Chapter 5

"Nick, go away, leave me alone. I have nothing at all to say to you. You leaving me like you did said enough."

"Mel, come on, give me a chance to explain."

Getting up and starting to walk away, she yelled, "Explain what? Explain why you left me in bed, why you ignored me when I knocked on your door, why you waited until I was in the shower before you left the house, or wait... here's a better one. Explain to me why you took something that you know meant a lot to me, and not cared enough to stay with me. How could you? I should've known, after all the things you told me, after all the sex stories you told me, I should've known better. It's my fault for trusting you."

"Mel, give me a chance, please," he said grabbing her arm. "I'm not letting you go until you let me talk."

"Fine, talk. I want this over with now. Hurry, I'm tired."

"Mel I was scared."

"Scared? Scared of what? Scared that I would find out about you? About how you use women for sex, taking their virginity and just ignoring them hours later."

"I don't use anybody for anything. I have feelings for you Mel. That's what I was scared of. I can't believe you thought I would use you, knowing you weren't experienced. Is that what you think of me? I've always been honest with you, telling you things I've never told anyone. How is this for size? I lied to you. There was only one thing that I did last night with you that I've done before. Kiss someone."

"You've told me things, about how you were with different women..."

"I didn't lie about that, but that's all it was. I was with different women. Last night was the first time I've actually made love to someone." Mel looked at Nick, not sure if she understood his meaning.

"What are you saying?"

"Missy, I'm saying I made love to you last night. I had sex with those other girls. I'd never use you or take what's not mine. Last night you taught me about love, and I appreciate that."

"Why did you leave me?"

"I told you I was scared. I've never felt like that before. I didn't answer you this morning because I didn't know what to say. I never meant to hurt you Mel. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Not really, but I'll try."

Nick grabbed her wrist and pulled Mel towards him. "Mel, don't hate me. You have to believe I was scared."

"I believe you, but you could've told me last night. Nick you always tell me everything, and you don't have to stop now."

"Can I tell you what's on my mind now?"

"Nick, do you think you have to ask?" Mel said. She sighed against Nick's chest knowing he feels something for her.

"I brought a few things home with me, can we go up to my room?"

"What are they? I don't know if I want to..."

"I'm not taking you to my room for that. I got some videos to watch. Some black and white ones. I bought you something too, but you have to wait and see what that is."

"You got movies and flowers? You are so sweet."

"Hey, how did you know I got flowers?"

"Because I know you so well... and you have a rose petal stuck to your shirt."

Nick laughed. "Well, I guess I'm not good hiding things." He leaned down and kissed her.

"Nick, I changed my mind. I don't want to go to your room. I want you to make love to me, right here... on the beach."

"Are you sure Missy? You don't have too..."

"Nick, shut up and love me."

Nick smiled down at her as he sat in the sand pulling her down with him. "This is gonna be messy. Should I run to the house and get a blanket?"

"No, I can handle messy," Mel said, bringing her face to his.

Nick rolled them over, so he laid on top of her, the water running around them. "Mel, you are so perfect, I love everything about you. Last night was special, this will be special and for as long as we are together everyday will be special."

"Nick, you really know how to talk to a girl. Make love to me, show me how special I am to you."

"Missy, that's no problem." Ripping the shirt off of her, he stared down at her breasts. "I love the ways these look on you."

"Thank you. They'd look a little goofy on you..."

Nick smiled, moving his mouth down to her skin. Sounds of pleasure escaping her mouth, Nick moved to her other breast. Working his way to her the top of her shorts, he kissed her belly before unsnapping them and pulling them down. He sat up, taking his shorts and boxers down, his cock hard and ready for her. The water lapped around there bodies, as Nick entered her gently. "Missy, it feels so good to be inside you. It feels so good to make you feel loved, at your favorite place, our special place. I knew there was a reason I liked the beach."

"Nicky, just hold me close... move inside me faster. I don't want to beg."

"Just this once, I won't make you beg," he said, quickening his pace. The water rushed around them again, helping to bring them to there climax.

"Nicky, thank you. That was amazing. I love the beach more than ever, and I love you too."

"Missy, those words coming from your mouth is a turn on. I love you. I have an idea. Why don't we go watch a movie? I want you to lay in my arms tonight, in my bed. I have sheets on it." Mel laughed at him. "Let's get up in the house."

Nick gave Mel his shirt, since he ripped hers off her. They adjusted their clothes and walked up to the house, hand in hand. Before heading up to Nick's room, he stopped and showed Mel the roses. "I love them, thank you." She ran into the kitchen, getting a vase. She put the flowers in there, and rested it on the shelf. Nick grabbed the bag of movies, grabbed her hand and led her up to his room. "What are we watching tonight?"

"Well, I have three movies. Lay down, get comfy, I'll put the first one in." Mel pulled the sheets and comforter down, and laid beneath, leaving room for Nick. He popped the movie in and went to the bed, with the VCR remote in his hand. He laid next to her, turning the movie arm. He wrapped his arms around her and held her against his chest.

Mel got excited when the movie started. "You picked up my favorite movie, got me roses, made love to me on the beach. I can stay like this forever. You've made me so happy."

"You've made me happy too Missy." Nick held her tighter as the movie, An Affair To Remember came on. Nudging her ear with his nose, he said, "Can I love you again?"

Turning to face Nick, Mel smiled. "I've been waiting for you to ask that." Ignoring the movie, they loved each other all night, and each night that followed.


This page is © 1999 Adonis

This story is © 1999