Chapter 1

Walking through the front door and dropping his bag, Nick yelled, in his best Ricky Ricardo voice, "Honey, I'm home." He waited a few seconds, then he heard her giggles. Sitting on the couch was his long time roommate Mel, wearing a pair of his sweats and his T-shirt. "I leave for three months for a tour and you take over my clothes. Come here and give me a hug." Pulling Mel off the couch, he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I missed you, you know."

"Oh did you?"

'More than you know,' he thought. "Yeah, I did, Missy. You have a problem with that?"

"No. I feel so special knowing that THE Nick Carter missed me," she giggled again. As she sat on the couch, he stared at her. "What are you looking at Carter?"

Sitting down, he said, "You! I'm looking at you sitting pretty in my clothes." And thinking to himself, 'and thinking how much prettier you'd be out of them.' He couldn't believe he was having these kind of thoughts about Mel, it had to be her giggling. She was so cute and sexy when she did that. 'If she only knew what was going through my mind,' he thought. He tried shaking them out of his head.

"Carter, are you talking and answering yourself now? Shaking your head at nothing... My roomies gone pure loco."

"Aren't you the funny one?"

"No, I'm the cute one, you're the crazy one."

"Finally, you got something right."

Mel looked at him, raising her eyebrow. "Really, you think I'm right? Shocking..." she giggled again. He sucked in his breath, trying hard to not lean in and take her lips in his. "What would I be right about, Master Carter?"

"Master? I could get used to that. You were right about you being cute."

"Awww shucks, a compliment. Thank you." She smiled at him, moving closer. She leaned against him, pulling his left arm around her shoulder. "So, Carter, tell me about the tour. Did you meet anyone new or do anything interesting when you weren't performing?"

"Being on stage was awesome, but you know that because I tell you all the time. I didn't really do anything special or meet anyone either. I kept myself in my room a lot, talking to you on the phone, reading, writing or drawing. When I did go out, I disguised myself so no one would know it was me, and I'd have peace and quiet."

"Oh. Can I see what you drew or wrote?"

Nick started blushing lightly. "I don't think that's a good idea, Mel. Those were really personal. Not even Rok saw them." Sighing, Nick thought, 'They were about you. Poems from my heart, telling you how much I want you. I drew you, like I imagine you'd look like if I ever get the pleasure of pleasing you.' Shifting slightly to make Mel rest comfortably, Nick asked what she did while he was away.

"Well, I worked, I talked to you every other night because you were checking on Mikey, Willie and Houston and not caring about me and I worked some more. My roomie was out of town so I was bored and rented a bunch of old black and white movies. Watched them alone, without my movie buddy."

"If you are trying to make me feel guilty, it's working. We can watch old movies tomorrow, we'll go rent some."

Yawning, Mel said, "Okay. I'm tired, I'm gonna go up to bed. I'm sorry I can't stay up any later and talk, but I've had a long day. Wake me tomorrow so we can go to the store and get the movies together."

Nick watched her as she left his side, walking up the stairs. He gave her time to settle down in her bed, and he followed her path walking up the stairs. He knocked and opened the door. Laying in her bed, her beauty showing, he asked if he could lay with her for a while. "I just missed you so much Mel. You're like my best friend."

"Sure, come here. You can keep me warm, it's a bit chilly in here." Mel moved over in the bed making room for Nick. "What do you want to talk about? I thought we were all talked out."

"Nah, we could never be talked out." Nick pulled her close and started rubbing her back after she started shivering against him. Nick rambled on about different things, until he noticed Mel's breathing becoming rhythmic. He looked down to see her sleeping, with her head on his chest. Putting her hair behind her ear, he said, "Damn Mel, why do I feel like this? I've never felt like this before. There's always been this part of me that has always wanted you, but the last three months were... I can't think of the word. The only one that comes to mind is yucky. The last few months were yucky with out you around. I called so much about the dogs just to hear your voice. There's only one thing I want from you now..."

"What's that Nick?"

"You're supposed to be sleeping."

"I know. You woke me up. What is the one thing you want from me now." Mel lifted her head, looking at Nick.

"Mel, I want to make love to you."

This page is © 1999 Adonis

This story is © 1999