshop-2002

 Carmel Tyler _ Kirsty Child -Coffee shop-2002


Carol Barker _ Louise Siversen -1988

Carol Barker _ Louise Siversen -1988

Carol Brown _ Merrin Canning-1985

Carol Maitland _ Helen Trenos -1998


Carol Naylor _ Jayne Healey - 1986

Carol Naylor _ Jayne Healey - 1986

Carol Sinclair_ Alicia Rose -1995 _ Michelle OGrady - 2007

Carol Sinclair _ Michelle OGrady - 2007

Alicia Rose - took the part in -1995 - No picture

Carry- Dame Carissa Follerton _ Jane Foye-2005

Carolyn Johnston _ Paula Duncan - 2011

Carolyn Johnston _ Paula Duncan - 2011

Caryard Customer _ Suzanne Pereira -2011

Caryard Customer _ Suzanne Pereira -2011

Casey Baker _ Lisa-Marie Charalambous-2006

Casey Baker _ Lisa-Marie Charalambous-2006


Cassandra_Elizabeth Shingleton-1998

            Cassandra_Elizabeth Shingleton-1998-coffee-shop-Girl

Clips 976k Cassandra  0:33  With Joe & Tad ¦

Cassandra Boyle _ Caroline Ferrie-1989

Cassie Hillman _ Maria Coviello - Matt Parelli _ PJ Oaten - 2010

Cassie Hillman _ Maria Coviello - Matt Parelli _ PJ Oaten - 2010

Casey Overington _  Melane Lockman  - 2008

Casey Overington _ Melane Lockman - 2008 & Steve



Cassie Wilson _ Georgia Engel  - 2011

Cassie Wilson _ Georgia Engel - 2011

Cassie Campbell _ Margaret Umbers -1986


Caterina Perr - gym girl _ Kylie Gulliver - 2010

Caterina Perr - gym girl _ Kylie Gulliver - 2010

Catherine Michael _ Tana Lacy -2007

Catherine Michael _ Tana Lacy - 2007 - Lawyer


Cathy Martin _ Bernadette Schwerdt -2008

Cathy Martin _ Bernadette Schwerdt -2008

Cathy McPhee _ Rebecca Macauley - 2011

Cathy McPhee _ Rebecca Macauley - 2011

Cathy Woodfield -1985

Cathy Woodfield -1985

Cecilie Bliss _ Molly McCaffrey-S-Uniform-1999

Cecile Bliss _ Molly McCaffrey-School Uniform-1999

Clips 1002k Pushed 0:32 Michelle Joe Susan & Kids ¦

 966k Push 0:47 With Friends & Michelle

Celia Jennings _ Angela Quinlan-2001

Celia Jennings _ Angela Quinlan-2001


Celebrant _ Antoia Vekic - 2010

Celebrant _ Antoia Vekic - 2010

Celebrant _ Carmen Warrington - 2010

Celebrant _ Carmen Warrington - 2010

Celebrant , Julie Robinson -1985

Celone Houston_Kelly Turner n Ian Malard _ Victor Buzzotto 2007

Celone Houston_Kelly Turner and Ian Malard _ Victor Buzzotto 2007

Charlie Thorpe _ Katrina Baylis-1999

Charlotte Stone_ Rachel Gorden -2007

Charlotte Stone_ Rachel Gorden -2007

Chantelle Rebecchi _ Claire Chitham- 2007 Chantelle Rebecchi _ Claire Chitham- 2007

Cherry Fox _ Anya Trybala-n-Tad-2002

Cherry Fox _ Anya Trybala-n-Tad-2002

Cheryl Barlow _ Brianna Mills-1988 Cheryl Barlow _ Brianna Mills-1988

Cheryl Thwartes _ Sarah George-2007

Cheryl Thwartes _ Sarah George-2007


Cheyenne Rivers _ Angelique Meunier-2000

Paul McClain's Girl friend

Christine Matthews _ Helen Milte-1988 Christine Matthews _ Helen Milte-1988

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