Chapter 3

"Is there any special place you want me, Missy?"

"Just lay down on your back. I'll take car of the rest."

Nick positioned himself comfortably in Mel's bed, his head on the pillows. Mel straddles his stomach, with her back to his face. "Mel, have you ever done this before?"

"Nick, I've never done anything. I just remember you telling me a few times about how it was for you, and I want to make you feel like that. I want you to want me so bad, I want you to want to be in me so bad."

"It's too late for that. I've wanted to be in you so bad for quite some time now."

Mel smiled at him, lowering her head to his very ready cock. His moans began before her mouth ever touched him. "Are you expecting something Nick?"

"No, I'm not... yes I am. Your mouth has a date with my friend. Your not canceling on me are you?"

"Oh no. I'd never cancel on you, see..." she lowered her head, running her tongue over the tip, licking away the precum.

"Oh baby... oh baby don't stop." Mel slid her body against his, taking him fully in her mouth. He saw the perfect opportunity to please her as well. Lifting his head, he inserted his tongue in her very wet lips. Taken by surprise, Mel almost bit down. Stopping herself before she hurt him, she used her teeth as an advantage. She raked her teeth up and down his length, stopping at his head, running her tongue all around him.

Nick held her ass steady while his tongue circled her clit. He moaned against her, sending vibrations through her body. Mel sucked harder, making Nick inserted his tongue into her tight hole. Rubbing her ass roughly, pulling her closer to him, his tongue moved around inside her, feeling the warmth and tightness of her. Mel ran her tongue down his shaft, sighing against him. She loved the way his tongue felt inside her. She loved the way her tongue felt against him. He felt her insides start to tighten as he moved his tongue faster. She sucked him at the same pace his tongue was moving his inside her. Nick tasted her sweetness on his mouth, knowing she was cumming. Just thinking that he pleased her, that he made her cum, caused him to fill her mouth with his seed.

Mel sat up on Nick's stomach, swallowing what was left in her mouth. Nick pulled her back, so she was laying on him, his mouth to her ear. "Missy, that was fantastic. That was a first for me."

"You've never went down on a girl before? That's not what you told me. Don't forget, Nicky, you told me everything you've ever did. That one night when we were being honest about everything."

"I remember. That was before I left. But, I never did do what we just did with anyone."

"What did we just do, Nicky?"

Cupping her breasts in his hands, he whispered, his lips pressed against her ear, "We just had one of the greatest sexual experiences of my life, and tonight is not even over."

"I hope it's far from over, Carter. Can I tell you something?"

Sliding out from under her, and rolling on top of Mel, Nick said, "You know you can tell me anything. You know now everything about me. You've even seen my freckle."

"You have a freckle? I didn't see it." Nick climbed off of her, and sitting right next to his cock was a tiny freckle. "That's cute, let me kiss it."

Before Nick could say anything, Mel had her mouth on it. "Oh baby, suck me again... please go all out."

Mel sat up facing Nick, and said, "I love it when you call me baby. Guide me, show me what to do..." Mel kissed Nick, deeply, making him want her more than anything.

"Mel, how about I show you what the meaning of love is?" Not knowing what to say, Mel nodded. Nick laid her down in her bed, kneeling between her legs. "Don't be scared, I know that look in your eyes. You should know I'd never do anything to hurt you." Nick took her hands, pulling them above her head. He entwined their fingers as he entered her. Mel winced in pain, and Nick saw this. Leaning down, he said, "Shhh... wrap your legs around my waist." Mel did, allowing Nick to enter her fully, both of them moaning each others names.

"Nicky, faster... I never thought it would... OH Nicky..." He thrusted in her slowly, taking advantage of her willingness to learn, and the incredible sound of her moans.

"Faster? Why faster? I could stay inside of you forever." Before giving her the chance to respond, Nick kissed her passionately, his movements still slow. "Oh Missy, you feel so good... so tight. Stay with me forever. Can I be you Big Daddy... you know you want me to be your Big Daddy... I'll be your bad boy... tell me I'm your bad boy."

"Oh God Nick, you're my bad boy... you're a very bad boy," Mel said grabbing his ass and pulling her closer to him. "Nicky, faster, please. This is so incredible."

Nick felt her tightening around him and increased his pace so they can climax together. "Who's your bad boy? Tell me who's your bad boy."

"You're my bad boy, Nicky. Nicky, please, harder. Fill me, completely fill me, make me yours." Mel released his ass and ran her fingers up his back, her nails digging deep as she came closer to the edge.

Nick kissed her with everything he had inside, their tongues dancing as he filled her with his warm seed. Breathing heavily, Nick said, "You were what I thought you would be. Oh god, it hasn't been that good in a while."

"Nicky, you've been using your hand for three months," Mel said, then laughed.

"Oh yeah, that could be why. How do you feel? Did you like it?"

"I feel great, Nick. You made me feel like I thought I would feel. And I liked it so much, I want to do it again."

"Really? You want to do it again?" Nick said smirking. "I created a wild one," Nick said before kissing her again.

"Lay down Nick. When you were gone, I got a little bored and one night when I was looking for some clothes to wear I found a video in your room. I sat on your bed and watched it."

"Oh damn, which one was that?"

"The one about the schoolgirls. I watched for a while and that's when I realized why you keep your door locked at nights sometimes."

"How did you know I kept it locked?"

"There were times I wanted to go in and ask you something, but the door was locked. I knew you were up, but didn't want to bother you."

"Missy, it wouldn't have been a bother," Nick said, laying back on the bed. He lifted her up and sat her on his lower stomach, his hard cock pressed against her ass, ready for her. "I think we would have done this a while ago if my door was unlocked. So, Missy Miss, what did you learn from my tapes?" Mel leaned up, running her tongue across his lips. Standing above him, she told him to sit up against the headboard. She knelt in front of him, her back to him, and he understood what she was doing. "Those naughty schoolgirls liked to get it like this from there big bad teachers. Will you be my schoolgirl?"

"Yes, Mr. Carter. I think I want to stay after school for detention."

"You've been a bad girl, Melissa. I think I know how to make you even badder." Nick lifted her and position her above his cock, teasing her lips with his tip. "This is your punishment, bad girl. I want you to sit down."

"Yes Sir," Mel said, groaning as his head parted her lips, fitting perfectly, for the second time that night. "Mr. Carter, can I move? Can I do this and make you feel good?" She said picking herself off of him and lowering herself, teasing him. Nick's tongue snaked around the back of her neck, before resting his lips there. "Mr. Carter, can I?" Nick's hands ran over her stomach and up to her breasts, squeezing the nipples roughly. "You're my bad boy, Nicky's my bad boy, oh god, Nicky..." Mel's motions became quicker and harder as she rode him, the harder he pinched her nipples, the faster she went.

"Missy, honey, keep on riding. Keep it up... help me keep it up..." He lowered his mouth to her neck, pulling her hair to the side. They both grunted and growled, each others sounds taking them quickly over the edge. "Mel, you've made me very happy tonight. I haven't felt this way in the while." Mel lifted herself off of him, sitting next to him on the bed.

"Is that a good thing Carter?"

"Yeah, it's a good thing."

"Nick?" Mel asked looking over at him.

"Yeah, Missy, what's on your mind?" He shrank himself down on the bed, laying his head against the pillow. He pulling Mel down next to him, taking her in his arms. "Mel, roll over and put your head on my chest. I love the way that feels."

After doing what Nick asked, Mel said, "Nicky, I'm glad my first everything was with you. You gave me my first kiss, you were the first guy to see me naked, and you gave me my first sexual experience. It makes me happy to know you wanted me as much as I wanted you. I just didn't realize it until now."

"You wanted me?"

"Yeah. It's always been in me. Why do you think I was wearing your clothes? They smell like you. I'm just so happy, you've made me incredibly happy. Thank you Nick."

"No, thank you Mel." Nick felt slightly guilty, holding her in his arms. He couldn't figure out if he did it for the sex, or if he actually felt something for her. He waited until she fell asleep before he walked out of her room. Going to his own room, and sitting on his bed, he wondered if he lost his best friend.

This page is © 1999 Adonis

This story is © 1999