CONTENT="Nova Scotia, streetscape, Heritage District, Museums,yarmouth nova scotia , Photographs, Postcards, History, Historical Photographs "> Lets Watch Old Yarmouth Die, Yarmouth Nova Scotia
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undefined .. ... Lets..Watch. . . . OLD . .YARMOUTH. . . .NOVA SCOTIA.. .. .. DIE .. .

. ....NO...NO...NO...You are wrong again..... that sighting.... is not a Pair of... The Rare Three-Toed WOODPECKER....... These are two of our Provincial Cabinet Ministers............The Interview below is with the Minister For Economic Development...........The other high flyer... is our Minister For Tourism...Culture..and .. Heritage .. That Will be a Prized Interview at a later date.....................turn up the volume
. . ........Ministerial...Interview .. Well Just Back From The Yarmouth Town Council Meeting.... I will tell you all about It......But First I have Tell You About The .....Interviews I conducted Today.......The Battle Lines Are Surely Drawn....Now.............My First Interview Was With The Nova Scotia Minister For Economic Development...............I had been told he would be in his Riding's Office on Friday...........Thursday as I was heading To Town Hall To see the Mayor I noticed people milling around the Minister's Office......stuck my head round the corner and was told I could wait... On Line..........well when finally ushered in It Was like seeing The God Father...and I stated Exactly That.. to the Minister............I asked the Minister what importance....did he feel...Forest Street..held for The Town Of Yarmouth.....The Minister Saw Forest Street As a Main Artery in Our Town.......And No More............As I began to explain what Forest Street meant to our community....and how I had managed to have Passed through our Committee ..Firm Protections For Forest Street.....The Policy Statements of Chapter 5.....And as I explained how some local Councilors The deliberations Of our Committee......The Minister Listened Intently...........I explained How The Forest Street Area....Was part of our Town's Cultural Heritage...That It was part of our Collective Memory....That It's Intact Victorian Streetscape...original service Infrastructure with Virtually every Tree Planted in The Nineteenth Century still standing .........That It Is The Last Cohesive Intact Victorian Neighborhood In Old Yarmouth....Possibly The Only Such Intact Victorian Neighborhood and Service Infrastructure in an Urban Area..... Anywhere....... Why Would The Yarmouth Town Council and The Local Heritage Community ...NOT..WANT..The Town Owned Land of Forest Street Protected........This was The One Question I left With The Minister.......We will check Back Later....Let's Hope He Is Able To Find The Answer...............Now To My INTERVIEW with The Mayor Of YARMOUTH...NOVA SCOTIA ....CANADA............FIRST A couple of local photos for you..... Future Visitors out there..................these Tourism Product Development Folks..... were very clever coming up with this scheme to.... Fire Me Up.........Free World Wide Publicity................very clever..... ..

. ..My Interview With THE MAYOR....took place in front of Town Hall Today He was busy ...I Believe he had been meeting With Some Local Real Estate Agents........hope he is thinking of buying a nice Victorian Property On Forest Street.................. The Mayor stated that The Residents Of Forest Street would Decide what would happen to the Street........And I clearly Pointed Out To The Mayor That The Protections to Be Placed On Forest Street Were For The Town Owned Property..........Property Owned By Every Member Of This Town's Community.................I pointed out to the Mayor...... That Some of the Residents Of My Area do Not Care About anything beyond their own personnel well being........... The preservation of Forest Street will be Done For the Greater Good.....For The Benefit Of Future Generations.........This Street... Belongs to Our Town........not to one or two Self-important....Self-serving....Tax Payers.............or Self-serving ..Politicians......


. .. I Will have to Tell you What Took Place At The Yarmouth Town Council Meeting Tonight...Friday Night........But I would like to make one point......I feel no animosity... no matter how you have acted.....I do not want to expose wrong doing and in doing so harm anyone's reputation while achieving the final Victory In All this........There fore...I have to make This As Clear as I possibly Can Without Having To State The Facts.....I collect Solid Evidence To back Up What I Say..... Don't Lie ............Do The Right Thing....






. ........Please Reply in Writing... Town Hall....Thursday Night's Council Meeting...........From my two Influential....influencing.. political Friends the same feeble remarks..And Also this quote''I am Not a member of the committee......I don't vote...I Don't make Motions.''and ''That letter is not.. entirely ..accurate.''.............and for at least one other Councilor.. maybe more.... there is a lack of understanding......look at the details......Councilors
. ........PROCLAMATION ....Well the Mayor Made A short speech.........''I see no reason in this world why this Council... or any other Council... for over a hundred years those trees have been there.... those trees haven't been cut down... the Council has put on no truck zones so trucks couldn't go down there and bother those trees... I don't think any body... in their Right Mind ..would ever consider Cutting the Trees Down on Forest Street,.... one of the most beautiful streets we have in Yarmouth..... I don't see anybody wanting to cut those down.''.................................Well..I have....











. . .Now... On Yarmouth Town Council I understand There Is Support For The Preservation Of The..Historic StreetScape and Service Infrastructure Of FOREST Street and others on Council Wish to learn more.......exactly my point.........To understand what you are dealing with.....before making decisions........What about these Heritage People..are they just full of a lot of ......Talk...a Lot Of Nonsense......We Need more Interviews.............The KEY to the preservation of this Victorian Streetscape is The Ditch And Culvert Storm water Infrastructure.........
. . . . . . This is a Unique Sense Of Time And Place .............. the Owners Are....You.... Not One Person.... Not Seven People .... It Is Public Property...Now I figure You And I are Going To Make Sure Forest Street Does Not........DISAPPEAR.........




. ........Inaction.........Complacency .......... ....This above is is part of the rationale I wrote and submited as part of the policy statements written to ensure the Preservation Of the Town Owned Historic Streetscape Of Forest Street.........If You Look again at Chapter 5 you will see that the crucial sentence and the two crucial words have been left out of this paragraph by Town Staff......INACTION.....and......COMPLACENCY..................Well we have found the one aspect of this sorry tale that can not be totally blamed on the politicians and the can blame yourself.......At Town Hall And In The Backroom there is plenty of action and they are no longer complacent....they are pulling out all stops to ensure that these policy statements ......these protections are...NEVER...enacted.......WHY..........Look around you ...Think....Look at the results of......Over a hundred Years of buildings fall....neighborhoods and lives destroyed........over a hundred years of ''The Powers That Be''.... have their way..................


. ........PAUSE Above We Locals all know this as a very prominent building on Main Street........Well this is the perfect example of...Inaction...Complacency....and a number of other things............Now owned by Two Men from Knoxville...Tennessee.....this is another ..Sorry Tale...... ....Don't Forget.. Not One... Local Heritage Person Spoke Up.......When You See Them Ask Them....Why They Didn't......look them in the eye....And Tell Them To... Speak Up...Publicly..If They Have Something To Say.........Ask them Why they even bother sitting on these Committees........what is their purpose...........pathetic
. ........INTERVIEW ....I had to get out there and cut the grass.......Luckily One of our local newspaper reporters came walking along Forest Street............I managed to .......Interview ....... This Young Reporter.. ...... I mention young only because many young people no matter what field they are in still hold out the hope of being able to Trust.................As I ...Interviewed the Reporter...I could see that there was this optimism....this Trust In Our Elected Representatives do the Right Thing.....Here On Forest Street....''They would never allow the most beautiful street in Our be destroyed''........the logical statement was made ....''Look there is a grassy area at least 3 feet wide on either side of the road....they don't need to put in curb and guttering....they just won't do it.''.............But ...of course...If this is True.......WHY...Does The Town Of Yarmouth... Not want The Protections of Chapter 5 ...Enacted....What's Up..........The Town Owned Public Land Of Forest Street..............The Young Reporter was born here in Yarmouth....will eventually leave...again... to move on in career and life...........and upon return...maybe only to visit family or for a special occasion......the memory of this important part of our collective memory...the reporter's memory..of home.. will become much more intense as the years pass........This Last Intact Victorian Streetscape of Our Town must be Protected......We have lost so much here......the Self-Serving.....Self-Important.......have taken away from the community..........Enough.......
. ........Pie In The Sky.... Yes It Is.... a U.F.O ...manned by Three-toed Woodpeckers..............After several months of dealing with supportive...helpful...well educated people....from other countries and provinces........learning what I could about heritage conservation districts.....around the world ....I decided to contact the Head Office of the Nova Scotia Department of Tourism..Culture..and ..Heritage....February 2007....after getting voice-mail..after voice-mail..after voice-mail...I finally reached the head heritage person......I immediately noticed an attitude that was kind of strange........regardless I enthusiastically explained how I had learned that the Town Owned Streetscape was special.... important and there was a way to protect it for future generations...........The response was ''You are talking Pie In The Sky''....... . ........PAUSE.....I had heard this a meeting..........Yes...It came from a Yarmouth Town Councilor.....when I was Explaining how we could protect the Town Owned Land on Forest Street...............the penny dropped......... Now do you know how many tax dollars are being spent on Tourism Product Development.....Heritage Boards and Committees.....voice-mail machines......No I don't either.........I think there are a fair number of questions that need to be asked..............and answered........... are all.. seeing the links in this chain of events........are the clues beginning to form a cohesive pattern...................

.... Let's look at The Last Attempt To Form A Heritage Conservation District in the Forest Street Area.......I believe it took place in the early 1990's ......... but before looking at some of the most Vocal Opponents of this plan....we should look at the circumstances and details leading up to the formation Of Our Present Steering Committee.................First a quote from the hand book issued by the Dept. of Tourism ..Culture..and...Heritage..............''Objectors to the District designation can voice their concerns and present objecting arguments at the Public Hearing.''....................Following are the ex-chairwoman's comments.........''Are we going to re-pipe all the houses which used locally generated methane to cook and illuminate their homes?''..........''I'd give my right arm for curbing. And anyone who would oppose that just isn't living in my real world''..............''I would like also to find an affordable way to re-tree our whole area.'' .................''One of the people on the fringe of the proposed district says he'd never wanted to live in a museum and that if people wanted to make a museum out of the area, he'd like the Town to buy his property and he'd be glad to rent''....... ''I think you know that I am extremely ambivalent regarding this project''.........''If you feel that this is a useless activity, then you must decide whether you want to continue the exercise''..........''Why anyone would want to freeze an area to a time when polio, meningitis and TB were often deadly, racial and gender prejudice was rampant and many of the most beautiful homes hid secrets of domestic abuse which were carefully ignored''...........'' I have spoken to Two Realtors, their comments were Extremely Negative''..........''We Don't Want outsiders..this is a Yarmouth Plan''..........''Are we to dress up in Period Costumes''......''Are we going to have dirt roads again''.......''I am speaking for the Widows...the Orphans...the Pensioners....the Poor''......''Are we going to have to use kerosene lamps''.......''Where will we get the coal for the fireplaces'' .......Do these sound like the words of someone who has joined a steering committee in hopes of forming a Heritage Conservation District..............Or do these sound like the comments of a person widely seen as... responsible for the collapse of the efforts in the early 1990's..... to form a heritage conservation district......In the Forest Street Area ........Let's Try To connect the's getting easier.......maybe we need a few more ..........Interviews..........................
.....I would like to point out that at our first Committee meeting........... I asked that a newsletter be sent to the property owners after each steering committee meeting to ensure transparency...............I did not find out until yesterday.. Aug.14th.....that these newsletters... were and still are ...written by the Ex-Chairwoman ...featured above..........I then wrote ...To The Yarmouth Heritage Officer today Aug.15.2007................. The Newsletter sent to the residents of the proposed district, I do not believe should be written by someone who is opposed to having a heritage district implemented....................... The Response From The Yarmouth Heritage Officer Aug.15.2007........................ For your information, the person who is writing the newsletters volunteered to do so in order to keep the rest of the property owners informed, and is probably the most objective person, therefore the most qualified to do so, on the Committee........................ .....maybe we need a few more ..Interviews.........................I would also like to point out that during discussions.... at a recent committee meeting ...The Yarmouth Heritage Officer was asked... by me... to offer her opinion as to the importance this proposed heritage conservation district of the Town Owned Land...The Intact Victorian Streetscape..Service Infrastructure and the Original Trees.....her answer.... ''I have No Comment'' ....completely surprised I said ......''But you are the Heritage Officer You must have an opinion.''........her answer...... '' No Comment'' .......................Why ....seems to be my Favorite Question ..closely followed by...Who................What In the world is going on in this Town......Now don't forget all the facts on these pages are backed up by hard evidence.........who's running the show....the side-show..........where is the Ring Master..........
..........The Intact Victorian Streetscape...Original Service Infrastructure with Virtually every Tree Planted in The Nineteenth Century still standing ......All on Town Owned Public Land ....The Steering Committee felt that this was important enough to pass Chapter 5 ... through with a vote of 5 in favor and 1 opposing.............. Leaving out the young Reporter.......why are these people.. featured above ..acting as they there a common link....a common far as I can tell from the evidence that has surfaced.......Two Town Councilors....One Heritage Officer...One Mayor...two Steering Committee Members [including the ex-chairwoman] do not what This Unique Part Of Our Town's Cultural Landscape and Heritage Protected.......And Two Cabinet Ministers Don't Care............................I need to go out and find a very important person to Interview.......can you smell that......................I did get a great Interview with Charlie the old Prison Guard from the Old Yarmouth County Jail.....I heard some great stories most involving... Hack-Saws..........Charlie is going to record these stories.............Tourism Product Development........Good Old Yarmouth......Fog In A Can............Or Tour Groups...Take Them out to the Bush...and try and spot Three-Toed Woodpeckers..............Show them Our Wal-Mart.......................................................................................Took a walk this morning in the fog...could not see the Rainbow but I think I found A Big Pot Of Gold............It was ...what I call the Castle.......New Fortifications are being quickly built...a moot being dug..........excitement in the air ............ And I managed to conduct A Prized .... . . . ....INTERVIEW.....with the.... King
..SWSDA....The South West Shore Development Authority........
..... I asked first.....'' What significance does Forest Street Have in the Economic Development Scheme Of Things.''.......''What Significance Does Forest Street Hold For The Town Of Yarmouth Nova Scotia''..............The answer ''I don't know.''.....''It leads straight to the dead-ends at Pleasant leads straight to the airport.'' .....''What's your point.''..............Of course I said ''Did you know that Forest Street has an Intact Victorian Streetscape, an Intact original Service Infrastructure and the Trees still intact that were Planted in the Nineteenth Century.''.............'' This may be the only surviving example in an Urban setting.'' ....''This is on Town Owned Land.'' The answer.....''No I didn't know that ....I don't know know that.. you did research.'' ....... He then said...... ''So you asked the town to form this heritage district.''................I said...... ''No I didn't I had nothing to do with it, I received a letter from the Town advising that my property was included in a proposed Heritage District.''...................I asked...''Do you think Forest Street may be important from a Tourism Product Development perspective.''..............the answer....''Well we have a new tourism product development section.''................... I then explained the ''Undue Political Influence on A sitting Committee of Citizens.'' in a brief fashion.... and handed over my web site URL...............And of course I explained that Chapter 5 had been voted upon and passed and at this point.... the politicians stepped in.......................His parting comment, referring to The Yarmouth Town Council.........''Looks Like They have a Tiger by the Tail''............a very aware clever audience ended...... ..........

..... Forest Street Heritage Conservation District Steering Committee Meeting...Scheduled for Wed.Aug,22,2007. 7PM. canceled and postponed for another month.....Why ..........

......... Well it's been a slow News Week ...... all the action would have taken place at last nights canceled meeting ....... The photo above is the beautiful garden .... of the Pelton-Fuller House on Collins Street .... this is part of the Yarmouth County Museum and owned by the local Historical Society and thus owned by its members ... of which I am One ........... the Historical Society has learned... a museum employee was awoken by the breaking of branches outside ..... in the garden of the Pelton-Fuller House...... he apparently rushed out to find a local ..... Very Important Person .... stealing the flowers and shrubbery ..... for a table display damage....theft ....did he call 911 ... ........... did they both call 911 ............. were the police called all ..... what happened next .... was it all just accidental .... a miscalculation .....I will be asking these and other questions at the next meeting of the Yarmouth County Historical Society ......... that should be entertaining ...... for about 20 seconds .................. you can see what a dry news week it is .......... for a refreshing break click on the Coke sign ...... then lets get back to connecting the Dots.....

Just got this e-mail from ...... Reeeves...........a likely story... ......He Writes......your credibility is circling the drain...Hi Rod Hemeon; who stuck the burr under your saddle? Many years ago an old sea captain said to me "one should never stand in the way of a person bent on making an ass of himself" so in sending this I am afraid that I may be breaking his good advice. I see that you have put many hours of work into a website and, for want of a better word, rant, about Yarmouth and all the things its management or lack thereof is doing wrong in your opinion. You present a lot of pictures to back up what you say, great pictures, but if you are so bent on getting your opinion across that you must alter photographs to emphasize your point, then your credibility goes out the window. Rumor has it that you have managed to alienate yourself with just about everybody in the town's bureaucracy and the folks who would try to make improvements. Perhaps you should consider trying a little common sense and diplomacy instead of getting in everybody's face and going on flights of fancy and tirades! Did no one ever tell you that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar?We already have far too many politicians and bureaucrats who create statistics, obfuscate truths and distort pictures. I very seldom say anything, but you "get my goat". I don't live in Yarmouth for which I am thankful. I'm a CFA and proud of it, with roots going as far as post Acadian roots go in the area. I never much cared for Yarmouth because I thought as a town it did most of its thinking with its head stuck somewhere dark and humid, but, half a century ago when I went to high school there, Yarmouth stank and not the smell of the fishing industry which has always been the smell of money, but the stink of a dirty harbor, raw sewage and garbage. I'm sure there are still problems but it is vastly better. The town generally looks a lot better in spite of "Mall blight" and "Slumlords". Yes there are rundown and unkempt buildings, but even there I see improvement. You nor anybody else nor any amount of legislation will get rid of those who simply don't care, be they landlord or tenant. Generally speaking well installed curbs and gutters manage run off water better than open ditches. Pavement and sidewalks are certainly more comfortable to use in all weather and probably more sanitary assuming proper drainage is installed. Yes; trees take a certain amount of abuse in some instances, but possibly no more from curbing and pavement or sidewalks than from acid rain. We don't have exactly the same atmosphere as folks did a century or two ago. Of course we could go into the fool's playground of "Global Warming" which is happening but which is more natural than man-made. If trees die off, then replant with trees which will tolerate the conditions. I think you are fixated on some Utopian concept which is impossible to attain and can't cope with reality .... Wake up! yours .... Frank Reeves ................................................ Now do you figure ...... ... this person ....... Probably has some relationship to the participants in our last story ............. as for the use of honey and not vinegar ........ There are already ...... far .. far too many people ..... here in Yarmouth .... attracting Flies ........... and..... Yes ........ I admit it ..... that photo with the Flying Pie .... I did insert two of those People ......... but One ... was already in the Pie when I took the Shot .................... .....
..... Some bizarre Utopian Concept ...... some unobtainable dream ....... Pie In The Sky ........ Each morning I walk out my door ..... to find .......... right there in front of me ...... an Intact Victorian Streetscape and Service Infrastructure... the 130 Year Old Trees..and....Woodpeckers.......... Let's hope the Minister for Tourism ... Culture ... and ... Heritage ...... can come on down to Yarmouth ... Nova ... Scotia ....... Have a Look At Forest Street ..... and give .. .. an ....... . . . ....INTERVIEW.....
  . . . ..........

. Excerpts from the......Doctoral Thesis...2005....of.. Edgar L. Villarreal..... Department of Water Resources Engineering ...... Lund Institute of Technology..... Lund University...Sweden ............ Open stormwater drainage systems and urban renewal............ Several ingenious attempts have been developed to mitigate totally or partially problems such as depletion of groundwater levels,...... increase of peak flows and degradation of water courses........ From the point of view of beneficial use of stormwater and integration of stormwater within the built environment..., retention/detention of stormwater by means of open stormwater systems consisting of one or a combination of several BMPs has proven to be of significant importance........ Open stormwater systems,.. such as ponds,.. wetlands,.. green-roofs and open channels,.. can achieve stormwater control while at the same time enhancing wildlife habitats and providing opportunities for recreation...... This approach goes hand in hand with today�s city planning which aims to make visible and enhance the natural environment for people who currently live in an artificial environment (G�ransson, 1994)....... There is also a need for open spaces in our cities: today, much space dedicated to car parking and the area covered by asphalt is several orders of magnitude greater than the space used for recreation and other amenities....... Furthermore,.. those former surfaces,.. which are impermeable,... are more carefully planned and maintained than the latter which are often permeable................... Additional wildlife benefits can be achieved....... According to McGuckin and Brown (1995),.. �landscape integrity could be increased, urban wildlife habitat enhanced and opportunities for residential non-consumptive wildlife recreation improved through integration of the evolving blue-green open space provided by urban stormwater management facilities into existing greenways�.......... The same authors also argued that municipal stormwater management requirements represent an excellent opportunity to incorporate wildlife habitats into evolving urban green corridors.... However,.. few urban stormwater management facilities are actually designed to achieve the broader community and landscape ecological objectives of creating healthy,... aesthetic landscapes that support a richness and diversity of plants and provide passive recreational opportunities.......... Open stormwater management facilities constitute valuable blue-green open space in urbanised environments which,.. if planned properly,.. have the potential to enhance urban wildlife and recreational opportunities through integration with existing green corridors...... The primary objectives of such an approach are consistent with those of... the World Conservation Strategy (Ibid):........................... (1) to maintain essential ecological processes and life support systems; .................................(2) to preserve genetic diversity; .............................(3) to ensure the sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems. It is recognised that open stormwater systems achieve the following (G�ransson, 1994): ................................1. Landscape architecture functions - Aesthetics or sensual function: vision,.. sound,.. smell ..and ..tactile impressions .. - Open space function: creates lively open space. .......................................2. Pedagogical/ecological functions:.. an open stormwater system makes water visible..... This provides a habitat for plants and animals, while at the same time provides people with proximity to nature .........................................3. Social functions: water represents a magnetic attraction for people..... People enjoy meeting near bodies of water. All human beings are attracted and positively influenced by water in its different forms... ...........................................4. Technical functions: retention and treatment function..... In many urban areas,.. planners are working to develop systems of green corridors or linear open spaces along natural or artificial corridors,.. such as riverfronts,.. streams,.. ridgelines,.. abandoned right-of-ways,.. canals or scenic roads ...(Lindsey, 1999)...... Stormwater can be integrated as an element of these green corridors. Many green corridors include trails for active recreational use including walking, bicycling and skating. ........ There are several examples where stormwater has been successfully integrated into urban environments...... They can be as simple as incorporating a water cascade into the drainage system design of a plaza where runoff from small storms is used as a supply source is just one way of turning runoff into an amenity (Roesner, 1999).......The philosophy of urban stormwater management has been changing from draining stormwater as quickly as possible,... to reducing both the force of the flowing water and the concentrations of pollutants carried by runoff,... as well as providing a pleasant urban environment and wildlife habitat..... All these issues imply a multi-disciplinary approach. In the years to come,.. there will still be a challenge in terms of sustainable urban water management:...... to learn from the lessons of the past to recognise that there are many sides to an issue,.... that co-operation can be productive in resolving urban water related problems,... and that scientific understanding of systems is absolutely necessary.......................... The traditional approach to handle stormwater from cities has been to drain it as fast as possible by means of underground culverts............... Thus,.. in urban areas the natural water cycle is influenced by infrastructure that hinders infiltration and concentrates stormwater flows............. This approach has been shown to cause several environmental problems as stormwater from urban areas can be polluted by heavy metals,... organic material,... suspended material and nutrients.......... When discharged to the nearest receiving water,... it affects significantly the local ecology,..... biology,.... ..............................Since the implementation of the first modern sewer systems in the 1800s and until recently,.... the philosophy of stormwater management was to dispose of the water as quickly as possible from cities to the nearest receiving water..... This traditional,... or quick drainage,.. design approach caused not only problems related to the impairment of receiving waters,.. transport of pollutants,.. increased peak flows,.. etc ..(Villarreal, 2003),.. but also denied city dwellers the enjoyment of stormwater in cities... Moreover, sewer systems have several operational problems including combined sewer overflows (CSOs),.. sediments in sewers,.... inflow and infiltration of both stormwater and groundwater,... and discharge of untreated stormwater....................... ..
There seems to be a pervasive lack of Integrity in all this...wouldn't you say..... My neighbour thinks so.... a very well educated perceptive personage......... a resident of the Forest Street area for many years.... has found the goings pathetic...that he has decided to offer for public office..............and he has asked me to assist with his fact to oversee his campaign.........we will later... do a full....... . . . ....INTERVIEW.....
But next I think we should analyze the evidence..... which should lead us to some answers and hopefully some conclusions as to ....Why....some people have acted as they have or not acted...whichever....this will be fairly long and tedious and messy.....very interesting and revealing....but very bring this to a successful outcome for the majority of the people in this looks like we will have to go right to the bones of the matter.............. ...Breaking News....
. . . . . ... ...

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