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Neighbours Extra Girls


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Olga Horwood _ Maureen McInerney -1994

Olga Horwood _ Maureen McInerney -1994

Olivia Tulk - Hens night out _ Natalie Bond -2010

Olivia Tulk - Hens night out _ Natalie Bond -2010

Ors Hansen_Libby Sandy-n-Martina Pederson_Simone Oliver-1999

Ors Hansen _ Libby Sandy  and

Martina Pederson _ Simone Oliver-1999

Clip 963k Pilots 0:58 With Lance & Toadie

Pam Arnott_Gillian Hardy-n-susan-1999

Pam Arnott_Gillian Hardy-n-susan-1999

Pamela McAdam nee Scott

Pamela McAdam nee Scott

Party Girl _ Tasmin Otway - 2 friends - 2010

Party Girl _ Tasmin Otway - 2 friends - 2010

Pashin Teens _ Kassie Martin 2008

Pashin Teens _ Kassie Martin 2008

Pat Carter _ Sarah Jane St.Clair - 2007

Pat Carter _ Sarah Jane St.Clair - 2007


Pat Horrocks_Mirren Lee-1998

Pat Horrocks_Mirren Lee-1998

Clip 972k Bubble Bath 0:24 With Madge Lyn & others

Patricia Kinsman _ Tula Tzoras - 2009

Patricia Kinsman _ Tula Tzoras - 2009

Sophie's award for school

Patricia McKay _ Carole Browne-1999

Clip 1003k Driving 0:36 With Lou & Merridy

Patrizia _ Silvani _ Lisa Rodgers - n - Mia -2007

Patrizia _ Silvani _ Lisa Rodgers - right - and  Mia  - 2007

Patricia Smith _ Lisa Heenan-2006.

Patron _ Jane Russell - 2010

Patron _ Jane Russell -  & Donna - 2010

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