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Chief Beeg

Name: Beeg
Age: 79
Rank: Chief Petty Officer
Position: Acting Chief of Security
Race: Pinx
Height: 3 meters
Weight: 155 lbs
Eyes: Color changes with mood
Hair: None
Beeg joined Starfleet as a matter of family tradition. His entire family has been a family of proud Pinx Starfleet officers. Beeg first graduated flight school on his home of Maung Tee, a small moon in the Beta Quadrant. Beeg graduated the school with flying colors in tactical and weapons knowledge and skill. He then enlisted into Starfleet at the tender age of 23 which is unheard of for the Pinx, a long lived people. When Beeg joined Starfleet he went into security and law hoping for an outpost. When assigned as a Crewman to the U.S.S. Scuttlebug, a small exploration vessel, he realized he had a love for the adventure of a starship instead of the number of people on a station. At age 78 he was reassigned to the front of the Dominion conflict. Beeg was a member of the U.S.S. Sphinx, a Defiant class ship. During a Dominion attack the crew was lost as life support was failing. Beeg and one other member of security were able to lock their transporter signal in the computer and save their lives. Beeg and officer Ving were transfered from the front line due to psychological damage from the attack. Beeg on the Equinox, Ving back on Earth.

Personality Profile:
Beeg, being typical of the Pinx species, is more violent than Klingons and also less moody. The reason Beeg is a security officer is his vast knowledge of weapons and warfare. Beeg has also been stated as being less friendly than a warpcore breach if you upset him.

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