Chapter 2

"You want to what with me?" Mel asked. She searched his face, waiting for him to laugh and say 'gotcha.'

"I want to make love to you," he said, no hint of joking in his voice.

"You're serious?" Mel asked, still searching his face.

"Yes, I am, Melissa. Why don't you believe me?"

"I don't know. I just didn't think you thought of me like that, and you know I've never done anything before."

"You never what?" Nick looked at her, confusion in his eyes.

"We've talked about this, after you told me about your first time. How could you forget?"

"I don't know. Maybe because in my mind I've made love to you over and over again. Like I said, why did you think I called so much about the dogs. You don't want to know what I did when I hung up with you."

Mel sat up, smirking. "Now you got me curious. What did you do when we hung up?"

"Let's just say my hand came in very handy after every phone conversation."

Laying back down, Mel said, "So, how's your wrist? Does it hurt?"

"Your being funny again. I know a good way to shut you up, my short friend."

"Short? I'm not short? I'm almost up to you shoulder, thank you ver..." His lips came crashing down on hers, silencing her quickly. Running his tongue over her lips, he slowly parted them. Mel's hands went to the back of Nick's head, running her fingers through his hair. She opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to search her mouth, wanting to learn every inch of it. Nick pulled away from her, unsure if Mel wanted to continue. "Why did you stop? Don't! That felt good. I've never been kissed like that before."

"Really? How have you been kissed?" Nick asked.

"Like this," she said, as she pecked his cheek.

"Yeah, Missy, I can surely see the difference. Do you want me to kiss you again?"

"Hey, if you want to, be my guest," Mel said, flashing Nick a smile. "Seriously though, thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. Thank me later, after I've pleased you beyond belief. I want to see you happy, excited... wet for me..."

Leaning up and tugging on Nick's bottom lip she said, "You've already made me happy, I'm getting excited for whatever you want to do, and as for me being wet..."

"What about you being wet?"

"Kiss me, and maybe you'll find out."

Moving in to kiss her again, he stopped less than inch from her mouth. "When can I find out?"

"Kiss me," she said before pulling his face to hers, kissing him the way he kissed her.

Nick moved the kiss from her mouth to her jawline and down her neck. "Missy, Missy, Missy... you still have your shirt on. You know that makes it hard for me to kiss you."

Mel looked deep into his blue eyes and sighed. "Take it off and run your fingers down my chest. Your hands are so strong." Nick eased Mel out of her shirt, stopping to run his tongue over her belly and higher as the shirt moved up. Once the shirt was removed, he stared down at her. "What are you looking at now Carter?"

"I'm looking at how beautiful you are, and how it took me this long to see this side of you. We've lived together for a long time too. There's something I want to feel before we go any further," Nick said as he straddled Mel's hips. He stripped his shirt off himself and laid on top of her. "I want to feel your naked chest against mine," he told her, as he started grinding against her. He started rubbing his erection on her sweet spot, through there clothes.

Letting out a moan, Mel said, "Nick, that feels so good. Is that what it feels like?"

Grunting in her ear, moving his hips faster against her, he said, "Is this what what feels like? This feels good, don't it Baby. Let me love you the right way, the only way you deserved to be loved."

"How's that? Show me the way you mean." Mel started grinding her hips upward, against Nick's, as he moved faster against her.

Whispering in her ear, he moaned, "I think I'm gonna cum already. Keep doing what your doing. Take your fingers and run them down my back. Pull me close to you, I want to feel your breasts against me. I want to taste you all over." Mel did as he said, right before he growled deeply in her ear. "Mel, you have to believe me when I say that was the best sex I never had." Mel giggled as the sweat poured off Nick's forehead. "Now, I want to explore your body and please you in other ways before I give you all my love. Is that okay with you? I promise to be gentle."

"Anything you want to show me is okay with me. Gentle, rough, whatever you think I'd enjoy as long as I have fun." Taking his hand in hers, she started kissing the palm of his hand, running her tongue over his lifelines. Mel began kissing his fingers, til she got to the tip of the index finger. She took it in her mouth, running her tongue around it, letting him preview the warmth of her mouth.

"Oh God Missy, can you do that somewhere else on my body? He's calling your name, he wants your mouth really bad?"

"Oh really? I guess you and your body like what my mouth can do to your finger. What do you think can my mouth can do for your friend?"

"My friend? You mean him," Nick said, grinding against Mel again. "Why don't you try your mouth and find out. I'm sure he'll," he ground against her again, "really appreciate it."

"Your friend has to wait. You said you wanted to taste me, so lets begin. Taste me here," she said guiding his mouth to her breasts. Nick ran his tongue over her nipple before taking it in his mouth. Gently sucking on her at first, he lightly tugged on her, making her moan out his name. He moved to her other one, doing the same. "Nicky, don't stop, that feels incredible."

"What did you call me?" He said looking into her eyes.

"I called you Nicky, why?" she whined, wanting her mouth on her body.

"You never call me that. It's either Carter or Nick. I like when you call me Nicky. When you scream out my name in pure pleasure later, can you yell out Nicky? It sounds much more sexier coming from your mouth than Carter."

"Sure, but put your mouth back on me. Please, that felt really good."

"Ahh... my baby already knows what she likes. I can't wait until you like more things. I have so much to show you."

"And I want you to show me everything." Mel pulled Nick's face to hers, kissing him deeply. Breaking the kiss, Mel said, "Can I do something for you before you do everything for me?"

"You can do anything you want, what would it be?"

Picking up his hand again, she ran her tongue over his finger. "Does that give you any idea of what I want to do?"

"Yeah, it gives me a good idea." Nick climbed off Mel and kissed her belly, darting his tongue in and out of her belly button. "I'm gonna slide your... I mean MY sweat pants off of you and see if you are wearing my undies too..."

"Oh man... You mean I was supposed to put a pair of them on today? I don't think I did. I forget every now and then."

"Missy, you've made my job that much more easier." Nick slid the sweats off of her, revealing no panties, and a perfect tan line. "I want to run my tongue here," he said running his finger over her lower stomach, "here," running both hands up her thighs, "and here," inserting his fingers into her wetness. "I want you so bad, I don't know if I can wait for this."

"Nicky, please let me do this for you. I'm sure I'll still be wet later. If you put your tongue anywhere on my body, I'll be wet."

"I appreciate that information. You better watch your back from now on, I can sneak up on you anytime and anywhere, and just lick your neck."

"That would be so evil. I'd have to have my way with you then. Take your pants off, please, for me." Nick stood above her on the bed, teasing her with his jeans. He unbutton the button and slowly eased down the zipper. "You are cruel, just take them off, please," Mel whined again.

"Okay, okay," he said, sliding them off to reveal a pair of boxers.

"Hey, when did you start wearing them?"

Laying against Mel's naked body, Nick whispered in her ear, "Since I started talking to you on the phone. I'd call you from anywhere, the rehearsal hall, the venue, the tour bus, the bathroom..."

"The bathroom?"

"Yeah. There were times when you couldn't stop giggling, and damn girl, the lungs you have on you. You're almost growling when you giggle and that's a downright turn on for me. I'd go into the bathroom, anywhere, go into a stall, drop my pants, lean against the wall and let your voice soothe my hand. My hand would move in rhythm with your voice and each time you laughed or giggled, it would go faster, feeling really good."

"I did that to you? You did that when we were on the phone and I didn't know?"

"You turn me on, everything about you turns me on."

"You didn't answer my question, why did you switch to boxers?"

"So my buddy down there has more room to breath when I talk to you. Would you like to meet him now?"

Mel's grin widened to a full smile, nodding her head enthusiastically. She bit her lip as Nick pulled his boxers off, revealing his length. "Oh lordy, I'm gonna have so much fun with you, Nicky."

This page is © 1999 Adonis

This story is © 1999

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