Chapter 4

Mel woke up disappointed, finding Nick gone. She hoped he was downstairs making breakfast, or getting dressed so they can pick up some movies to watch later that night. Mel threw the clothes on she wore the day before, and crept around the house, looking for Nick. He wasn't in the kitchen, living room and downstairs bathroom. She decided to check the upstairs bathroom and his room last. The bathroom was empty, so she made her way to Nick's room, finding his door locked.

"Nick, are you up?" Nick lay there, staring at the ceiling, not answering. Knocking lightly, he heard her voice again, "Nicky? Okay. I'm gonna get dressed and sit downstairs. We're supposed to go rent movies today, please don't forget." Mel was disappointed when she walked away, going straight for the bathroom.

Nick sat up on his bed, his eyes bloodshot from no sleep. He picked up the phone and called Brian. "Hello, how can I help you at the early godforsaken hour Nick?"

"How did you know it was me, Brian?"

"Oh damn, you used my name. You're upset. Want me to go to you, or do you want to come to me?"

"I'll come to you. I have to get out of this house for a bit. Can I be there now? I don't want Mel to see me."

"Sure, come when you want, Frack. I'm up... you woke me."

"Sorry. Now is my only chance, she's taking a shower. I'll be right there." Nick hung up, and standing by his door with his ear pressed to it, he listened for the water to start running. Once he was sure she was in there, he grabbed his keys and ran out of the house. He sat behind the wheel and banged his against it. 'What is wrong with me? She's gonna think I used her. I didn't use her, I'm just so confused.' On the ride over to Brian's, Nick kept repeating himself. 'I didn't use her, I really didn't.' Nick pulled in the drive way and, after putting the car in park, just sat there. He took a deep breath before opening the door and walking up to the door.

Brian opened the door before Nick had the chance to walk in. "What did you do? It's 8 in the morning, you look like shit and you're avoiding Mel. Get your ass in here and spill Frack."

Back at the house, Mel wrapped a towel around her, and walked out looking for Nick. She saw his door open as soon as she peaked out the door. She smiled as she walked to it and was disappointed to find his bed made and him not in there. She walked in, smelling the air around her, smelling him in the air. She went through his dresser, yet again, and pulled out one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. Before walking to her room, she decided to look out the window and see if his car was there. Noticing his car was gone, she dropped his clothes and walked back to her room. Seeing the sheets, seeing her bed, reminded her what she gave to Nick last night. In anger, she yanked the sheets off her bed, throwing them in the hallway. Collapsing on her bare bed, she couldn't believe what a fool she had been to give Nick the one thing that mattered to her.

At Brian's house, Nick sat there staring at the table. "Nick, last time I checked, I was taller than the table. Talk to me, what happened last night with Mel that's making you avoid her?"

"Bri, did you ever think sleeping with your best friend could change everything?"

Brian looked at Nick, stunned and said, "If that's a pick up line, Nicky boy, it ain't working... I love you, but not that way..."

Nick starting smiling. "Are you sure, Big Boy? I want to love every inch of you." Brian sat there not know what to say, with a scared expression on his face. "Bri, you're a dick. I was talking about Mel. Last night, we talked for a while and she went to bed. Those feelings came back again, I told her I jerked off after our phone calls..."

"You scared her away?!?! That's what you did. Who wants to know about their roommate jerking off to you? Certainly not me, since my dog there is my roommate."

"Brian, will take me seriously? I don't know what to do. It was incredible between the two of us last night, something I've wanted for a long time..."

"But what Nick?"

"But she was a virgin. I almost feel like slime for taking that from her and leaving her."

"Leaving her? Nick, don't tell me you left her high and dry in bed? You just upped and walked out?" Nick nodded, causing Brian to yell. "Nick, how could you? You have no idea what you could've done to her by doing that. I could probably tell you how she's feeling. Used and unwanted. You got what you want and now you're not speaking to her. You disappear from her room in the middle of the night and you disappear from the house while she's showering. I thought you had more brains than that."

Standing up, Nick said, "I came here for advice, not to be lectured. I wanted to know what I could do to tell her sorry. She deserves a lot more than what I can give her."

"Nick, you know what you have to do. Do it. Make it up to her, buy her flowers, sing to her. Never leave her again. Now leave my house and tell her you love her."

"Bri, I never said I lo..."

"You didn't have to said it. I've known you for a long time and you've lived with Mel for almost a year. You've changed since then, for the better. She's had a good influence on your life. Don't let your stupidity ruin that. Tell her you love her."

Nick walked out of Brian's house, not knowing what to do. He drove around aimlessly for hours, until he got an idea. He knew what to do, or so he hoped.

After getting what he needed, he pulled into the driveway and climbed out of the car. He opened the back-seat and pulled out a bag of movies and a dozen roses. Walking into the house, Nick yelled, "Mel, are you home?" He waited for an answer before calling her again. He got no response, so he went up the stairs, taking two at a time, and looked into her room. The sheets were off the bed, and she wasn't in there. "Missy, where are you? I have something for you..." There was still no answer. He decided to check and see if she was in the backyard, or possibly out on the beach. The one thing they had in common was the beach. If either of them had a problem, or were upset or angry, they'd head for the beach.

Reaching the back porch, Nick looked around the beach, searching for her. Just as he was about to turn his head, his eye's caught a glimpse of her light brown hair and the setting sun reflecting on it. He watched her as she walked down the shore line, her feet getting wet when the water crashed up along the beach. Suddenly she dropped to her knees and sat on her butt before wrapping her arms around her legs and burying her head against her arms.

Nick's heart broke, knowing he was the reason she was out there. "Fuck it, I'm gonna show her that I care," he said aloud, before rushing over to her side.

This page is © 1999 Adonis

This story is © 1999